PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, August 2003. All rights reserved under the Berne Convention, but permission granted to keep copies for personal use. This is a work in progress. This story contains themes of voluntary slavery, BDSM, furries and science fiction. The furries involved have signed themselves into slavery of their own free will. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading this, please don't. Feedback is welcomed: send it to More of my stories, including other chapters of Precious Cargo, may be found at my Velan archive at: Part 36 Vorun's late-autumn weather was nothing like warm, predictable Perion. A night of wind, cold and even snow could follow right on the heels of a hot, sunny day. Fodessa was descended from tropical felines; she took care to bring her cool-weather clothing from the Satisfaction. As soon as she reached the planet's surface with Windrunner, she was glad of it: a chill breeze blew, and uninviting gray clouds covered the sky. The sun occasionally peeped through, but couldn't warm the city. Fodessa pulled her down jacket closely around her and hoped she wouldn't have to wait long for Blackmuzzle's chauffer and bodyguards. She'd had Windrunner dress in casual clothing. Only his wide black leather collar denoted his slave status. As a wolf, he could handle extremes of temperature much better, even though he'd lived on warm planets for years. As they stood on the street just outside the transporter they had emerged from, she turned to him and assumed her sternest expression. "Don't embarrass me in front of my boss," she told him. "This is very, very serious -- a lot more serious than Cambelli's place." Windrunner smelled controlled but confident -- about this, anyway. His body language signaled the same thing: ears erect but not perked, his green eyes steady. "Don't worry, Mistress," he said. "I won't." She held the stare a moment longer before relaxing. Then, in a softer tone: "We'll have to stay a couple of nights with her, to be polite. After that, we're going to find a hotel, under assumed identities. I have no idea how long we're going to have to stay here, undercover." He nodded soberly. "Yes, Mistress." She looked at him a moment longer, gazing into the ocean of those green eyes . . . And suddenly, on an impulse she didn't question, she threw her arms around him to pull him into a tight embrace. He responded at once, his own arms slipping around her, and their mouths opened together to kiss and nuzzle. They stood together kissing like two young lovers out of a million ads and a million commercials and a million datacube package covers, until the chauffeur arrived. "I do wish you'd agree to stay here for more than two nights," Blackmuzzle said. The hyena had taken Fodessa not to the severe but luxurious reception room where she normally met her smuggler captains and other higher-up employees and guests, but to her smaller office, where she actually oversaw day to day operations. Blackmuzzle felt safer there from surveillance and recording devices -- other than her own, of course. None of her extensive harem of male slaves was in sight or even scent. She'd had a servant escort Windrunner to the guests' quarters to await his mistress's return. Fodessa sighed inwardly as she read the Underground chieftain's scent. Non-hyaenid furries sometimes had trouble understanding the messages of a hyena's peculiar, pungent odor, but the clouded leopard had worked with Blackmuzzle long enough to read hers. Blackmuzzle smelled worried. No, not worried -- *scared*. A controlled sort of scared, but still scared. Well, *she* was scared, too. Her tail kept wanting to lash, the way it had all day. She gazed for a few moments at the twelve-foot computer monitor set into the oak-paneled wall, now displaying a shifting panorama of Vorun woodland, before replying. "I know, Blackmuzzle," she said carefully. "It's not that I wish to imply that I don't trust you. It's simply a matter of personal preference." The truth, of course, was that she doubted whether even Blackmuzzle's inner sanctum was safe for her and Windrunner any more. The enemy was deeply infiltrated into the Underground's daily operations, and had already shown he was willing to go to a great deal of trouble to kill her. Blackmuzzle's eyes hardened. "Screw that, Captain Ruggae," she said, with that jarring directness she sometimes used. "You're afraid. You don't trust my security even here, do you?" Abandoning politeness, Fodessa braced herself. "With all due respect, Blackmuzzle -- no." Blackmuzzle merely nodded. "Then I won't argue with you. I think you're wrong, but there may be advantages to all of us not being in one place at the same time." She paused, then: "Let's not fuck around any more." Fodessa nodded. "First, my investigations have at last started to make progress. I know with near-certainty some furs who *aren't* involved: Pegan. Mai. Kunsung. And you. Some others as well." Inwardly, Fodessa breathed a sigh of relief. "You've doubtless seen the same report I have from Jegarlik," Blackmuzzle went on, "about the Dijjang Sector connection -- that hack from Jalang Imports' computers." Fodessa nodded again. "I've started reviewing all of my operations in that Sector as of a week ago, looking for irregularities, besides looking into Jalang Imports. It'll take time, but if the traitor is in my organization, the evidence will be there. Now, have *you* found anything new?" "No," Fodessa said, with a headshake. "I sent you the latest report I had this morning before leaving the ship." "All right. Let's hope that changes soon. I'll send Fuchai to take you back to your quarters." The bedroom was as lush as one might expect of the guest bedroom of a major Darksex Underground leader. The centerpiece was a plush, comfortable king-sized bed, but it also had expensive gold-and-glassware Pesion lamp dangling from the ceiling -- and of course, a good selection of toys in a nearby mahogany cabinet. Fodessa knew this bedroom well; it was the one Blackmuzzle usually gave her when she visited. Windrunner stared wide-eyed at the shackles set into the wood-paneled walls in different places; the wrought-metal bedsteads so obviously designed for bondage; the low, long bench that could have passed as a place to lay clothes or sit down if you didn't know it was designed for a submissive to kneel upon while being disciplined. (The cabinet, of course, held a lovely selection of paddles, whips, crops and straps, among other things.) Fodessa watched the wolf with amusement. When he noticed her gaze, his ears lowered uneasily. The odor of lupine sexfear was starting to reach her nostrils. Slaaneth, they *both* had a lot of anxiety and fear to work off . . . "Get naked," she abruptly ordered him. The command sent a shudder throughout Windrunner's entire body. That's how tightly he was wound. He quickly but gracefully stripped, hanging his clothing in a nearby closet, until he was again in the condition she liked best -- gloriously nude and already beginning to stiffen. Then he came to her, head up, eyes upon her as she'd taught him. He started to kneel, but she interrupted him. "No. Help me get my own clothes off." She sat on the edge of the bed so that he could remove her boots, then stood up to help him as he pulled off the rest of her clothing. He went to hang them up in the closet, and returned to kneel before her. Stress sharpened all her senses, making everything clearer and brighter. She could distinguish every individual hair in the thick, dense fur of Windrunner's body. Each tiny nuance of his scent was plain as a cargo manifest: the doggy wolf musk of his species, its subtle shadings of the delicious reek of sexfear and the slight acrid taint of his own controlled anxiety. She stared into his eyes, making her gaze as impenetrable, as merciless, as she possibly could. She could see the dark sexfear in those green eyes; but there was no sign that he would break. "You're probably wondering whether I'm angry with you," she said. "You're going over the whole day in your mind, trying to think of something you did wrong, whether this is punishment for something. Let me correct you on that right now. This is not about punishment. I'm doing this to you for one reason, and one reason only: because it will give me pleasure." The sexfear in Windrunner's eyes overflowed and changed into . . . something else. His posture shifted ever so subtly, into acceptance. Fodessa smiled. Then she turned away from him and walked over to the cabinet, pulling open its doors. For a few moments she simply looked over the playthings inside, studying her choices. Then she saw it -- the One Thing she just had to use this evening. This one was new since the last time she'd stayed here: a beautiful black leather crop, its handle chased with bright silvery chrome in an elaborate design. She drew it out with a touch of what could almost be called reverence: she could almost swear it was handmade, most likely from the far- distant world of Kellan, in Alban Sector. It must have cost a fortune. That Blackmuzzle had left it here for her said volumes not only about the Underground leader's wealth, but how much she respected one of her finest smuggler captains. Fodessa wrapped her paw around that ornate handle and drew it out, feeling the soft, tough leather and slick chrome cool against her pads. She held it, studying it at arm's length; it fit perfectly in her paw. Finally, she gave it an experimental whisk through the air, noting the superb balance, the way the tip had just the right amount of flexibility. It really was a thing of beauty -- and it would sting like a Sorerian hornet. After picking out a thin leather thong as well, she turned to Windrunner. He hadn't moved. He was watching her. "Get on the bench," she commanded. His eyes had widened when he'd looked at the crop, but he hadn't flinched. At the crisp order, he tore his gaze from the thing, and silently went over to the padded leather bench. Once there, he lowered himself onto it to rest upon his elbows and knees, letting his shaven rump protrude high in the air. He waited, unmoving, though Fodessa could see the tension quiver in his back and bushy tail. She padded over to the bench to stand behind him. Bending down, she took his tail in one paw, and tied the thong around its tip. The other end she knotted to the D-ring in his collar. Stepping away, she surveyed her crouching wolfslave, enjoying the beauty of his thick fur, his lean lines -- and above all, the view of those furless proffered buttocks, like an unmarked canvas awaiting the brush of the artist. The thong kept his tail stretched backwards along his spine, out of the way. He was ready for punishment. She delivered the first three cuts with all the precision and cruelty that she was capable of, measuring several seconds between each blow. Then she stood back to watch the effect. He didn't cry out or whimper, but his whole body tensed up, fingers digging into the bench's padding, not caring what his claws did to it. Red lines stood out on his ass cheeks, flowering quickly into raised welts. After that, Fodessa delivered one of the stoutest, fiercest beatings of her life. By the time she finished, Windrunner was in tears, barely able to keep his haunches up. His buttocks were streaked with welts and bruises, and her own arm actually ached from exhaustion. The actual sex afterward was almost anticlimactic, and she let him come. They lay panting in each other's arms on the luxurious bed, feeling their heart rates return to normal. The tension drained out of Fodessa as she lay back upon the mattress. Nothing like a good, hard darksex session to get it all out . . . "So, what happened with you and Blackmuzzle?" Windrunner asked. Fodessa sighed. That had been the last thing on her mind until he spoke. Still, maybe she could discuss it more calmly now. "Not much," she said. "She hasn't found a whole lot solid yet, though she says she's making progress. We're going to be staying on Vorun, keeping very low, for at least the next few days while Blackmuzzle's people try to get to the bottom of this. If they don't --" She trailed off. Windrunner sighed almost imperceptibly, still looking into her eyes. His expression was so serious, yet so close, so warm . . . Then he spoke. "So, we could be stuck on this planet for weeks . . . even if nothing happens to us." "Yes," she admitted. "If nothing happens to us." Then, astonishingly, he smiled. "I can think of worse fates than dying with you -- or living with you, for that matter." Fodessa blinked. Then her arms tightened around him, and she drew him into a powerful hug, which was eagerly returned. Direct comments and criticism to: . Check above author's notes for the URL to my archive.