PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, April 2004. All rights reserved under the Berne Convention, but permission granted to keep copies for personal use. This story contains themes of voluntary sexual slavery, BDSM, furries and science fiction. The furries involved have signed themselves into slavery of their own free will. Feedback is welcomed; send it to More of my stories, including other chapters of Precious Cargo, may be found at my Velan archive at: Part 37 Fodessa sighed comfortably, relishing the warm sun that poured into Blackmuzzle's luxurious garden. The clouds of the last two days were gone. Some of the summer flowers were even still blooming, like the *gelif methar* with its enormous white petals, more gorgeous than any orchid. Probably this would be the last warm spell before the chill of Vorun's winter took hold. Windrunner stood beside her, waiting patiently, naked except for the simple silk loincloth and his collar. He didn't share her connoisseur's appreciation for the flowers, but he stayed quiet like a good submissive, betraying no sign of impatience. Fodessa turned from her admiration of the blooming *gelif mether* and began to walk slowly along the little paved path again, her nostrils twitching at the smells of a hundred blooms. Windrunner followed silently after her. Tonight, the clouded leopard figured, she'd find herself and Windrunner a hideout deep in the city. For today, she'd just enjoy the luxury of Blackmuzzle's estate, and try to forget about the situation. A sudden, half-concealed movement caught her eye, off to the right. *Slaaneth! Not again!* Her paw darted toward her hip. Her PW was back in her room; she'd done without it just this once. She cursed her stupidity. Her movement triggered an instant response from Windrunner; he practically jumped to his feet to stand by her side, neck fur bristling. From the way he swayed in place, she could tell he was deciding whether or not to jump *in front of her*, no doubt with some noble canid notion of sacrificing himself to save her life. The half-hidden figure had moved as well, and now crouched facing them. It was downwind, but Fodessa could see past Windrunner's shoulder that it was very broad -- no, it wasn't big, it just had a lot of long, shaggy brown fur. It was really no taller than herself. A voice called to her, a thin, almost bleating voice she recognized instantly. "Fodessa! Is this any way to treat an old friend?" Fodessa relaxed, putting a paw on Windrunner's shoulder. "Kun! I didn't recognize you." The dark serow stepped out from behind the giant rose bush she'd been admiring a few moments before. Her big ears dipped, then lifted again. Her white-tufted face held an expression of relief. "Thank Slaaneth you're all right!" They almost ran toward each other, with Windrunner bringing up the rear as quietly as he could, and met with a near- embrace, each gripping the other's arms. As Fodessa looked at her fellow smuggler captain, she saw the delight and relief in Kun's face, inhaled it in the serow's goaty woodland smell. "I heard about what happened to you from Blackmuzzle," Kun said. "It must have been even worse than she said, if you're that twitchy!" Fodessa lowered her ears a bit. She wasn't surprised: Blackmuzzle would be forestalling the rumor mill by making sure everyone knew the real story. But now Kun, nosy little gossip that she was, would want to know all the details Blackmuzzle couldn't or wouldn't provide. Already she was eyeing Windrunner curiously. "Yes," the feline admitted. "It was bad. Sydney got killed, as you probably know. But they say Caitlin's getting better every day. I'll tell you about it later, when I've had a chance to relax a bit." Kun didn't press her. "I'm sorry about Sydney," she said softly. "So am I," Fodessa admitted. Uncomfortable, she changed the subject. "So how's your business been?" "You haven't heard?" Kun waited a moment, then, "I guess not, with all that's been happening to you. I had a little trouble of my own with GBM on Kangmar Space Station, before Blackmuzzle called everybody in. None of my own people got hurt, though." "Just about everyone who's survived has had trouble, I'll bet," Fodessa said. "All too true," Kun agreed. She glanced at Windrunner again. No doubt the rumor mill had also been working overtime about Fodessa's impulsive purchase. "And is this charming companion of yours Windrunner?" she asked, her dark eyes twinkling inquisitively. "Yes," Fodessa agreed. "And he's also part of my crew now." She didn't have to do more than glance at Windrunner; he dropped to his knees, paws crossed behind his back, eyes lowered. Kun stepped closer to study him, and her eyes widened in appreciation of the wolf's beauty. "*Only* slave and crew?" The highlights in Kun's eyes fairly danced. "From what I've heard, he's much more than that. Do you love him?" The clouded leopard braced herself: word would get around eventually anyway, and Kun might as well hear it first from her. "That's a long story, Kun, and better told sitting down. Why don't we go to that bench up the path?" As they sat on the beautifully fashioned wood-and-metal bench, Windrunner kneeling on the grass close by, Kun listened attentively as Fodessa told the story of her unexpected purchase. She downplayed the sentiment just a little, emphasizing her dire need for new crew members; she *did* have to maintain her reputation as a hard-nosed businessfur, after all. The serow didn't interject, didn't say anything until she finished. Windrunner, of course, had also remained silent, but his scent told Fodessa that he was reliving some of the story in his mind. "-- so now he's my temporary First Mate, until Caitlin comes back. He's doing quite well, too. Fast learner." Fodessa reached down to skritch his shaggy ruff, enjoying the feel of his dense fur between her fingers. Kun grinned. "Never thought I'd see *you* break contract and buy a slave!" Fodessa concealed her wince when Kun added, "But you're really fond of him, too, aren't you?" Fodessa sighed, took a deep breath. "Well, yes . . . he's very good company, as well." Kun's grin grew broader. She could smell the affection in Windrunner's scent; as a Darksex Underground smuggler, she'd handled enough lupine submissives that she could read their emotions. "That's what I thought," the serow said. "But then," she added, "I'm not too surprised that you'd fall for the competent type." Fodessa mentally gritted her teeth. "Yes, he's working out well," she said. "How good is he with his mouth?" Kun asked, the twinkle back in her eyes. Fodessa smiled, feeling back on safer ground. "He's superb, of course!" she said. Kun grinned again, and a note of teasing crept into her voice. "I don't believe it." Fodessa felt a moment of relief. Kun had started playing one of their usual games, one she knew well. "You'd better believe it. He's *great*, one of the best you'll ever see." "I'm sure any half-trained snow leopard would put him to shame," Kun teased. "On the contrary, he puts to shame that big, handsome chiru antelope you hauled three years ago!" Fodessa grinned and lashed her tail for emphasis. A whiff of Windrunner's smell reached her nostrils, spiced with a note of sexfear that hadn't been there a moment ago. "One hundred credits says he isn't!" Kun's large ears stood up and quivered playfully. "Prove it to me." "All right," Fodessa said, holding Kun's gaze as she began to rise from the bench, "I'll prove it. Windrunner" -- he turned his head to look at her -- "get up." He arose with grace, only the excitement in his eyes and the bulge in his loincloth giving away his emotions. Oh, yes, and the way his tail quivered as he tried to keep it from going between his legs. "We're going back to my room." In the privacy of Fodessa's room, the two smuggler captains stripped for action, exchanging occasional taunts. Windrunner barely had to strip at all; he needed only to unfasten his loincloth. As she wiggled out of her trousers, Fodessa felt the immense weight of weeks of fear, worry and responsibility slide from her shoulders. Only for a little while, she knew; this was just a brief respite. But it was immensely welcome. She barely flicked a glance at Kun's small breasts, which were almost concealed in that long brown hair even after stripping. What really commanded her attention was Windrunner's look of sexfear, excitement and arousal, the heady *scent* of him, his stiffening cock as he knelt naked on the floor, awaiting her command. His gray fur was gloriously thick and sleek, almost glossy in the light. He'd mastered himself and his sexfear, so that now his ears stood up straight and proud. His green eyes were fixed on his Mistress, glittering with mingled emotions and passion. His chest heaved with each breath. His wolf-cock stood already half-erect out of the long fur of his groin, seeming to lift and grow fuller as the moments passed. Kun made a show of crouching to take a closer look at that erection, then extended one arm to run a finger down it. Fodessa could see Windrunner's ribs heave as he took a sharp, deep breath, his nostrils flaring. "Well, that's impressive enough, anyway," the serow observed. "How well can he hold his come?" Fodessa really grinned at that. "*Very* well," she answered, as she settled into a nearby chair. "He *loves* teasing." A whiff of sexfear entered Windrunner's odor again as his cock twitched, ears quivering with the urge to flatten. Kun gripped the wolf's stiffening cock and gave it a single caress. She looked up at Fodessa and returned the grin, releasing his cock to stand up. "Good," she said. "Now let's see how well he uses his tongue." She walked over to the bed, plumping herself down on the edge and spreading her shaggy thighs invitingly. "Windrunner, go to Kun," Fodessa ordered him. "Then do what she says. No, get on all fours and crawl, on paws and knees." She saw the glitter of lust in Kun's dark eyes as Windrunner crawled toward her. "You're going to owe me fifty credits when this is all over, Kun." "Talk, talk," Kun mocked. The glitter remained in her eyes as she spread her knees still wider, inviting the wolf in. "Kneel up, boy," she ordered, her voice rich with pleasure. "Put those paws behind your back. Good boy! Now, get to work." Fodessa knew what Kun intended. Perched on the edge of the bed as the serow was, there was no way that Windrunner could get to her clitoris or vulva; all that he could reach, and work with, was her pubis. Windrunner rose nobly to the challenge. After only a moment of hesitation, he craned his neck forward, his head going between Kun's thighs, and buried his damp nose in her brown-furred crotch. He inhaled audibly, a deep, raucous sniff. No doubt he was savoring her odor, so different from Fodessa's. He followed up with several smaller sniffs. Fodessa saw Kun's eyes widen with mingled surprise and delight at the sensation -- then open wider as Windrunner shook his head gently, moving his muzzle from side to side, his nose rubbing against her pubis. Still, Kun wouldn't move, either to encourage him or to give him more access. Windrunner carefully withdrew, staring intently at her pubis for a few moments. Then he moved forward again, and gave it a noisy, lascivious slurp. Then another, and now he tried to drive his tongue underneath her pubis to get at the clitoris below. Kun actually gasped, eyes going wide again, thick black fingers clenching into the fur of her thighs. Windrunner kept drilling with his tongue, making loud slurping, sucking noises; Fodessa could see the bobbing movements of his head. Kun gasped again, and hunched a little . . . and then she reached down and pushed him away with one paw on his head. She turned to Fodessa, grinning as she admitted, "Not bad!" Fodessa actually laughed out loud. "Go on, try him on the rest." Kun's grin became more lascivious. She scooted her rump back on the bed, then lay down to spread her thighs. She looked like a great mound of brown and pale fur as she settled back with a lazy smile. Snapping her fingers, she called to Windrunner, "Here, boy!" Windrunner rose from his knees, climbed onto the luxurious bed, and crawled to the space between her legs. He didn't try to open her with his fingers; he knew better than to do that. Instead, he buried his muzzle in her crotch, and began a first-class cunt-licking -- slurping, sucking, rooting and nuzzling. The noises seemed to fill the room. The earlier teasing had gotten Kun started on the way to her climax. As Windrunner grunted and sucked and licked, she lifted one paw to absently caress her small breasts through her long fur. Soon, she had to give that up in favor of clutching at the sheets with delight. Fodessa found her own paw straying to her groin without her even willing it. She could feel her nipples tightening as she watched the wolf work, the way his buttocks clenched and his tail waved in excitement. The room was filled with the mingled scents of their arousal -- hers, Windrunner's, Kun's. Windrunner's muzzle fur was slick and darkened with moisture now. Kun squirmed and moaned and uttered little herbivore snorts -- -- until at last she uttered a loud grunt and shivered in orgasm. Then she went bonelessly limp, twitching a little as she came down. The wolf remained perfectly still, with his nose still buried in her crotch, crouched over her. Looking carefully, Fodessa could see that his erection had never slackened. Kun opened her eyes, and turned her head slowly to Fodessa. "You were right," she said lazily. "He *is* good . . . and that was worth every credit." "I told you so," Fodessa answered, grinning back. Direct comments and criticism to: . Check above author's notes for the URL to my archive.