PRECIOUS CARGO PART 4 Copyright @1998, Maureen. Rewritten May, 2000. All rights reserved. Part 4 Katherine was going to be difficult, Caitlin realized. The platinum vixen had protested until he threatened to call Fodessa in -- a mistake, he realized now. He should have just done it instead of threatening. Now she was in tears while he shaved her rump the way he had Windrunner's. Well, he was new to this dom thing. "But I'm not into shaving!" she'd sobbed, but he'd merely made himself smile cruelly and told her, "Don't make me repeat myself." He spread her plump asscheeks with one paw, moving the shaver with the other, as beige-colored fox fur fell away and dropped in little piles to the floor. She was pretty, rather than gorgeous the way Windrunner was -- lithe even for a vulpine, with dark-furred limbs that were slim but not overly delicate, a coat as sleek and perfect as his own, and with a surprisingly voluptuous, round ass to counterbalance those charmingly small breasts that were now bobbing up and down with her sobs. Caitlin was sure now that ass had been enhanced; the customers would like that. Her muzzle was slightly thinner than usual even for a fox, her tail full and long. Her attitude wasn't because she was here against her will. Her papers showed she'd gotten here the same way Windrunner had -- the Darksex Underground, signing herself into slavery. It was just that she didn't seem to be very well-trained. Either that, or she was a difficult sub to begin with. He'd have to check her papers more closely. Sidney was supposed be the one to do that, but Sidney was a cloud of ashes back at LaGrange Five Spaceport. Suppressing that ugly memory, Caitlin finished the job. He switched off the shaver, took his paw off her ass cheeks and stepped back to admire his work. Her fesses were, of course, larger and rounder than Windrunner's, but now they were just as pale, naked and vulnerable. The shaking of her occasional sobs seemed to be making them quiver -- an entrancing sight. She was at least keeping her tail over her back as he'd instructed her. He admired the view while her sobs faded. For all her protests, her smell was musky and excited. Naughty vixen, he thought. I'm going to give you some humiliation for the trouble you've given me. He extended one finger, keeping the claw carefully sheathed, slipping it under those fine buttocks and between her legs until it actually slid between her neat, narrow labia into her unseen cunt. He had just time to feel its hot wetness. She was aroused, all right. Then she yelped and snapped her tail down, her thighs closing reflexively. She broke out of her position and half-turned to him, her large amber eyes downcast and anxious, and he didn't know whether more pleas or protests were going to come out of her opening mouth. Then she visibly got hold of herself, closing her muzzle, but it was too late. She'd already earned punishment. Caitlin stepped back and pressed his wristcom button. "Mistress Fodessa!" he said into it. "Yes, Caitlin?" Fodessa's voice returned, sounding vaguely distracted. Slaaneth, he thought, I hope to hell *I* don't get punished for this. "The female slave is being difficult." He glanced up at Katherine, seeing her jaw tense and her expression turn fearfull, ears flattening. There was a sigh from the wristcom's speaker. "Yes, I've been reading her papers. I'm coming over." The device went silent; she must have switched her own off. Caitlin lowered his paw and stared back up at Katherine, folding his arms. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the fear in her eyes grow, saw her swallow nervously. Fodessa's arrival took only a couple of minutes, but it was a delight to watch of Katie's rising fear at the enforced wait. When the door opened and the clouded leopard walked through, still dyed a rich black, the vixen practically jumped, her black paws clenching, and he could smell the sexfear rolling from her in waves. She squirmed under Fodessa's pinning gaze as Caitlin explained. "She attempted to refuse the shaving, Mistress. Then she broke position without orders." "She attempted to refuse the shaving?" Fodessa repeated. "You did not call me until she committed the second offense?" Caitlin sighed inwardly. "Yes, Mistress." Fodessa nodded. "We're going to have to use tough measures." *Double meaning*, Caitlin thought. "I think some force is in order." While Katie was forced to stand and wait, fidgeting anxiously, Fodessa went to a brass panel on one wall, about waist-height, and pressed a button on it. The panel folded out, becoming a sturdy little metallic table, with black faux-leather straps attached along the sides. "Get over here, vixen!" Fodessa barked. The wretched vixen slunk over, her head down and her ears and tail flat. Caitlin noticed that her pink nipples were rock-hard. The clouded leopard slapped the table with one paw. "Up here, slut." Her tone of voice left no room for disobedience. Katie climbed onto the table. She kept her head lowered, eyes down, refusing to look at either of them while they attached the straps. When they were finished, her thighs were straddled and fixed to the surface of the table, while her elbows and wrists were also flat against it and firmly strapped. Her ass protruded in the air, an inviting target. Fodessa seized that magnificently bushy tail and attached a thin wall chain to it, keeping it pulled all the way up. Any attempt by Kate to cover her ass would pull it painfully. Fodessa padded to the vixen's head and glowered at her. "You're quite a handful," she remarked. "It's all in your papers. 'Likes a struggle,' and 'needs a firm hand,' eh? Well, rest assured you've found it, Katie. I enjoy a slave with a strong will -- I enjoy breaking it. And we're going to start now." She made a quick gesture to Caitlin. He went and got an enema nozzle, held it up for her approval and got a nod, and got down to business. At the touch of the cold, lubricated rubber on her dainty pink anus, Katie jerked her head up, uttering a sharp curse -- "Slaaneth rape you, dammit!" -- and then a string of curses, yanking at the straps. Fodessa slapped her once across the face, sharply. Katie stopped cursing, but she glared angrily at the clouded leopard - who simply glared back. No one can outstare a cat. In a few breaths, Katie lowered her gaze again, staring at the table's surface. Caitlin put a paw on her ass again and began pushing, seeking to force the nozzle into her anus. The vixen's rear sphincter remained clenched in rebellion for fully a minute, but he bored in, rotating the nozzle, pushing and then drawing back teasingly, seeking to catch her off-guard -- and then he did. A pink-fleshy ring seemed to suddenly rise around the nozzle as the vixen gasped. Katie's shoulders slumped in surrender. Caitlin grinned, enjoying the sight of that stretched orifice, as he pushed the nozzle deeper and deeper into her bowels. He didn't stop until it was all the way in. He might be punished later by Fodessa, but for now, there was this moment. He loved this part of domming -- anal intrusion. The bulging bag of warm water was fetched, put in place and the flow switched on. At the first spurt, Katie jerked and lifted her head, her eyes widening, and she uttered an impossibly dainty gasp and groan, "Oh!" Caitlin found the sound enchanting. As her bowels filled with water, the vixen's once-slender white belly expanded, growing round and pregnant-looking. Her paws clenched, gripping the sides of the table, her tail waving involuntarily, clinking its chain, her mouth opening and closing like a fish's. He could hear the gurgle of the liquid inside her. He looked down and confirmed what he felt: his own penis was rock-hard and throbbing. Fodessa glanced at his erection and chuckled, then turned her attention back on the penitent vulpine, reaching under her to slip one paw between the table and the breast flattened against it. Katie jerked again, but she was powerless. Caitlin decided to take advantage of her again. He shut off the valve and again reached between her legs to feel her vulva. It was soaked with aroused fluids. Slippery walls closed convulsively around his intruding finger, whether out of excitement or in a vain attempt to expel it he didn't know. He slowly withdrew, then moved farther down to explore her clitoral hood. I've got to get a better look at her clitoris when I have the time, Caitlin decided. Feels like she's got a good-sized one. Right now it was as stiff as his own cock. He ran his fingerpad gently up and down her little shaft, rubbing it around, teasing her. He remembered the nozzle, still gripped in his other paw. He withdrew his finger and carefully slid the nozzle from her anus. He wondered if she'd just let the enema squirt out and soil herself in rebellion, but she didn't carry the game that far. Her asscheeks clenched as she struggled to retain it. Fodessa released her breast, chuckling. She glanced at Caitlin, and he guessed at what she wanted. He moved in behind Katie again and resumed teasing her, his finger caressing her clitoris and hood. There was no way she could escape the stimulation; she was pinned down in a submissive posture of invitation as he tormented her at his leisure. As the minutes passed and Caitlin worked her and Katie's bowels gurgled, her gasps became as much excited as pained. She pressed her cunt against the teasing caresses, uttering a soft moan, then another...then more. Caitlin's other paw moved beneath her. His fingers spread her sexlips wide and open, stretching her opening almost painfully as he continued to tease her clitoris. Her moans became more excited, her pelvis thrusting against his paw. She stiffened, throwing her head back -- and Caitlin stopped the movement of his fingers. He didn't withdraw; he just stopped stimulating her. The effect upon Katie was wonderful. She whined in frustration, trying to throw her hips backward far enough to get that last bit of sensation she needed to go over the top, but she couldn't quite get it. Caitlin's fingers were still there, she could feel them, but there was not quite enough stimulation to make her come. "Please..." she grated. "No," Caitlin said, echoed by Fodessa. Katie lowered her head, groaning, hips still twitching. As her excitement ebbed, Caitlin judged his moment -- then began teasing her again. "Ohh, please!" she wailed aloud shamelessly as he once again aroused her toward the edge of orgasm. "I can't hold on --" But again he stopped at the very moment of no return. Katie actually lost part of the enema as she whimpered and groaned pitiably, all pretense at being difficult gone. Fodessa came around and smacked her naked behind with one hand. "Filthy vixen!" she scolded. "Untie her, let her relieve herself," she ordered. Caitlin hastened to unstrap her and unchain her tail. Katie kept wanting to press her legs together, but he forced her legs apart and walked right with her to the toilet to make sure she didn't get any chance to masturbate. Katie's belly lost its bulge as she uttered a low gasp of relief. When she was finished, Caitlin marched her right back to Fodessa. "Well, at least frustration seems to get through to you," the clouded leopard remarked. "So that's what we'll try." After a shower (after which they made her clean up her own mess), they took her into the room where Fodessa had met Windrunner. They measured her for a chastity belt and strapped her into one -- a creation of leather-like but unbreakable synthetic, secured by three electronic padlocks to which only Fodessa had the key. A small indentation over the clitoris ensured that nothing at all could contact that sensitive pearl, and there was no way Katie could get it off without the key, a blowtorch, or syntho-shears specially designed to cut such material. The vixen had recovered her spirits enough to look sullen. She said nothing, but she refused to honor either of them with a glance, her slender muzzle pointed at the floor. Fodessa grabbed her chin and forced it upward. "I prefer slaves to look me in the eye," she ordered. Katie would have loved to say something, to judge from the expression on her face, but she obeyed. "Take her to the quarters," Fodessa said. 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