PRECIOUS CARGO, PART FIVE Copyright 1998, Maureen In her own bedroom, Fodessa eyed Caitlin, her arms crossed across her small breasts. Her fur was still dyed black, though she'd taken time to doff her boots and put on a rust-red T-shirt and her usual flowing black silk pants. "You should have notified me at the first offense, not the second," she reminded him. Caitlin stood before her. Though he was taller than her, his body language spoke of submission and disgrace, with tail hanging down and ears lowered. "Yes, Mistress." Fodessa continued to study him. Finally she said, "Since you're still inexperienced at this dom thing, I'm going to be lenient." Caitlin's ears perked up slightly. "I'm not going to shave you." Caitlin inwardly sighed in relief. "But I am going to punish you." His ears flattened further, but he knew better than to protest or move. Caitlin stood quietly, stoically, while she brought out the special leather belt and the ropes -- not the faux-leather straps and harnesses she used for fun. The belt, with its numerous stout metal rings, went around his waist. "Exhale," she commanded. He did. She tightened it viciously around his flanks, her arm muscles straining, before she buckled it. It squeezed him when he inhaled again, constricting him like a narrow corset. Already he could feel an erection burgeoning. There was no use quelling it; he knew from previous experience that he couldn't. He might not be an experienced dominant, but he was an experienced submissive. "On your knees," Fodessa ordered. When he had obeyed, she bent down to knot the end of one long rope around his right ankle, wrapping several loops there. Then she brought the rope up, threading it through two of the rings on the bondage belt before tying it off, still leaving a long end free. "Wrists behind your back." She folded his arms neatly behind his back, then used the end of the rope to bind them that way. Another rope around his arms passed through another pair of belt rings on its way to his left ankle. She left his long, twitching tail free. The ropes now kept Caitlin kneeling. They was so tight that he had to arch his back slightly to relieve some of the pressure, forcing his chest outward. Already he could feel the strain on his muscles. He wondered how long he'd have to stay in this bondage; he prayed to Slaaneth it wouldn't be very long, but Slaaneth had a way of ignoring such prayers. He cursed his throbbing penis, now extruded from his sheath, fully erect and waving like a pink snake. Fodessa looked him up and down, smiling like a cat with a mouse to play with. She eyed his bobbing erection, and her smile broadened. "I think we'd better pay some attention to that, too," she commented. She retrieved a thin, long thong and knelt down in front of him. The thong went first around his scrotum, tightening cruelly, separating his testicles from his body. Next, she circled each separate ball, tightening the thong around it, tying it off. When she was done, his balls looked like two bulging little balloons hanging from his groin. Finally, she wrapped several loops around his shaft from its base, where it extended from the sheath, to just behind the head, and tied it off. The thong's grip kept Caitlin's penis erect. His genitals ached in their tight bonds. He breathed as deeply as he could, refusing to make a sound of pleading or pain. Fodessa was smiling cruelly, enjoying the sight of him. He could practically *feel* that sadistic gaze upon his bound and tormented flesh, making him feel even more naked. He clamped his jaw. She went back to the cabinet and returned with two stout nipple clamps -- with one-ounce metal weights attached. He drew a deep breath, closing his eyes. He felt Fodessa's fingers teasing one nipple erect, tickling and stroking -- and then the sharp pain as the clamp bit in and hung on. He couldn't help but utter a small gasp as Fodessa released it, letting the little metal weight hang free. She ministered similarly to the other nipple, then stepped back. His nipples and cock throbbed like fury, feeling huge and tender. He gritted his teeth, glowering back at Fodessa, refusing to admit to his pain. Fodessa straightened up, smiling, and nodded. "I think that'll keep you for a while. And now, I'm going to go watch the latest tape of Sarina Mbume. I'll be back to release you -- eventually." She turned and walked out of the room, and the door closed automatically behind her. As soon as she was gone, Caitlin groaned aloud. Each episode of the Adventures of Sarina Mbume series ran two hours. Fodessa had lied to him. She didn't immediately sit down to watch the erotic and violent adventures of Sarina Mbume, Secret Agent. Instead, as soon as she had taken a shower and washed the black dye off, she made a tachyon transmitter call, wrapped only in her bathrobe. "Transmission to Vorun Prime Three, via the Underwave Network," she said to the shipboard computer. The computer recognized her voice, inconspicuously scanned her retinal patterns as she waited, decided she had permission to use the transmitter, and displayed "Placing call as directed" while accessing the Underwave tachyon network through her account. It was fully a minute later that the viewscreen came to three- dimensional life, showing the head of a male cervine -- whitetailed deer stock, Fodessa guessed, from the shape of his antlers still in velvet. Must be summer on Vorun. "Get me Blackmuzzle," she told him shortly. The buck eyed her disdainfully. "And who are you?" "Tell her Fodessa's calling." A moment later, his face had been replaced by a grim-looking female spotted hyena. Her muzzle was solid black, as black as her eyes. "Fodessa! What the hell happened at LaGrange Five? Is the cargo safe?" Her voice was thin but gravelly -- typical hyena. "That's what I meant to ask you, Blackmuzzle. The cargo's safe, but I lost my First Mate." Blackmuzzle looked at her, her beady black eyes softening slightly, big dark ears lowering. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said. "I lost four of my own people." They assessed each other. "We still don't know how it leaked," Blackmuzzle admitted, and to Fodessa's sharp eyes it looked like she was telling the truth. She wished she had odor transmission, but Underwave's bandwidth wouldn't permit that. "We do know that those were low-level GBM's, though," Blackmuzzle continued. "One of them was taken alive and lived long enough for questioning. We've got some names . . . but I don't know if the station manager's involved in it." Fodessa thought this over. "Do I have to worry about Perion?" The open pleasure planet was her next stop. "I never tell people not to worry," Blackmuzzle said. "I promise I'll tachyon-mail anything I find out to you, the moment I get it." Fodessa nodded slowly. "Please do." "Be careful." After closing the transmission, she sat down and at last watched Sarina Mbume endure and deal out danger and erotic torture in her mission to fight galactic bad guys everywhere. *Wish to hell she could fight the GBM,* she thought. Only when the last second of the episode was over, before the credits, did she turn it off and walk back to the bedroom to deal with Caitlin. The black panthermorph looked up at her, breathing harshly through his open mouth. He gritted his teeth, baring his fangs, and glared at her. *Next time, I'll gag and blindfold him,* she thought. The muscles of his arms bulged as he writhed slowly against his bonds, trying vainly to find an even microscopically more comfortable position. His tail lashed and flopped aimlessly with his movements. The smell of feline sweat and stress hung in the room. He was beautiful in his suffering. Fodessa debated leaving him that way for another few hours, but common sense scotched the notion. Instead, after tossing her robe on the bed, she bent down, drawing a small vibroknife, and began undoing and cutting his torturous bonds one at a time. The steel in Caitlin softened as she removed the nipple clamps, enough to let him cry out with pain, both times, tears rolling down his ebon-furred cheeks. Removing the thongs on his bulging genitals was harder, but she managed to do it without giving him so much as a nick. He gasped but didn't give her another cry. The remainder of the bonds she simply unlocked, unbuckled and untied. Except for when she had to cut her gaze to deal with his ropes, his eyes never left hers. His expression was a study in defiance, without a hint of pleading or gratitude. When she stepped back, the expression was still there, though his gasps eased as the blood flow returned to normal. Caitlin barely kept from falling over, struggling with stiff muscles to remain in the position she'd bound him in until she gave him permission to change it, flexing his arms to bring the blood back into them. She looked sternly back at him. "I hope you'll take this as a lesson," she told him. "Next time, call me at the first sign of a problem." Caitlin nodded stolidly. "Yes, Mistress," he replied. "You can get up now," she told him. She went over to the bed and flopped down on it, still naked, legs spread. "Get over here and serve me, with your mouth." Direct comments and criticism to: .