PRECIOUS CARGO Copyright @1998, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 6 The wolf morph was lying on his side in a half-curl, facing the faux-port, apparently sound asleep. Fodessa lowered her gaze to palm open the door lock. As the clouded leopard entered, Windrunner woke instantly. He rolled over and saw her, his eyes widening in recognition -- and then he continued the motion to rise smoothly to his knees, paws behind his back, looking her straight in the eyes. Something in Fodessa stirred. He was brilliantly trained, obviously . . . She pushed the thought out of her mind. She sniffed the air of the little room and sensed with pleasure that he hadn't touched himself. If he had, she'd have smelled the semen. But the only odors were of his pleasantly masculine dog-wolf musk, laced with lupine pheromones. Those green eyes held no fear, only attentiveness and curiosity -- and excitement. She stepped to one side to let Caitlin join her in the room. "Let's get him fitted for that chastity belt," she instructed the panther. "Stand up, Windrunner." At the words "chastity belt," the wolf's penis lifted slightly. *Oh-ho,* she thought smugly. *This one likes enforced frustration, all right, just like his file says.* Well, she'd see to it he got plenty of frustration while he was in her paws. She enjoyed the almost imperceptible shudder through the wolf's lean frame, the quiver of his erection, the brief closing of his handsome eyes. When he opened them again, there was a delicious hint of sexfear and shame in them, and his ears were slightly lower. His bushy tail hung low, submissive. She smiled. As Caitlin worked, taking and storing Windrunner's measurements with the electronic "tape", she crossed her paws over her breasts, watching. Windrunner stood obediently as his genitals were carefully lifted and handled and measured, even when Caitlin stroked him to full erection. The only signs of his arousal were his half-closed eyes and twitching nostrils. When the panther was done, he left to fetch an appropriate- sized chastity belt. The wolf remained motionless, standing there while Fodessa watched him in silence. She kept her face expressionless, staring at him, to measure his reaction. Only toward the end did he begin to fidget slightly: a shifting of his weight from one foot to another. Caitlin returned a few minutes later, holding a chastity belt from the Satisfaction's extensive collection. "Put your paws behind your head," Fodessa ordered the wolf, and he obeyed. Caitlin helped her put it on him. A strap went around each thigh, under the crease of the shaven bottomcheek, while a third one went around his waist, just as Katie's did. The difference, of course, was in the front shield. Windrunner's penis fit through one hole in a faux-leather triangle (Fodessa threaded it through), to be strapped pointing upward toward his belly, flat against the leather, by no less than three straps -- each with its own electronic lock. His balls were forced backward and downward by another strap and left bulging outside the belt, an erotic package. *Need to tell Caitlin to shave those too,* Fodessa thought. She stepped back, smiling, surveying Windrunner's new attire. "Now, that won't come off unless I say so," she told him. "It may not come off for the entire trip. You *might* earn an orgasm if I'm totally pleased with your performance -- and then again you might not." His nostrils flared as he took a sharp, deep breath. She could see the bound penis turn a darker shade of red. He remained silent. "Do you understand me?" "Yes, Mistress," he responded, and again she felt that internal frisson at the sound of his smooth baritone. You could almost call that voice a purr, if wolves could purr. A pity slaves weren't often called upon to speak. "Now let's see some more of your training." She made a beckoning motion and walked out of the tiny room, not bothering to look back. Windrunner followed her out, Caitlin behind him. In her bedroom, at her order, the wolf knelt again. "Go to Caitlin, suck him," she ordered. Caitlin grinned, stepping back against the wall for support, offering his sheath. A bulge of pink already showed at the opening. Windrunner knew what to do. With no hesitation, he crawled on all fours across the carpet to Caitlin's feet, then knelt up and reached for his penis. That was the first time Fodessa corrected him. "No, paws behind your back," she said. "Let's see you do it all with your mouth." The wolf obeyed, crossing his wrists behind his back. He leaned forward, putting his muzzle into Caitlin's crotch. His pink tongue flicked across that bulge, which grew as he began to lick at it. He was good, Fodessa saw. He gave the task his total attention, closing his eyes to concentrate. He didn't just lap at Caitlin's penis but gave it teasing little flicks with the tip of his tongue, occasional long strokes, taps. When it was fully extended and he had the panther breathing hard, he got down to business, taking the tip into his mouth and beginning to suck. Caitlin spread his legs, paws on his hips. The black panther was beginning to breath harder, eyes glazing with pleasure. He moaned. "Stop," Fodessa ordered. The wolf's ears flicked in surprise, but he released Caitlin's penis, eyes opening. Caitlin clamped his jaw in frustration, tail twitching, but said nothing, looking back to her for orders. "Go to the bed, put your paws down on the mattress." The wolf rose with another fluid motion, padding over to the bed. The mattress was low, slightly less than hip-height to him; he had to bend over to assume the proper position. "Get down on your elbows. Caitlin, get some KY jelly." Both males obeyed. Windrunner's plump, naked ass was now up in the air, offered to anyone who wanted it, his tail raised high and to one side out of the way. His jaw was half-open, his expression a complicated thing: slack-mouthed lust and anticipation, helplessness, sexfear -- the latter not so much of pain as of frustration, she thought. "Fuck him," Fodessa told Caitlin. Caitlin smiled practically from ear to ear, white teeth glinting in his black muzzle as he applied the jelly to his rock- hard, swollen penis. He padded up behind Windrunner's proffered asscheeks and, using one paw to spread those globes slightly apart, guided his hard-on into that tight orifice. As he entered, Windrunner gasped and tensed his muscles, his eyes closing and his jaw falling open. The first few minutes were clearly uncomfortable, as he clenched his jaw and couldn't help but groan at Caitlin's slow, easy thrusts, his teeth bared, muscles contracted. As the panther continued buggering him, his moans took a different tone, turning into sounds of pure pleasure. He squirmed, clearly wanting to rub his bound penis against something, then pushed back eagerly against those thrusting black-furred hips. Caitlin put his paws on the wolf's shoulders, holding him down, as his amber eyes went glazed, distant. A growling purr rumbled in his throat in between feline moans of pleasure. Every now and then he'd utter a short gasp at some unexpected jolt of pleasure. His thrusts gathered speed and urgency. Fodessa watched them with the aesthetic appreciation of a true connoisseur, loving the way the panther's spots gleamed faintly in his black coat, the way the wolf tensed and relaxed in helpless abandonment to the fucking, the rippling of their muscles underneath their fine coats. She could feel her own vulva getting damp with excitement. Finally, Caitlin's body tensed into one big, tight muscle. He looked at her, just barely remembering that he had to ask her permission. She nodded once, tightly, and he bared every tooth as he slammed home into the wolf's rump, claws extending and digging into the shaggy flanks, tail arching and quivering. He uttered a leopard's roar as he orgasmed. The roar trailed off into a purr as he slumped. Then he stepped back, sated. Windrunner remained in his position of offering, teeth gritted, fists clenched, his penis bright maroon between the straps of the chastity belt. A whimper of frustration came from between his clenched teeth. Fodessa felt her vulva get even wetter. It really had been a command performance. She glanced at Caitlin, who was quickly recovering. "He's good!" the panther said to her unspoken question, nodding, as he cleaned his penis with a nearby sanitowel. "Get cleaned, then, both of you," she said. "We'll have mealtime in one hour Standard. I want Windrunner serving. If he doesn't know how, teach him." As it turned out, Windrunner was already well-trained in serving. Even as his stomach rumbled with his own hunger, he served the roast sim-venison and drinks flawlessly, spilling nothing (even when she or Caitlin groped his naked bottomcheeks), perceiving at once when a glass needed refilling, standing quietly beside the table while his services weren't needed. When they were done, he took away the dishes. Upon his return, Fodessa ordered him to get himself a bowl of dog kibble from the kitchenette and place it on the floor. "Eat," she commanded. He got down on all fours with no hesitation, putting his muzzle into the bowl and eating like a nonsentient dog. She and Caitlin watched him, and she felt something strange and warm in her heart -- something other than just her usual aesthetic appreciation. It was so vanilla . . . Why should this stir her so much? It was just lust, and her appreciation for his marvelous style and skill, she told herself. That was all. 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