PRECIOUS CARGO Copyright @1998, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 7 Kathryn lay curled on the floor of her cell, staring out into the infinity of space shown in the porthole. She was bored -- and frustrated. Several minutes of determined searching last night had convinced the platinum vixen that there was no way she was going to be able to masturbate through the chastity belt; it was too well-designed, the best she’d ever seen. She'd gone to sleep forlornly rubbing one black paw between her thighs, wondering how she'd gotten into this. And wondering why she was wondering. She knew damned well how she had. The Darksex Underground extended its tentacles everywhere through the Federation of Allied Worlds, wherever the GBM and local or planetary governments repressed furry sexuality -- even on her homeworld. Katie had dreamed of slavery on one of the infamous Open Planets since she was 16 -- ten years ago. But her world, Tessier, was Federated. While she *could* legally have emigrated, that cost a hell of a lot of credits -- more than all but the very wealthy had, which didn't include her. So she'd been stuck on Tessier, trysting with willing partners when she could find them, trying to avoid being discovered by the local vice police. If she had, under Tessier’s laws she would have been declared in need of rehabilitation and treated to "cure" her of her "aberrant" urges. Such treatment usually involved anti-libido drugs -- and sometimes radical brain surgery, even clitorodectomy. She would certainly have been sterilized as unfit for reproduction. Like many Federation planets, Tessier was a crowded hive-world -- so crowded that it couldn't permit more than a pawful of its citizens to breed. Then, her cautious sexual explorations brought her in contact with the Darksex Underground, and all her dreams became possibilities. The soft sound of the door opening brought her out of her thoughts. She stood up slowly to face her current owners. Now the black panther entered the room, followed closely by Fodessa, no longer in black dye but wearing thigh-high boots. The smirks on the felids’ muzzles filled her with sexfear. The smell of feline pheromones wafted to her. Katie clenched her small fists, but refused to go to her knees. Let them work for it, she figured. "Get on your knees, vixen!" Caitlin snapped. Katie glared back at him. She decided she would sink to her knees after a moment if nothing further was said -- but she didn't have time. Caitlin immediately stepped up to her and, with a quick, skilled movement she never quite comprehended, had twisted one wrist and arm behind her back and was forcing her down, quite painfully. She yelped and fell to her knees. "That's better," Fodessa said, drawing closer. “Now, you and I have some unfinished business to take care of, Katie. I didn’t punish you properly for last night.” Katie felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. Her ears tried to flatten right into her skull while her tail clamped over her naked buttocks. With Caitlin still holding her arm, they marched her out of her quarters and through the corridor into another room -- one that looked all too familiar: the standard well-equipped “playroom.” It was smaller, with less equipment than she was used to seeing planetside, but it held what her masters were looking for: a small adjustable vinyl-padded horse. Caitlin released her arm to set it a little lower than the height of her hips Then he forced her to bend over it, fastening her paws and her ankles to the legs on each side. She tried to struggle only once; Caitlin slapped her face sharply, and she stopped. Now her ass was stuck up obscenely in the air, helplessly offered. The undersides of her breasts rested on the smooth vinyl of the padding on the side of the horse. Her vulva grew moist even as her wrists pulled at the faux-leather restraints, her heart in her throat again. She could feel cool air against her shaven bottomcheeks. A strong paw seized her lashing bushy tail, binding something around it, and then she could no longer lower it to cover her naked buttocks. It had been attached to the ceiling by a strap and chain. She heard the soft sounds as at least one of the felines went to a wall rack and rifled through unseen objects. She wished she could see what was going on behind her, and at the same time she was glad she couldn’t. She suspected an instrument of punishment was being selected, whether by Fodessa or Caitlin she had no idea. A growl came out of her mouth, quite involuntarily. Caitlin’s voice laughed behind her. “We’ll fix that attitude,” said Fodessa’s amused voice directly behind her. Then there was an almighty *crack!*. She yelped involuntarily as sudden, sharp, stinging pain spread across her buttocks. She’d been struck with a paddle. The paddling was hot, quick and without mercy. There was no buildup; Fodessa wasn’t doing this for pleasure. Her furless buttocks heated up like a space vessel's tachyon drive, and she knew they were turning bright red. It lasted a long time. She couldn’t help but yank at the restraints, cursing until she ran out of defiance and her curses turned to yelps, then to cries. She was definitely near tears when it stopped. Even so, she was surprised they'd ceased so soon. She’d expected it to go on until well after she was in tears and begging. “Don’t get your hopes up, vixen,” purred the clouded leopard’s voice behind her. “That was just a warm-up.” Caitlin came before her to unbind her wrists and ankles. She felt Fodessa’s fingers at her tail binding, releasing it. Then she was pulled off the horse. Next, her arms were once again pulled behind her back, and her wrists were bound and attached to another ceiling chain. This one was adjustable, and Fodessa raised it by means of a switch on the wall until she could feel it forcing her arms painfully upward, leaving her no room to move. Caitlin, by her side, put a paw between her shoulder blades and pushed, none too gently. When she failed to understand, he snapped, “Bend over, slut!” She bent over at the waist, and discovered that the pulling at her imprisoned wrists lessened, easing the discomfort of her shoulder blades. But she had to spread her feet apart to keep her balance. This worked fine with what Caitlin intended: he squatted down before her to shackle her ankles with two floor chain-and- shackles, holding them awkwardly wide apart. Now Kathryn stood bent over at the waist, her arms pulled behind her back, her legs wide apart. She could do nothing at all to cover her pert naked breasts hanging downward, the nipples already stiffening, but she clamped her tail between her legs. Once again, that tail was seized and pulled upward, to be attached to a ceiling chain, keeping her nether regions bared to the world. Her throbbing vulva opened and closed convulsively, already moist. The clouded leopard crouched behind her to study her closely. She could feel Fodessa’s hot breath blowing on that exposed, sensitive vulva. “Didn’t know you liked other females,” Caitlin’s voice rumbled. “Why not?” the clouded leopard replied. “I’ve never limited myself exclusively to men, even though I prefer them.” Kathryn felt a finger poke at her moist vulva and then her anus, and an uncontrollable shudder went through her whole body at the sensation. Geez, were they about to. . . “Look at this, I don’t think that asshole is virgin.” Fodessa's voice again. “What do you want?” Caitlin’s voice again, an undertone of glee in it. “Get me the Number Seven dildo. We’ll see just how much she can handle.” The panther chuckled, and she heard him rattling something or things in another wall rack. The dildo felt like a bull’s phallus nudging at her rear orifice. She bit back a curse as her pink ring stretched more and more, to the point of pain, then still more, burning and aching. She could hardly help but wail as the huge thing slid all the way into her, deeper, deeper, seeming to poke at her navel from the inside. She heard more feline chuckles behind her. “Yep, she can take it,” Fodessa said. She gasped, head hanging. It felt like there was a telephone pole stuck up her behind, and even after the initial pain had subsided, she felt cruelly stretched, as if it took up all the space of her abdomen. Caitlin knelt by her side, fumbling with her left breast. She turned to glare at him, and then saw he had a pair of nipple clamps in his paw. He used his other paw on her breast, stroking one thumb over the pink nubbin to stiffen it. She tried to will it not to respond, but it was no use. Then he gripped the aureole and pulled it gently. He fastened the clamp, tightening it. She refused to cry out, gritting her teeth, but at last had to give way to a another yelp as he finished the job. That clamp really was tight. The other nipple came next. The felines stepped away. Katy’s nipples throbbed unmercifully in the viselike grip of the clamps. Her rectum was gorged with the dildo, and that sensation sent little ripples of pain/pleasure through her entrails. She panted, tongue hanging out of her white jaws, testing the restraints. Fodessa laughed. “A bit less defiant, are we?” she taunted. Katie tried to collect herself, but it was useless. The sensations were too overwhelming, the pain and throbbing and stretching seeming to merge into one glorious mass of sexual craving, making her cunt wet. Her whole body felt swollen, filled to bursting with lust. She wanted desperately to rub her cunt against something. At an order from Fodessa, Caitlin walked around to her front, opening his fly in front of her face. “Show your appreciation to him,” she heard Fodessa’s voice. “Pleasure him.” She opened her mouth and eagerly seized Caitlin’s bobbing pink erection in her narrow muzzle. She began sucking, her long tongue flicking along the shaft’s length. The pain she was in only added to her lust, and she gobbled it as if she meant to swallow it whole, literally eat it. Caitlin chuckled and put a paw on her forehead. “Now, now, slow down there,” he purred. “There’s no hurry.” Fodessa’s chuckle sounded. “That’s right,” she said. “We may not take off those clamps even afterward, so don’t be in a rush to finish.” A groan swelled in Katie’s throat, but she slowed down. Her tongue softly licked in an arrhythmic pattern as her lips sucked equally softly on the panther's malehood (or should it be ‘tomhood’, she wondered?), now aiming to make the pleasure last, though her lust and greed begged that she speed up. Worse was to come. As she sucked the panther, she felt the dildo gorging her asshole begin to twist round and round. It withdrew a few torturous inches, interrupting her sucking when she gasped in response, and then, equally slowly, pushed its way back into her bowels. Fodessa was teasing her, playing with the dildo, sending more sensations of delicious pain into her violated body. Now she felt the clouded leopard’s fingers brush her cunt, then burrow through the folds, seeking her clitoris. She whimpered, trying reflexively to clamp her thighs together, but the pulling of the restraints on her ankles was her only reward. A finger found her pleasure center and began to gently play with it, rubbing the hood over it, increasing her lust. It was next to impossible to concentrate on sucking Caitlin’s cock as her lust built -- and was frustrated. She had to let go, releasing his red swollen organ, to gasp and moan and whimper as Fodessa’s fingers drew away. Her already-sore bottom received a stinging slap. “Get back to work!” the clouded leopard snapped. With a moan of defeat, she took Caitlin in her mouth and obeyed -- and the teasing began again. She never knew afterward how long this lasted. Caitlin was an expert at prolonging his pleasure, withdrawing his throbbing cock whenever he sensed himself near the brink -- he obviously had better control than her. When Fodessa’s lecherous fingers withdrew, her hips thrashed and bucked frantically, silently begging for more, but never to any avail. Her breasts felt as if they had swelled as large as two basketballs, swinging with her squirming, the fierce nipple clamps’ pressure unrelenting. Finally, the black panther withdrew completely. She opened her eyes to see him squat before her, his eyes full of lust. One black arm reached out, and pushed her right breast about, making it swing. Then his fingers played with the deliciously cruel clamp on the nipple. She almost came, then and there. Fodessa realized her state at the last possible second and withdrew her wet fingers. Caitlin chuckled. “What a slut,” he commented, grinning into her face. He looked past her at Fodessa, who said, “Okay, enough of this,” in a voice that suggested she was smiling as well. “I’ve got more in store for this big-bottomed slut,” she said. “I think it’s time we introduced her to the Sex Machine.” Katie’s ears perked in puzzlement. Sex Machine? What a cliched name.... The two felids began unbinding her. Direct comments and criticism to: .