PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1998, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 9 It was an unusually elaborate dinner setting for a private space vessel that wasn't even a yacht, but Windrunner guessed this was one of Fodessa's favorite scenes. The little kitchenette had been turned into a small but posh dining area, with a sturdy wooden dining table and two chairs, and the lighting subdued to match the mood. He knelt on the table, an erotic centerpiece, naked and aroused, his craving fully exposed to his masters' eyes. "He looks like that thing of his is about to explode," Caitlin commented, as Fodessa ran a slow finger along the length of the wolf's swollen, starving penis from base to tip. Windrunner's organ really did look as if it were about to explode in orgasm. After a full week of teasing, his recently shaven balls were swollen to rock hardness. He could swear he could actually feel their contents ripple with the tremendous tension. It took all his willpower to keep his fingers interlaced behind his neck as he knelt on the table, thighs apart in offering, naked and hungry -- a living erotic statue. Nothing could keep his hips from moving eagerly, desperately seeking one more millisecond of sensation from the clouded leopard's teasing finger. Helpless little whimpers came unbidden from his throat, between clenched teeth. Fodessa drew her finger away, smiling, glancing at the dampness on it. He was leaving a large puddle of precum on the tablecloth. Caitlin, sitting at one of the two chairs at the beautifully- set small table, took a sip from his wineglass as he admired him. "He'll fetch a pretty price," he remarked. "Yes, he will," she said, her smile fading slightly, as she wiped her finger with a napkin. The vixen Katie padded over, bearing two platters full of steaming meat. It was real venison, purchased and kept in Fodessa's small personal freezer for very special occasions such as this. She served the two felines, giving each a helping of the meat. Then she poured their drinks. Like Windrunner, Katie was stark naked, breasts and big bottomcheeks quivering as she walked. The obscene harness emphasized those buttocks and kept them separated. A thin chain, running from her collar to the tip of her tail, kept that brush upraised, unable to cover the naked globes. Her nipples were stiff little nubbins. Windrunner's body bore no such adornments, except for the collar and the faux-leather straps around each wrist and ankle. He had not been permitted to come once while he'd been onboard the Satisfaction. Not one single solitary time. Each night, some delicious new torment was devised for him. The felids had prodigious sexual appetites and sadistic, fertile minds. Each time he was left alone, it was in the chastity belt, keeping his passion locked within him for the next time. Fodessa was good. She was damned good, maybe the best dom he'd ever encountered. It was a pity she couldn't be his permanent owner. The two felines began eating as he knelt. "When we touch down on Perion next week, I'm going to take time to catch some of the action," Fodessa remarked, and raised a forkful. "I'd love that," said Caitlin. "I've heard about their restaurants." Fodessa smiled -- a lewd, knowing smile. "I've heard Bessie's has something new," the clouded leopard revealed. "These 'special dinners' where they bring you these huge covered dishes. They open them up, and there's a furry, his ass in the air, all tied up, for your personal use!" Caitlin actually dropped his fork to guffaw. "Holy Slaaneth!" She grinned. "And if you complain your 'meal' is too tough, a butler 'softens it up' with a good whipping!" Windrunner closed his eyes and suppressed a groan, his craving rising again as he tightened his jaw. "Ah, our slave is suffering," said Fodessa's voice, her tone caressing, amused. "Poor boy." "He'll suffer a lot more before we're through with him," Caitlin's voice answered. He could feel their eyes on his flesh, burning into him, making him feel more naked than naked -- as if his whole damned coat had been shaved, not just his rump. He opened his eyes. Yep, they were looking at him, ignoring the dinner for the moment. "He'll fetch a pretty price at Vorun, all right," Caitlin said, smiling. Fodessa paused, almost microscopically. "Yes, he will," she said, her smile echoing Caitlin's. Aroused and starving for release though he was, Windrunner felt a pang of something other than lust. He tried to analyze it, but the conversation went on. "Do they still have those Wild Hunts there?" Caitlin asked. "They do, last I heard. Vorun's started them, too, in the Broceliande Woodlands. Horses, those trained hounds, the works." She grinned, running a pink tongue around her lips. Another surge of lust flooded through Windrunner. Caitlin seemed to muse, studying him, then: "He's gotten very good at assfucking." "Yes, I think there's been measurable improvement even since we got him." "He's really learned how to use those sphincter muscles." "You're proving a good teacher. Maybe we should give him another lesson after dinner?" Fodessa let her smile go. "They'll both clean up after dinner. We need to talk in private." Caitlin's ears perked, but he only nodded and replied, "Okay." "I've gotten something from Blackmuzzle," Fodessa said after the long, leisurely dinner. "And?" Caitlin responded. They were sitting in the ship's rec room, while Windrunner and Katie cleaned up the kitchen. That was one of the advantages of running a slave-smuggling ship: you hardly needed any servos in the crew's living area. "Her investigations have turned up something. It's not good news. Looks like it might be an inside job --" Caitlin actually mrowr'd with shock, interrupting her. "Impossible!" She held up a paw. "Yes. We're all in this for more than profit. But the GBM's hit several people. A dozen Underground agents have been caught in the past two weeks. Someone is leaking stuff, someone who knows more than anyone outside the Underground. We have to assume everything's compromised. You remember Felan? Felan Ngular?" Caitlin nodded. "That civet from Nikume." "He was found dead three days ago. The Nikume authorities aren't saying much, but word is his throat was cut." The look in Caitlin's eyes matched the feeling in her guts. This was baaaad. "I'm going to call ahead and hire some extra muscle on Perion," she went on. He nodded solemnly, and Fodessa took a deep breath. "You're welcome to quit when we get there, if you wish. It's true we have a contract, but you never agreed to this much danger." Caitlin's amber eyes hardened. She liked the look in there -- he was angry, not just afraid. She'd need that kind of backup. "I'm not leaving," he growled. "Not unless you throw me out." She smiled grimly and nodded. "Good." Direct comments and criticism to: .