SWORN AN INTERLUDE @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, December 2006. Permission granted to duplicate this story via normal propagation through Usenet and whatever mailing lists it's posted on (but please do not repost; I can do that myself, thank you); to archive it in the official web archives of alt.sex.stories, alt.sex.stories.moderated and alt.sex.stories.gay.moderated, as well as whatever mailing lists I post it on; and to keep one hard copy and two electronic copies for your personal use. All other rights are reserved under the Berne Convention. MANDATORY WARNING: This is hard-core erotica. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading this, don't. Author's Notes: What this series describes would be inexcusable as a prescription for real life. The main character comes to accept and enjoy being enslaved and raped -- and I portray this as a Good Thing. The only reassurance I can offer my readers is this: this is a dream you are in, an erotic dream about dominance and submission. It has no relation to real life, or to true BDSM. Grateful thanks to Tyellas, Lionus, Ishako and Dusk Darkling, all of whom beta'd. You can read my other erotic works at: http://members.vclart.net/Maureen/index.html An Interlude (Part of the "Sworn" series) By Maureen Lycaon Rain had no idea how long he had been kneeling on the floor of the Punishment Room. Even his trousers and the thick sheepskins underneath him weren't enough to keep his knees from hurting. His bondage was far more elaborate than would have been necessary simply to hold him. The cords had been laid upon him in a way that made him feel naked even though he was fully clothed. He did not doubt that Great Lord Michael had intended just this -- the Lord was too skilled at shaming and humiliating him. Even so, it also served the purpose of any bondage: he was helpless, pinned on his knees, powerless to move. As far as he could tell, this was not a punishment. He had been scrubbing floors again on his hands and knees when another servant had come to Duvier with a message from Lord Michael, summoning Rain to him in the Room of Punishment. Duvier had snapped the hateful leash to his collar again, and taken him there. With time and repeated visits, the Room of Punishment no longer brought Rain's heart to his throat. Instead, a kind of weary dread had weighed in his belly as he followed Duvier in silence. He hadn't known whether this was chastisement for some offense or whether Lord Michael simply had a whim to hurt him. As it turned out, Michael intended torment. When Rain had entered the room, the Lord was holding several black cords in his hands, long enough that the ends trailed on the floor. Rain didn't know what they were made of: it had an odd sheen to it, like a snakecat's hide in sunlight. He had been bound before, but never with these. Always before, Michael had used leather restraints, or shackled him into one of the metal and wood devices in the room. Michael had begun by folding his arms behind his back and binding them that way with one long cord around his wrists and arms. As he tightened the cord, it dug painfully into Rain's flesh. The stuff, whatever it was, did not stretch at all. He realized that this would be far worse than leather restraints or shackles. He had offered no resistance, no protest. If he had, Michael would have simply reminded him of his oath and asked if he wished to violate it. Next, as he had stood motionless, Michael had squatted down and knotted separate cords tightly around each ankle. Then the Lord carefully, painstakingly wound each rope up each leg like a lascivious serpent. A few tight twists around his ankle and lower leg until just before the swelling of the calf, and held in place by a knot; then up the inside of the calf to the knee, and wound around his leg just below and above it. From there, the ropes ran up the inside of each thigh. And then, three coils around each thigh, precisely under the buttock, knotted in place to hold it tightly so that even under the trousers his buttocks bulged over the rope, and he could feel that bulging. The Lord had then drawn each rope up through the cleft between his buttocks, up to his waist. The cords were then wound around his waist, so tightly that they dug into his flesh with every breath, and knotted yet again. Thus laid, the cords pulled his buttocks apart, so that the fabric of his trousers was stretched tight across his cheeks and pushed deep into the divide between them. After tying those humiliating cords, the Lord had made a point of fondling Rain's buttocks, caressing each cheek in turn. Michael slowly ran a finger down the cleft beside the rope, lingering over his anus. "One day I will have that," he'd promised. Rain had been unable to stop the shiver that ran through him. Then the Lord had led him across the room to stand between two metal posts set into the floor. Between the posts were three sheepskins laid one atop the other. Michael commanded him to kneel on the sheepskins with his knees obscenely wide apart, and tied the ropes to steel rings soldered to the posts. When he was finished, Rain could not have risen if he'd been ordered to. He could sit kneeling, he could rise up on his knees, but there was no way that he could regain his feet and stand. He was bound in that humble position, helpless and vulnerable, the cruel cords constricting his every breath. Michael rose, bent over Rain and kissed his mouth, pushing his tongue in deeply. Rain surrendered as he knew he must, accepting the probing, violating kiss. The Lord drew away, smiling a little, clearly pleased. "I will return in a few hours," he'd said. Then Michael had turned and walked out of the Punishment Room, quietly closing the door behind him, leaving Rain alone in his unrelenting bondage. The Clansman had knelt there for spirits only knew how long. There was no window to let him guess where the sun was, only the ever-growing pain of his bound, sweating body. At first he'd tried to hold back the groans of pain, but his agony grew worse and worse. There was no one nearby to hear him, after all. Now he just let the groans well up from his dry throat, barely aware of the noises he was making, head lolling, eyes closed, in a haze of pain and exhaustion. His hair clung in limp, wet strands to his cheeks. His legs were knotted with cramps. His arms ached horribly; his shoulders were numb. Sitting on his knees like this pulled on the ropes around his hindquarters and spread his buttocks more widely than ever, but he was too miserable to care about that. The coils around his waist made his guts cramp; every breath was an effort. To make matters worse, he had a desperate need to urinate, made still worse by the tight coils of rope around his waist. He awoke from his daze at the sound of familiar footsteps in the hallway outside. Rain lifted his head reluctantly, feeling his shoulders scream with fresh pain. The Lord always insisted that he look directly at him when he entered the room. The door opened, and his master and owner -- the man who held his very life in his hands -- stepped into the room. Great Lord Michael looked down upon Rain's tormented body, and his cool blue eyes held that look of pleasure Rain had grown to hate. "Rain." His deep voice was low but firm. "My Lord," Rain managed to rasp, his own voice hoarse and strange to him. Michael approached, slowly. He paced leisurely around Rain's kneeling form, and stopped in front of him, looking pleased. Not gloating, but pleased. "Kneel higher, my slave," he commanded. Rain's leg muscles shrieked in protest as he obeyed, standing up upon his knees. Now his head was at the level of Michael's chest. He lifted his gaze to his master's face but remained silent; he had been asked no question, given no permission to speak further. "You are suffering, Rain. Are you not?" The pleasure in Michael's eyes did not change; a faint smile curved his lips. There had been a time, not long ago at all, when Rain had thought that look was mocking. He had come to realize that while his pain gave Lord Michael pleasure, that pleasure was not gloating . . . not quite. "Yes, my Lord," he croaked, "I am suffering." Michael bent down, his eyes still locked with Rain's. "And you are suffering for me," he remarked softly, his smile broadening. "You are truly beautiful. . . ." He reached out with both hands, took Rain's head gently, and lowered his own head to give Rain a slow, soft but fervent kiss. Rain opened his parched mouth to the kiss, allowing it to be invaded by his master's tongue. He tried not to think about the fact that the moisture he now tasted was another man's saliva. After long moments, the tongue retreated, Michael drawing away a little. "Are you thirsty as well?" the Lord asked. "Yes, my Lord. I am very thirsty." He tried to keep any note of pleading out of his voice. Michael nodded. He squatted down, reached down to his hip and took a silver canteen from it. The Lord uncapped it and held it to Rain's lips. It contained only water, as it always did when it was offered to him, but it was cool, clean water. He drank it greedily, gulping down great mouthfuls, his throat working as he swallowed. Only when the canteen was half-empty did he stop, gasping for breath, the waist ropes a crueler torture than ever. Michael returned it to his belt and stroked Rain's sweat-dampened hair gently, possessively. "So . . . so," the Lord's voice soothed -- as if anything could soothe him in the pain he was in. Then Michael knelt fully before him, and his hands began slipping up and down Rain's body through the clothes, caressing his shoulders, his upper arms, his chest (lingering with two fingers over a nipple, through the cloth). Enjoying feeling his body while he was in agony. "How my poor slave suffers for me," Michael said. "What other pains do you have? Do you need to relieve yourself?" "Yes, my Lord!" Rain couldn't keep the urgency out of his voice. Michael got to his feet in an easy motion. The familiar indignity of the little chamberpot followed, with Michael's hands on his organ, guiding it as he urinated into the pot. Rain closed his eyes, feeling his face burn even as he shivered with relief. Never mind that the Lord had forced him to use the chamber pot many times before; the scalding humiliation was always fresh. The stink of his own urine reached his nostrils. Michael cleaned him matter-of-factly with a handkerchief, dropping it on the floor when he was finished. He didn't close Rain's trousers. Instead, he put the lid back on the filled pot, stood up to put it down out of the way, and returned, this time to kneel behind Rain. Then Michael's hands were on him again, fondling him through the clothing, running up and down his sides, feeling his belly, his waist constrained and indented by the cords, even his shoulders and arms. Now that he no longer had to, Rain refused to look at Michael; he stared at the far wall, hoping that the vile caresses would be over soon. If he were very lucky, the Lord would simply want to use his mouth, and then untie him and let him go for the night. Michael placed a cool hand on the bare sole of Rain's right foot, and stroked it once. Then he caressed Rain's ankle, feeling the coils of rope around it, moving up to the calf of his leg, fondling the bulge of muscle there. One finger trailed up the back of his thigh to his buttock, before departing. And then he felt the Lord's hands upon his buttocks. Michael cupped his cheeks as he knelt, squeezed them, spread them apart, pushed them back together again. A finger ran slowly down the division, pushing in as if to feel as much as possible, even through the strands of rope digging in there. Rain could not move or wince away. He could only kneel, silent and motionless, feeling his buttocks being fondled and manipulated by his master . . . and feeling that hated warmth begin in his manhood, even as pain still wracked his body. He managed to fight down the hunger, keeping his manhood from stiffening -- this time. How long would it be before Michael freed him? *Would* he free him? At length Michael seemed to tire of his sport. He straightened up and walked around Rain to stand before him again. "You may kneel down now," he said. Rain obeyed him, sitting down on his shins. The more relaxed position brought little relief from his pain. The Lord squatted down to face him, looking intently into his face again as if searching for something. He lifted both hands, slipping them under Rain's long, damp hair to place them on his temples, gently holding his head. Rain looked back into Michael's intent blue eyes, knowing he was not allowed to look away. There was a strange hint of -- *appreciation* -- in those eyes . . . like the appreciation one might feel for a greatly valued possession. Rain wasn't sure whether he could not fully understand that, or whether he was simply *afraid* to. Michael leaned forward and kissed him once more. Rain opened his mouth obediently, but this time the Lord only kissed him very gently on the lips while holding his head motionless. Then the Lord released him, looking into his eyes again, and smiled. There was no hint of any cruelty in that gaze, only a measure of teasing. Was this merely a game to him? The hint of teasing vanished as Michael's gaze again took on that compassionate expression that Rain had come to hate. "You still do not understand, do you?" the Lord asked softly. "No, I can see you don't -- not quite, not yet." He stroked Rain's hair with one hand, over the collar. "But -- ask yourself why your handsome member stiffens when I toy with you, even now." Michael lowered his hand to curl his fingers around Rain's manhood and caress it. Rain almost winced at the touch. Not because it hurt -- his manhood was one of the few parts of him that did *not* hurt just now. But through long days and nights of fondling and teasing, his flesh had become trained to expect arousal whenever Lord Michael touched it, and he felt the slightest brush of Michael's fingers *intensely*. As the Lord continued to stroke and caress, that awful hunger swelled again. Rain fought it, but this time he could not force it down, as the pain of the ropes and the pleasure of arousal combined into an odd mixture. His manhood slowly stiffened under those patient, skilled hands, the sensations spreading in waves through his aching, cramping body. The ropes that forced his buttocks apart and pressed so mercilessly against his flesh, the fondling hands, the knowledge that Lord Michael was seeing him in this state -- everything, every sensation his body felt, even the humiliation -- they all seemed to excite him. The harder he fought the hunger, the more it grew. He knew he would lose the fight. He closed his eyes. "Please . . . please . . ." he pleaded, his voice a mere rasp, knowing it was futile. "No words, now, slave," Michael's voice responded. "Do not speak." The pain-pleasure mounted, mounted, his loins tightening. Just as he was on the verge of spilling his seed onto the sheepskins beneath him, Michael's hands withdrew, leaving him bereft. Rain's body spasmed, utterly out of his control. In spite of the fresh pain it brought him, his back arched and his head went back. A wail of protest came from his throat -- protest at his frustration, the sheer humiliation of being coaxed into begging for release at his tormentor's hands, all the degradation of the captivity he had endured. Michael's voice was in his ears, murmuring, "Yes, cry your shame and your lust, my handsome slave. . . ." As the moment passed, Rain hunched over in his desperate craving. Only Michael's quick hand on his shoulder kept him from losing his balance. He was squirming, whimpering, hips flexing against his will, even though every move sent bolts of pain through him. His manhood was so stiff that it almost slapped against his belly. The hunger slowly eased. He was able to stop squirming, though he was still breathing hard. Michael's hand had left his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see what the Lord was doing. The Lord had gotten to his feet and now stood before him. Rain lifted his head to look painfully up to his face. His master's expression was of a man awed by and appreciating something glorious. "Beautiful slave," Michael breathed. Rain swallowed, looked back as his breathing eased. It was not the first time that Michael had called him beautiful while torturing him. And still he did not understand it. Michael reached down and stroked his cheek gently. "Yes, you are beautiful." The Lord smiled. "And you are all the more beautiful kneeling there in your bonds, suffering for your master." Rain closed his eyes again, feeling those words as an unwanted intimacy. He felt Michael's hand fondle his lower jaw. "Open those handsome eyes, Rain. Yes, that's better," as Rain obeyed him. "What does your body feel now?" "I'm -- very sore, my Lord," he confessed, his voice still hoarse. "I hurt all over." Michael nodded without compassion. "You can bear far more than you think." Rain could not stop his wince. "What of your member? It is still stiff and reddened. I see that it is. Do not lie to me, Rain." Rain felt his face grow hot with shame. But there was no use lying. "Yes, my Lord. It is." "And what of your thoughts and your feelings? What are you thinking, Rain? What do you want?" "I want to be unbound, my Lord," Rain said, his voice thick with heartfelt urgency. Michael nodded again. "Yes, but what of your member there? Do you want me to touch it?" He could not avoid admitting it. "Yes, I want relief, my Lord. And I am ashamed. I wish I could hide it, but --" He trailed off. "No. You may not conceal your erection. Indeed, I want you to display it for me. Stand up on your knees again, Rain, and thrust your hips out a little. Show it to me." Rain's tortured muscles were almost past the point of obeying him. His eyes screwed shut and he couldn't help but groan, but he managed to kneel up, thrusting his hips forward to display his erection to its fullest. Just for a breath, the pain overcame his hunger, and his manhood began to droop. A moment of hope welled up in him -- He forced open his eyes, and saw Lord Michael looking intently at his erection. Immediately it stiffened up again as Michael studied it. Rain silently cursed his flesh. Why must his body betray him like this? "*That* is truly beautiful," Michael intoned. "So stiff and swollen, the tip so red, like a fresh-blooming rose . . . You would like me to touch it again, wouldn't you?" Rain swallowed desperately. "Yes, my Lord." Michael nodded, his face serene, understanding but giving nothing, as if Rain's arousal were simply a fact to be accepted. "Don't try to fight it, Rain. Let it swell, let yourself crave." Rain couldn't help but close his eyes again. Defeat choked him, made nausea roil in his belly. He obeyed, forcing himself not to fight the warm arousal that lapped through his tortured body. "Open your eyes," Michael commanded sharply. "Now you are going to do one thing for me, and then I will untie you." Slowly but casually, the Lord unlaced his breeches and drew out his own sex, then stepped forward so that it was practically in Rain's face. It was already half- stiffened. "Take it in your mouth," Michael commanded. "Just the head of it." Rain obeyed, taking his master's warm flesh gently in his mouth, closing his lips around it as he so often had before. He held it there, tasting the salt of skin pressing gently against his tongue, and waited for another order. What would the Lord demand of him this time? Only that he hold it in his mouth, to show his submission, or would he have to suckle him to orgasm? By now he was used to having to swallow his master's seed . . . almost. "Pleasure me, Rain. Do it slowly, tenderly." He obeyed, beginning to nurse upon that warm organ, suckling it, his tongue flicking gently against it, making soft little wet sounds that seemed to fill his own ears. He dared not try to blot out his awareness by thinking of something else. Michael would notice the least inattention; he had long since learned his lesson about how perceptive his master was. *I am used to this*, he reminded himself, and sucked softly upon the organ in his mouth. And he was. It was even pleasant, in a curious way -- if he forgot the indignity of what he was actually doing, and how much pain he was still in. "So obedient . . ." Michael murmured, and Rain could hear the quiet delight in his voice. The Lord's manhood was fully stiffened now, hot and firm as it filled his mouth. That warm feeling of helplessness swelled in him, relaxing his tortured muscles. Rain wished he did not know the feeling so well. He could not measure time. There was only the aching of his own body in the unyielding ropes, the feel and taste and heat of his master's manhood inside his mouth, and that terrible feeling of self-abandonment that came from their mixing together. Even as he himself suffered, he worked to give his master pleasure. He didn't taste the tang of seeping pre-seed upon his tongue, but at length Michael's voice broke the silence: "Release it." Rain opened his jaws carefully and released his master's flesh, careful not to brush it with his teeth. He looked up at Michael. The Lord smiled approvingly at him again. "Well done, Rain," Michael said, and reached down to ruffle his hair. "I will unbind you now, as I promised." The Lord made no move to tuck his still-stiffened organ into his breeches. Instead, he went over to a nearby dresser, from which he took out a pair of shears. Returning, he squatted down beside Rain and began the task of releasing him. He began by cutting the cords between Rain's thighs and the two posts. Then he worked one finger under the knot holding the ropes around Rain's waist, tightening them even further and sending fresh waves of pain through Rain's defenseless flesh. Michael pushed one blade of the shears through the cord beside his finger, and cut the strand with one single, decisive movement, letting the end fall free. The relief was immediate as a coil loosened around Rain's waist, and then Michael was unwinding the cord coil by coil, the cord dropping to the sheepskin rug and sliding about as he worked. Finally he drew the last waist coil free, and let it drop to the rug. At last Rain could breathe deeply again; he filled his lungs to their limits and sighed, relief flooding through him. Next Michael cut the strands spreading his buttocks, working carefully, maneuvering the blade between Rain's clothing and the ropes to avoid cutting cloth or flesh. Rain expected the Lord to take the opportunity to fondle him again, but Michael did not, contenting himself with cutting him free. "I know that you are sore and stiff," Michael said, "but you must raise yourself again. I am going to cut the cords from around your legs." Rain groaned aloud, but the desire to have his legs unbound gave him the will to stand upon his knees one more time. Somehow he managed to obey, the muscles of his legs and his back burning with unbelievable pain, tears starting in his eyes. Michael worked one blade of the shears beneath the ropes again, and cut the knotted loops between Rain's buttocks and thighs. The task required him to grasp and pull up each cheek in turn, but Rain was in too much misery now to care at all. The Lord painstakingly cut and unwound the rope from Rain's thighs, then from his calves and ankles, pulling the strands out from underneath them. Lastly Michael cut and unwound the ropes binding his arms. Rain gritted his teeth, but despite his best effort he cried out again as his arms slipped from the awkward position in which they had been held for so long, his shoulders shrieking their protest. Then Michael's arms were around him, keeping him from falling over. His whole body was one mass of agonized cramping; he could barely feel the warmth of the Lord's embrace, let alone resent it. A long time passed as he knelt there in his master's arms, the red haze of pain thinning. Gradually, the worst of his pain subsided. He could move his arms a little. Michael, still holding him, nudged him gently. "Rise now, if you can." Rain tried to obey, but he could not. His legs would not obey him, and just the attempt sent bolts of unbearable pain through his entire body. He screamed, the cry searing his raw throat; without the Lord's embrace he would have fallen. So instead, Michael pulled him over to lie down on his side on the sheepskins. Sitting cross-legged beside him, the Lord pulled his head into his lap. It was not the first time Rain had had to lie with his head in Lord Michael's lap. He closed his eyes and concentrated on resting, recovering. His muscles still hurt terribly, but they eased little by little. His breathing, which had been coming in anguished gasps, gradually eased and slowed. Michael stroked his hair as he lay there. He wanted so badly not to feel the comfort of that hand, of the Lord's lap, but he was too exhausted to push even the feeling away. He could only lie motionless, accepting that comfort, feeling it relax his muscles. He tried not to think about Michael's now-limp manhood dangling beside his head. Strange that the Lord could hurt him so mercilessly, then comfort him so tenderly. Michael never hurt him casually, out of crude brutality or indifference. Rain had come to understand that, over the months. It was always carefully calculated, as if only a certain kind and amount of hurting pleased the Lord. Always it was followed by this strange tenderness. *It is lovemaking, to him,* the thought came, and in that moment he at last understood the disgust he felt, understood it fully. It was a long time before he felt that he could move, and longer still before Michael gave him permission to get up. Even then, Rain needed his help to stand. "I wish you naked," Michael commanded. "I will help you take off your clothing." He helped Rain get out of his clothes the way one might with a small child, leaving them on the floor beside the sheepskins. After another drink of water, Rain felt himself reviving a little more. At Lord Michael's command, he stretched his arms and legs to further ease the lingering aches. Then came the order: "Now, kneel down again upon the sheepskins." Oh, spirits, was he to be bound again? Surely not. How much more could he endure? Perhaps the Lord only wished to use his mouth. Rain knelt again and took a deep breath, readying himself. "Take your organ in your hand and caress it," Michael commanded. "Arouse yourself." Rain's thoughts froze. He stared back dumbly at Lord Michael, who simply smiled. "Yes, Rain. I want to see you touch yourself." Even the hunger of Rain's loins belonged not to himself but to his master. He had been forbidden to pleasure himself since the day Lord Michael had taken him into captivity. At times, the hunger of his loins had driven him nearly wild. Now, the Lord was commanding him to do so -- while Michael watched and was pleasured by it. Rain could submit to torture; he could kneel before Lord Michael and give him his mouth -- but *this* . . . Something about it was too much. He *could not* obey. "I -- *cannot*." "Of course you can." Michael crouched before him and took his right hand, putting it over his manhood. Staring intently into Rain's eyes, he said, "You can obey me, Rain. Touch yourself. Arouse yourself." Rain's thoughts seemed to go numb, as if he were dreaming. He began to move his hand upon his sex, his mind refusing to fully realize what he was doing. Michael released him, letting him obey on his own. His manhood was limp and barely warm in his grasp, the heat of the earlier teasing gone. Each movement sent an ache through his still-sore arm. "Yes, that's the way," Michael said, and Rain saw that the Lord had put his other hand upon his own sex, stroking himself. "Touch yourself. Toy with yourself. Give yourself pleasure." Rain closed his eyes again, but no rebuke came. Hunger returned to his groin. His manhood swelled, coming to life under his hand. The aching of his arm began to fade from his awareness. Lord Michael was *seeing all this*. His eyes were closed, but he knew it for a certainty. He wished he could just stop, or that he could force his sex to go limp again and stay limp, but he could do neither. His master had given him a command, and his body, long denied, refused to disobey. Oh, if only he could come to orgasm without truly feeling it! But he could not. His arousal grew in warm lapping waves of hungry need as he breathed faster. He gritted his teeth against the first moan that threatened to rise from his throat. Lord Michael said no word. Evidently he was satisfied with what Rain was doing. Another moan escaped his throat. It was a moan of mingled lust and revulsion -- revulsion at being made to do this for a Lord's pleasure, at being watched as he did so. He heard a faint rasp of skin on skin that was not from his own flesh, and realized that it was the sound of Michael also stroking himself. The knowledge sent a jolt of nausea through his belly, and for precious moments the hated lust receded. Yet, even as Rain allowed hope to dawn in his heart -- hope that he would not be able to complete this disgusting act -- his hunger returned, overpowering the sickness. It had been denied for too long, and grown too powerful. "Keep stroking yourself," Michael ordered, his voice hoarse. Rain felt another quiver of nausea, but it was gone in a heartbeat. He was breathing hard now. He was still very much aware of Michael's gaze upon him, but as long as he kept his eyes closed it could not stop the lust from swelling. He no longer even wanted it to. At last, with a hoarse cry of mingled despair and relief, he spurted onto the sheepskins. When he recovered, and opened his eyes, Michael's hard sex almost filled his vision. "Finish me, slave!" Michael commanded, his voice a growl of lust. Rain swallowed hard. With the haze of lust fading fast, he felt nothing but disgust toward his usual duty. Careful not to let it show on his face, he took the stiffened sex into his mouth. To his relief, it didn't take long. Rain licked his lips and swallowed down the lingering taste; he was forbidden to wipe with his hand. Michael tucked his manhood back into his breeches and laced them up. "Rise," he commanded. "Duvier will bathe you and then take you to my bedroom." Rain's eyes turned to his clothing lying on the floor in an untidy pile. "No," said Michael. "You will go naked." The Lord went to one wall and pulled the bell rope to summon Duvier, then turned back to smile at Rain. "You have done well. I will reward you soon." The bland-faced servant appeared swiftly. "Bathe him," Lord Michael commanded. Duvier snapped the leash onto Rain's collar. Rain did not have to be told what to do; he put his hands on the back of his neck, spreading his fingers to let the leash through. Naked save for that collar, the sweat of his suffering still drying on him, he followed Duvier out of the Punishment Room. Later, still naked but no longer reeking of his own sweat, he lay down on his belly upon that magnificent bed at Lord Michael's command. Lingering twinges still ached in every muscle he had, but he was grateful for the comfort. Saying nothing, Michael sat down on the edge of the bed beside him and began stroking his back over and over again from shoulder to buttocks as he lay there. Rain was far too weary to fight the comfort. He wondered if he would be allowed to sleep now. Spirits knew he could use the rest. At length, Michael spoke. "Are you still sore?" "Yes, my Lord." "I will cure that." The Lord stood up and climbed upon the bed beside Rain. Then those strong hands came down on his shoulders and began to massage them, forcing out the soreness there. Michael was as skilled at this as he was at causing agony; under his hands the pain and stiffness slowly drained from Rain's muscles. The Lord leaned down and kissed Rain's flesh now and again as he kneaded it. Rain wished he could flinch away from those kisses. He could do nothing. Nor could he accept the pleasure without shame. He could feel the warmth of Michael on his back as the Lord bent over him, working his flesh. When Michael was done with Rain's shoulders, he worked his way slowly down his spine to his buttocks, massaging them just as thoroughly. Rain tensed a little, expecting the humiliating kisses and caresses he knew too well, but they did not come. Then the massage went slowly down each leg in turn, to his ankles. Finally, to his silent astonishment, Michael gave him a gentle but thorough foot rub, massaging each foot carefully and thoroughly. When the Lord's hands at last left his flesh, Rain's entire body felt like nothing more than a mass of limp jelly. He doubted that he could have moved even if he were ordered to. He wished he did not enjoy the feeling so much. Michael stroked his hair and stood up. "Sleep now," the Lord said. His voice was gentle. "I will demand nothing more of you for a time." His footsteps receded, and Rain heard the door close, leaving him alone in the huge room. For some time he lay there, eyes still open; his thoughts would not allow him to sleep. He tried to push out of his mind the memories of what had happened. He could not. When Michael tortured him, to the Lord's mind it was a kind of coupling. *It is lovemaking, to him,* he thought, remembering the insight he'd had earlier. Not merely coupling, but lovemaking. *Lovemaking.* He wanted to spit at the feel of the word in his mouth. What Great Lord Michael felt for him was certainly not love -- not the love of a Clansman for his kin, or his wife. No Lord could love. But then, what was it? What did Michael *truly* want from him? He turned it over and over in his thoughts as he lay there upon the soft bed, but he could understand nothing more. Finally, his thoughts muddled. He surrendered to sleep.