SWORN PART ONE: CAPTIVITY @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, September 2002. Permission granted to duplicate this story via normal propagation through Usenet and whatever mailing lists it's posted on (but please do not repost; I can do that myself, thank you); to archive it in the official web archives of alt.sex.stories, alt.sex.stories.moderated and alt.sex.stories.gay.moderated, as well as whatever mailing lists I post it on; and to keep one hard copy and two electronic copies for your personal use. All other rights are reserved under the Berne Convention. MANDATORY WARNING: This is hard-core erotica. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading this, don't. AUTHOR'S NOTES: What this series of stories describes wouldn't be healthy in real life. The main character comes to accept and enjoy being enslaved and raped -- and I portray this as a Good Thing. The only reassurance I can offer my readers is: this is a dream you are in, an erotic dream about dominance and submission. It is not a guide to BDSM or the real world -- only a portal into the author's own twisted imagination. All hail Dusk Darkling, who provided most of the beta reading (and advised on Servant Byron's writing equipment); Windrunner and Tyellas, who also beta'd; and Michael Craig, who provided constructive criticism. You can read my other erotic works at: http://members.vclart.net/Maureen/index2.html Captivity (Part One of the "Sworn" series) By Maureen Lycaon LORD MICHAEL: The hostage stood in the meeting chamber under the soft glow of the electric lights, surrounded by the others. He had been looking down at the floor, but he lifted his head to watch me as I approached, and that was when I saw his eyes. Such remarkable large, dark eyes, almost like the eyes of a stag, and filled with a strange mixture of pride and resignation. Martyr's eyes. I knew I would enjoy looking into those eyes. The eyes told me the story: he had resigned himself to what he believed would be lifelong hell, for the sake of a Clan and a smallclan to whom he was totally loyal. He expected to be beaten, tortured, raped brutally, eventually killed. The terms of his oath permitted no resistance, no escape -- not even by killing himself. The best he could hope for was that I would tire of him eventually, so that I might give him back his freedom. Or -- far more likely -- kill and discard him like a broken toy, in which case at least his suffering would end. An hour ago, he had sworn the oath before me and the other Lords of the Gathering. The terms of that oath were quite specific: he was property now, and no human being. I could do what I wished with him. Nor could he disobey me, in anything. Not that I was much concerned about that. We of the Gathering count the Clansfolk as utter barbarians, but they hold to their word above all. They despise oathbreakers as they do no other criminals. Among them, to break one's word is to forsake all honor. I studied the hostage as I walked closer. He was precisely my height. Beyond that, it was hard to say exactly what his body was like, clad as he was in the Plainsfolk's heavy winter clothes of fur and leather. What I could see was his clean-shaven face and his long, straight, hair confined in the usual Clan ponytail. It was a very fair, very young face: fine-boned, pale-skinned, narrow but still beautiful . . . dominated by those proud, dark eyes. There was strength in that face, no question. He wouldn't weep easily, but would preserve his honor for as long as he could. Even under the lights' yellow glow, I could see that his hair was not true blond like my own, but an intriguing reddish- ginger, hinting at auburn. With him were eight others. The Gathering's witness, Servant Byron, stood at the little clerk's table, the ledger open before him, his dip pen beside it. Four of my own servants also stood by, awaiting my orders. Two other Clan members stood nearby: an older man, gray-haired but still powerful, and a younger, tall woman with blonde hair. They waited grim-faced as I approached. I could sense their loathing of me, their hatred of what they were compelled to do. "Great Lord Michael," Servant Byron began, "this is Grayknife Setovar, who represents the Alliance of Clans" -- he indicated the older Clansman -- "and Killdeer Ethon, who represents the captive's own Clan." He nodded at the woman. Then, he turned to the dark-eyed young man. "This is Rain Ashin, of the Brightriver Clan, the Southwest smallclan. He is the one the Brightriver Clan has chosen to honor the treaty. He has already sworn the oath of submission." Since I had witnessed the swearing of the oath, the words were not truly necessary; but the formalities needed to be followed. I nodded and stepped forward, examining the captive closely. He was even younger than I had thought at first glance, certainly no more than eighteen -- too young to be of much standing in his smallclan. His face was as smooth and unblemished as I'd ever seen, with no trace of the ugly freckles that the faint reddish tint of his hair might have signaled. He stared back at me without flinching, refusing to show the fear he must feel. I reached forward, cupping his chin in my hand, and looked carefully into his face. A quick flash of anger passed through his eyes at the touch, but he offered no resistance. "Did you consent to this, Rain?" "Yes." He didn't grant me my honorific. His voice was soft, a little higher-pitched and lighter than mine, but even and unwavering, with the soft Clan accent. "One of several volunteers, I'll wager." They're a brave people, every one. "Weren't you?" His look became a little guarded. "Yes, I was." "Good." We stared at each other for a few more heartbeats. I could sense his loathing. I knew what the Plainsfolk thought of us and our ways. Centuries ago, they had refused our protection and left the City for the Outlands. Now, they called themselves the Clans and saw us only as oppressors. The war had forced them to submit to us, but it had done nothing to truly domesticate them. What was in that untamed soul that looked out at me through those eyes? Was it the kind of soul I required -- even if it were hidden in the body of a Clansman, so deeply buried as to be unknown even to himself? I could not yet tell. I released his head and dropped my hands to my sides, stepping back, and glanced at the two Clan representatives still watching. Not a muscle of the older man's face had moved, but I saw barely visible telltale lines of tension around the woman's mouth. They were powerless here, and they knew it. It was time to begin this slave's first lesson in obedience. "Strip," I commanded him. A pink blush darkened his cheekbones, more at being so brusquely ordered than because of modesty, but he didn't hesitate. Silently, he removed the fur-trimmed leather jacket and handed it to one of my servants who stepped forward to take it. He pulled off his leather tunic and the woolen undershirt beneath, then the boots and the trousers, passing those to another servant. Last of all came the thin thong with its little stone smallclan pendant from around his neck. He handed that to the Plainswoman Killdeer, who accepted it in equal silence. She would cry bitterly when she returned, I suspected, but for now she only gazed back somberly at him without speaking. She accepted his sacrifice. These people don't weep before their enemies. Now he stood naked before me. His body was lean, much leaner than one might have suspected underneath the bulky clothes. Yet muscles there were, well defined without bulging. The skin there was as pale as that of his face -- the cold, cloudy wilds don't tan skin very much. Only a few small scars marked him, on the legs, one on his right arm, another on his belly; possibly hunting accidents, for given his youth, he might never have been in a serious fight. Beneath the nearly auburn hair of his groin, his member hung limp, only a faint circumcision scar marring its length. He was beautiful. His flush deepened as I gazed upon his nakedness, but the expression in those martyr's eyes didn't change. For all his youth, he had the Clansman's control and pride. "Put your hands on the back of your neck," I commanded. He obeyed me immediately, lifting his arms, slipping his hands under his ponytail. I continued to study him, but he neither moved nor showed any emotion. The Clan representatives watched, equally silent and stoical. Finally, I nodded to Servant Byron. "He is acceptable. I will take him into my service." Byron nodded and sat down at the table to write down the transaction in the ledger, and I read and signed it. The formalities were done. It was winter and bitterly cold, so I let Rain put his clothes back on for the journey to my estate. Throughout the groundcar ride, he betrayed no fear or wonder, though I knew it must be strange and unfamiliar to him. He stared silently ahead, awaiting whatever would happen, save when I spoke to him. Something dark and lost showed in his eyes as I explained to him the second oath he must swear when we arrived, the words he must use. It was his only display of emotion. When we reached my mansion, I led him to the main hall to stand before me, to make that vow before all my assembled servants. Though the true oath had already been made, I needed the gesture before my household. Once again I commanded him to strip then and there before them. It must have been grueling for him; this was no longer an enclosed room with only a few witnesses but an entire hall with more than one hundred watchers. Yet he flushed only a little as he complied, handing his clothes over to one of my menial servants, Boudet. My other servants remained silent like the well-trained ones they are, watching. Boudet carried his clothes out of the room. For just a moment, Rain's gaze flickered away from my face to see Boudet go, and I glimpsed that same lost look he had had when I'd explained the oath to him. Then it vanished -- so quickly that, had I less experience, I might have doubted I'd ever seen it. My seneschal Duval, who oversaw my slaves as well as other servants, handed me the leather collar at my order. I stepped forward and solemnly placed it around Rain's neck, buckled it, then stepped back. "Down on one knee," I told him. He sank down gracefully. "Now, the other." His eyes remained locked with mine, but he obeyed with no hesitation. "Put your hands behind your back, and cross your wrists," I continued, and he did so. "Now, acknowledge me as your owner, before my household." "You are my owner, my Lord and my master, Great Lord Michael," he replied. There was no quavering or defiance in that voice -- but no true submission either, not of the kind I wished. It would take long months for him to truly understand what I wanted from him . . . and he might not be able to give it at all. If so, I would indeed tire of him. But there would be more than enough time to find out. For now, I would simply bring home to him his new place in life. "You will obey me in all things, blindly and utterly? Even unto your own destruction?" "Yes, my Lord." "And do you have any rights, anything you may expect from me?" I asked him. "No, my Lord. I am your possession. Do with me what you wish." A slight glaze came over those dark eyes as he spoke. What it must have cost him to speak those words . . . I only nodded. "So it is, as of this day." I lifted my head to take in my watching servants, and addressed them: "You have all witnessed this. Now, hear my words: this man is my property, to do with as I please. You may *not* help him or comfort him, but neither may you mock or abuse him, save as I so command. Remember these words, for the sake of your very lives. You are dismissed." As they filed out, Duval brought me the leash, and I snapped it around the metal ring in the collar around Rain's neck. "Now, lift your hands, put them behind your neck and keep them there," I bade him. "Rise now, and follow me." I knew what he was expecting. I would deal with that first. And afterward -- we could truly begin. RAIN: Rain forced down the despair that threatened to drown him. He would not disgrace himself or his people with any show of weakness. Clansfolk were no strangers to nudity. Relatives and friends often saw one another unclothed in the sweathouses. But now -- being led like a beast through the halls of Michael's home, knowing that he was nothing more than a possession for a wealthy and decadent Lord -- for the first time in his life, Rain felt nakedness as something shameful. As the leash tugged at his neck, the young Clansman desperately wished for clothes. The house was what he would have expected of the home of a Great Lord of the Gathering -- unimaginably huge, strange and rich. Possessions filled the long corridor he walked through: rugs, statues, and upon the walls paintings and the electrical lights that were only a tale to the Clansfolk. The floor was of oddly smooth and shiny wooden planks, wherever the rugs did not cover it. It had been late afternoon when they'd arrived. There had been windows in the main hall to let in the waning light -- tall, narrow ones, unlike the small ones of a Clan house -- but this corridor had none. The electrical lights shed the only illumination. He felt as if he had entered some otherworldly space where day and night did not exist. It felt far too warm for the middle of winter, even in a house. Yet the Lord and his servant wore cloth jackets over their ruffled shirts, just as they had in the meeting chamber. Was the mansion always this warm? The overpowering strangeness of it all, the utter difference from the simple cabins and huts of his own people, was a crushing weight upon his heart. Servants passed by, going to and fro on their errands. None did more than glance at him before passing on, disappearing through the doorways lining the corridor. As he walked behind his master, he managed to catch glimpses of some of the statues and paintings. Though many were of hunting scenes or battles, or simple landscapes, others were of men entwined with other men, performing acts that made his stomach knot. None were of men with women. He knew what the Lords did to their slaves, that they saw no wrong in men taking other men -- had known it when he had stepped forward to offer himself to this fate for the sake of his people. Everyone did. He had foresworn all honor and dignity, save that of obedience. Still, those pictures and sculptures had the power to make his stomach tighten with the beginnings of sickness. It was one thing simply to know what would be done to him; it was another to actually *see* it. At last, Lord Michael and the servant Duval led him into a great room without rugs or windows, only a tiled floor with a drain set into it. It was smaller than the vast hall, but still large enough to hold a variety of bizarre frameworks of metal and padded leather. Rain couldn't make out the purpose of most of the devices, but from the shackles dangling off of some, he guessed that they were meant for holding captives. It took him a moment to identify the objects in the wooden rack on one wall, but then he recognized a bullwhip and what looked like a riding crop such as might be used upon a horse, and his heart thudded. *He is going to torture me now.* Cowardice tugged at him, urging him to fight back, to try to tear off his collar and run -- anything rather than endure this. He reminded himself of his oath. *It's only pain. I can endure pain.* Lord Michael led him to a tall, heavy frame of steel and thick wood, set with thick rings. His blue eyes held no expression -- no pleasure, no compassion, nothing that Rain could read. "Stand there," the Lord commanded in that deep, calm voice of his, and then unfastened the leash. Apparently he trusted Rain to remember his oath and remain there. Rain wondered if he should feel honored at that. He did not reply but merely waited in silence. He'd learned from Michael on the way here that he was not to speak, save to acknowledge a command or answer a question. "Duval." The Lord said no more than that, but the servant went to a cabinet standing against the wall, and came back with a bundle of stout ropes and four thick leather cuffs, set with steel rings, that were too obviously designed to hold even a very strong man. Michael nodded, and Duval came over and put them on Rain. Rain knew he must offer no resistance. He remained motionless as the cuffs were buckled around his wrists and ankles. "Lift your arms up now, over your head," the Lord commanded. Rain felt the quiver of fear in his belly. He took a deep breath and obeyed, lifting his hands from the back of his neck, ignoring the twinges of weary muscles as he raised his arms high. "Bind him, Duval," the Lord said. Duval stepped in close, his clothing brushing against Rain's bare skin as he passed ropes through the rings on the wrist cuffs. Then the servant ran each rope through its own separate ring set into the top bar of the frame. He pulled the ropes tight, forcing Rain's arms up high and apart, and tied them off around a lower ring, out of Rain's reach. "Now, spread your feet wide," Lord Michael said. Rain did so, but the servant suddenly grasped his right ankle and tugged it still farther to the side. Startled, the Clansman had to consciously force himself to permit it. Duval did the same with Rain's left ankle, spreading him still wider, obscenely wide. What little slack there had been in the wrist ropes disappeared; his arms and shoulders and even his back ached with the tension. When Duval was finished, the young Clansman was held spread-eagled within the frame. He knew all too well that every part of his unclothed body was exposed, bared to whatever torture the Lord cared to inflict. Rain tightened his jaw, refusing to show any fear before these men, and once again loathed his nakedness. When both of Rain's ankles had been bound to the frame, Lord Michael told Duval, "Bring the mouth strap." Duval went back to the cabinet and returned with a thick, tough leather strap, which he lifted to Rain's mouth. It obviously wasn't intended as a gag to stifle screams or even words. Instead, it fitted into the Clansman's mouth, pressing down upon his tongue, and then buckled closed behind his head. He swallowed reflexively, tasting the dry leather. "That is to bite down on," Michael told him, then turned to the servant again. "Duval, fetch me the sukai lash." Duval actually started at that. "The sukai lash? Yes, Lord." The servant didn't go to the little rack of whips and crops. Instead, he went to another, taller cabinet and drew out a strange-looking object. It had several tails, like a cat-o-nine- tails, but its substance was of no leather Rain had ever seen. It was actually transparent, like glass -- even the thick handle. He saw it for only a few moments before Duval went behind his back to hand it to Lord Michael. What in all the spirits' unknown names was it supposed to do? He was about to find out. Duval retreated, to stand against a wall awaiting further orders. Behind him, Rain heard a rustle of clothing. He braced himself, anticipating the lash upon his back. There was a soft *crack*, much softer than he would have expected from a whip. A moment later, he felt the individual tails streak across the skin of his shoulders. They left a sharp sting, nothing more. The second blow didn't follow. Instead, Lord Michael's deep voice sounded again. "Not what you were expecting, was it?" Long moments of silence followed, and then Rain realized an answer was necessary. "No, my Lord," he mumbled around the leather bit. "It was not activated." He heard a crisp, quiet, unrecognizable sound, but refused to crane his neck to look behind him and see what it was. "It is now." The second blow came across his shoulders, as the first had. What followed was a ferocious stinging, as if acid had been poured onto an open wound. Each individual lash seemed to inscribe its path across his skin in blazing intensity. And the pain did not ebb -- it grew worse, until he felt as if liquid fire had entered his flesh. His whole body spasmed beyond his control, and he bit down fiercely on the gag even as tears started from his eyes. With the third blow, Rain couldn't hold back a whimper. At each stroke, the fire in his flesh built and built, mocking his desperate attempts to control himself. By the tenth blow, despite his best efforts, his whimpers had turned into a full- throated scream. Soon after that, he was shrieking uncontrollably with every stroke. The gag did nothing to muffle his cries. The individual lines of fire multiplied and spread, joining into one another until they united into one burning mass of agony, covering his back like a cloak of live embers. Once, when he was 14 summers old, he'd suffered a broken arm; it hadn't hurt nearly as much as this. Eventually, he was screaming and begging for mercy behind the gag, all pride broken. His pleas might as well have been the cries of a slaughtered animal for all that Michael paid heed to them. Lord Michael would not stop. Eventually, Rain fainted, falling into a comforting, warm, black nothingness. He roused moments later to hard slaps across his face, and opened his eyes to see the Lord standing before him. Michael's cold face showed no anger, no glee, no regret. When the Lord was certain Rain was fully conscious again, he held up the lash for him to look at. It was no longer clear as glass. Instead, each tail was filled with glowing white light, and little flecks of that light were dripping off the ends to the floor, like water. Only the handle remained transparent. Rain stared at that terrible scourge a few moments, all words frozen in his throat. Then his head jerked away against his will, refusing to look any longer, as if that could stop a resumption of the agony. The Lord nodded, and then walked around the frame to stand behind him once more. Then the flogging resumed. Wherever the tails struck, those glowing flecks seemed to eat into Rain's skin, burning into his nerves with incandescent heat. The sukai lash worked its way down his back to his buttocks, and the backs of his thighs, and finally to the calves of his legs. Then the Lord went around to his front, and flogged him across the chest and belly, and the fire engulfed him utterly. He fainted twice more before it was over. Each time, he was revived, and the flogging continued. Toward the end, he could no longer even plead, only scream and weep, his throat growing raw, sweat running into his eyes until he was nearly blind. He would have accepted death without hesitation to escape the agony; he would gladly have broken his oath, betrayed the Clans, anything. He never knew what caused the Lord to stop. Indeed, for long minutes he was not even aware that the lashes had ceased to fall upon him, as the glowing particles clung to his skin and burned and he sobbed and retched. He came out of his daze as a bucket of water was poured over him. The burning began to die down. He moaned, expecting the flogging to begin again. As he gradually regained full awareness, he realized the water running down his body onto the tiles had a faint, odd, sour smell -- there was something in it. Whatever it was, it quenched that cruel fire, and the agony quickly ebbed. Duval stepped back, holding the now-empty bucket. Lord Michael nodded to the servant, and he put it down and returned to his station against the wall. Rain was still bound to the frame, but the leather bit was out of his mouth. He hadn't been aware of it being removed. "Please . . ." he gasped, his voice hoarse, "No more . . . I beg you . . ." Lord Michael, standing before him now, shook his head. "There is no more." The lash was still in the Lord's hand, but now it was clear again, quiescent. Michael dropped it to the floor as he stepped toward Rain, reaching out to stroke his sweat-soaked hair. "Duval" -- the Lord turned to the servant again -- "fetch me cold water, and a cloth." Duval left the room without a word, taking the bucket with him. Rain hung suspended in his bonds, gasping as his breathing and his hammering heart slowed. As his mind cleared, he became aware of another smell reaching his nostrils -- he had lost control of his bladder during the flogging. The humiliation of that refused to come, lost in the deeper pain of knowing he had broken so easily and so utterly. Duval returned with the laden bucket and a white cloth. He handed them to Michael before returning to his place. To Rain's numbed astonishment, Lord Michael then crouched down and bathed him with his own hands, wiping the damp cloth slowly and gently over sweat-drenched skin. The Lord showed no revulsion at all as he wiped off the urine. He cleaned Rain's genitals and thighs without comment or obvious embarrassment, then calling for fresh water and a cloth from Duval. Against his will, Rain felt himself relaxing under Michael's ministrations. The Lord wiped down his thighs once more, making certain they were entirely clean. Down Rain's knees, his shins and calves, at last even his feet, without embarrassment. Rain looked down at himself, searching for the marks of the lash on his chest and belly. He had thought to see raw, bleeding wounds. Yet, only a few narrow red lines showed upon his flesh, less than might be expected from riding too quickly through thick brush. Michael, now wiping down Rain's left flank, smiled as he saw the Clansman staring at the insignificant welts. "Pain by direct nerve induction," the Lord explained. "It does no damage." Which left Rain little wiser than before. The Lord said nothing more, but bathed every inch of his flesh, washing away the sweat. When Michael was finished, Duval took away the washcloth and bucket again. When the servant had returned, Lord Michael commanded, "Unbind him, Duval." This was done, and Rain stepped free of the frame, feeling his legs still weak as a newborn colt's. He felt as if his very being had been scorched bare, leaving him nothing more to think or feel with. The Lord called again for the leash, snapped it onto Rain's collar once more, and then handed the other end to Duval. "Obey him, Rain," Michael ordered. "Duval, show him to his quarters to rest." The silent servant guided Rain through one long corridor, then another. They met only two other servants on the way, who gave Rain brief, careful looks before going about their duties. Duval led him into a darkened chamber, and turned to touch a little panel on the wall. Light suddenly illuminated the room, from a lamp of some kind set into a recessed well in the ceiling. A bed, much larger than the straw pallets Rain knew, took up most of the space -- a real bed, with a mattress resting upon a brass frame. Its bed-head and foot were curiously fashioned of straight brass bars. A wooden chair stood to one side, pushed against a wall. No furs covered the bed, only a couple of pillows and a quilt of thick woven fabric. There were no windows at all. The feeling of being held in a trap returned, but he felt too empty to care much. Duval led him to the bed, then unsnapped the leash, leaving the collar in place. "Lie down," the servant said. Rain hesitated a moment -- why, he wasn't sure. Perhaps it was the trapped feeling. Perhaps it was some last scrap of resistance against the knowledge that this, now, was his only home. Before Duval could repeat the order, he gathered what was left of his will and forced himself to lie down on that bed. Duval looked at him, no doubt making sure he wasn't about to disobey by getting up. Then the servant turned to touch the panel again, and the ceiling light suddenly darkened, leaving the open door the only source of illumination. Duval walked out of the room without a backward glance, closing the door behind him. At first, Rain thought he was being left in total darkness. But as his eyes adjusted, where the little panel had been, now a square glowed upon the wall -- the panel was lit from within. No doubt the glow came from the same mysterious electricity that the ceiling light used. It shed just enough light that he could make out the outlines of the room, the door, and the chair in the corner. The buckle on his leather collar pressed into the skin of his neck, and he felt a brief but powerful urge to undo it, tear it off and hurl it away. Instead, he reached up and worked it around so that he was comfortable. He forced himself to relax onto the bed, feeling the deep soreness of his muscles, the aftereffects of struggling wildly in his bonds. The room was too warm for getting under the quilt, even for a man without clothing, so he simply lay on top of it. The mattress underneath felt incredibly soft, much softer and more comfortable than straw; he almost thought he could sink into it and be swallowed up. The sheer comfort was almost blissful, after what he had just endured. He shivered once, then simply lay there with eyes closed, trying not to think. Nevertheless, his mind began working again. He had never imagined such pain as he had just suffered. In his mind and his heart, he had known what he was consigning himself to when he had volunteered to be the sacrifice. He'd known that for all intents and purposes, his life was at an end. But he had not truly understood. He had thought he could bear any pain. Instead, he had been broken in the space of a single flogging. Lord Michael had reduced him to begging for mercy, even the mercy of death, so easily. Rain would gladly have killed himself or the Lord, betraying his honor and his Clan, rather than go on enduring that lash for one more moment. Surely he could be made to suffer like that for much longer -- perhaps for days or even weeks. The thought made bitter nausea rise in his stomach, forcing him to swallow down the bile. What would it be like to have to endure such pain again and again for the rest of his life? By the terms of the oath, he could not even slay himself to end the pain. He could not possibly abide by what he had sworn. He would certainly forsake his vow and betray the Clans. His people's only hope was that when that happened, Lord Michael would ignore his pleas for mercy and not let him go back on his word. And this was what he had consigned himself to. A soul-deep, excruciating longing rose in his heart for all he had left behind: the simple cabins and wooded plains of the Outlands, the Southwest smallclan folk he had grown up with and lived with, the feel of the cool spring wind. Things he would never see or feel again; friends and kin whose voices he would never hear, whose company he would never again know. Alone, where neither Lord Michael nor his servants could see him do it, Rain turned his face into the quilt and began to weep softly but bitterly, the sobs shaking his entire body. They brought no true comfort. Afterward, he rubbed his eyes and his cheeks carefully to remove all traces of his weak tears, and fell into an exhausted sleep. He awakened when the door opened -- he was lying on his side, head on a pillow. The Clansman had no idea how long he had slept; he was given no time to ponder it, for a figure stepped in, alone. Even by the faint light of the wall panel, Rain recognized the intruder as Lord Michael -- he was growing familiar with how the Lord moved, and could see his free-flowing pale hair. Michael was fully dressed once more, though he no longer wore the jacket over his strange frilly shirt. Rain's heart pounded wildly; only by a great effort of will did he keep himself from trembling as the Lord approached. What did Michael want? To torture him again, or simply to use him? Michael touched the panel, and light flooded the room once again. Then he turned toward the bed. His face was impassive as he walked toward Rain. He stopped, looking down upon the young Clansman, and stared into his face a long time without speaking. Rain forced himself to meet that unfathomable gaze, but he couldn't help swallowing anxiously. He was suddenly aware of his own nakedness again, of how vulnerable he was. The Lord nodded twice, almost as if to himself, and then turned away to fetch the chair. He dragged the chair over to sit in it, beside the bed. Reaching forward, he took Rain's head in his hands, as if to prevent him turning away. They were gentle hands, with no cruelty or even brusqueness. Rain didn't resist. The Lord's face was as gentle as his hands as he looked down upon Rain, his blue eyes almost tender. "You have been weeping," he stated, his deep voice soft. Rain blinked. He'd thought he had left no telltale signs of tears, but there was no denying the certainty in Michael's voice. He knew. The Clansman bit back a denial -- after the sukai lash, he had no wish to arouse this man's wrath. "Yes, my Lord," he admitted, feeling his cheeks heat. Lord Michael sighed. And then, astonishingly, one of those gentle hands was stroking Rain's hair, as if to comfort him. "I don't blame you," Michael said. Rain stared back at him, baffled. The Lord's softness now was so totally at odds with what he had done to him earlier. The Clansman didn't trust it at all. "Is gentleness from me so hard to accept, then?" Michael asked, and smiled, with that same tenderness. "Never mind -- I understand, Rain. You're afraid of me. You fear me terribly, after yesterday. And you dread breaking your oath and failing your Clan." Rain closed his eyes, his face growing still warmer. The stroking of his hair continued. "You expect to be tormented like that for what remains of your life, don't you?" "Yes, my Lord." His control broke for a moment; a shudder ran through him, and a stab of shame as he realized Michael could see and feel that shudder. Rain braced himself, forcing down his fear and despair. "That's why I used the sukai lash," the Lord said. "Now we are done with that and we can truly begin. You need not fear that you will ever face that lash again, Rain." Rain opened his eyes. He sought to guard himself, but he couldn't help the swelling of utter relief in his heart. Lord Michael smiled at his expression. "I know . . . You believe the Lords to be without honor, and so my word is valueless to you. But for what it is worth, I swear: unless you ask me for it of your own free will, I will never again make you suffer so much pain. In time, you will see that my word is good. "Yes, in some ways I do enjoy watching a slave suffer for me," the Lord went on, his smile broadening for a moment, becoming something less gentle, before fading. "And sometimes you *will* know pain in my service, both for correction when you have erred and simply for my pleasure. But never again will it be so great, nor by that lash, unless you yourself desire it. I have no intention of torturing you to the point of madness or death, or even beyond bearing. "Now, turn onto your belly. I wish to touch you, so remain there and do not move until I say so." Sickness welled in Rain's stomach. *He will rape me now . . .* Well, that was no more than what he had expected when he had sworn his oath. It could be no worse than the whipping. He obeyed, pushing the pillow away and rolling onto his stomach, face pressed into the sheets. The Lord got onto the bed with him, straddling him. Rain felt Michael's hand once again stroking his hair, the back of his head. Then the Lord's fingers were doing something to the little thong that held his hair in its Clan ponytail. He didn't realize what it was until his long hair, released, fell onto his shoulders and the quilt. He felt a sharp stab of mingled humiliation, anger and grief. That ponytail was one of the things that marked a Clansman; feeling it being loosened brought home to him just how much else he had lost. "I understand what this means," Michael's voice spoke above him, as both hands spread out his hair to bare his shoulders. "But you are no longer anything but my slave. No slave of mine will wear such beautiful long hair bound like that, not unless I so will it. I want to see it flowing onto your shoulders and down your back and chest when you stand or kneel before me, to make you look as handsome as possible." Michael's hands moved down to Rain's shoulders, exploring. Massaging deeply to feel the muscles there, then moving on as if satisfied. Then down his flanks, gently, but firmly enough not to tickle. Rain felt like an animal being prodded and examined for its meat. His whole face was warm now. Lord Michael felt his body over from head to feet, slowly and thoroughly. Then the Lord's hands moved up again along the backs of his legs, up his thighs, until they rested on his buttocks, which were explored as gently but thoroughly as the rest of him had been. Rain held himself carefully still, wanting all the while to curse and twist away, trying to ignore the painful heat of his face. The edges of both Michael's hands moved inward, dipping into the division between Rain's buttocks -- and then the palms slowly spread them apart, exposing his anus so that he could feel cool air against it. He knotted his fists in the quilt. His guts tightened painfully as if the entry were already happening. There was nothing he could do to stop this. Nothing. He could not lift a hand against Lord Michael, or even plead with him. He had sworn to obey. Warm breath blew on his anus, telling him the Lord was leaning down to study it more closely, breathing upon it. His buttocks were firmly pulled still wider. And then Michael's face was pushing into them, and lips pressed against that undefended opening, giving it a gentle kiss. Rain's entire body jerked with surprise. The Lord drew away slowly, releasing his buttocks. "You fear I am going to take you there now, don't you?" he said. "Yes, my Lord," Rain almost whispered. "You need not fear. I will not use your anus today, nor tomorrow, nor for many days." Rain almost gasped in relief. "I will not do so until -- well, let's just say it will not be for long weeks, perhaps months. But one day I will. "Now, roll onto your back. I wish to see you face to face." Rain turned over onto his back, his feet brushing against the insides of Michael's legs as he did so. His skin felt as if it wanted to crawl away from the contact. *I must let him do this.* But oh, spirits, what it was costing him . . . The Lord moved off of him slowly, deliberately, to stand on the floor beside the bed once again. He picked up the chair and put it aside, clearing his way. Then he leaned over to take Rain's head gently in his hands and kiss him softly, lingeringly on the lips. Rain's first impulse was to jerk his head back at that intimate brushing of lips upon lips. He restrained himself, and submitted to the touch. It was a strange and terrible experience, knowing that he must submit to this, to being kissed and touched by this man, that he had no right to refuse nor ever would again. Perhaps it would have been easier simply to be roughly used. When the Lord drew away a little, Rain took a deep breath, then let it out, trying to clear his thoughts and brace himself for whatever came next. Michael took Rain's hands in his and guided them above his head, before taking him into his arms. "Clansmen do not lie with other men, do they?" Michael remarked. "No, my Lord," Rain answered, as he looked into Michael's face and silently cursed his blushing. "But you have lain with women, no doubt. The ways of two people in bed are not wholly strange to you, are they?" "No -- that is, yes, my Lord -- I have lain with women." "Good. *Submit to me*, Rain." Lord Michael's tone of voice brooked no resistance. The Lord's face filled Rain's vision as Michael lowered his head to kiss the Clansman again. And Rain submitted. For long, uncounted moments the Lord simply kissed him on the mouth, nothing more. It felt alien, having another man's face so close to his, the smell of him in his nostrils. But it was not beyond bearing, he decided. Then, with no warning, Michael's tongue slid into his mouth. For all his resolve, Rain reacted without thinking. His head jerked to one side as he gagged. The Lord drew away, releasing his hands, and straightened up. There was no anger on his face; in fact, there was no expression there at all. He was as emotionless as he had been while wielding the sukai lash. "Get up," he commanded, all softness gone from his voice. Rain gathered his wits and quickly obeyed, getting off the bed to stand before Lord Michael. "Kneel before me!" Michael's voice was iron. Rain sank down onto his knees on the hard wooden floor in front of the Lord, trying to ignore the violent thudding of his heart, the chunk of ice that seemed to have formed in his stomach. The Lord ignored him for a moment, to turn and sit down carefully on the edge of the bed. Then he returned his gaze to Rain, who now had to look up to meet his cold, stern eyes. "Turn and face me," he ordered. Rain turned around on his knees, as he hoped desperately that none of the fear he felt showed on his face. He lifted his head to look up at the Lord once more, clamped his jaw and waited. Michael's eyes were still implacable. "Do you wish to go back upon your oath?" the Lord demanded. Rain felt the blood leave his face. The ice in his stomach spread to his heart in a single moment. "No, my Lord." "Then it would appear that you need to be reminded of some things. First, always remember that you are my slave. You will resist *nothing* that I choose to do to you. *Nothing*. You do *not* draw away from me, ever. You are my possession, and I will touch you as I will. Do you understand me?" "Yes, my Lord," Rain managed. "Did you somehow not understand this when you swore your oath?" "Yes, my Lord. I understood it." "Then why did you draw away?" "I -- was surprised, my Lord," he said carefully, sure that the truth would only enrage the Lord more. "And disgusted as well, I'd wager," Michael said, his voice gentling. Something indefinable in his expression softened just a little. "The truth, now. You were disgusted and ashamed at having my tongue in your mouth, weren't you? Do not lie to me, Rain." His eyes locked with Rain's, as if they would never release the Clansman until he told the truth. Rain looked back into those icy blue eyes, and realized it was of no use to try to deceive this Lord. No matter how angry he might be at an honest answer, he would be angrier if Rain lied to him. Suddenly, Rain's own disgust felt absurd to him. When he'd sworn the oath, he had been prepared to perform whatever vile acts this decadent Lord might demand -- having to use his mouth on him, being used from behind, being given to others to be used. Why should he balk at merely being kissed? Lord Michael's eyes were still locked with his, demanding an answer. "Yes, my Lord," Rain admitted. "I was." The Lord nodded. "So I expected." And then, to Rain's amazement, he smiled. "I think, in the end, I can teach you to take joy in your tasks. For now, simply apologize, and we will continue this lesson." Rain took a deep breath. "I am sorry, my Lord. I beg your pardon." *Joy? How can he imagine such a thing?* But now was no time to dwell on that. Lord Michael nodded, accepting the apology. "Now, get back onto the bed, and lie down beside me." A little awkwardly, Rain rose from his aching knees and climbed back onto the bed. The Lord turned, and with his hands guided Rain to lie down facing him, pausing briefly to thrust a pillow under his head. Then Michael pulled over another pillow for his own head, lay down beside the young Clansman, and took him into his arms. To be so intimately, casually touched by another man . . . Once again, Rain knew the quiver of revulsion, though not as intensely as before. And yet -- the warm, gentle embrace also felt curiously comforting. Certainly better than being flogged. Lord Michael smiled, the softness back in his eyes. He reached up to slip one hand under Rain's hair, his fingers brushing the leather collar, and held the back of his head. "Much better," he remarked. "Now we are both comfortable." He lifted his arm, put his hand on the back of Rain's head, drew the Clansman's face to his and began kissing him again. On the lips a few times, as if to start over, and then his tongue was once again questing between Rain's lips. The Clansman was prepared now. He refused to give in to the impulse of disgust, to flinch away. Instead, he took a deep breath, and opened his mouth a little. Michael's tongue entered again; this time, Rain didn't gag at the intrusion. Michael's mouth was never anything but gentle. Once Rain's first reaction had passed, the kissing grew much easier. There was even a certain pleasure in simply lying here being held and kissed, at having to do nothing save accept. Had the women he'd kissed felt something like this? For a long time, the Lord simply contented himself with teaching him to accept being kissed by another man. He explored and plundered Rain's mouth, all the while gently stroking his hair, and softly rubbing and massaging his shoulder and even his neck over the collar. At length, Lord Michael drew away a little. "Now, return the favor." Rain's stomach lurched, bringing him out of that state of languid acceptance. Michael's eyes looked deeply into his again, and the Clansman had no doubt the Lord guessed what he was feeling -- and expected him to obey anyway. The Lord's hand pressed gently on the back of his neck, against the collar. *Well, I have kissed before, after all.* It might be less humiliating than having to passively accept Lord Michael's lips and tongue, anyway. Bracing himself, he kissed Michael on the lips, in the same gentle fashion as he himself had been kissed. The Lord's scent, muskier and heavier than a woman's, filled his nostrils; he had to pause, to gather his will to continue. He simply kissed the Lord, lips brushing lips, several times. Then he felt he could delay no longer. He pushed his tongue into Michael's mouth. Reluctance made him awkward, but the Lord offered no correction. Rain explored cautiously, hesitantly. He pushed his tongue toward the back of Michael's mouth, and felt the Lord suck gently on it. He smelled Michael's breath, warm and humid but not unpleasant; he tasted his saliva, faintly sweet. Michael's hand on the back of his neck began to move, massaging him again. As he grew accustomed to it, the Clansman called upon what experience he had with women, did what he had done with them. He moved his tongue softly against Michael's, explored his mouth, took Michael's lower lip between his own and pressed it gently. The sickness in his belly dwindled and vanished, forgotten. At last, Lord Michael grasped a handful of his hair and used it to pull him back, gently but firmly. "Enough," the Lord said. "And much better." He smiled, his eyes soft with approval. "Now I will explore you a little more." Michael's hand gripped Rain's shoulder lightly, then moved slowly down his upper arm, squeezing just a little to feel the muscle there. Then it moved to his chest to stroke slowly downward. To Rain's surprise, it stopped at his nipple and began to toy with it. Rain controlled himself, holding still. Those exploring fingers were gentle, much too gentle to hurt. In fact, they gave him a strange sensation as they softly stroked and caressed his nipple. Suddenly he realized that his flesh was reacting, the nipple stiffening as a woman's would. Deep rage flared in him, rage that the odd caresses were calling forth this response from his weak flesh. He wanted to strike out at the Lord, to lash out against this violation; the muscles in his arms quivered with tension. Only with a great effort of will was he able to keep his arms down. His hands balled into fists on the quilt. Lord Michael saw his anger. "You don't want to respond, do you?" And he actually smiled at the young Clansman. *You spirit-forsaken pig!* Rain wanted to snarl. Instead, he managed between clenched teeth, "No -- I don't, my Lord." The Lord nodded. The amused smile faded, leaving his face calm. Clearly, Rain's anger meant little to him; he knew that the Clansman would not go back on his oath. At least he was not angered in return. "This caress feels strange to you, doesn't it?" he said, toying with Rain's nipple again. "Yes . . . my Lord." "You thought that a touch only for a woman." "Yes -- my Lord." Rain forced himself to breathe evenly, to relax his taut muscles. His anger would avail him nothing. Michael smiled again, his eyes almost tender. "Make no mistake; whatever you might think, you are not a woman to me, Rain. It is men's bodies that I find beautiful, men whom I wish to command and be pleasured by. Have no fear on that score." Mingled sickness and relief warred within Rain's heart. "Now, roll onto your back again, reach up with both arms, and seize the bars on the bed-head," the Lord continued. "Do not let go until I tell you. Offer me both your nipples. I wish to touch them still more." The sour taste of helplessness rose in the back of Rain's throat, forcing him to swallow it down. There was no use in nursing his anger, he reminded himself. His future held much worse than this. But the knowledge brought him little comfort. He turned onto his back, and reached up to the bars above his head, gripped them as he had been commanded, leaving his entire chest and belly exposed to the Lord's hands. That cursed blush was warming his cheeks again; he could feel it. With an effort, he thrust down his aching pride. *I belong to him*, he reminded himself. *I have sworn.* He closed his eyes, distancing himself as best he could. Almost, he wished that Lord Michael would be merely brutal with him instead. Almost. The memory of the sukai lash was too fresh to let him wish that wholeheartedly. Now Michael sat up on the bed, looming over him. Both those clever hands reached for Rain's nipples and began to work -- caressing them, slowly stroking them between fingers and thumb, palpating them gently. Despite Rain's best attempts not to react, his nipples stiffened even more. The tickling sensations spread through his chest. He found that he actually wanted more of the touches; his back sought to arch into them as if his body had a will of its own. *It's just sensation*, he told himself. *It means nothing.* His body made a liar out of him. To his horror, an all-too- familiar warmth was filling his manhood. Oh, spirits forfend . . . the last thing he wanted just now was to grow aroused . . . *I am being used*, he thought. *I will not let him say that I enjoy it.* He tightened his grip on the bars and endured the touches, trying to think of anything but the sensations they aroused. He reached for his anger, his disgust at this unnatural act, tried to fill himself with those emotions and blot out the pleasure. His traitorous body paid him no mind. At last, like a warrior who throws himself on his enemy's very sword rather than be taken alive, he burrowed into his most painful recent memories, seeking to destroy his body's burgeoning lust. The tearing sorrow of saying farewell to his friends and his kin; the horrible lashing he'd received; the grief and homesickness that had brought him to tears . . . The warmth at last abandoned his manhood, and even the Lord's caresses on his stiffened nipples lost their magic. If Michael had glimpsed any sign of that inner struggle, he said nothing. Eventually, he seemed to tire of the bizarre caresses. He ran his hand ever so slowly down Rain's belly and gently rubbed the place between navel and pubic hair. Michael explored there for a little while, his fingers gently caressing around Rain's navel and then downward, his hand rubbing firmly enough to feel the muscle underneath the skin. The hand moved lower still, stroking his pubic hair. "Such a fine pelt you have there," the Lord observed. "Thick and dense like a sheepskin. It is lovely." Rain felt his blush return. He heard the Lord's low chuckle, a sound both amused and indulgent. The hand descended, to gently grip his manhood. Rain's eyes flew open at that touch, and he gasped. Every instinct he had screamed at him to jerk away, to lash out. Lord Michael's eyes lifted to look deeply into his again. Rain couldn't read his expression. The Lord spoke calmly, with authority, while his hand remained on the Clansman's flesh: "*Submit*, Rain." The simple command did something to Rain that he couldn't understand. Looking back into those probing eyes, he felt his urge to resist abandon him, leaving behind only helpless resignation -- and a curious warmth. He stared back into Lord Michael's eyes, drew a careful breath and let it out, then nodded. The Lord's hand left his sex, moving up to stroke his hair instead. "You don't want to respond to me, do you?" Michael was still looking deeply into his eyes, his face. "You wish to stay soft." Rain had no strength left with which to deny it. It seemed that no lie or deception would fool this man. "Yes, my Lord." Michael nodded. "This must be very humiliating for you. I could tell you that there is no need to feel shame, Rain, but that would mean nothing to you now. "Nevertheless, you must obey me. Cease resisting me. Do not think of anything but my hands upon you. Let your body respond." Rain swallowed. His gaze lowered without his will. "Yes, my Lord." From the edge of his vision, he could see that Lord Michael was still watching his face. The Lord nodded, once. Then his hand left Rain's hair to grip his manhood again, and began to fondle it. Rain closed his eyes once more. A long, silent time passed, time in which he felt the warmth and hunger return to his flesh -- warmth he was forbidden to resist. Then the touches changed, the Lord's hand stroking him from root to tip. Michael never changed that slow pace, and his hand was never anything but gentle. Rain felt himself responding once more. He couldn't stop it. He was forbidden to resist. *Why can he not just use me and have done with it? Why must he make me want his touch?* He clenched his jaw, holding as still as he could. He couldn't control the hunger of his organ, but he could preserve at least a shred of pride by giving Lord Michael as little response as he could. The warmth filled his manhood now, stirring it again, stiffening it. His hips wanted to flex and thrust, wanted to push that swollen flesh into the Lord's knowing hand. It was harder and harder to keep his self-control as hungry lust made him feel every touch keenly, stiffening his nipples further, until they almost hurt. His breathing was growing harsh; he struggled not to pant. "Go ahead, move your hips, Rain. Submit to me. Submit to the pleasure." *Spirits curse you!* Rain thought. But the words left him no more choice. To pull away, to move his hands from the bars, even to resist his own hunger -- these things were forbidden. He surrendered, as he knew he must, thrusting into Michael's hand as lust lapped through him in warm waves. He gasped at a deft flick of Michael's fingers, just behind the head of his organ, which sent a lash of pleasure through his whole body. His hands flexed, clutching the bars of the bed- head, his whole body lost now in sensation. Lord Michael lifted his free hand to touch one nipple and caress it again. The first moan came from his unwilling throat. Then another. "Ah, such a sweet voice," Michael said, and caressed him with his fingertips. Rain gasped again, shuddering like a dying animal. His head went back as his moans became more shameless. The Lord's lascivious fingers were moistened by his first seeping essence. He would never, ever know how long that state lasted, with him gasping, moaning, squirming, and thrusting into Lord Michael's hands. The dark spell of pleasure broke only when those hands stopped, ceasing to caress him. He felt the mattress give and sink as the Lord shifted his weight. Rain lifted his head to look at him. Michael had straightened up on the bed and was smiling down at him. This arrogant Lord had brought him to shameless, animal arousal, then denied him -- and now was gloating over him. Only the memory of the oath he had sworn restrained Rain as his fists gripped the bars to white-knuckle tightness, arms shaking with the strain, and he silently cursed Michael with every foul word he knew. As the Lord gazed down upon him, that smile faded. Michael nodded, as if acknowledging his emotions without responding to them. He didn't seem worried. "You are angry," he stated calmly. Rain glared back at him, not certain whether an answer was required or not -- and not trusting himself to speak. "Give me an answer, Rain." Some of the iron was back in that voice. "You are angry, are you not?" After a moment, Rain admitted, "Yes, I am . . . Lord." "You believe me to be laughing at you for becoming aroused. You imagine that I despise you." "I -- yes, my Lord." Michael nodded again. "Understandable," he remarked. "You still think of me as your enemy." Rain muttered "Yes, my Lord," before wondering if Michael had really expected an answer to that too. A silence grew between them, stretching into long moments. Rain felt a throb of hunger in his manhood; it was still swollen. He closed his eyes, turning his head away. Feeling another touch upon that stiffened flesh, he opened his eyes. The Lord had bent over him and caressed his organ again. "Would you like more of that?" Michael asked. Rain stared up at him, torn by conflicting emotions. What to answer -- a defiant "no", and risk being mocked and perhaps punished? "Yes", and admit how completely the Lord's hand had subdued him with pleasure? Chill, heavy helplessness spread through his soul. He would be allowed no pride at all, it seemed. "Yes," he admitted, his voice weak even in his own ears. Lord Michael simply nodded again. "Good. I *will* satisfy you, but before that I wish to give you your first lesson in pleasing me. Hopefully you'll now find it less distasteful. Afterward, provided you do well, I will reward you. I will go slowly, and keep your inexperience in mind." Lord Michael moved off of him and climbed down from the bed, slowly, unhurriedly, swinging his feet to the floor. "You may let go of the bars now," he told Rain. "Get up off the bed, and stand on the floor with me." Rain obeyed, feeling his still-stiffened manhood swaying as he moved to stand before the Lord. Michael sat down on the edge of the bed again, facing Rain, and spread his knees apart. Taking a pillow from the bed, the Lord dropped it to the floor between his feet. "I think that will be easier for you," Michael remarked. "Kneel on the pillow." Rain felt his face heat again. He was acutely self-conscious as he knelt down upon the pillow before the Lord, all too aware of how abject he looked. At least this time he wasn't in front of Lord Michael's entire assembled body of servants. "No, you need not raise yourself upon your knees," the Lord corrected. "Sit down on your calves. Yes, that's right." As Rain sat kneeling between Michael's opened thighs, the Lord's groin bare inches from his face, he suspected what he would be called upon to do now. It was not unknown to his own people -- when done by a woman, for a man. But for a man to suckle another man, let alone a Lord . . . *I must do this,* Rain told himself. *I must.* He felt his arousal mercifully dwindling. Lord Michael wasted no time, but spread his own thighs wider apart. The shape of his organ was obvious underneath the tight cloth of his trousers. "Open my trousers, Rain," the Lord commanded. Rain reached forward with both hands. Slowly, cautiously, he fumbled with the lacings -- they were different from those of Clansfolk, shorter and tighter, which made the knot at the top harder to loose. Finally he managed to untie it. He opened the flaps, so that the wiry pubic hair emerged. The Lord was wearing nothing underneath those thin trousers, not even a loincloth. So short were the laces, he'd have to pull them out of their eyelets to reach Michael's sex. He hesitated. "Go ahead, remove the laces," Michael's voice sounded. With some difficulty, Rain drew the laces out of several successive eyelets, until the Lord's organ was half-exposed. "Continue," Lord Michael said. "Draw out my member, and take it in your hands." Rain hesitated a moment, then reached forward again and carefully pulled out Michael's organ. Its warmth was like a shock to his fingers. He hated the feel of it, wanted to drop it and wipe his hands off. He did not want to do this, and he knew he must, that there was no escape from the necessity of it. Michael had not commanded him any further. Rain knelt there with the Lord's manhood in his hands, and looked up at Michael's face, uncertain. "Hold it in your hands for a moment," Michael told him. "Just look at it and feel it. Get to know how it feels." Rain lowered his eyes to the flesh he held, feeling its warm weight in his hands. It was about as long as his own, perhaps a little thinner, but uncircumcised -- something unheard of among Clansmen. He'd never seen a foreskin on an adult man before. The pubic hair was paler than his own, only a few shades darker than the Lord's blond mane. It was also stiffer and wirier, and less dense -- Michael was little exposed to cold, even in winter. The Clansman found himself caught in mingled distaste and fascination, feeling the manhood so like and yet unlike his own. It was rousing, just from his touch -- the tip was reddening. *It is not so bad, after all. It's just different. I can grow used to it.* The queasiness of his stomach mocked his efforts. *I must,* he reminded it. "Very good, Rain," Michael said. "Now, put your mouth on it. Kiss the tip." Rain gathered his will. He lowered his head, and kissed Michael's manhood on its very tip, a little over the slit. The warm flesh against his lips filled his awareness and drove out all other thought, as if the organ were already forcing its way into his mouth. His stomach hitched. "Good. Again," Michael's voice commanded. Rain obeyed once more. His stomach quivered, less strongly now. "Again -- more softly and respectfully this time." He felt as if he himself were being diminished as he feigned humble reverence for the organ, kissing it more slowly. The spasms of his belly subsided, giving in to the inevitable. He glanced up into Lord Michael's eyes, seeing the glitter of lust there. The Lord looked back intently at him and nodded once, almost imperceptibly, acknowledging his reluctance without making any concession to it. "Listen to me well, now," Michael said. "You are going to pleasure me with your mouth, and I do not wish to have to urge you on. Do you understand me?" "Yes, my Lord." Rain made himself breathe evenly and listen, forced himself to look the Lord in the eye. "You will take care not to touch me with your teeth, and when I spend, you will swallow my semen without my having to command you further. You will hold my member in your mouth then, gently, until I say that you may release it." Rain swallowed. "Yes, my Lord." "Now, take it into your mouth, just the head at first. Take a deep breath first -- that will keep you from gagging. Rest your hands on my knees or my thighs, if you wish." Lowering his head again, Rain braced himself . . . opened his mouth . . . took Lord Michael's flesh into his mouth, feeling it rest upon his tongue, press gently against the roof of his mouth. He couldn't help but taste it, its slight saltiness and the faint musk of sex. His stomach quivered again, beginning to rebel once more. Again he forced it down, breathing hard through his nose. Holding the Lord's organ in his mouth, he put his hands on Michael's thighs, awaiting the next order. "Tongue it, Rain. Lick it. Please me." Closing his eyes, Rain touched his tongue to the tip, tasting the salt of Michael's skin. His stomach heaved one more time, and then was still. The Lord gave him no further order, no permission to stop, and so he continued to lick the organ in his mouth. The taste and the feel were not as bad as he would have expected, even with the foreskin. They were not bad at all, really. He sighed through his nose as he worked, tonguing his master's sex, feeling himself grow accustomed to the strange task. The flesh stiffened and grew warmer as he worked. He wasn't sure if that were worse or better. It was . . . different. His own arousal had gone, his manhood hanging limp. A mercy, he decided. He had no wish to find this act arousing. The Lord's hand was stroking his hair again. He wanted to resist the soft pleasure of that touch, but he didn't have the energy or the concentration just now. It was all focused upon the act he had to perform. A small ache made itself felt in his neck as he worked with lowered head. He had almost forgotten his shame, until Lord Michael spoke again. "You are doing well, Rain," that deep, gentle voice said, with only a hint of huskiness, and Rain felt himself cringe inwardly. "But you must become more adventurous. Go ahead, explore my member with your tongue now -- you can take more of it into your mouth to do it." The Clansman did as he was bidden, taking more of the manhood into his mouth. He found that he could overcome his urge to gag by that deep breathing, just as Michael had said, and by not letting the tip brush his throat. He moved his tongue along it in whatever new ways he could think of: stroking, tapping, caressing. He even tried slipping the tip of his tongue into the slit; that actually drew a gasp from Michael. The Lord's breathing was becoming uneven, shaky, as Rain worked. "Very good," Michael said, his voice low and husky. "Work more quickly, now -- no, not too quickly," as Rain tried to seize the opportunity to hurry, eager to get the task over with. The Lord's hand came to rest on the top of his head, firm, commanding, and he stopped. "It's no use trying to finish swiftly, Rain," Michael admonished, the note of command in his voice once more. "You are going to have to do this every day, sometimes more than once. You will do better to accept that fact, and grow accustomed to pleasing me with your mouth. No, keep tonguing me even as I speak. I did not give you permission to cease. And now, suck upon it, as well." Rain felt heat flare on his cheeks at the rebuke. He began his work again, trying to ignore the worsening ache of his neck, the beginning of weariness in his jaw muscles. Michael once more stroked his hair as he worked. He heard the Lord begin to breathe raggedly again, the muscles of the thighs tightening under his hands. A deep, soft moan came. Another. The hand clenched in his hair, then abandoned him. He felt as if he knew every inch of the organ in his mouth, how it tasted, how it felt -- a knowledge he had never wanted but had had to gain anyway. Then he tasted the first salt of arousal, the seeping fluid that signaled true excitement. The revulsion he thought he had conquered rose to choke him. He jerked back, releasing the organ and letting go of Michael's thighs as he gagged. A moment later, his chin was seized in strong hands. He almost lifted his arms to fend Lord Michael off, to resist -- but at the last moment, he remembered himself, and let the Lord force his head back up. He was still gagging a little; he swallowed hard to quell it as he met those stern blue eyes once again. *He will surely punish me now . . .* Michael did, dealing him a single, firm slap across the cheek. Rain shuddered, knowing that he must not lift a hand in his own defense. His fists balled tightly at his sides as he looked into the Lord's stern eyes, feeling hot anger well up in his heart. The imprint of the slap burned on his cheek. He waited, but no second slap followed. Michael's gaze never wavered from his. "I did not give you permission to cease," Lord Michael said, his tone of voice as even as it ever had been. He released Rain's head. "Now, continue." Rain took a deep breath, fighting to regain control of himself. The Lord waited. At last, the Clansman leaned forward, put his hands back on Michael's thighs, lowered his head to resume his task. He had lost ground, but soon Michael was breathing raggedly again, then gasping. Rain tasted the Lord's salty fluid of arousal again, but at least this time the element of surprise was gone. He forced down the urge to gag with everything that he had, and succeeded. The Lord did not correct him again until the end. By the shudders of Michael's sex and the tensing of his legs, Rain had enough warning to brace himself. He refused to let himself know the taste the Lord's essence spurting into his mouth, swallowing as quickly as he could. Even so, a faint warmth lingered at the back of his throat. Michael's manhood quivered a last time, then grew still. *I have sworn to obey*, Rain reminded himself. It was little comfort. His stomach heaved, wanting to reject what he had just swallowed. His jaw ached; his neck felt as if it were about to break. Even with the cushioning pillow, his knees hurt fiercely. Remembering the command to hold the Lord's manhood until he was bidden otherwise, he waited. Gradually, Lord Michael's breathing slowed. His manhood softened, shrank. "You may release my member, now," the Lord said. "And you sucked very well, for a first time." Rain had thought he could feel no worse shame, but the words seemed to strike through his very soul. He tried to turn away, letting his arms drop, feeling a burning heat on his cheeks. Lord Michael reached out with both hands, grasped Rain's collar with his left hand and gripped his chin firmly with the right, refusing to permit the evasion. There was no anger in the Lord's expression, but neither was there any weakness. "No, Rain. You have given yourself to me, body and soul. You have no right to hide your feelings. None." In a heartbeat, shame turned to anger in the Clansman. He glared openly at the arrogant Lord. *You wish to see my feelings? Here they are!* He wanted to spit out the taste lingering in his mouth, wanted to twist away again, to strike out. Only his oath, and the knowledge that the safety of others besides himself was at stake, held him back. He became aware that his fists were clenched so tightly that they hurt as much as his neck, the muscles quivering with tension. He drew a shaky breath, let it out again, fighting his own anger. Long moments passed as his eyes remained locked with the Lord's. Michael's gaze never wavered, nor did his expression change as he looked back, still holding Rain's head. "You belong to me," Michael said, looking down at him with those gentle, terrible eyes. "You must accept it. *Accept* it, Rain." His heart recognized the truth of those words, even if his anger did not. They seemed to bore into Rain's very soul, crushing the anger, turning it to mere ashes. *What can I do? Nothing . . . not without breaking my oath.* Slowly, slowly, he felt his muscles relax, the heaviness of defeat filling them. Felt the aching of his knees, his neck and jaw. The Lord nodded, as if in acknowledgment. His hands released Rain, moved to rest upon the Clansman's shoulders, and began to massage them gently. "That was terribly humiliating for you, wasn't it?" he said. "Yes, my Lord," Rain admitted, hoping Michael would not mock him. "It was." Michael nodded again, gravely. There was no trace of mockery in his eyes. "Nevertheless, you will suckle on my member every day, and sometimes more than once a day, so you will get used to it." His hands moved slowly on Rain's shoulders for several more long moments, then stopped. "Now I will reward you, as I have promised," he said. "Get back onto the bed, and grasp the bars again." Slowly, stiffly, Rain rose from his knees. He had long since lost every trace of arousal; the promised reward held no allure. *I must do this. I must obey.* Michael moved aside to allow Rain to obey him, standing up to lace his trousers closed. Once more, Rain lay down upon the bed and held the bars of the bedstead, the entire front of his body exposed to his master, and waited for the Lord to do what he would. LORD MICHAEL: He had not truly submitted to me, I knew. Without his oath, without the safety of his people depending upon his obedience, he would never have been so docile. Nevertheless, he had done well, and for now his anger was broken. This lesson was almost over. I enjoyed the grace with which he moved, as he lay back down upon the bed, reaching up to clutch the bars of the bed-head, all the most sensitive parts of his body offered up to my gaze and my touch. His member lay limp again, but that barely detracted from his handsomeness -- and in any case, I meant now to attend to that. When he was settled, I brought up the chair so that I could sit beside the bed. Then, without further words, I began to caress him again, stroking his lean belly with my fingertips for a time before I moved downward once more. As I took his member into the palm of my hand, I saw a look of hesitancy upon his fine-boned face. I knew that he wanted to rebel again, to resist becoming aroused. I saw the moment of surrender in his eyes, the relaxing of his jaw muscles. Yes, he was making progress. He erected more quickly now that the way had been prepared, his member warming and stiffening in my hands. And yet there was one last shred of resistance, with which he closed his eyes and refused to look upon me or anything else. I let go of his member for a moment, reaching up to brush his lips gently with two fingers. "Open your eyes, my sweet slave," I bade him softly. "Look at me for a moment." His eyes opened immediately, and he looked up. I could see the shame there, and the resignation. "Listen to me well, Rain," I told him. "I own you, just as I have said. Your life is in my hands. So is your pleasure. Your body belongs now to me, and not in any way to yourself. You are not to pleasure yourself, ever, without my express permission, and you may not ask for that permission. I will give it to you if and when it suits my own wishes." I saw him close his eyes, but then he opened them again. A pink blush was suffusing his cheekbones now. I went on. "No matter how great your need, you may not satisfy yourself with your own hand. You may not spend, ever, unless I give you permission, and for the most part that will be a privilege that you must earn." I could see the words strike home. He swallowed, still looking at me, and the blush deepened. Yet his member remained erect. I permitted myself a moment of hope. He did not speak, so I asked him, "Do you understand me?" "Yes, my Lord." His voice was weaker than I had ever heard it, save after the lashing. "Good," I said. "Now, I will dispense your reward, with my hands. You may spread your thighs as you wish, let your hips thrust, but don't take your hands off the bars and do not try to pull away from me." His eyes finally lowered from mine. I began to caress him again, stroking and fondling his organ; a shiver passed through the long, lean muscles beneath his fair skin. He did not want his passion -- I could see that -- but he could not deny it. Those wondrous dark eyes began to glaze, the eyelids drooping half-closed over them, as he uttered his first moan, his face betraying his growing pleasure. His member was fully stiffened now. His thighs spread as I stroked, then closed a little as he tried to restrain himself . . . then spread still wider. Soon he was gasping and moaning freely, his body flexing and undulating in the throes of passion as it had before. His lovely testicles were reddened and drawn up tightly. As I continued to stroke his member with one hand, I let my other hand roam the rest of him, running up and down his tensed thighs, his hips, his ribs, caressing and softly pinching his dusky-pink nipples between my fingers until they were as stiffened as that craving phallus. At one moment, his whole body arched, shuddering under my hands like a dying stag under the hunter's knife. Almost, I took compassion upon him, to take him to completion. Almost. But the lessons I had just given him needed strengthening. Thus, as his swollen member twitched in my hand in the moments before spending, I withdrew. He whimpered, and then jerked his head up sharply to look at me. I could see the glaze of passion give way to anger, just as it had before. "Yes, I said you would be rewarded, that you would be allowed to spend," I told him. "I did not say that you would be satisfied immediately. I enjoy playing with my slaves, watching them writhe in need. I am going to do so with you." The helpless anger in those eyes was so beautiful, it threatened to take my breath away. But it was vital now to show no weakness. Thus, I reached out to administer the touch that had brought such a powerful reaction before, flicking my finger along the underside of the reddened head of his member. Despite himself, he gasped, just as he had the first time. As he recovered himself, suddenly there was fear in his eyes as well as anger. No doubt he was thinking of the sukai lash, wondering if he had been foolish to show so much rage. It would not do to let his fear go too far. I toyed briefly with his nipple, reminding him of his place, as I spoke. "So defiant still," I said softly. "No, never fear. I have said you need never endure the sukai lash again, and you will not. But you are my slave and my possession, and you need to learn that to the marrow of your bones. You have no right to resist me." I lifted my hand to run one finger across his lips. He sighed, the fire in those dark eyes dying as his gaze lowered. I could see the barely-perceptible slump of his shoulders. He was conquered. For now. The stiffness of his member had never slackened. Again, I allowed myself to hope. Perhaps he did indeed have those qualities I was looking for; perhaps there was more to his submission than an oath . . . even if he himself did not yet know it. I resumed fondling him. I played his flesh with all the skill I could summon, bringing forth the passion locked within him, making him moan and squirm, clutching the bars until his knuckles paled to whiteness. Always, I kept my touch just a little slower and gentler than he would have liked. His movements became ever more abandoned, his groans louder, taking on a pleading note. His heated phallus dripped its juice freely now upon my fingers and the quilt. What a study in masculine beauty he was! Magnificent, gloriously aroused, writhing unashamedly in need. At last, I once again held him poised upon the very brink of spending. I had a moment to wish for some skilled craftsman to capture the image he presented in paint or stone: his long, pale, flowing hair in disarray upon the quilt, his back arched more tautly than ever before, face contorted, each muscle standing out in corded relief beneath his sweat-gleaming skin. His whole body shuddered, tight as a bow just before the arrow's release. "Spend now, my slave," I told him, not raising my voice. He cried aloud as his member spurted into my hands. I continued stroking as he subsided, groaning, the flow dwindling to a last dribbling of fluids, then nothing. I did not cease until he had sagged back onto the bed in limp abandon, his member softening now. I dried my fingers on a clean cloth from my pocket as he slowly recovered. "Was that pleasurable, Rain?" I asked him. "Yes, my Lord." His voice was humble enough, yet still he would not turn his eyes to me. "Look at me," I bade him. "Let me see your eyes again," and I was rewarded once more with the opportunity to gaze into those magnificent, wounded, dark eyes. RAIN: Reluctantly, Rain opened his eyes to look at the Lord. "You are ashamed again," Michael said softly, his voice gentle as ever. "Yes, my Lord," Rain admitted. "At what, precisely?" "At -- at your touch, my Lord." "More at being pleasured by it, I think," Michael replied. "Is that not so?" Spirits curse this Lord, had he not been disgraced enough? But again Rain dared not lie. "Yes, my Lord," he said, and felt his face warm again. Michael actually sighed, a small sigh but very real, as if something about the reply were expected yet disappointing. He reached out to Rain's face. Rain held still, and the Lord ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, that isn't surprising," Michael said. "You regard me as your enemy. I wish there were something I could merely say that would change that, but too much lies between your people and mine. You will refuse to see that none of that has anything to do with what lies between you and me." *What in all the spirits' unknown names can he mean?* The question did not cross Rain's lips, but he felt his eyes widen. Lord Michael nodded. "It must have been terribly humiliating for you -- being naked before a Lord for his pleasure, being stroked to the verge of orgasm and then denied, having to use your mouth on him and swallow his semen, having him see you spend as well." Now Michael's expression actually seemed . . . sympathetic. Sympathy, in a Lord? Rain could only nod dumbly at the words. Michael's voice softened still further. "I am not your enemy, Rain. I hope that one day you will understand that." The Lord reached out and touched Rain's throat, the collar that encircled his neck. Then he lifted his hand to Rain's hair and ran his fingers through it again. "I am your master, but that does not make me your enemy." Direct comments and criticism to: maureen_lcn@yahoo.com. See author's notes above for the URL to my story archive.