SWORN: PROLOGUE @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, September 2002. All rights reserved under the Berne Convention. AUTHOR'S NOTES: This prologue establishes the setting for my "Sworn" series. Reading it is optional, but helps establish the background for Rain's and Lord Michael's relationship. PROLOGUE The Clansfolk had fought a war to escape the yoke of their tribute to the Gathering of Lords, and failed. Now, a worse tribute was demanded: ten of their number, one from each great Clan, would become lifelong hostages, delivered over to the Lords to be kept as slaves. The Clans and the Lords had parted ways centuries ago -- shortly after the time of the Firstcomers to this world. The Clans, cherishing their freedom above all, lived in near-barbarism in the Outlands. The Lords dwelled in what was still called "the City", supported by their serfs, accompanied by their servants and slaves. The Gathering of Lords had no desire to build an empire, and so it had never made any attempt to govern or "civilize" the Clans. Instead, it exacted tribute from them to help maintain the Lords' lives of wealth and leisure in their vast City mansions, using what they still possessed of the technology of the Firstcomers to ensure themselves long lives surrounded by luxury. Thus, the demand for hostages in the wake of the war. The gesture was meant to be symbolic, not crippling. The Gathering was fond of symbolism in such matters. Even so, this was a heavy blow to the pride of the Outlands folk. They knew of the decadence and depravity of the Lords, and of what had happened to Clansfolk slaves in the past; they had no doubt of the victims' fate. No doubt all ten captives would suffer for far too long before their masters tired of them and put them to death in whatever unwholesome fashions pleased them. Nevertheless, the Clans paid this tribute, to avoid utter destruction. The folk of the Outlands were nothing if not brave; their culture revered courage and self-sacrifice. Several volunteers stepped forward for each Clan, offering themselves as willing martyrs. When the elders of each Clan had chosen a hostage, Clan and smallclan representatives took him to the agreed-upon meeting place to stand before a quorum of the Gathering and swear himself into slavery. Then, they handed him over to a Great Lord. Great Lord Michael, one of the wealthiest and most powerful Lords of the Gathering, was the Lord selected to accept the Brightriver Clan's hostage, a young man named Rain Ashin. (End of prologue.)