SWORN PART TWO: TRUTH @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, November 2003. Permission granted for normal Usenet propagation, for archiving on the official a.s.s.m. and a.s.s.g.m. sites, and to download one copy and make one hard copy for your personal use. All other rights are reserved under the Berne Convention. If you think a friend might enjoy this story, please don't forward it to them; instead, direct them to my personal website (see URL below). That way, they can read my other stories as well. Archiving this story on a commercial or pay-to-view site is forbidden. If you had to pay to read this, the site owner has violated my copyright and defrauded you. MANDATORY WARNING: This is hard-core semi-consensual BDSM erotica. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading this, don't. AUTHOR'S NOTES: What this series of stories describes wouldn't be healthy in real life. The main character comes to accept and even enjoy being enslaved and raped -- and I portray this as at least partly a Good Thing. The only reassurance I can offer my readers is: this is a dream you are in, an erotic dream about a fantasy world of dominance and submission. It is not a guide to BDSM or the real world -- only a portal into the author's own perverted imagination. All hail my betas, Ron and Tyellas, without whom this would be a much poorer story. Series notes: This is the sequel to "Captivity", and the second story in the "Sworn" series, concerning Rain Ashin and Lord Michael. You can read my other erotic stories, including "Captivity," at: http://members.vclart.net/Maureen/index2.html Truth (Part Two of the "Sworn" series) By Maureen Lycaon RAIN: Scrubbing floors gave Rain all too much time for thought. It occupied the Clansman's hands, but not his mind. Outside, winter gripped the earth. The low, gentle hills and open fields of the southern lands slept under their blanket of snow. Inside, the Great Lord Michael's mansion remained warm -- warm enough that, even naked, Rain was comfortable. Farther north, in the Plains, winter would not be so gentle. The thought of home sent a pang of sorrow and even of guilt through Rain, as it always did. In a normal year, the Clanfolk should have long since been snug in their homes, surrounded by their stores of food and their sheep and cattle. This year, they would still be desperately hunting whatever game they could find, even as the bone- chilling winds swept down from the north and the blizzards threatened. They had been hungry enough when he had left; they were surely worse off now. He could well imagine the hollow bellies, the faces he had known all his life growing gaunt . . . as he labored here in relative comfort, warm and well-fed. He wondered how many people he had known were already dead, and whether his parents or his younger brother still lived. He closed his eyes, shivered, let the terrible but familiar pain pass through him; that was all he could do. Were he not bound by his oath, and were it only his own safety that he risked, nothing could have stopped him from killing the Lord who now owned him. A thousand times in the confines of his own thoughts, he had imagined taking slow, gory vengeance upon Lord Michael, returning agony in exchange for all the insults and humiliations done to him in the past two months. But he *was* bound, he reminded himself. His people suffered. If war broke out again, they would suffer far worse. He would bear any humiliation, any pain to avoid that. He realized that he had stopped scrubbing. Gritting his teeth until they hurt, he quickly resumed his work before the overseer, Duvier, could reprove him. A strange labor, this scrubbing of stone-covered floors. In Paniseth, the Clan village from which Rain had come, the log huts had only dirt floors upon which rushes or dried grass were spread. The women and children swept them out and replaced them -- and they did not do it each day but every ten-day. He had realized early on, from snatches of overheard servants' comments, that those who served Michael counted cleaning the stone floors a very menial task. And he had never seen any of them naked as they worked. Two months ago, he would have been puzzled, but not all that discomfited, by such a strange demand. Since then, he had learned how helpless and vulnerable nakedness could make him feel -- as if he could be any more at this Lord's uncertain mercy. He had almost protested Lord Michael's command -- almost. Only his oath had held him silent. When he had volunteered to be one of the hostages the Lords had demanded, he had expected torture and rape, and eventually an unthinkably cruel death. He had believed himself prepared. Instead, in many ways his slavery was very comfortable. He ate well enough, for all the strangeness of the food. The bed in his own quarters was larger and far softer than the straw pallets of the Clansfolk. Lord Michael had fulfilled only one of his expectations -- of being raped. Almost every night, Michael would take Rain to his luxurious bedroom, and command him to fulfill his chief task: that of bedslave. Rain had to suckle upon the Lord's manhood and bring him to spending, then swallow his seed. He wasn't sure which was worse: the disgust and shame he'd felt the first few times, or how quickly he'd become accustomed to that duty. But Michael did not content himself with simply using Rain's mouth and having done with it. No. Instead, the Lord would tease and caress him, forcing him into unwanted lust, then leaving him on the very brink of release, groaning with frustration. For the sake of his oath, Rain had to submit, to allow the Lord to do it. He was as unable to escape the degrading fondling as if he had been bound. At first, he had thought that Lord Michael merely delighted in denying him his pleasure. Gradually, he had come to realize it was not so. Michael himself became aroused by this teasing, at seeing his bedslave's organ erect. His smile was of sheer pleasure, not of contempt for a humbled barbarian. Only when Michael had him literally moaning and squirming would he command that Rain pleasure him with his mouth and tongue. Still aroused himself, Rain then had to satisfy the Lord, humbly, upon his knees. And only if he strained himself and the skills he had so unwillingly learned to the limit would Michael then satisfy him -- and usually only after toying with him still more. He had never expected to take any pleasure in servicing the Lord's lusts. Yet, as his manhood stood rigid as a spear and his body burned with hunger for release, Rain often found himself suckling with wanton greed on Lord Michael's sex. When he could not have the relief that he craved so desperately, the feel of Lord Michael's sex filling his mouth, rubbing against his lips, tasting of salt, was only pleasure. He felt that, somehow, Michael's seed gushing into his mouth could ease his own lust. But once the suckling was over and his stomach was rebelling at his master's seed oozing into it, his maddening need remained as strong as ever. He turned the degrading memory away, as lately he had often had to. He remembered his disgust the first time he had suckled the Lord to orgasm, how it had brought him to the verge of vomiting, but he could no longer muster up the utter disgust he had felt then. The thoughts and memories of longing and pleasure came to him more and more now. *It is because I am so hungry for release,* he told himself. *Only that.* The Lord had forbidden him ever to satisfy himself in any way. Only at Lord Michael's hands could he ever know release, and Michael seldom gave that release. Thus, Rain's hunger had built and built, day by day, until his manhood was ready to stiffen almost the moment his thoughts turned to it. Already, it did so whenever he entered the bedroom with Lord Michael, for his flesh had learned to anticipate the caresses it would receive. But it would also rise whenever the memories of the Lord's teasing hands came -- at the most unlikely moments throughout the day, even as he performed his other duties. He sought not to think of those memories, to force them away. But he could not remain vigilant forever. Always there was an unguarded moment when they slipped through. Often his organ remained stiff and hungry for a long time afterward. Always, Duvier -- or Duvier's assistant, Bischet -- watched him as he did his other tasks. Sometimes one or the other would lean against a wall, arms folded, as Duvier did now; sometimes the watcher would stand at his side or behind him; but always Duvier's or Bischet's gaze was upon him, whenever Lord Michael's was not. Duvier had surely noticed his manhood's stiffness at such times. But if so, the overseer had never spoken of it. Duvier spoke to him only concerning his duties. Several times, servants had passed through the Great Hall, no doubt bound on duties of their own. Not one had mocked or remarked upon his nakedness. Perhaps they had looked, but he had long since learned better than to stop his labors to look up -- that would have earned him a reprimand. Neither Duvier nor Bischet had ever touched him, but Rain had long since learned that Lord Michael always heard of any disobedience. So far, Michael had spoken the truth when he had promised not to use the sukai lash again. But he had many other tools for punishment: crops, switches, various whips and many-tongued floggers, which he usually used on Rain's buttocks. All these devices caused pain, but none as unbearable as the sukai lash had been. The Lord did not bind Rain standing in the rack, as he had on the first day. Instead, he would command Rain to crouch upon or to bend over a leather-padded bench, in an awkward, humiliating position. Sometimes, Rain felt the shameful warmth in his loins even as he assumed one of the positions for punishment, before the Lord ever touched him. Knowing that he was about to suffer did nothing to stop the stiffening of his manhood. Thankfully, Lord Michael never remarked upon his arousal at such times. *No!* He forced the vile thought from his mind, scrubbing furiously at the stone as if by so doing he could erase the memory of his body's reaction. *What does he wish from me, really?* Rain thought, but even as he thought the words, he knew the answer. He knew it all too well. *He wishes me to want what he does to me.* *And do I not already?* the thought came to his mind, unbidden. Some unspeakable part of him did, at least. Now, as he scrubbed the Lord's floors, he admitted it to himself, in the privacy of his own thoughts -- though the admission brought bile to his mouth. He could no longer deny the longing he felt at merely thinking about offering his rump to Lord Michael. He wanted desperately to believe that it was merely his pent-up hunger for release . . . but deep inside his heart, he knew that it was not. Rain clenched his jaw, his hand tightening around the brush until his knuckles turned white, but not even his helpless anger could turn aside the thought. *Spirit-forsaken bastard. It is his wretched 'training'. He is depraved, he is corrupting me as well.* Rain felt as if not merely his body but his very self had been violated, stained beyond all cleansing. Even now, his manhood was warming again, hungering. Rain sought once more to draw his mind away from these thoughts, forcing it back to his task. Scrub the flagstone before him. Hear only the sounds of bristles scraping on stone; see only the dark-gleaming dampness left by the water. Dip the brush in the bucket to wet it again. Scrub again. It was of no use. His sex throbbed, swelling to full stiffness. With his nakedness, there was nothing at all to conceal his arousal from the overseer. "Cease," Duvier's voice came. Rain felt his thoughts freeze. *He has noticed.* He stopped scrubbing, crouched there on hands and knees, and waited. "Kneel up." Rain obeyed, putting down the brush and clasping his hands behind the back of his neck as he had been taught. His manhood quivered stiffly in the air, utterly exposed. Duvier walked around him to look down upon him. As always, Rain found it difficult to read the overseer's bland, round face. Duvier's gray eyes were expressionless; it was impossible to tell if the man were disapproving, delighted or something else. The Clansman held himself still, and silently cursed his unruly sex. Duvier's gaze moved down from Rain's face to look upon his groin. Rain's manhood refused to slacken. If anything, it seemed to throb and swell the more, as if the overseer's cool gaze itself were a caress. Abruptly, Duvier turned away. "Bischet!" he called. In a few moments, Bischet's slender form appeared in the doorway that led into the Great Hall. "Yes, sir?" he asked. "Inform the Lord that the slave is erect." "At once, sir." Bischet vanished back into the corridor outside. Rain felt his heart pound. He refused to let any sign of dismay show on his face. He had little enough pride left, but he would cling to it. Duvier returned to the wall and leaned back against it, crossing his arms again, his gaze steady upon Rain. The young Clansman could only wait helplessly, struggling against the urge to touch his manhood, each slow moment an eternity measured by its throbbing. Then he heard the approaching footsteps -- not Bischet's alone, but another pair that he knew all too well. Fighting the warm fog of lust that threatened to cloud his mind, he tried once more to will his stubborn sex into limpness as the footsteps drew near to the entrance. It was of no use. His manhood remained raised and craving, even as Great Lord Michael entered the room. LORD MICHAEL: As I walked down the corridor with Bischet trailing behind me, I reflected upon the past two months. It had been that long since Rain had surrendered himself to the Gathering and to me, bound by no chain save for a treaty -- and a vow that he refused to break. Up north, in the Outlands where the Clans dwelled, winter was a cruel beast. Even had the war never happened, the Clansfolk would have suffered privations that our servants and dependents never knew. Many of the oldest and weakest would have perished before spring. Had Rain remained with them, he would have suffered the same privations. Even in summer, his life would not have been safe or comfortable. When they were not fighting us, the Clansfolk fought each other. He might be killed in a raid, or a full- scale war between smallclans. Or he might simply have died of an illness we could easily cure, or in a hunting accident. Thus must his people struggle to live, by their own choice. A thousand years ago, they had scornfully cast aside the benefits of civilization to live in what they considered "freedom", far from our City. There, in the wilderness of the Outlands, they had reverted to barbarism, forming the Clans. In time, as the City had grown under our protection and guidance, its boundaries had reached the Outlands. We Lords are generous, and we do not hold grudges; we had given them some of the benefits of civilization, asking in return only taxes far lighter than any City-dweller paid. Yet, light as the taxes were, last year the Clansfolk had laid aside their feuding and united in another futile rebellion against them. Now their plight was far worse than it had ever been. No doubt hundreds of them had already starved to death, and hundreds more -- perhaps even thousands -- would die before summer and the first harvest. Had Rain remained in the lands of his birth, he might already have died. Even if he had escaped all these fates, he would have aged before his time. The wind and the cold of the Outlands would have weathered his handsome face, leaving it lined and leathery. His beauty would have faded quickly -- never even recognized, let alone cherished, like a fine gem that falls into the mud where it is swallowed and lost. Instead, under my care, he lived in comfort and plenty. And his beauty was admired and enjoyed. As I walked down the hall, I promised myself that one day soon, I would hire an artist or sculptor to record that beauty. Some of my fellow Lords, such as Lord William, would have said that the hostages had volunteered simply to escape the miseries and barbarism of their homeland. They would have spoken in ignorance; they understood little of the people of the Outlands. I knew very well what the Clansfolk thought of us, and what Rain had expected to be his lot in my service: endless torture, brutality and eventually a cruel death. Yet, he had offered to suffer that fate, to protect his people for as long as he could. His offering had been an act of selfless courage and loyalty. Barbarian ideals of both, perhaps, but courage and loyalty all the same, and I admired him for them. Of course, if what I hoped was indeed true, there was another reason for his self-sacrifice. But he was not yet aware of that reason; he would require a long, slow process of training to understand and accept it. This day, I hoped to take him one step further along that path. I entered the room to find him waiting upon his knees, as I had expected. He was holding his hands behind his neck, under his magnificent long hair, just the way I had taught him. I walked over to him, savoring the sight of his kneeling, yet proud and defiant beauty. His mane of fine ginger-blond hair framed that handsome face with its high cheekbones and fair skin, and flowed down over his shoulders and his back, echoed by the darker tufts in his armpits. Lean muscles showed clearly beneath his pale skin, giving shape to his arms and his thighs. I made a mental note to give him more arduous work as soon as the spring thaw came, so that he would not grow soft and lose any of his beauty. He stared straight ahead, not meeting my gaze as I walked over to him and looked him up and down. Only a telltale quiver of his jaw muscles told me what an effort it was costing him to remain still, to endure this inspection. A pink blush again colored his cheekbones. His face was set with determination -- he had retreated into himself to endure the humiliation being visited upon him. Nevertheless, when I looked down, I saw that his member was beautifully, rigidly erect. "Stand up," I told him. "Keep your hands in place." He did so, moving with the grace and ease he had learned. Then he stood erect before me, his member bobbing for a moment before it stilled. I lowered myself onto one knee before him to study that handsome phallus more closely. Already, pinkness flushed its tip, set off by the thick gold-red pelt of his groin. "Spread your legs a little," I said. I heard him inhale deeply, but he obeyed -- sliding his bare feet farther apart, so that his testicles dangled freely between his thighs. His phallus jutted forward, seeming to demand my attention. His breath actually checked when I gently palmed the swollen flesh; then it left him in a slow, barely controlled exhalation. I simply held his member without caressing it, feeling it twitch in my hand. Then I reached forward and down, slid my fingertips along the underside of his testicles and cupped them lightly, weighing them. They felt warm and heavy in my palm, drawn tight with long- unsatisfied lust, the skin as soft as the thinnest, finest glove leather. I released them, and ran one finger along the underside of his beautifully stiff member, from root to tip. It twitched again. A drop of clear fluid swelled at the opening, then slowly oozed downwards in a lengthening thread until it separated and dropped down to the floor. I loved the sight, for it had the effect of making him seem all the more vulnerable and exposed, all the more wanton. I drew my hand back and stood up, looking once more into his face. Unable to ignore me any longer, he returned my gaze, and I stared deeply into his wonderful great dark eyes. The eyes of a wounded stag, at bay and doomed, yet still proud. I watched those eyes carefully, for how he responded to my next question would reveal much. "Tell me, Rain," I asked softly, "what were you thinking upon when you became aroused?" The proud gaze wavered for a bare moment before it steadied. Had I blinked, I would probably have missed it. Yet, no one could have missed his blush. Never before had I seen his entire face flush, but now the flawless skin over his cheekbones darkened to near-scarlet, pink spreading over all his face, even his chin. He swallowed, his throat working briefly under the narrow band of the leather collar. "Of -- of being with a woman, my Lord." I could see the guardedness in his eyes, the flicker of a desperate urge to look away again. There was no question; he was lying to me. The hope in my heart swelled into exultation, but I firmly restrained it. I simply nodded and turning to Duvier. "Return him to his work," I said. "You need not call me again on this matter, but my other orders stand." "Yes, Lord," Duvier affirmed. I left them and returned to my study, controlling the rush of exultation that I felt. I was nearly certain now, but I would still have to remove all doubt . . . RAIN: Fear and guilt tormented Rain for the rest of the day. Fear -- Lord Michael was difficult to deceive at the best of times, and he might not truly be deceived now. Guilt -- though his oath had spoken nothing explicitly of being always truthful to his master. *What else could I have done?* the Clansman asked his queasy conscience. *I have obeyed him in all things, always. The oath spoke nothing of telling him the truth of myself. I cannot let him know what he is doing to me.* What if the Lord had seen through his lie? He could only guess what terrible punishment he would suffer. *Better the torture I expected when I came here than more of his unspeakable caresses,* Rain told himself grimly. He wanted desperately to believe that . . . but the memory of the sukai lash was all too strong. LORD MICHAEL: In the evening, I returned to him, where he was working in my private kitchen. Neither Duvier nor Bischet accompanied me; I would not require their aid in dealing with him. Humiliation and anger he would feel, but he *would* submit, remembering his oath. At my command, he stood to let me attach the leash to his collar. His dark eyes held their usual cool reserve. Yet, I perceived a controlled tension in his bearing. His organ hung limply between his thighs now. Yes, he feared that I had seen through his lie. I let him remain in doubt, allowing nothing in my expression or bearing to give away my intent. He followed me into the corridor in obedient silence, then stepped ahead as I had taught him, his hands again clasped at the back of his neck. As he walked before me, I enjoyed the sight of his smooth, rounded buttocks alternately tensing and relaxing. The stripes of his last beating, two weeks ago, had faded into nothingness; his pale skin was flawless. We reached the point where the south hallway joined the main one. Since I had given no command, he turned to the right, where my bedroom lay. I checked him, tugging lightly on the leash, and he looked back at me in momentary surprise. "No," I told him, keeping my voice calm, without anger. "I am taking you to the Room of Punishment." His face paled, more than it ever had before at those words. Yet, he swallowed only once, then turned to the left without a murmur of protest. *Such courage,* I thought, as I had before. It was one of his most admirable qualities. I suppressed the smile that sought to come to my lips. We entered the room, and I turned on the light and closed the door. Then I unfastened the leash from his collar. He dropped to his knees, hands still behind his neck. He was breathing quickly, and a thin film of sweat gleamed on his brow. I could well guess the thoughts racing through his mind: Had I seen through his lie? If so, would I force the truth from him? And how severely would I punish him? Or, was this about some other failing entirely? "Go to the bench," I commanded him. He got up and walked over to the large, leather-padded wooden bench I usually employed for his punishments. I could see his humiliation and loathing in the way he carried himself, the faint stiffness in his stride. Ahh, how he hated these punishments -- oh, yes, I knew very well that he would have preferred being flogged upon his back and shoulders, even though that invariably hurt more. Perhaps he would even have preferred me to use the sukai lash again. He hated humiliation far more than he did pain. When he reached the bench, he turned to face me, awaiting my next command. Beneath the hardness of his magnificent eyes, I could see his apprehension. His mouth had tightened into a straight line. I walked toward him slowly, drawing the moment out, increasing his anxiety. "Mount the bench," I said. "Crouch there on hands and knees." Angered pride flickered briefly in his eyes before he turned to obey. Of all the positions I used for his chastisements, this was the one he most hated. Yet, he did not hesitate. He mounted the bench obediently to crouch upon it, his rump toward me. I turned away, and went to the cabinet against the wall to choose the tool I wanted -- a stiff leather switch, with a small square "tick" on the end. I returned to stand at his side as he crouched upon the bench, looking down upon his handsome naked body, the strong back, the well-defined shoulder blades. He waited in silence; he would not plead with me, or protest. I would not have expected him to. "Lower yourself onto your elbows," I directed, and he did so. I walked around the bench to stand directly behind him. Few things appeal to me more than a slave's buttocks proffered for chastisement, lifted and fully exposed to my gaze. Rain's invariably reminded me of apples -- too small and tight to quiver much when he was punished, sadly, but beautifully round and just plump enough that the opening of the anus was fully concealed within the cleft. They were pale and smooth, without a mark on them; I had not chastised him for some days now. I ached to caress those buttocks, to slap them, to bring the switch down across them repeatedly. But I intended more than mere chastisement this night. I meant to bring out the thing I was nearly certain lay within him, and to make him admit to it with words as well. I softened my voice, made it lower and more intimate. "Arch your back." I touched the back of one thigh gently with the tip of the switch. "And spread your thighs apart." His obedience remained flawless. He arched his spine downward and moved his knees farther apart as I had taught him -- a position that displayed his handsome buttocks to their best advantage. In that position, I could not see his face, but I had no doubt that the blush had returned to it. His ribs shuddered with a shaky breath. Yes, he felt shame, but not enough. I needed him to feel still more humiliation. "No," I said firmly. "That's not good enough. Arch your back more deeply, Rain. Spread your legs wider." I used the tip of my switch to guide him, lightly brushing the inside of one thigh to make him spread even wider, until his muscles quivered with the strain. I could hear his breathing lose its rhythm again, becoming harsher. No doubt he was silently cursing me in his mind. Yet, he strained the more, seeking to obey me, to honor his oath. What wonderful strength he had! I could feel my member pressing against my breeches. How I longed to flog those wonderfully smooth buttocks, and then stroke them, kiss them, fondle them . . . gently part them to enter him, and hear his groans as I used his tight, hot passage. It would be so long, so terribly long, before he was ready for that. Squatting down behind him, I peered more closely between his legs. I could see the pale pouch of his scrotum hanging underneath his body. Beyond it, the very tip of his member was almost touching the padded leather of the bench. As I studied it carefully, I saw the underside beginning to redden near the tip -- a redness that had nothing to do with blushing. I smiled at the sight. I had noticed this response in his flesh before, the last two times I had chastised him. Tonight, he was ready. With my switch, I carefully reached in between those lean thighs to lightly touch the side of his organ. He stiffened at the unexpected touch, but otherwise he remained motionless. Then I used the switch to lightly push at his member, making it sway a little from side to side. No doubt about it -- it was stiffened. I knew then, beyond all doubt. He *was* what I sought. I inhaled deeply with the profound joy that filled my heart. Two tasks remained for tonight: to persuade Rain to admit to his need, and then to what had aroused him. The first would be easy enough. The second would require all my skill and experience, but I had no doubt I would succeed in the end. As I had in the past. RAIN: Rain gritted his teeth until they hurt, even as his muscles ached with strain and his loins surged with long-denied hunger. *I must hold to my oath,* he reminded himself. *I must let him do as he wills with me.* Lord Michael's switch lightly stroked his starving manhood, caressing it as gently as his hand might in the bedroom. With all his strength, the Clansman forced himself to remain splayed and crouching on the bench as the switch teased him. Then it withdrew. He heard the slight sounds of Michel getting up. He heard Lord Michael walking slowly around him, to stop by his side. "You are aroused." There was no hint of mockery in Lord Michael's voice, only the same gentle softness he had used since they had entered the room. "You desire my touch. Do you not?" "No . . . my Lord . . ." He wanted to groan with shame and dread, even as his manhood hungered and swelled. "No?" A little of the iron crept back into Lord Michael's tone. The Lord must have crouched then, for a hand suddenly grasped Rain's unruly sex to hold it firmly. A gasp leaped from his throat before he could stop himself. "Your member is stiff. Does your body lie to me, then?" Rain crouched there, his eyes tightly closed, and wished deeply to be anywhere but here upon this bench. The hand began to fondle his stiffened flesh. His loins surged, making him gasp again. "Tell me, Rain. Do you desire my touch?" "Yes, my Lord," he finally admitted. His voice was scarcely audible even to him. "I did not hear you, Rain. Speak so that I may hear you." The fingers stroked, pumped gently. Some fluid must have oozed onto the Lord's fingers, for suddenly they were slippery with it. He stifled a gasp. "Yes, my Lord!" "And not over thoughts of being with a woman, I'll wager." The words struck him like a blow to the belly. *Oh, spirits -- he knows that I lied . . .* But the wet, teasing fingers continued their work, and it was growing impossible to think clearly. "Answer me, Rain. Tell me what has aroused you." "Your touch, my Lord." "Before that." Rain clenched his teeth, refusing to reply. He would not, *could* not let this Lord find out -- but he so hungered for that accursed fondling . . . "You detest this position, do you not?" Lord Michael's voice was gentleness itself, even as he continued to fondle Rain's manhood. "And yet at the same time, it arouses you. Isn't that so, Rain?" The words sent a spear through Rain's very soul, for they so closely described what he was feeling. He knew now that he had no defense. He could not curse the Lord aloud, or strike out. Abruptly, his throat closed up, tears of humiliated anger welling behind his eyelids. He actually felt a moment of relief, for now it would be harder to speak. Then Michael's fingers abandoned him. His hips yearned to thrust in vain pursuit of those touches. He heard the Lord's footsteps, circling around behind him again. A moment later, there was a sharp crack, and a streak of pain across his rump. He couldn't hold back a deep groan; his buttocks clenched without his willing them to do so, and he felt another surge pass through his organ. The switch lashed down again, just below the last stroke. Caught between his shame and the pain, he groaned, "My Lord -- please!" A third stroke burned across his buttocks. "*Answer* me, Rain." The voice was all command now, with no softness in it. Rain gasped, his buttocks stinging savagely. Still he would not reply. The switch struck him once more. Then Lord Michael's voice cracked out, as harsh and abrupt as the blows: "Get up!" Clambering off the bench slowly, limb by limb, Rain got his feet on the floor. He knelt down again before Lord Michael, putting his hands behind his neck. His buttocks still stung and burned. The Lord's blue eyes were frigid as he looked down upon him, and the Clansman's belly knotted. *Now I will indeed be punished . . .* "No, you need not fear the lash, Rain," Michael said, his voice as cold as his eyes. "I am going to make use of a new punishment, one you have not known before. It will not hurt, but you may well find that you would prefer pain. Go to the rack." He pointed with the switch. The rack was all of steel, a metal frame set with stout rings everywhere. Rain knew it well -- it was the rack upon which he had been flogged with the sukai lash, the first day he had been here. When he had reached it, he turned to see Lord Michael again walking slowly, unhurriedly toward the cabinet. *If not the lash, then what?* he wondered. Michael returned without the switch, but holding ropes and leather cuffs in his hands. Rain offered no resistance as the Lord fastened the cuffs upon him, then bound him standing in the rack, arms and legs stretched out to the sides. His buttocks still burned. He wished that he could rub the fire away. At least his manhood had softened. Michael fetched a little wooden stool from against one wall, and placed it carefully before Rain's bound, standing body. Then the Lord sat down upon it, and looked up at him. His expression had changed; no longer was it frigid as winter. Now there was a stealthy glitter of delight in his eyes, like the delight they often held while Michael teased him to full hardness in the bedroom. "As I have said, this will not hurt," Michael said. "However, you may find it more difficult to bear than the switch." He reached out with both hands. Rain tensed, but all the Lord did was take gentle hold of his limp organ. Then, Michael began to stroke and caress it, as he might do in the bedroom. Rain felt the sudden flush of warmth filling his manhood, making it swell and hunger again. And suddenly, he knew what this punishment would be, and new dread filled his heart. LORD MICHAEL: Yes, he was ready to learn a little more. My Rain had great strength of will; I knew that. Like any Clansman, he could endure great pain. I might have broken him with the whip, but with pain alone I would never truly make him mine. Yet, all of his strength and pride had no answer to the torment of unsatisfied passion. That he was so young made him still more susceptible that way. I had already taken advantage of that weakness and youth in my bedroom, when I teased him before using his mouth to make him more eager. He knew now that he was vulnerable to such soft torture -- and that, just as I dispensed the torture, only I could give him the relief his body craved. On this night, I would use that weakness to teach him a little more, bring him a little farther down the path of submission to my will. Sadly, what he would learn tonight would make him suffer greatly inside his mind, at least for a time -- but that could not be avoided. I began to fondle him into arousal. He understood part of my intent at once: anger burned in those lovely dark eyes. Then he set his jaw to endure the teasing in silence for as long as he could. I knew him so well by now that I could play his flesh as a skilled musician might play an instrument. He fought me and his own lust courageously, clenching his jaw until the muscles quivered in his cheeks, closing his eyes to shut me out. But he could not deny me one response; his member had fully stiffened, a drop of preseed already glistening at its tip. As I continued to toy with him, his muscles tensed with suppressed lust. That droplet swelled until it dripped down to the floor. At last, despite his best efforts, he uttered a choked gasp. The rest came quickly as I continued to tantalize him. He gasped repeatedly, and his hips began to move, craving my touches. His nipples stiffened as the pleasure rose through his entire body, making all his muscles flex rhythmically. His pale skin began to gleam with sweat. As his arousal grew more acute, his head went back, so that I could no longer see his face. The motion exposed his throat, as if offering it for a knife. Now he was taking deep, shaky breaths. His hands clenched and unclenched in his bonds. A moan came from between his teeth, then another. Yet, he would not speak, even to beg me for fulfillment. The moment when he was nearly ready to spend was very apparent: he took a deep, gasping inhalation, and a premonitory shudder ran through the flushed, heated organ in my hands. His reddened testicles had drawn up tightly. I flicked a finger along the underside of the head of his phallus one last time, and -- drew my hands away. He couldn't help but groan aloud, his entire body writhing in its bonds, face contorted, eyes tightly closed. His hips thrust forward, desperately, blindly seeking to rub his swollen member against something, anything to carry him over the edge -- a slight brush against my clothing would have done it. His sheer beauty at that moment brought an ache to my chest as I watched him buck and struggle in his bonds as if in pain, his phallus bobbing up and down with his movements. I let my gaze dwell upon the lovely sight, feeling my own organ warming and stiffening. Yes, I would definitely call upon his mouth later. Slowly, the futile thrusts ceased. His member was still as rigid as it could be, but it no longer twitched furiously. His head lowered, his gasps easing. He slowly opened his eyes, and the glaze of lust gradually cleared from them. I smiled at him, letting him see my appreciation for his beautiful state, and saw those magnificent eyes narrow. He still could not see my pleasure as anything save mockery. I felt a twinge of regret. Then I began to caress him again. His restraint weakened more swiftly the second time as I played with him, bringing him to full swollenness again. As his frustration burgeoned, his movements became ever more abandoned. The glaze of animal lust returned to his eyes. I began to use my voice as well as my hands, keeping my tone low and husky. "Yes, my beautiful one," I told him, "yes. So handsome, in your passion. Thrust those eager hips. How your member drips and craves. You want this so, do you not? Let yourself moan, let yourself writhe in abandonment under your master's touch. Forget your pride . . ." Again, I stopped only when he quivered upon the very verge of spending. He panted as a horse run to near foundering might gasp, hoarse and deep and rapid. When he had recovered a little, I resumed. And again, and again. Over and over, I brought him to the edge of orgasm, only to leave him in need. By slow degrees, all restraint left him. He moaned as freely as his clear preseed dribbled, no longer able to remain silent. His taut, beautiful body became slick with sweat. He tried repeatedly to thrust his phallus into my hands firmly enough to let himself spasm in release, but always I drew my hands away at the last possible moment. No session of mine in bed, teasing him, had ever continued for so long. So long had I waited for this, to caress his organ and watch his heat burgeon, to toy with him for longer than a few brief delicious minutes. Yet, this was meant as part of a lesson, and so I must still act with care. Now, I judged it the right moment to weaken his defenses a little more. "Do you wish to spend?" I asked him softly. He hesitated; I could sense his remaining pride urging him to deny it. Then: "Yes, my Lord," he answered. His voice was low, husky with lust. "Then beg me," I urged him, the first time I had ever done so. "Beg me to let you spend in my hands. Plead with me for release." He shook his head wordlessly: no, no, no. Lost in the storm of his passion, he had at last forgotten his oath of obedience -- for the moment. I smiled, and did not remind him of it. "Go ahead, my handsome slave. Beg me." He tossed his head like a rebellious stallion, but my words had planted the seed. He knew now what I wanted from him, and that the torment would not cease until he gave it to me. Soon, he had to set his jaw again -- not to hold back the groans any longer, for that was a lost battle, but against voicing the craving he felt. At last, the first half-choked word escaped from between his bared teeth. "*Please . . .*" I continued to caress his heated flesh. At last, louder: "Please . . ." "Please, what?" I asked him softly. He clung desperately to those last scraps of resistance, trying not to give me what I wanted. At last, inevitably, he surrendered. "Please . . . ahhh! Please, let me spend." The words came from between his gritted teeth, low and profoundly unwilling. I felt another warm surge through my own groin. "Keep on," I half-whispered. It took nearly a minute of toying to get anything further out of him -- nearly a minute of beautiful but inarticulate gasps and groans. Then, louder this time, less reluctant: "Please! My Lord, let me spend!" I nodded. "That is good. Go on." He broke then, the shield of his pride shattering at last, and began to beg in sweet earnest. The words came ever more freely: "Please, my Lord -- I, I need to spend. I beg you to let me spend. Let me spend . . . please . . . ahh, please . . ." Hoarse and thin with need, his voice was still pure beauty. Hearing the words from him then . . . ahh, that was truly exquisite. No matter how many years I had the pleasure of owning him, I knew that I would always remember this moment. Finally, I withdrew my hands, ceasing the caresses. He was nearly weeping now, beyond all speech, whimpering pitifully, breath hitching, chest heaving. His rigid member bobbed up and down as he squirmed. I did nothing to distract him from his lust, but only sat quietly as I watched him. His hips kept thrusting and jerking for some time. My own member was pressing almost painfully against the crotch of my trousers. His whimpers dwindled. The reflexive movements became slower, smaller, and at last subsided entirely. His head lowered a little, the dark eyes clearing again, and I could see the shame in them as he realized how totally he had lost all mastery of himself. I stood up, pushing back the stool, to stand before him face to face. He manifestly did not want to look at me, but I waited patiently until boredom and anxiety got the better of him. When he did meet my eyes, his face held a desperate anger -- anger made desperate because he knew that it was his last bulwark of defense against me. It was time to tell him a little more truth -- and to demand the truth in return. "Your body wishes to obey me, Rain, no matter how much your foolish pride rebels against it," I told him. "Forget that pride, Rain. You no longer have any right to it. You have given it up." "No," he said, the remnants of his pride still forcing him to deny it even as his member remained half-stiffened with need. "No -- I . . ." His voice trailed off. I felt a moment of pity. He was so afraid of what he really was. I looked into his dark eyes. Gripping his jaw in one hand to keep him from turning away, I spoke. "Tell me now, Rain. And this time, tell me the truth. What were you thinking of, when you became aroused as you labored in the great hall?" RAIN: He looked into Lord Michael's implacable blue eyes, and knew that the Lord *would* have an answer. "My Lord --" His voice quavered, on the verge of breaking. "Please. I beg you -- do not make me answer that." He saw Lord Michael's hand draw back, and knew what would happen. The hard slap across his face silenced any further pleas he might have spoken. "Do not provoke me." The Lord's voice was still level. "*Remember your oath*, Rain. Obey me." *Remember your oath* . . . The words chilled Rain to the bone. He felt his mouth go dry as he looked back into that stern face, those cold eyes. He closed his eyes again, shuddered. Tried to force his lips and tongue to work. His member was soft now, no longer stiff with need. He half-expected another slap at his delay, but it did not come. Michael waited. "This . . . room . . ." A half-sob caught him by surprise; he hadn't known he was that close to tears. "This room . . . My Lord." "This room? The Punishment Room?" The Lord's voice was without pity. "My Lord . . . *please* . . ." "No. Continue, Rain. What of this room?" *Will he not leave me one scrap of pride?* Rain wondered. He sucked air deep into his lungs, exhaled, sucked in more air. Forced himself to reply. "Of . . . being naked here." He prayed Lord Michael would be satisfied with that. Michael was not. "What of being naked here? Tell me more." "Of being on the bench." Rain's throat closed, and he could not speak further for the moment. "What of being on the bench?" the Lord asked. "What made you erect as you thought of that?" Rain swallowed again, forcing his throat open. Nausea heaved in his belly as he at last spoke the words he dreaded. "Of . . . offering myself for punishment." And then, to his horror, the tears flooded his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. The Lord's face wavered and blurred in his vision. There was a long, silent pause between them. Rain tried to recover himself, tried to stop his tears, but it took all his strength simply not to sob. When Lord Michael spoke again, something in his voice had softened ever so little. "Good enough." Rain felt a gentle hand stroke his hair in the familiar gesture. The stroking seemed to burn into him, through his hair into his skin, down into his very self. "Was this what you feared to confess?" "Yes, my Lord." Rain closed his eyes, feeling more tears stream down his cheeks. The stroking continued, Michael's breath blowing warmly upon his face. He struggled to regain control, to somehow force his tears to stop. In time, they did, and the tightness in his throat eased. He felt cloth being pressed lightly against one eye, then the other, blotting his tears. Michael carefully dried his eyes with the handkerchief, and wiped his cheeks with equal care. When the Lord was finished, he dropped the cloth to the floor, and looked deeply into Rain's face again. There seemed almost to be a hint of compassion in his face. "That was terribly humiliating to tell me, was it not?" "Yes, my Lord," Rain admitted. "Why so?" As always, neither Lord Michael's manner or his voice betrayed any hint of mockery. "Because . . ." Rain gathered himself. "It shames me." "How so?" "A -- a Clansman does not want such things -- wanting pain, to be shamed. Among us, no one feels such things." Lord Michael nodded, slowly, gravely. "So you feel less than a man, a Clansman. Do you not?" Rain simply nodded in turn, feeling himself beyond further speech for the moment. "Nevertheless, I will demand the truth from you, always. And you will give it." Lord Michael spoke the last words in a tone of conviction so absolute that it was not even emphatic. "You have sworn to obey my every command, and I command this from you, now and forever: you will never again lie to me or deceive me in any way. From this night on, I will expect the truth from you, always. That is part of your oath, the oath you have sworn to protect your people. Do you understand?" And Rain knew himself to be trapped, defeated. Lord Michael had called upon his oath. To break his oath -- to fail in his duty to his people -- that was unthinkable. He felt that he might vomit. Swallowing bile, he forced himself to reply. "Yes, my Lord. I . . . understand." "Good." Lord Michael nodded, accepting his due. His eyes were gentle again. He reached up and let his hand come to rest on Rain's cheek. "Now, I am going to leave you, for a short time," he said. "While I am gone, think upon what has happened today." The hand dropped from his cheek. Lord Michael turned away and walked out without looking back, leaving Rain with his thoughts. The young Clansman stood there in his bonds, listening to the Lord's measured footsteps recede down the hall outside. They dwindled into silence, leaving him alone. He let his head hang a little, taking deep breaths. His organ remained limp, for which he was grateful at first. The last of the madness of lust had cleared from his mind; he could think . . . and remember. The sting of his broken pride grew into an agonizing ache. He had been defeated. He had writhed wantonly at the Lord's touch, and begged him for more, forgetting that Lord Michael was an enemy, forgetting pride and restraint, with no thought of anything save his body's desperate hunger for release. Worse, Lord Michael now knew the truth: that his willful manhood had swelled and risen at the mere memory of the indignities done him. The Lord knew that his efforts to corrupt him were bearing fruit, that his captive's flesh had begun to hunger for the very things that shamed him. And he would certainly exploit that knowledge to the full. Rain had offered himself as a sacrifice, expecting to become a victim. He had not thought that Lord Michael would wish him to become a wanton animal instead. **Can** I keep fighting him? Can I convince him that I am not the mere beast in rut that he wants?* The answer to that filled him with despair. He was already losing the battle. Lord Michael's footsteps sounded again. As he entered the Punishment Room, Rain lifted his head to look at him. To his astonishment, he saw that the Lord was bearing a tray of food, like a common servant. Michael walked up to him, and set the tray down upon the stool. Looking down at it, Rain could see that it bore several slices of bread spread with the curious soft cheese that folk ate here, a goblet of what surely was watered wine, and a neatly-folded white cloth napkin. Suddenly, he was very much aware that he had not eaten since the midday meal, and his belly growled. Lord Michael smiled almost tenderly at him. "Since you have missed your supper, I will feed you," the Lord said. "Simply relax in your bonds, and let me do this." There was no use in refusing. Rain ate the bread and cheese, bite by bite, from Lord Michael's hands, his lips blotted dry with the napkin. The Lord was matter-of-fact about his self-imposed task; his entire attention seemed upon the slow, careful feeding. When the last of the food and wine were gone, he wiped Rain's mouth very carefully, then put the soiled napkin down on the tray. "There," he remarked, "I imagine you feel better. Now, we will continue this lesson." Rain braced himself, expecting Michael to continue his torment, but the Lord did not. Instead, he reached out with both hands and took Rain's head in his hands again, forcing Rain to look at him. There was no cruelty in those blue eyes, only gentle firmness. "Know this: I know what you feel, Rain. I know that you are suffering miserably. I could tell you that you need not loathe yourself, but that would mean nothing to you at this point. I will not ask if you understand that, for I know that you do not. You cannot, not yet. But I will guide you with all my skill, until the day that you do understand." One hand lifted from his cheek, to stroke his hair again, as if to reassure him. Then the Lord drew his hands away, and the tenderness departed from his eyes. "I am done with this portion of your punishment," Lord Michael said. "Now, I am going to release you from your bonds, Rain. When I do so, you will continue to obey me. Do you understand this?" "Yes, my Lord," Rain answered, as humbly as he could. "I will obey you." "Good." Michael removed his restraints one by one, letting them drop carelessly to the floor. When he had finished with the last wrist restraint, he moved back, letting Rain step clear of the rack. Rain carefully lowered himself to his knees before the Lord, keeping his thighs well apart, lacing his fingers together upon the back of his neck. From this position, Lord Michael's groin was directly before his eyes, and he could see the straining tautness there. He suspected what Michael's next order would be, even before he gave it. "Now, you have a duty to fulfill, before we leave this room," Michael said. "Know, even as you suckle me and swallow my semen, that you will receive no relief tonight. This is the final part of your punishment for lying to me. Tomorrow night, if you do well, when you have served me in my bedroom I will allow you release of your own." "As my Lord wishes." And even as he said it, Rain felt the returning pulse of hunger in his loins. So long to wait . . . "Excellent." The Lord moved close, to stand directly in front of him. "Now, satisfy me, and we will go to my bedroom." It was actually a relief to have this task to concentrate upon -- unlacing the Lord's breeches, drawing out his manhood. A relief, to have some distraction from the far worse humiliation he had already suffered. As he took Michael's half-stiffened manhood into his mouth and began to suckle on it, he felt another surge of that terrible pleasure welling up again. He couldn't stop it. Later, that night, Rain lay in Lord Michael's great bed, still awake. He turned his head to look over at his master and owner. No doubt Michael had been well satisfied with what had happened this day. Now the Lord lay deep in slumber, his blond hair spreading over the pillow, his eyes closed. Trusting in Rain's oath to protect him, secure in the knowledge that Rain would never break it. *I could slay him so easily,* the young Clansman thought. *I could avenge my honor . . . if I were not sworn.* But he *was* sworn. To break his oath would not merely cost him whatever honor he had left; it would condemn his people to death. There was naught that he could do, save endure whatever Lord Michael chose to do to him. Even at that thought, he felt the hateful hunger return. He tried to ignore his frustration, the urge to rub himself against the sheets. He turned on his belly and buried his face in the pillow, hands clutching the sheets desperately as he struggled to sort out his dilemma in a way that would not destroy him. *I can't let him make me into his groveling cur . . . but . . . what can I do?* He had thought himself more than strong enough for the sacrifice, when he had stood among the ashes of his village with his kin. But then, he had not known that *this*, and not mere agony, would be the sacrifice. The Clansfolk knew tales of what had happened to those who became the Lords' slaves: tales of rape, torture, and even death at the hands of their masters. But not tales of seduction, or corruption, such as what he was suffering. The realization came to him: it was one thing to sacrifice one's life . . . but a still worse thing to sacrifice one's very self. And yet, he could not go back upon his word and beg for mercy or release. His own life, even his very self counted for nothing compared to the needs of his Clan. Lord Michael might seek to turn him into something other and less than a Clansman, but he must keep to that honor, at least. And that very honor doomed him to suffer Lord Michael's "training". He must keep his oath . . . even if it meant that he risked becoming something that was no Clansman, or even a man. It might be the only honor he had left, in the end -- if the Lord succeeded in corrupting him. For the second time since he had come here, Rain felt tears leaking into the pillow. He was grateful the sleeping Lord Michael couldn't see it. *I will resist as long as I can,* he resolved. *I can do that much, at least, whether I win or lose.* The thought brought him no comfort. Send comments and criticism to: maureen_lcn@yahoo.com . The URL to my story archive is in the author's notes at the top.