TALTROS @Copyright Maureen Lycaon, May 2002. Permission is granted to distribute this story via normal Usenet means (but no reposting, please; I can do that myself); to include it in the official Web archives for alt.sex.stories.moderated and alt.sex.stories.gay.moderated, as well as such Usenet archives as Google; and to retain one hard copy and two electronic files for your own use. If you want your friends to see it, don't email it to them; instead, direct 'em to my archive (URL below). All other rights reserved under the Berne Convention. Mandatory warning/disclaimer: If you're a child or it's illegal to read this where you are, please *don't* read it. All resemblance to real people and places is sheer coincidence. Certainly not intended as a guide to real life or safe BDSM. Etc., ad nauseatum. Thanks to Ron/Lionus for the original plot bunny and for editing assistance.:-) AUTHOR'S NOTE: While I won't give away the element of surprise here, be warned: this is one of the "filthiest" things I've written. It could *seriously* squick some people. Skip to the note at the end if you want to be forewarned. (I welcome feedback on whether this was a good idea or not.) And no, I don't plan any more stories about Taltros. My story archive is at: http://members.vclart.net/Maureen/index2.html Taltros By Maureen Lycaon I crouched naked and miserable on the small, leather-padded wooden bench fashioned just for this purpose, held there by stout leather straps buckled around my forearms and shins. The straps held me on my knees and elbows, powerless to move, my buttocks forced high. Tonight, I would not be Lady Rozsaka's bodyguard while she dined with her noble friends. I had offended and was in disgrace, having lost control of myself while serving her with my manhood and spilling my semen without permission. Sandor, one of the common servants whom Rozsaka favored, sat in a chair nearby, watching me. He had the task of increasing my punishment. Though I could not see him, bound as I was, I knew that he would be smirking. I could feel the wetness on my rear orifice as his semen oozed slowly from it. Part of his task's reward was the chance to use me as often as he saw fit; he had done so twice already. I would be raw by the time he was finished -- though not nearly so raw as I would be after the main part of my penalty had been paid. I heard the creak as he rose from the chair to walk over to me. Again I felt his hand slide under my body to seize my manhood, then begin to stroke. There was nothing rough about that touch; it would not have suited the punishment my Lady had declared for him to be rough. Instead, his fingers were gentle, fondling me the way a man caresses himself. I gasped, unable to help myself responding as my hungry flesh quickly stiffened in his hand. He softly teased and tormented me until, against my will, my hips were flexing with my lust. I began to moan, my voice strange to me in its animal need. I would remain here all night to meditate upon my offense. Sandor would be with me, ensuring that I received no rest but remained swollen with need for most of that night. This was one of the lesser punishments for my offense; the whipping I had received, from Rozsaka herself with a light whip, was another of them. The stinging had long since ceased, but the welts remained to let everyone who gazed upon them know I was not only her bodyguard but also her slave. Sandor's teasing hand slowed, slowed as I approached the moment of crisis. My muscles tensed and my breathing was savage, harsh. He brought me to the very edge of release, but did not permit me to cross over it. He knew so very well how to bring me within a hair's breadth of spilling my seed, and how to keep me there for a slow eternity of groaning, squirming lust -- before withdrawing his hand to leave me to suffer my desperate need's slow cooling before beginning the torture again. He knew from long practice: Rozsaka did not always reserve his skill for punishments, but sometimes commanded him to prepare me before she herself made use of me. She loved to keep me in continual, ravenous need, forbidden to touch myself, saying that the promise of my infrequent release and reward ensured that I would always be anxious to please her. She was right. It was more effective than any lash. Now, inevitably, as my hips made those last few hungry thrusts into the tunnel of his curled fingers before climax, he withdrew them, denying me. I wailed with frustration like an animal. My manhood ached in a way that held no pain yet caused me agonizing suffering as I was once again denied the release I had almost reached. "Please . . . " I half-whispered, my voice cracking with desperation. Sandor chuckled and moved behind me. Was he about to use me again? But instead I felt his hand take my swollen, tight-drawn testicles and gently weigh them in his palm, feeling the bursting heaviness of my unfulfilled need. "Not so proud now, are you, arms-man?" he mocked, and then his fingers were teasing me again. "No, master . . . ahh, please . . . have mercy . . . I beg you . . ." Soon he had me pleading continuously, abjectly. He chuckled as I writhed hopelessly in the stout leather bonds. I dripped my aching need onto his fingers and the padding of the bench beneath me, always at the edge of orgasm. The night had scarcely begun. No doubt I would be brought to exactly this same state again and again before being displayed to her expected visitors in the morning. I am not noble-born, let me make that clear. Lady Rozsaka chose me from the ranks of her commoner men-at-arms to be her bodyguard, a position I cherished from the very beginning. I had the training of the warrior, if not of the highborn one -- sufficient that I was fit and muscular enough to catch her eye, and that I retained my sense of shame at some of the things demanded of me in my other capacity. She enjoys that shame, as she often tells me frankly. She has said that she hopes I never entirely lose it. Years ago, Rozsaka was married, but only briefly before Lord Avram died in a riding accident. She has never told me where she came by her exotic lusts. For that matter, I have never been able to explain the source of my own -- why I take such pleasure in being her pet and her plaything. For though I began by obeying my Lady out of love and respect, to my astonishment I grew also to delight in my submission for its own sake. In a way I am fortunate that she saw beneath my pride and claimed my heart, making me not only her personal bodyguard but something more. At times like this, I do not feel fortunate at all. At dawn, she came to me. Disdaining the usual elaborate coiffure of the noblewoman, she let her long black hair flow freely down to her shoulders, but she was dressed as modestly as usual. Her green eyes seemed to brighten as if lit from within by candles, as she gazed upon my nakedness, then looked more closely at my tear-streaked face. I had been literally weeping with need, all pride broken, toward the end. Sandor stepped back. Although I couldn't see, it I could well imagine the craftsman's pride in his smile as he respectfully turned to her and dropped to one knee. "He is ready, as you wished, My Lady." She bent down, and a pleased smile graced her full lips as she looked between my legs and saw my arousal. "So he is. Well done, Sandor. I trust you took your reward of him as well?" "Oh, yes, no fewer than four times, My Lady." "Four times? You are indeed virile. Let me see." She stepped behind me, and I felt her small hands on my buttocks, parting them so that my orifice was plainly exposed to her gaze. She had a fascination with that part of me that never ceased to amaze me. She demanded that I take special care in keeping it clean and pleasant for her, and sometimes I was made to eat my meal from a plate on the floor like an animal, my back turned to her, with two servants parting my buttocks so she could gaze upon it all the while. "Indeed, it would appear you told the truth," she said to Sandor, and the delight in her voice burned into my very soul. "He is well punished. Now, release him from his bonds." Sandor began undoing the straps, releasing me. "You will remain naked today, Taltros," she informed me, as he worked. My main punishment still awaited me, a punishment that would last through the next three weeks of late summer. A time of warm, fair weather and the first harvests, it was also the best time for hunting. And it had been announced that Lord Aron and his party had been invited to visit and join Lady Rozsaka in one of her greatest pleasures -- hunting stag and roebuck on her estates. She seldom passes up an opportunity to hunt. I am told that in certain lands, women, even noblewomen, lack the freedoms they claim by right in Syrcania but must instead live cloistered in their husbands' holds; that they are as subject to the whims of their husbands as I am to Rozsaka's. I can only conclude that those who say this are telling fables -- or that the nature of women, and perhaps of men, differs from place to place. I cannot imagine the noblewomen of our land agreeing to such absurd restrictions, or their husbands -- however arrogant -- daring to call for such. The lady is equal to the lord here; thus it has always been. At any rate, Lady Ezmana and her husband, Lord Aron, arrived that morning with their entourage of servants. As Rozsaka went to the courtyard to greet them, I walked behind her, led by another common house servant, Benedik. Benedik normally worked in the kitchen, but when Rozsaka so appointed him he could command my obedience just as Sandor could. At the touch of his whip on my shoulder, I knelt down at her side, my wrists crossed behind my back. Aron and Ezmana were close friends of hers; they shared certain interests with her beyond hunting, so my nudity and my arousal did not surprise them. Ezmana's deep, dark eyes lost their usual solemn expression and sparkled with pleasure as she smiled at my condition, while Aron chuckled and reached down to ruffle my hair as he might a dog's ears. "It appears that Taltros will not be your bodyguard tonight, eh?" he remarked, grinning. My Lady laughed softly. "No, indeed. He is in disgrace again." Aron's bushy red eyebrows lifted, and there was a twinkle in his blue eyes. "Oh, does that mean he will be putting on another of his famous performances for us?" "Yes, it does, Aron!" and the silver of Rozsaka's laugh was totally at odds with the cruelty of her words. I felt the heat of my face and knew I was blushing, though after these seven years in her service it surprised me that I could still feel such shame. "I eagerly look forward to it," he said. Then Ezmana took Rozsaka's hand and they started talking about the planned hunt. Though I still knelt naked at her side in the warm morning sunshine, I was forgotten. But at last their conversation was over and Aron and Ezmana were shown to their guest rooms. Even as they departed, Rozsaka turned to Benedik, who stood silently behind me. "Prepare him for tonight," she commanded simply. Then she turned and walked away without a word to me. Though he was a mere kitchen servant, my obedience to Benedik was taken for granted; in any case I had no wish to incur My Lady's wrath any further. Grinning as broadly as Sandor ever had, he gripped my arm, silently urging me up, and led me back into the room where I had spent last night. Once again I was strapped down to the humiliating bench of punishment. Then Benedik went to the large wooden cabinet in the corner and opened a drawer. This time, instead of My Lady's whip, he brought out another tool: a leather object stuffed tight with straw and shaped like a large phallus. He had never been one to waste words, and so he did not taunt me as Sandor had. Instead, grinning into my face, he held the artificial phallus in front of me so that I could watch as he moistened every inch of it with lubricating oil. I knew that phallus intimately; it was one of several that Rozsaka had had a leather crafter make solely for me. It was not as large as the ones that she used for my punishments, but it was larger than most men's organs. When it was fully oiled and glistening, he laid it aside and fetched the other tools. Pulling up a chair to sit behind me, he began his work, opening my exposed anus with them. Rozsaka often played with me thus. She would start with narrow, unassuming objects such as a smooth wax taper, teasing me as she probed my insides and pushed it back and forth. She had begun training me thus very early on, when I was still virgin in that way, having never known another man's entry. I cannot explain why this arouses me so much, but I soon began to crave the sensations of my anus being probed and stretched around these phallus-like objects. It is a craving I still feel, and sometimes, when she permits me, I actually beg for it. Because of my offense, I had lost the privilege of Rozsaka doing this to me for the next three weeks. Now, instead, her surrogate Benedik worked to open me like a flower, beginning with the taper. I could not resist his efforts, strapped to the bench, my buttocks high in the air. Despite my reluctance, I did my best to relax, to permit the candle easy entry. Benedik slowly slid it deep into my very core, touching every sensitive place imaginable inside me on the way. It gives Benedik and the other servants a great deal of joy to deal with me in this way. To them, I am Lady Rozsaka's arrogant bodyguard, trained in weaponry, usually favored above all others, and normally they would not even dare to lift their eyes to me. When I am in disgrace and Rozsaka commands them to punish me, they delight in my humiliation, in reminding me of what I really am -- her pleasure slave. It delights them all the more that my humiliation and punishment make my organ swollen and hungry. It was this delight Benedik enjoyed with me as he inserted the various objects into my passage, making me gasp and moan with growing arousal and need as I was violated. Each one was a little larger than the last, opening me a little more. But more was intended by this than Benedik's pleasure. My rear passage had to be readied for this night's ordeal, trained to the point where entry was no longer difficult. At times, he left the object partially within me while he reached down and played with my starving member until it once again dripped freely onto the bench's leather padding. When he did so, I moaned and bucked, held by the straps, unable to restrain myself. Benedik chuckled at my pleas but never permitted me the satisfaction I so desperately craved. At last, he slowly inserted the huge leather phallus, and it seemed as though it would never stop filling me. My whimpers were as much from pain as from involuntary pleasure, but he did not stop until he had pushed it into me as far as it would go. Pleased, he gave my right buttock a pat, stood up and walked away, leaving me bound, stuffed, humiliated and helplessly in need. My hunger gradually eased as I crouched in the imprisoning straps, head resting on the bench. Over the next few hours, as I awaited Rozsaka's return, I actually fell asleep in my bonds, impaled and craving though I was. I knew that I would need it, having been deprived of proper rest the night before. During those hours, Benedik returned several times. Twice, he entered the room to give me sips of water. While I drank, he stroked my manhood a little, just for the pleasure of being able to touch it, but he made no effort to truly excite me. The last time he returned, he released me from the bench, and I guessed that the hunting party must be back. He took me to another room, one of Rozsaka's private rooms which I knew well. All the while, the thick phallus was left within me, stretching and moving inside me, pressing against places that created such jolts of pleasure that my legs were weak. Every now and then along the way, Benedik would stop me to play with it, moving it just a little back and forth or turning it in my rectum, making me gasp or groan. Once in the room, he bathed and groomed me like a dumb beast. Rozsaka entered as he was brushing my hair while I stood silently in place. He stopped immediately, taking a step back to bow. I stood still, knowing she would be displeased if I moved without permission. She walked over to me and ran her fingers through my hair, pleasure in her eyes. "He looks splendid, Benedik," she pronounced without looking at him. "You have done your job well." Benedik smiled broadly in return as he gave her another small bow. "As my Lady wished," he replied. "Leave us now," she commanded, and he did. She turned to me. I felt the beating of my heart grow stronger as I sank to my knees before her. She slipped one delicate hand under my chin, tilting my head up as she looked down into my face, her emerald eyes melting in one of those rare moments of warmth. Then her expression turned serious. "Tell me, Taltros. I know well that you worship me. But do you *love* me?" I was nearly lost in those eyes, but I struggled to command my thoughts, to put into words what I truly felt for her. Finally, my voice dropping to a mere murmur, I whispered: "Yes. I love you, my Lady. With all my heart." The joy that welled in her eyes made her face a thing of beauty beyond words as she smiled back at me. "Such a sweet slave you are!" she exclaimed. "Boug bless the day that I chose you." I closed my eyes in bliss. The hand under my chin withdrew, and she stroked my long hair. "Your submission to me is beautiful beyond words," she said softly. "It is the chief joy in my life, and I would share it with others. "Come now, rise to your feet. Do you see that chair against the wall? Go to it, and bend over it. Hold the back of the chair to steady yourself." I obeyed her, grasping the backrest of the carved wooden chair, facing the wall. Her footsteps sounded behind me as she went to a nearby dresser. I heard a drawer being opened, and my breath quickened. Then there were the soft sound of a stopper being pulled from a bottle, and of her hands rubbing together -- sounds I knew well. She returned, and I felt her hands upon my whipstreaked buttocks, slippery with oil. She grasped them and began spreading the oil, rubbing them all over, molding them in her hands, pulling them up, pushing them together, then pulling them apart and spreading me wide. I relaxed my muscles obediently, letting her do as she wished with my rump. I wanted to eagerly push my naked buttocks into her fondling hands, to offer myself still further, though I knew that she would not approve my doing so without her permission. And still the impaling phallus was inside me, stretching me wide open, dulling my wits with a continual hunger to release my seed. "Do these belong to me, Taltros?" she asked, stroking my buttocks, her voice rapt. "Yes, my Lady," I breathed, feeling the blood pulsing in my swollen organ. I felt her grip the protruding wooden handle of the phallus that stretched my depths. She began to push and pull on it, simulating the motions of another man using me. I gasped in rut as the sensations exploded through my whole body, feeling my legs spread reflexively wider, tightening my grip on the back of the chair. My organ swelled still more, pressing its length up against my tightened belly. I knew I must not touch it, must give myself no relief, but surely drops of my fluid were oozing from its tip again. Sweat broke out upon my skin as I moaned with shame and bliss, pushing my oiled buttocks back toward her, craving more. She began rotating the phallus inside me, turning it round and round, making its oiled leather rub all the most sensitive places in my rectum. I actually cried out with need. "Ohhh! Please . . . please . . . " "You may not climax, my sweet animal." Her soft voice was honey and fire. She toyed with the phallus, tormenting me as I moaned and gasped and begged for mercy until I was nothing more than a shameless beast. At last, I felt her pat my right cheek, bidding me hold still. Only with the greatest difficulty did I manage to obey her, ceasing the hungry motions of my hips. Slowly, ever so slowly, she began to pull the leather phallus out of me. I felt my anus quiver and clench at the shock of its sliding out -- that insistent, thick presence that had filled it for so long. At last the very tip slipped out, and again I groaned at the loss, actually pushing my hips backward in an attempt to take it back into me. In a moment, her hands had returned to my cheeks, spreading them wide. I held my breath, awaiting I knew not what, and warm, gentle breath blew on my abused anus. Finally, her hands left my flesh, and the order came: "You may stand now." I weakly obeyed and turned to face her, seeing the glitter of lust in her eyes, the soft rosy glow of excitement over her cheekbones. "Accompany me now to the banquet hall," she ordered, her voice returning to the cool tones of command. I followed her out of the room and down the hallway. My erection bobbed in front of me as I kept my hands placed on the back of my neck as I had been taught so that nothing of me was concealed. We passed servants bearing away the remains of the feast. They merely glanced at my lady and lowered their gaze with careful respect, then went about their business. Some smirked at the sight of my nakedness and my indecent arousal. I entered the banquet hall behind Rozsaka, where Lord Aron and Lady Ezmana awaited us, with a few of their own servants as well as Rozsaka's attending them. I had suffered this punishment before, and I braced myself. Yet still there was this shock of humiliation as I entered the dining hall. I knew that my degradation would be seen by others who were not of this household -- even common servants who would doubtless gleefully describe it to still others who had never and might never see me in the flesh. The heavy wooden dining table and the chairs were the hall's only furniture. They were positioned close to the east wall, facing the open space in the center that occupied more than half the room. During formal occasions, especially during feast days or when highborns visited Lady Rozsaka, the far wall was lined with her musicians who played during and after the meal, with the empty center given over to dancing or to other entertainments. Tonight, I would be the entertainment. The table was still scattered with the remains of the meal, which Rozsaka's servants were busy clearing away. Other servants were bringing sweetmeats and chilled wines. Aron and Ezmana sat awaiting the spectacle of my punishment. Benedik was already there, standing off to the side. A riding crop dangled from his belt. I did not have to be told what to do. When Rozsaka stopped a little before the table and turned back to look at me, I dropped to my knees on the cold stone floor, hands still behind my neck. I lowered my eyes and kept my thighs straddled wide to expose myself as she preferred. For all my shame, my member was swollen and stiff before the gaze of my watchers. I was made to wait still longer as Rozsaka described to them the nature of my offense, why I required punishment. I kept my gaze lowered to the floor until her cool hand grasped my chin, forcing my gaze upward to meet hers. I looked up at her dear face, the pleasure in her eyes there, and my breathing quickened when I saw the truth in them. She would delight in my punishment tonight, but never would she cast me away. As befits a slave, I said nothing, hoping my answer would show in my own eyes: I would gladly accept her punishment, and even the suffering inflicted at her command was dear to me. That in truth I was no servant but her slave, and she owned me not merely in body but in soul as well. Even my shamelessly swollen member was visible proof of these facts. "Are you sorry that you offended me, Taltros?" she asked. "Yes, My Lady," I replied, as calmly as I could, though my breath was shaky. "I have offended, and I humbly beg you to punish me as you see fit." "And I shall. Crawl to the center of the hall, then turn your back to us and lower your head to the floor." I obeyed, crawling across the flagstones of the floor, until I was in the center of the banquet hall where everyone in it could plainly see me -- nobles and servants alike. Turning away from them, I lowered myself down onto my elbows, turned my head and rested my cheek against the floor, cold stone pressing into my face, my oil-glistening buttocks presented to the chuckling audience. Only then did Rozsaka take her seat with Aron and Ezmana. I had been taught a whole etiquette of positions by Rozsaka for when she publicly punished me. It was not enough merely to display myself thus; I was required to display myself in an indecent and humiliating fashion. So I spread my legs widely apart so that those at the table could see my scrotum hanging heavily between my thighs, and arched my back as deeply as I could to emphasize the swell of my buttocks. I felt the heat of a blush burning my face, and I closed my eyes, but never did I move, even when Aron guffawed and spoke to Rozsaka. "Your slave is as obedient as ever, Rozsaka. He resembles a ewe preparing to receive her ram! I trust I might once again enjoy him in my bed tonight?" Rozsaka laughed in turn. "Yes, if Ezmana does not object -- and if you can promise to be very harsh indeed with him!" Their laughter was joined by that of Lady Ezmana's, assuring them she did not object at all. And thus I knew that even after my ordeal, I would be permitted little rest this night. Then the command rang out: "Benedik, bring in Derlaz." I closed my eyes and swallowed, waiting in helpless shame and equally helpless craving, while Benedik departed the hall on his errand. It seemed to take an eternity, and in the meantime I could only await my humiliation, my buttocks presented so all could see clearly the marks from my flogging. Yet my erection remained swollen and hungry. Benedik's footsteps sounded again. They were accompanied by coarse panting and the clicking of heavy claws upon the flagstones of the floor, drawing closer to me. "Rise, slut," Benedik's mocking voice sounded. "Greet Derlaz." I felt the heat of my blush return, as I rose to my knees and faced the dog. Derlaz, a coursing staghound, was Rozsaka's favorite and one of her biggest hounds; if I had been allowed to stand, his shoulders would have been as high as my hip. He was a handsome but fierce beast, with short white hair spotted with patches of red and gray that clearly revealed his powerful muscles. His claws scratched across the smooth flagstones as he tugged eagerly at the leash that Benedik held with both hands, staring at me with hot, brown eyes, hungry whines coming from his throat. He knew why he had been brought into this hall the moment he saw me. He had been here with me many times before. His long tongue lolled from a panting mouth revealing sharp, stout fangs. Already, the tip of his thick, red organ was beginning to emerge from its sheath. Benedik had to lean backward, using the weight of his whole body pulling back on the taut leash, or the impatient beast would have leaped at me at once. Twice, he shouted "Hold!" before Derlaz settled a little. When he had the staghound under control, Benedik gave me a curt jerk of his head from me to the dog. "Come here, bitch. Begin pleasuring him with your mouth." My belly knotted with shame as I heard the laughter coming from the table -- but not with revulsion. I had done this too many times before to feel disgust now, or even to still my arousal. I slowly crawled around to the huge staghound's flank. He whined impatiently, awaiting my attentions, as Benedik held him still. I moved forward, lowering my head beneath his belly to face his sheath. The dog's bright red maleness had emerged still further, as he anticipated my services. The musky, animal smell of his moist organ filled my nostrils. I took its thick tip into my mouth and began to suckle upon it. Derlaz immediately began hunching eagerly, driving more of his organ into my mouth, proving my skill to the laughing watchers. Derlaz' maleness emerged fully from its sheath as I worked upon it, the musky, bitter taste of it on my tongue. So long was that thick organ that I could only take half its length in my sucking mouth. The hound's eagerly thrusting hips repeatedly pressed the tip against the back of my throat, making me gag a little despite all my training, but I did not cease my work. As I debased myself, suckling the big dog, I could hear Aron and the two ladies talking to each other and chuckling as they watched . . . and I could hear the undertones of excitement in their voices. Something cool and flexible rubbed against my right buttock -- Benedik's riding crop, reminding me that I might be whipped again if my enthusiasm lagged for even a moment. I heard Aron's amused baritone laughter as its tip probed between my cheeks. The tip of the crop slowly slid downward, rubbing against the back of my tightly drawn testicles, pushing them back and forth. I couldn't help the moan of need that rose up from deep inside my throat, even as I sucked on the dog's twitching penis. Abruptly, the crop stung my rump, then retreated, signaling me to cease my ministrations. Only through long practice was I able to refrain from biting down on the beast's maleness. I released it and drew my head back from under his belly. When I involuntarily licked my lips, I heard peals of delighted laughter from the table. Even some of the watching servants snickered. Shame filled me, not only over what I had just done, but also from the awareness that I desperately wanted what would now follow. My erection ached with a need as great and as mindless as that of the huge hound. My rear passage tingled now, longing to be stretched. Benedik, of course, did not miss the chance to demonstrate my shameful lust to his audience. At his command, I turned to face the table and rose up on my knees, my hands behind my neck. A light touch of his crop upon my buttocks encouraged me to push my pelvis forward, displaying my erect phallus for all to see. "You want it, do you not?" he demanded, smiling, as he brought his crop around to push my rigid manhood back and forth and my first preseed dribbled down onto the flagstones. "Yes . . . yes, master," I gasped, tears of shame beginning to blur my vision. Benedik drew back the crop and returned it to his belt. "Then give him your arse!" he commanded. I crawled ahead of the big staghound, who whimpered and strained so eagerly at his leash that Benedik once again had to use both hands to hold him back. Then, with my flank turned to the watchers, I lowered myself onto my elbows, my buttocks once again raised in the air. The sounds of delighted laughter from the table came to my ears. I heard the sound of the leash being unfastened from the dog's collar. "Derlaz -- take him!" Claws clicked rapidly on the tiles behind me, and then the big hound's heavy weight fell upon my back. Long forelegs gripped my waist powerfully to hold me as he would a bitch in season. He thrust against me, jabbing painfully into my cleft again and again as he sought my opening, uttering whimpers of eagerness and frustration. I rose up off of my elbows and braced myself on hands and knees as Derlaz found what he sought, and I felt the shock of the big hound's maleness pushing into my oiled and waiting passage. As Derlaz forced his way deeper into me with a series of staccato thrusts, my sphincter was stretched until I felt that it would burst, then was stretched still more. Deeper and deeper the frenzied hound drove his maleness, stabbing into my very bowels. I forced myself to keep my face uplifted for my audience as I had been trained to do, so they could enjoy my every open- mouthed grimace, every tear that slipped from my eyes down my cheeks, the way I gritted my teeth at the fierce pain of having my opening agonizingly stretched and my rectum filled by the big dog. Above it all, I heard Aron's hearty laughter again. "It would appear that pain excites your slave, Rozsaka!" He was right. Though I groaned aloud and tears of pain and humiliation rolled down my cheeks, the pleasure from the bestial fucking stiffened my organ, making it hard and hungry. Derlaz hunched and thrust, sinking his spear-stiff member deeper and deeper into my bowels, stuffing me as unmercifully as the leather phallus had earlier. At last, he had crammed his entire length up inside me. His heavy testicles rubbed against my buttocks; it felt as though the tip of his pointed organ pressed against my navel from the inside, like a thick, pointed finger. I crouched there before a hall of watching people, with the big hound's weight on my back as he thrust back and forth inside me, no doubt enjoying my heat and tightness. He cared not at all for the pain he was causing or the shame it brought me, only for his own satisfaction. I could hear his throaty grunts and feel his hot, moist breath blowing upon the back of my neck as he savagely worked my rectum. He owned me, and if I were to try to escape now, he would surely seize the nape of my neck between his strong jaws to force me into submission, just as he would a bitch. A worse pain gripped me as the base of Derlaz's maleness swelled, forming its fist-sized knob within my already-aching sphincter. Without the repeated stuffings I had been subjected to earlier today, I would have suffered still more. But I accepted the pain as part of my punishment, just as I accepted Rozsaka's whips and riding crops and the other torments she subjected me to. In a strange way, I even took joy in it. I continued to keep my head up so that Rozsaka and her guests could relish the signs of my agony, enduring their genial taunts and their conversation as they watched the spectacle. Derlaz was well trained also. He did not dismount from me to face away, as a dog normally would. Instead, he continued to lie upon my back, gripping me with his powerful forelegs, so that I had to endure his heavy weight, the stink of his panting, warm breath. Now the hound lay heavily upon my back, occasionally thrusting to give himself more pleasure as his semen pulsed into my aching bowels in a slowly diminishing stream. As time passed, both the pain of that great knob and my own need faded a little, and my manhood softened. Rozsaka and her guests took their leisure as they watched me, sipping their wine, talking. "He makes an excellent bitch indeed," I heard Lord Aron jest. "Perhaps I will ask to breed him to my Saali." "And will you want first pick of the litter?" Rozsaka continued the joke. "Of course!" And he laughed heartily, Ezmana joining in. I closed my eyes in humiliation but remained silent and still, gripped in Derlaz's bestial embrace. Gradually, the great swelling inside me began to shrink, and my tormented rectum at last began to feel relief. Derlaz remained inside me until he had entirely spent his lust. Then he slid backward from me, his knob pulling out of my rectum with a last stab of pain. I felt the warm wetness of the hound's seed oozing down the valley between my bottomcheeks, slowly running down to the backs of my testicles and, I imagined, dripping down onto the cold flagstones between my knees. I remained there, awaiting Rozsaka's next command. My punishment, far from being ended, had only begun. Benedik gave Derlaz's leash to a waiting servant who led the sated animal out of the room. The next dog was brought in -- Afang, another staghound, a great brindled beast. Even more so than Derlaz, he was already aroused, his red maleness almost wholly extruded from his sheath even before he reached me. As I had done and suffered with Derlaz, so I had to do with Afang. I stimulated him with my mouth until his maleness was completely ready to take me, and then at the signal of the crop across my buttocks I offered my rear to him, playing the bitch. My humiliation eased a little as the game went on. So did my pain; my well-stretched passage was now more easily able to accept the staghound's large knob. The stretching and rubbing of my inner membranes by Afang's member gave such me pleasure that I found myself shamelessly thrusting back against Afang; my groans were mingled with gasps of delight. My own arousal was once again a craving stiffness beneath me. In my own passion, I no longer remembered to keep my head lifted. So Benedik's fingers twined in my long hair and pulled, forcing my head up so that the watchers at the table could see my face. Afang's maleness was even larger than Derlaz's. So greatly did it fill me that none of his semen escaped my bowels while he remained knotted to me. When at last he retired, it flowed down between my buttocks to the back of my scrotum in a wet gush. After that, I was made to serve one more dog, a tawny mastiff named Terle, before Rozsaka declared that portion of my punishment complete. Then, Benedik commanded me to lower my head to the floor and press my cheek against it, my buttocks once again aloft. I remained in that position while he delivered five vicious cuts with the riding crop that brought tears of pain to my eyes. "A superb performance, Lady Rozsaka!" Lady Ezmana's soft, cultured voice sounded, and Lord Aron eagerly assented. "I am glad it pleased you, gentle friends," Rozsaka replied, and I could hear the smile in her voice even though I couldn't see it. "I anxiously await his arrival in my room," Aron said, and I heard the chairs being pulled back by their servants as they got up. I was left in that humiliating position as Aron, Ezmana and their entourage left the hall for their guest chambers. My buttocks still stung and burned from the crop. At last, Rozsaka commanded, "Leave us, Benedik." My heartbeat pounded in my ears. Above it, I heard Benedik's footsteps departing -- and then Rozsaka's approaching -- as I crouched there on the flagstones. Her footsteps stopped just behind me. After a moment, a hand stroked my burning buttocks. I closed my eyes, feeling the soothing touch calm something deep inside me. "Taltros." Her voice was soft. "Yes, my lady," I murmured, my cheek still pressing against the cold stone. She continued to stroke my uplifted buttocks. "Does your passage burn? Does it ache and sting? Tell me that it does." "Yes, my Lady, it does." And it did, and I found myself glad of it, because it pleased Rozsaka . . . and because I had needed this. I had needed to be punished for offending her. "Good. I am glad." The cool, gentle hand continued stroking me for long moments as I knelt there. I felt my manhood throbbing still. Finally, the stroking ceased. "Rise, Taltros. Rise to your knees, facing me." The stiff, sore muscles in my back and legs complained as I did so, turning around to face her. I assumed the position for when we were alone together, knees spread wide apart to reveal my swollen member, my wrists crossed behind my back. As our eyes met, her face softened, warmed. Then she smiled . . . and I lost my breath for a moment. "Your submission tonight was beautiful, Taltros." The shame and misery in my heart drained away at those words. However awkward and degraded I might have felt during my ordeal, it now seemed worthwhile -- all of it, and all the suffering and humiliation and unsatisfied lust I would suffer for the next three weeks. I could have wept with gratitude at her words; I felt a lump well in my throat. I forced it down to reply. "It is my joy to serve you, my beautiful Lady." "And I enjoyed your suffering." I took a deep breath at those words. "Then I am glad to have suffered for you, Lady." And I was. I had not been while the dogs had mounted and used me, hard and aroused though I had been, but I was now. Her eyes held that brilliant light again as she gazed down upon me, and I held my breath as her hand lifted and gently caressed my cheek. "And I love you, Taltros." I thought my heart would stop. Then she had bent toward me, and her mouth was on mine, hungrily demanding. I opened my lips to accept. For long, breathless moments we were locked in a deep kiss, our tongues meeting and mingling as our souls longed to. My manhood was once again fully hard and hungry. At last, she broke the kiss and stepped back, her tenderness at an end, though her eyes were still warm. "Come with me," she commanded. A joyous lightness filling my heart, I rose and walked behind her to the baths, where I would be washed and groomed before being sent to serve Lord Aron and Lady Ezmana for the rest of the night. Send comments and criticism to: maureen_lcn@yahoo.com . See my author's notes above for the URL to my story archive. Afterword: I don't condone sex between animals and humans in real life, but I like the fantasy of it as a humiliation for a male slave. I've used it once before, though briefly, in another story of mine titled "The Price".