Thanks for coming to see my stories! I currently have five in progress. GHM - A sci-fi. This story is mainly based on transformation. My first story, will work on it upon request. ABPM - A fantasy/sci-fi This story is based on two parrell univeverses and the group of people that go between them. My Secondary Project. ALS - A Story that I'm likely going to remove, as I didn't like where it was going, really. TRW - A Sci-fi/Fantasy. I'll work on it if somone e-mails me about it. WE - Sci-fi/Fantasy. My Primary project. Enjoy! Please give me some feedback, If I don't get any comments, compliments, or critisims, I'm not likely going to write more. Enough people come to read my stories, if you take the time to do so, please send me a short e-mail with your opinions. If you dont do it, no one will. Oh yeah, I also do some art, which you can see at