Neil opened his front door to reveal a tall, nicely dressed red fox in his late 20s, perhaps a couple of years older than the rat’s age of 26. 

            “Mr. Simonsen?” the fox asked, his voice clipped and thick with a British accent.

            “Yes, that’s me.  Call me Neil.  And you are…Adrian Valmont?”

            “Yes.  Though please call me by my middle name, Colin.”

            “Come on in, Colin.”  The rat pulled the door open wider and admitted the fox, who entered the apartment tentatively.  Neil shut the door and turned around to get a better look at the prospective tenant.  He was quite tall for a fox, even for a red fox, the largest of the vulpines.  He was dressed in dark, freshly-pressed slacks, a white collared dress shirt with a tie, and a sweater vest.  The rust and white fur on his face was boldly marked with black crescents on his muzzle and black streaks running from the outside corners of his eyes, giving him a rather handsome, elegant appearance.  His eyes were brown and deepset, and between his black-rimmed, white-lined ears was a tousle of very wavy hair, a few locks curling over his forehead, similar to Neil’s own hair but brown instead of white.

            Yet, in spite of his handsome and dignified appearance,  Adrian Colin Valmont seemed a bit awkward and nervous as he looked around Neil’s humble apartment, his hands in his pants pockets.

            “There’s the kitchen and bathroom,” Neil gestured with a nearly hairless hand.  “And over here is the bedroom that you would use.”

            “It looks very nice,” Colin said, his first words since entering the apartment.  “How much did you say the rent was?”

            “500 a month.  Though it’s negotiable, of course –“

            “No no, that’s perfect,” the fox said, gazing around.  “I’d be happy to take it.  That is – unless – unless, of course, there’s someone else you’re considering…”  Colin’s voice trailed off in what seemed to be the expectation of disappointment.

            “Oh no, so far you’re the only one who’s responded to my ad, it’s hard to find tenants at this time of year,” Neil proclaimed, staring curiously at the fox, who gave off a strange combination of elegance and insecurity.  “If everything seems good to you, I’d be happy to finish the deal and get this whole business over with.”

            Colin’s gaze focused directly on Neil’s for the first time, a mixture of surprise and relief in his eyes.  “You mean…no one else has applied?  That’s odd, this is a very nice flat…”

            “Well…”  Neil lowered his gaze and shrugged.  “To be honest, I think a lot of people don’t like the idea of living with a rat.”

            “Oh, I don’t mind at all.”  A small, shy smile appeared on the fox’s muzzle.

            “Is it a deal then?” Neil asked, grinning and holding out his hand.  Colin’s smile grew, exposing sharp white teeth, and he extended his black-furred paw to shake Neil’s.  “Deal.”


* * *


            “These are my good friends, Micah, Khris, and Elijah,” Neil said.  Colin nodded politely.

            “I’ve known Micah and Khris for a few years now,” Neil said.  “They’re a very sweet couple, they –“

            “Uh – you’ll excuse me,” Colin said suddenly.  “I-I’m sorry.”  The fox turned to leave, his white-tipped tail twitching nervously.

            “Is everything okay, Colin?” Neil asked, his thick eyebrows raised with concern.

            “Yes – I – I don’t feel well.  I’m going to go rest.  I’m sorry.”  Colin nodded curtly and disappeared into his bedroom.

            Neil stared at the closed bedroom door for a few moments before turning back to his friends.

            “Well.  I apologize for my housemate’s antisocial behavior,” the rat stated, shrugging helplessly.

            “It’s certainly not your fault,” Micah answered, a slight smirk on his face.  “If he’s not feeling well…or perhaps he just doesn’t like hanging out with gay couples.”  Like Neil, the fennec shrugged.  “Does he know about you, Neil?”

            The rat shook his head slowly, turning back to look at the door again.

            “Why don’t we go into town, and grab dinner or something?” Elijah asked, breaking an awkward silence.  “Since your roommate seems to want to be by himself.”

            “Yeah…good idea.  Let’s go.  Taco Bell?”  Neil glanced one last time at the bedroom door as he followed his friends out.


* * *


            Neil returned later that night to find Colin sitting stiffly on the couch, staring into his lap, his hands clasped between his legs.

            “Colin – is everything all right?  Are you feeling better?”  Neil sat on the couch, a few feet away from the fox.

            “Yes.  I’m sorry.  I just – I had a headache.”

            “There’s Advil in the cupboard if you need it—“

            “No – I mean, thanks, but I’m feeling better now.  Please apologize to your friends for my rudeness.  I’ll be going to bed now, I think.  Good night.”  Colin stood up and strode out of the living room, leaving a baffled Neil sitting on the couch.

            “Just trying to be friendly,” the rat muttered to himself, and flipped on the TV.


* * *


            Neil woke suddenly and sat up in bed, his ears pricked and his whiskers twitching.  The room was silent aside from the ticking of the watch that he had placed on his nightstand before going to sleep.  The digital alarm clock read 3:12 AM.  Neil yawned, exposing his long rodent incisors, and settled his head back into his pillow, when he heard the sound that must have startled him awake in the first place.  A muffled sobbing gasp, like someone trying to catch his breath after crying.

            Neil sat up again, his pink ears pricked, then swung himself out of bed and pulled his plaid bathrobe on over his nightshirt.  Another soft sob, barely audible but definitely male.  Neil grabbed his wire-rimmed glasses from his nightstand and shuffled out of the bedroom, down the short hallway, and into the living room, squinting in the darkness.  A pale shape on the dark blob that signaled the couch resolved itself into a hunched fox in white two-piece pajamas.

            “Colin?” Neil asked, squatting down next to the couch.  “Colin, what’s wrong?”

            The fox jerked his head up, sniffed, and turned to look at the rat.  Even in the darkness, Neil could see the tears glistening in his eyes, and the damp fur on his cheeks.

            “Nothing.  I just – oh, nothing.”  Colin turned away, rubbing his hands over his face.

            “If your headache’s back, I have Advil and Tylenol—“

            “No.” Colin interrupted.  “I mean, that’s not it.  I’m sorry I woke you up.” 

            “Don’t worry about it.  Look, if something’s wrong, you can tell me, Colin.  We’re going to be living together for a little while, after all.”  Neil gazed at the fox imploringly.

            “Just a…a bad dream.  How are your friends, are they okay?”

            “Yes, of course,” Neil replied, puzzled at the change in subject. 

            “I hope they don’t think too poorly of me for my behavior.”

            “Oh no, I don’t think so.  They’re quite the forgiving sort.  After all, they don’t mind hanging out with a rat.”  Neil gave a self-deprecating smirk.  “But seriously – I think that they were just disappointed that they didn’t get to know you better.”

            “And – the couple – how long have they been together?”

            “Micah and Khris?  Oh, a few years now, I think, ever since I’ve known them.  They’re quite happy together.”  Neil frowned as he remembered Micah’s comment.  “You’re not homophobic, are you?”

            “No, no, absolutely not.”  Colin shook his head vigorously.  “I’m – I’m glad they’re happy.  And what about you, are you in a relationship?”

            Neil shook his head and sighed.  “Unfortunately, being a rat and being gay tend to make things difficult.  I often wish I were a fox.  I suppose it doesn’t help that I’m a bit on the pudgy side, either.”

            You’re gay too?”  Colin lifted his head from his hands and stared at the rat, his eyebrows lifted in surprise.

            “Yep.  Elijah’s the odd one out, he’s bi.”


(to be continued)