Hidden Beauty

A story from the Northwestern Park series

By Mike Charger AKA Michael Luvar Barnes

This story is copyright \xA9 2002 to Michael L. Barnes and as such cannot be posted anywhere without permission.


This story is of adult kind. Anyone under eighteen is advised to get lost. Anyone of legal age; stay for a spell and read this strangeness I wrote that is apart of a new series of stories I have planned.


Started 1,17,2002

Edited 2,17, 2002

Finished 2,20,2002


     “Oh god I hate this part,” Kat Daniels said as he looked at himself in the mirror. His reflection showed off his masculinity and his femininity all in one shot. Kat sighed as he took the bandages on his dresser bureau in hand; and wrapped them around his chest to make his breasts lay flat. It hurt like hell but he had to do it. So as to not alert anyone to his androgynous nature, that he hid for his sake and that of his family.

     Picking up a t-shirt Kat slipped it on and then put on the rest of his clothing. To most Kat looked like a very attractive female fox but he felt he was a male; just with extra parts. When Kat was born he was born with a problem. One that caused his birth parents to raise him in a loose manner; Kat had male sex organs and female sex organs and breasts. Which started to show late in high school lucky for him because it prevented him being labeled a freak, he considered himself male but he also had periods and was attracted to either sex. The confusing feelings in the end left Kat upset and alone. But through and through he kept going, moving forward even if he was destined to be a lonely soul. Then he met his girlfriend around the time high school was ending. She was a rather large fur. A wolf, and tended to be very playful.


     “Kat come on!” Kat heard his girlfriend’s voice through his upstairs window. He was afraid now, afraid of what she would discover one day; but he was also excited. It made his penis firm up in its sheath, and his fem sex moisten.


     Running out of his room Kat ran downstairs and joined his girlfriend on the front porch beneath his window. She was beautiful, graceful and sweet; her black fur a sharp contrast to his grayish white.


     “So where would you like to go today lover?” Meril said smiling sweetly at Kat. She wanted to yiff his brains out right then and there.
     “Silly we have our trip,” Kat said. “And I love you more,” Kat said while stroking the fur behind his girlfriend Meril’s ear. He had to reach to do it; but it made Meril giggle and hug her cute boyfriend.


     “Yes I forgot. And I still love you more heh. So are your parents okay with this?” Meril said walking over to her truck with Kat, as it sat idling in front of his house. Meril waited for Kat to open the passenger side door and get in. Meril then opened the driver’s side door while adding. “And don’t lie to me lover.” With a smile Meril closed her door after sitting down.

     ”Yes. Yes they are,” Kat said as he buckled in smiling. He then said. “I lied they are not so FLOOR IT!”

     Kat’s father Mason came out the front door holding a bat. “Git back here boy! I told you no camping trips without supervision. I don’t care if you are 21 get your ass back here.” He bellowed as Meril looked at Kat surprised as he pressed on the gas with his own foot. Leaving Mason to be consoled by his wife Toya.

     ”I do believe the bat is what made them run…dear.” Toya said purring. She was an arctic fox/cat mix, while her husband was a red fox.

     ”Oh be quiet and get the car,” Mason said while frowning. “We can catch them.” Mason watched as Toya went back into the house and closed the door. “But, the boy’s secret. You know what it could mean; if he is ever found out damn it!” Mason thought while scowling. Not daring to yell those words in public, they would only bring suspicion to his son, as Kat chose to be called. “One of these days I am going to have a heart attack.” Mason muttered while waving to his neighbors the Bateson’s, a family of badgers.


    Meril slowed the truck down as she hit the interstate. Meril was driving just under the speed limit the whole way to the interstate. But seeing as how no pursuit was evident she relaxed. Facing Kat, Meril smiled.


     “Your folks seem to not want us alone,” Meril said smirking. “Tell me why?” She said looking straight ahead at the traffic.


     ”No reason.” Kat said as he sipped from a water bottle nonchalantly; that he had brought along.

     ”No reason eh?” Meril drove as fast as she could. She had ideas and Kat knew it. “Soon we will both come clean to each other.” She thought; hoping the evening would be pleasant and fun filled.

     ”Yes so can you drop it?” Kat said sighing. “My dad is going to have a fit when I get home. He is right even though I am twenty-one. I should still operate by his rules, while I live at his house,” Kat said sipping from his water before continuing. “Sometimes I wish I just had called this day off and hanged out with Zain and Ana at the college dorm.” Kat said in a sad tone.

     ”They only take weekend classes remember. Oh wait silly me it is the weekend. And did you hear? They live together but are not fucking? Unbelievable, think they are gay?” Meril said while shifting gears as she moved the truck to another lane.

     ”I know they only take weekend classes. I meant I could talk to them at lunch or after school or something.” Kat said with a smile. Suddenly feeling better. Gossip always was a pike me up for him. Or maybe it was just talking. “And yes they live together. And I think they have started fucking. Just not too sure though, seeing as how Zain is gay obviously.” Kat’s ears twitched as they rang with Meril’s laughter.

     ”Say what? Come on! Seriously?” Meril asked. Trying to keep the moving vehicle in steady as she shook with giggles.

     ”No just playing. But the rumors at our old high school say he was her gay friend. I just think he was acting like that to keep people away from her. You know sneak in under her radar? Get close to her then strike.” Kat said smirking, forgetting his troubles and living in peace for once in a long time.


     “Interesting plan. So he fakes being gay, consciously, for six or seven years.” Meril said.

     ”Yep.” Kat replied.

     ”All just to end up with Ana,” Meril said giggling. “A strange love story if I have ever heard one.” Meril said smiling. “Of course how do we know Zain is gay for sure?”

     ”We don’t I did however spend the night at his house once. Didn’t pick up on any gay vibes there,” Kat said smiling with a slight flush to his face. “His all around attitude towards me was nice.” Kat continued to blush as he remembered how Zain had discovered his secret and they had slept together. Kat pressed his thighs together as his slit moistened and his cock hardened. “His mom is hilarious!” Kat said giggling, trying to throw attention away from how his face flushed at the memory of Zain taking half his virginity.

     ”Wait I thought she was crazy?” Meril said, finally in control of her laughing. She had stopped and now had a grin on her face.

     ”That is what makes her so funny!” Kat said laughing and soon Meril joined in laughing once again. “But seriously she needs help.” Kat said sobering.

     ”Yes shame what happened to Zain’s brother and all. The whole shooting and stabbing incident at the middle school…” Meril said sighing.

     ”Might be hereditary. But Zain has always been the most sensible one in that family.“ Kat looked out his window as he said this. The view of the trees was pleasant and soothing to him as cool air flowed over his face from the slightly cracked window. While Meril drove at a constant pace down the interstate. Kat closed his eyes smiling and hoping things would turn out great that evening. Maybe he could come clean to Meril about his situation. He thought. “Maybe I can.” Kat thought going to sleep.

     Meril looked over at Kat and smiled. Continuing to drive the rest of the way to the campsite she had rented in silence.




     ”I am glad we planned this out before hand.” Kat said digging into a backpack he had given to Meril a day earlier with some of his things, for the overnight trip.

     ”So am I, finally we can do what we have wanted to do for so long. Right Kat?” Meril laughed as Kat straightened up a little. She knew his cock was straining against his pants.

     ”Yes, then again not really.” Kat had moved to fix his chest wrap. His breasts, though small, had sensitive nipples that hardened at the slightest naughty thought. “I am such a slut.” Kat thought while reaching under his shirt to straighten out his wrappings.

     Meril wondering what was going on with her boyfriend, she wasn’t quite sure he was straightening out his pants, walked over to Kat and looked over his shoulder.

     ”What are you doing?” Meril said smiling.

     ”Nothing but scratching.” Kat said glad his frame was fairly muscular so as to hide what he was doing.

     ”Oh. Well how about I do it for you?” Meril hugged Kat around his arms and pinned them to his sides.

     ”No stop!” Kat said trying to break free. But the large female had a firm hold on Kat.

     ”Why? I heard that foxes are pretty excitable. And I guess it is true.” Meril licked Kat’s right ear making him blush. “I want you to fuck me. Be my first please?”

     ”No I cannot. Not like this.” Kat felt Meril’s hot breath on his neck as she growled. He was starting to realize she would find out his secret, and be horrified, or just dump him on the spot.

     ”Why the hell not?” Meril said in a loud voice. “What is wrong with you? For the last four years you have been the most wonderful person I know. Sure you are a little on the short side. But I like that and I want you to be with me.”

     ”I know.” Kat said trying not to cry. Feeling his feminine side, kick in, as the helpless feelings built up inside.

     ”Then why not like this? Why not be with me tonight? Are you ashamed or something?” Meril said in a soft voice. “Kat it is what you do with your heart that matters most. And I am sure you have a lot of heart eh?” Meril said licking the side of Kat’s face, as her right arm moved down from Kat’s stomach to his crotch. She rubbed the back of her hand over his cock. Making it harden and press against the fabric that hid it from view. “And I see you have no underwear on either? I can tell.”

     ”I have something to tell you.” Kat groaned softly; as he felt Meril’s breathing increase. She had wrapped her hand around his shaft after sliding it into his jeans. As she held him tighter to her body, her breathing increasing as she was turned on by the feel of Kat’s shaft in her furry hand; the pads of which brushed against her boyfriend’s taunt skin, while she stroked him.

     ”Save it I want,” Meril stopped her actions and pulled her hand out of Kat’s pants. While she was speaking she had moved her hand lower. Hoping to excite her boyfriend more by playing with his love sack. While she was fondling it her hand had brushed against a wet slit. Looking at her fingers she sniffed. “Kat, I, thought.” Meril was thrown for a loop. Her boyfriend was a she? But how she had felt his cock and balls. No wait he was something else. He was a hermaphrodite. The realization made her wonder if she was sane. Sure some fox males looked just like females if they had small frames. Just like Kat had. But this news just, no the realization made Meril’s breath catch in her throat.

     ”Why did it have to be like this,” Kat sobbed yet no tears fell. “I wanted to tell you. I just thought you would call me a freak and hate me.” Kat said before pausing a moment to turn around in Meril’s loosened grip and hug her. Burying his head into her chest.

     ”HOW the hell this happen?” Meril watched as Kat shook his head. Like he was trying to forget a bad dream. The question was just a shot in the dark. Meril was confused and it showed. Her body shook with frustration. She did not consider herself gay. Yet she was attracted to a girl? It made no sense.

     ”I was born with both male and female sex organs. Both are fully functional.” Kat said dryly. “I just wanted to do this another way. One in which you never knew about my other half.” Meril hugged Kat, not to comfort him, but to keep standing.

     ”I am not gay.” Meril said on wobbly legs. “But if you’re a girl. Then am I?” Meril said taking a short breath. Hoping she wasn’t going into shock.

     ”Of course not, just try to understand something.” Kat helped Meril sit on a log facing a circle of stones that they had set up before hand near their tent. “I love you with all my heart. And there are some things I need to explain. Please try not to think to hard about it. And yes I am male. I consider myself male. Though I have the benefit or curse. Of also being female.” Kat said.


     Kat stood up and wandered over to a pile of wood as Meril sat on the log arms crossed over her chest. She looked at Kat and then glanced away as he turned holding a few pieces of wood. Kneeling Kat began to make a fire. Arranging the sticks he then pulled out a lighter and held it to a ball of dried grass he had gathered up in a hand. Once it was lit he sat it on the wood and then watched to see what would happen.

     ”You have no idea how to start a fire do you?” Meril asked suddenly. Surprising herself that she had actually said something out loud. In her sad and confused state Meril wanted to feel sorry for Kat. But she realized that she; no he was happy about the way he was for some reason. “Maybe it is love. Love for me that keeps him going.” Meril thought.

     ”Not really.” Kat said smiling. “I am just hoping all those Survivor shows were enough to teach me how to start one.” Kat said sheepishly as Meril cracked a smile.

     ”Are you talking about the one where sixteen people of different species are shoved somewhere for three months and made to do tricks; for a million dollars? Or an actual survival training show?” Meril asked smiling at Kat.

     ”Isn’t it both?” Kat said laughing like an idiot as Meril joined in. Kat was glad she laughed at his corny joke. He felt better and was glad she had not started crying like he sensed she wanted to do. But she showed no real pity for him and he was glad. He hoped she was just happy for him.

     ”Why could you not tell me sooner? I could have taken it well….” Meril said suddenly changing the subject. “I know I could have.”

     ”You did take it well. Considering the way you found out.” Kat said softly as the fire started to spread over the various sticks and twigs Kat had placed in the circle of stones. Standing up from his crouching position at the fire pit, Kat walked over to where Meril sat. Then sat next to her hugging her. “And I want to make you happy. From the bottom of my heart.” Kat closed his eyes hugging Meril as he did so.

     ”I want you to also. I want to make you happy. But how does it work for you? I mean the way things felt down there….” Meril blushed as she spoke. She was feeling slightly aroused again as she thought about Kat’s hardness. She had held it only moments ago. And she wanted it back in her hand. And in her pussy, “Which works best for you?” Meril said finally, while looking into Kat’s face.

     ”Hmm, full service sounds nice. Usually I have to pick one and stick with it. If I am in a hurry I just go straight for my female bits and think about you, while fingering myself. Much faster that way I suppose.” Kat opened his eyes and licked Meril’s nose. “But if I want to take my time. I may drain my balls twice or three times. With you here I guess we can use both. Oh and before you get anymore shocks.” Kat reached up under his shirt and used his claws to shred the bandages holding his chest in a flat position. Meril stared as two lumps with points pressed against her boyfriend’s shirt. She almost gasped but held it in.

     ”Okay. You have breasts.” Meril said making Kat giggle. Meril noticed the air was starting to fill with smells. He was still excited and Meril was ready for him.

     ”Everyone does just mine are more like yours. Nice and soft oh and my nipples are very sensitive.” Kat said smiling.

     ”I figured as much. And well I guess now is as good as time as any to do this. We are not getting any younger.” Meril said starting to remove her shirt. “I just hope we can satisfy each other.” She added as an after thought.

     ”I know I can satisfy you.” Kat said smiling like an idiot as Meril removed her shirt exposing her pink nipples and large breasts to Kat.

     Kat took hold of the right one and began to lick on the nipple while his right hand squeezed and fondled the breast it was attached to. His left hand moved over to Meril’s other breast and began to play with the nipple. Meril gasped and held onto Kat’s back and shoulders to keep from falling over as he worked on her breasts. Stopping Kat pulled off his pants and revealed his shaft to Meril. She looked at it and smiled. Reaching out she tugged on it softly and fondled Kat’s sac with her other hand. Kat moaned and closed his eyes. Meril suggested they move somewhere comfortable and Kat opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping bag that was laid out near the tent Meril had brought. Moving over to it with Meril. Kat had her lay down and then aimed his cock at her wet opening and shoved past her barrier on his first thrust. Meril’s scream only made him thrust harder into her.


     Meril wrapped her arms around Kat. Moaning with each trust. Her cunt soaking with her fluids as Kat pushed into her over and over. Kat pulled back too far once and slipped out only to push back in. Meril gasped as he did this. The sudden feeling of emptiness only to be filled again thrilled her and pushed her senses over the edge. Meril screamed as her cunt tightened about Kat’s hard cock. Pulling out Kat pulled free of Meril’s arms and stroked his cock spurting his seed all over Meril’s open thighs. The whole experience had taken only a few moments or a dozen or so thrusts.

“That was great Kat.” Meril said smiling.

”It was for me too. I love you Meril.” Kat said hugging his girlfriend and sighing.

”I love you more.” Meril said giggling while Kat fake pouted.

”Oh not this again.” Kat said smiling.

The End.


Yes this is one of the stranger entries into this series of stories. But like I have said before in the introductory letter. These stories will cover a lot of things. As always email me at Mike_Charger@hotmail.com or sonicmike@juno.com for a faster reply.