Northwestern Park Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Dear Reader Northwestern Park is a city filled with dreams. Those who live there experience life to the fullest. With the good comes bad. And hopefully not too much bad will happen; as the people of the town encounter things from the occult to the down right freaky. Things like alien invasions, superheroes with obsessions over guys already taken. You know the usual serious weirdness from yours truly. The stories taking place in this town and city are connected and intertwined. How? Well read a few and find out. Anything can happen in this series. And hopefully I will shine and provide reading material that you will enjoy reader. I created Northwestern Park. As a way for me to organize various stories in a centralized location, it is also a way for me to relax as a writer. When working on the same old tried and true stories, basically anything that I have not released will be made over in such a way as it fits into this storyline. Filled with all sorts of people and races. From humans to mutants to even super heroes, if it is strange I can make it believable. If it is believable I can make it strange. That may sound strange but just enjoy the stories. I must also warn you. That all do contain some kind of sexual encounters; some of which are better written than others, while others are written better than some. I believe the majority of the stories will have mature subject matter. This is a warning also to you reader. Steer clear of the stories if you do not want to take the risk of coming across something you did not want to read. Admittedly I do not write gay furry stuff normally. But unless it is a request, I will steer clear of certain types of material. And I always add a plot to my stories. So if you don't want that. I will point you towards the other areas of this VCL page of my writings. Somewhere in these pages of my work should be something; that will suit your fancy. So take a look through my writings and see how much I have improved in some cases. And have not improved in others. Sincerely, Mike