Working Relations

By Michael Luvar Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Darke Katt, Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Alexander Maximillion, Jenni Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry, Cam Manson, Teresa Shadow, Ashley Steel and Ashton Lynch are owned and \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell and Roland Bloodthunder are copyrighted to Luke Collins. Their owner Chance Wolfhog copyrights Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player. All characters besides the above appearing in this story unless otherwise stated are copyrighted \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.


Chapter 1


     It is now the second year of the new millennium. Months have passed since Eric the only existing studio script writer, besides ZigZag with some assists from Live Wire, vanished. Life has continued on in a new way, for it is always changing, and the virtues of the studio member known as Eric were never forgotten by his friends.


     A new session of interviewing had been going on at the studio as of late. New faces, different backgrounds that need checking. Things were busy, and those who already worked at the studio had to pull double duty now that they were running low on reserve scripts left over by Eric. Production had moved fast on some of the latest films because the studio had to keep up with the competition.

     ZigZag even allowed other studios to be formed; licensed under the studio name she made famous. The first of possibly many was named Double Z Studios West and was under construction by a long time friend who had just up and vanished, Sheila Vixen. Turns out she had become disgruntled and Eric had nothing to do with her quitting. Contrary to what the rumors said.


     With the main studio however being busy with hiring new actors and finally completing construction; because many areas were left alone due to the lack of people to fill that space in the past. ZigZag was directing films whenever she could. And she was also taking care of interviews for studio jobs whenever she could. Temps were not hitting it, she needed new faces and stars. Some of her old self had surfaced and kept her not feeling too depressed about the reality of the mystical void left by Eric’s disappearance. But somehow only his return would make everything complete.

     “ZigZag!” A all too cheery voice said.


     ZigZag looked up from her desk at the entrance to her office and smiled. Teresa Shadow was standing there playing her new employee role to the fullest. She had been asking questions about everything and assembling information for her superiors about everyday studio activity. All the while using her looks to sway those who were interested into possible onscreen roles with her. It was all a game and the young mouse loved it.

     ”Yes Teresa? I am busy reading over these new insurance forms. They are really bizarre but what can you expect? No other insurance companies are willing to take us.” ZigZag said looking over the pile of paperwork on her desk. “What am I saying? We are bizarre!” ZigZag said laughing. “So what is up anyway girl? Speak fast!”

     Teresa smiled her eyes appeared to be white at the moment, though she could change the color on a whim thanks to her extra special gifts. “I just wanted to know something about Lively. Is she really a witch?”

     ”No I think she is a good actress.” ZigZag said deliberately hindering Teresa’s inquiry.

     ”That is not what I meant.” Teresa said with a tone ZigZag did not like. “And furthermore a lot of strange things go on around here. One being that you have Chance Wolfhog working here. An old friend of mine from…”

     ”Back home right?” ZigZag said eying Teresa with mock self-righteousness. “Don’t ask me about everyone. Talk to them yourself.” ZigZag picked up a pen and started to write something down on a note pad. “You can excuse yourself now.” ZigZag said not looking at Teresa.

     ”Ouch.” Teresa said leaving quietly. Closing the door she smiled. “I know all your secrets anyway. And now all I have to do is lay low and enjoy my stay here. Gain your trust and then blow the whole thing to pieces.” Teresa knew everyone knew she was a spy. But they really didn’t care. It seemed they had more important things to do than confront her. But Teresa wondered why they had hired her. “Someone knows something and I think I should press Chance for more info.” Teresa thought as a serious look crept over her face. “Confronting your ex, is not a bad idea. Of course if he remembers this past weekend things did not seem that way.”



     Chance was walking down one of the newer hallways of the expanded studio. His wandering eyes spotted the secondary unisex dressing room. “Maybe she is in here?” Chance thought as he pushed open the swinging door. Before him sat Sabrina sketching a picture of Lively who was in the nude while posing on a stool. “Oh sorry, but I needed to ask Lively something about today’s production called “I married a genetically altered assassin”. Did Eric really write the script? It seems like one of ZigZag’s old jobs. No offence.”

     Sabrina put down the piece of charcoal she was using to draw with and grinned. “I don’t think you have to worry about offending us. We know you like Eric just like you like ZigZag. You would never offend her now that you’re as sweet as a kitten.” Sabrina teased.

     Chance frowned and bit back a growl. “I just hate him less now. Somewhat, but honestly this seems like the work of ZigZag.” Chance said holding up a rolled up script. “And the fact that I have to show my strength in this. Seems really, really, cheesy because of the way I do it.”


     Lively stood up blatantly showing her body to Chance and snatched the script. “See the little print here?” Lively pointed to a faint footer at the bottom of the page. “Says here, written as an apology to ZigZag. Eric has a soft side. You don’t.” Lively resumed her pose on the stool she was on and smiled. “But your getting there now that Teresa is back.”

     Chance again bit back a growl. “Okay, fine. As long as I get paid.”

     ”Still using that mercenary personally as a shield I see.” Teresa said walking into the room. Spotting Lively posing and Sabrina drawing, Teresa guessed she was making a portrait. “I like your work Sabrina. Your style is very recognizable. How about drawing me in a private session later?”

     Sabrina quickly came up with an excuse that everyone almost bought. “Can’t Chris and I have plans to go out for dinner. Says he is close to finding another job and wants to discuss it with me. Can’t say I blame him for quitting his job now that the government is using its scorched earth policy with Microsoft during its antitrust case.” Sabrina said with a snicker. “The company he works for was a subcontractor for the big M. So they are going down unless something happens and fast.”

     ”That is too bad, so guilt by association huh?” Chance said coldly. “It works with the guilty. But Chris is too weak in my eyes to be guilty of anything other than knowing you Sabrina.” Chance said leaving in a hurry and brushing past Teresa raking her arm with his coarse hair.


     Sabrina blinked and frowned. “He just insulted me didn’t he?” She asked Lively as Teresa stepped outside of the room.

     ”Just draw girl, I have to practice some yoga before my two o’clock shoot.” Lively winked at Sabrina and then regained her posture on the stool.


    “Okay time to play the game.” Teresa smiled and followed Chance. “Chance I still have feelings for you. How about we see if you do also.” Teresa brushed against Chance and smiled as he sniffed.

     ”Stop your pheromone dispersal. It will not effect me since I am your brood mate.” Chance said coldly. “Another reason I reject you is we are now in the free world. Here you can do anything you want.” Chance stopped walking as Teresa stepped in front of him.

     ”You believe that don’t you? In this “free” world. You used to kill people for the purpose of refining your style of killing. And do not say you are past that. Why this grudge you have with Eric is causing you to do things that you would normally not do. Was this last weekend together not good for both of us?” Teresa purred as she took Chance’s hand in hers.

     Chance pulled his hand away and growled. “Teresa I care. I honestly do. But while I am on the clock I do what my employer says to do. And she wants me to memorize this script.” Chance was prepared to shove Teresa out of his way but he stopped his arm from lifting and laying his hand on her.

     ”You memorized it the moment you got it. You are not some ordinary person. We, Sheppard’s children, are capable of anything.” Teresa said putting emphasis on the word anything and dragging it out as it rolled off her tongue and past her soft lips.

     Chance grabbed Teresa by the throat and glared at her. Looking both ways down the hall he then focused his attention on the smaller female in his grip. “It is bad enough everyone knows you’re a spy. Worse yet Eric told us when you came to let you stay in that damn note of his. Bottom line Teresa you keep out of everyone’s way and especially mine!”

     Teresa pried Chance’s hand off her neck and smirked. “And why should I? You grabbed me because of the secret you and I learned together that day back home when we were kids. That James is…” Teresa quieted down as ZigZag walked around a corner with a mare and collie in tow. Behind them came two large birds of prey. “We can talk later lover.” Teresa kissed Chance and then pulled away from him and gave him a minute wink before walking away from him. Her tail held high as she wiggled her hips.


     ZigZag saw this along with the newcomers and approached Chance. “Your history with her becoming a problem?” ZigZag said in a worried tone. “I know kisses and that one was pretty strange.”

     Chance looked at ZigZag. “How so?”

     ZigZag pointed to Chance’s lip and he noticed it was bleeding.

     ”Normally you do not take a chunk out of someone’s lip unless they ask. Speaking of which I would like to introduce you to the new arrivals. They are considering working here. Hopefully you can tell them something you like about working here?” ZigZag said with a hint of enthusiasm.

     Chance touched his lip and smirked and laughed a little. This startled ZigZag. “Guys, you seem like mature reasonably intelligent folk. So I will lay it down like this. I am not an easy person to get along with. I like riding motorcycles. Killing bad people in my spare time for money and live in a nice little suburban home just outside of the city limits.” Chance licked his lip and the patch of blood vanished. “I also like to act coldly towards others. So if I walk past you without saying hello. Or if you greet me and I ignore you. It is not because I do not like you. It is because it is my style. And if being rude is wrong then I do not want to be right. Check ya later newbies.” Chance walked off with a smirk on his otherwise expressionless face.

     The collie Sean spoke first while the others just stared at the retreating wolf hybrid. “I like his style, he speaks with an arrogance one must admire.”

     One of the Eagles with ZigZag spoke. “Hmm he is cute, I wonder if he likes being beaten with chains?” Ashley said with a light yet serious tone of voice.

     The mare blinked. “I think I am going to stay away from him. And does he really kill people?”

     Ashton spoke last after crossing his arms. His wings flared for a moment before he relaxed them. “I like guys and girls, but that my future friends is one seriously twisted guy.” Ashton started to grin. “I have to know ZigZag. Is he into guys?”

     A knife flew down the hall and embedded itself into the floor in front of Ashton. A brown furred arm retreated around the corner soon after it landed. ZigZag looked at the large eagle and wondered if he was going to wet himself.

     ”Chance is straight Ashton, and I am glad you all are not too opposed to working with him. I guess this is the start of something new eh?” James said as he came up behind the touring group. Holding out his hand he shook each newbie’s hand in turn. “Welcome to the studio. I am sure you will all like your new work as long as you remember one thing. Try not to take everything so seriously. Now here are your complementary copies of the Karma Sutra.” James handed them each a bag. “And a book of poems written about blue movies by ZigZag sometime last year. It is on the best sellers list I might add. Oh and some emergency numbers for embarrassing injuries resulting from the use of the first item I gave you. Well that is it.” James smiled and walked off.

     ZigZag was holding in her laugher as Sean started flipping through the Karma Sutra with a bewildered look on his face.


     “AH MY EYES!” Sean said slapping the book closed after spotting one particular picture.


     Ashton and Ashley both looked in their copies and compared notes with the sex manuals they had at home. Cherise just flipped through hers like she was cramming for a test. Her large eyes widened as she saw the same picture Sean had seen. With a whinny she closed the book.


     “Looks like these guys will be as much fun to work with as I hoped they would be after all. Now to see about hiring that new camera person.” ZigZag thought as she suddenly started laughing.




     David Bateson was the only cameraman at Double Z studios; and he was on his way to having a meeting with ZigZag about a possible cameraman number two.


     A door shut and the tall proud male deer; found himself standing with ZigZag in studio A. “So who is this new camera person ZZ?” David said with an unsympathetic look on his face.


     ZigZag smiled sweetly at David while she brushed off some dust on her new uniform. She looked through a few folders she had in her hands until she found the one she was looking for. It read Cam Manson on the cover. It also had a label attached to it with measurements. The studio recently ordered new uniforms made that were tailored to each individual’s needs. And since Cam was a candidate for a position at the studio. Her measurements were required.

     ”She is a nice young little chipmunk.” ZigZag said, while reading over her application. “Overly hyperactive yes, but I am sure you will see to it that you can get along with her. And maybe teach her your skills.”


     David shook his head; his rack of antlers rattled. It was obvious he was in an agitated state. The idea of training someone new made David feel old. ”I work alone.” He said with that same unsympathetic look on his face. “You knew this when you hired me.”


     ZigZag put her hands on her hips and flat out said what was on her mind. ”You work for me. So you will work how I tell you to. And according to your contract you can quit if you want to. But until you do I run the show.” ZigZag said while taking her right hand off her hip and shoving a finger into David’s face. “Now I am telling you to get along with her and see if she really has the skills we need or ELSE.” Zig Zag said in an annoyed manner. 


     She did not appreciate the fact that David was bucking against her authority. She called the shots. And since Eric vanished she also had to make the tough calls instead of relying on Eric’s suggestions since he was the peacemaker.


     “He really did run things around here,” ZigZag thought. “Now that I think about it; for a writer he had some talent. Of course my own scripts won awards. Even if they were for best spooge scene in recent history.” ZigZag giggled to herself. For the moment she had forgotten about David who was also caught up in his own thoughts.

     ”Okay I understand,” David said frowning. “So when is she supposed to get here?” David said as a plan began to form in his mind on how to tackle this latest arrival.

     ”Anytime now, hopefully she isn’t as much a flake as she seemed on the phone. Her credentials do check out so far. But she seemed really upset with her previous employer. Better watch your rear David. She could be gunning for you. And also I want to apologize for…”

     David raised his hand and silenced his boss. “You are the boss. I have to listen but you are also my friend. Anyway I need to ask for a favor. It involves my relationship with Lara. We, I have yet to consummate our love.”

     ZigZag smiled softly. “David, here is something that should help.”

     ”A copy of your book of poems…OH! This is…this is…a book on how to make love! I do not need this. I just…well.” David smiled bitterly. “After my first marriage ended before it started. I have just never taken the time between filming jobs to actually,” David paused. “Lose my virginity.”

     ZigZag made a face and promptly ushered David out of the studio. “Your resolve after what you have seen since you started working here is amazing. Most camera person’s I have had ended up acting in a few films after shooting a few. But you David you’re different. Just what is it about you that keeps you from at least expressing your love physically with Lara? The fact that she eats meat?” ZigZag asked.

     David shook his head. “No, I don’t mind being with Lara, who I might add is omnivorous. No not at all. I love her but I just cannot bring myself to do anything with her. Sure the dating has been nice over the last year or so. She wants more and I am older than her.”

     ZigZag frowned and glanced at a clock hanging on the wall of the hallway that was also a security camera. “Tell you what. Talk with Lara tonight about dinner and a movie. Just do what you normally do. I can come up with something.” ZigZag offered. “And I promise you, nothing too perverted.” ZigZag and David laughed at her small joke.

     David after regaining his composure smiled. “I thought Eric would be the one to help me out. You know just hit me with some of that magic he has with people and problems. But you’re also someone who can change the world. Though we are pornographers.” David added while blushing.


     ZigZag blushed also and smiled. “Yea but I enjoy what I do.”

     ”So do I.” David said smiling. “So do I.”



     Cam Manson grew up in a large city to the north filled with chipmunks and other tree crawlers like squirrels. Her mother was a squirrel as a matter of fact. Cam had moved recently to try and explore the world around her. But money is always needed for such a trip and well she was in a bind. She needed funds and was a capable camera operator. So when she saw the advertisement in a discarded magazine for a position at Double Z Studios. How could she refuse the work opportunity?

     “Just one little look into this job. I can do this. I can watch people having sex for a living.” Cam uttered under breath.


The various furries on the bus looked at her funny.


     “I said that out loud.” Cam exclaimed as the other furs moved away. The little chipmunk let out a loud sigh of embarrassment. “I will not make a fool of myself. I will do this I can do this. I am Cam Manson!” Cam thought to herself as the bus pulled to a stop. Exiting the vehicle Cam looked around. “Aw damn it wrong stop. Oh well I can walk the rest of the way.”


     Cam started walking along the graffiti and dirt covered sidewalk of the darkened neighborhood. She had just gotten into town and had no experience dealing with street hoods. In essence she was not streetwise. And she knew the studio was open late most weeknights. The industrial area of the city that was now mostly abandoned housed the studio. This neighborhood was filled with poor people and the homeless. And worst yet drug dealers and pimps and prostitutes. A proverbial nightmare. And Cam was in the middle of it.


     At the corner a figure with three others approached. They all were dressed in business suits and carried suitcases.

     ”Frank taking us to that play on drug use was a great idea! Of course our car had to break down on our way to that coke party.” One of them said as Cam passed them.

     ”My god this is a city of fornication! Maybe I should have just kept on moving. Instead of going for this job. But I already gave her my info. I just feel so lonely and…AH!” Cam stumbled over a rat’s prone form. It was like her humanoid but very much dead and nude. “Oh-my-god!” Cam started running. She ran so fast she could barely breathe.


     She ran right into a large white tiger striped form. It grabbed her and growled out.

     ”Hello? You fell asleep on the bus. Hello my name is Miguel do you need a lift home?” Miguel smiled as best as he could without breaking a sweat. He was so nervous his right eye twitched.

     Cam opened her eyes slowly. The strange dream was over and she was glad. ”Oh, that would be nice. Hello my name is Cam and are you not the driver?” Cam asked looking around. Out the windows she saw other busses parked for the night. “Am I at the bus station?”


     Miguel smiled. “Yes you are, it is my new job. My crew says I should try to understand the normal folk more.” Miguel smiled sure Cam was like him.

     ”Um right.” Cam stood up and followed Miguel out the front door of the bus. She watched as Miguel with little effort closed it with the press of a switch. After which he removed the key used to make the switch work and closed the panel on the front of the bus. “Can you give me a ride back to my hotel room?”

     Miguel nodded. “Yea you’re new in town? Any reason why you would come to the strangest place on earth?”


     “I am going to get a position at Double Z Studios. Why do you ask?” Cam muttered as she followed Miguel towards the employee parking lot.

     Suddenly from behind a parked bus came three figures. Each held a weapon. Miguel growled at them.

     ”Back off! I do not have time to play with you three!” Miguel said eyeing the two rabbits and a feline carefully.

     ”My boss wants you hurt. And this should send a message to my uncle Jake.” The rabbit that spoke brandished his scimitar with deadly intent. “My fellows proceed to hurt them.”

     Miguel prepared to beat the three guys heads in when suddenly three hub caps smashed into the backs of their heads knocking them out. Walking up behind them was Jake.

     ”My poor confused nephew. Prison did not teach him a thing.” Jake wandered up to Miguel and shook his hand. “Thanks for not hurting him.”

     ”You did not give me the chance to.” Miguel said scratching his head. “Um you came for her?”

     Cam peaked out from behind Miguel’s shoulder. “Hi.” She said meekly.

     ”That I did. Lively you were right here she is.” Jake called out as he hopped over to his unconscious relative and propped him up against the side of the bus with his two companions.

     Lively and Chance walked over and surveyed the scene. “Hmm Sabrina’s prophecies are becoming accurate.” Lively commented as she looked around.

     Chance sniffed. “They are not alone.” He said as he drew a magnum from his brown trench coat and pointed it towards the darkness behind him. Chance grunted as he was suddenly attacked from above.

     A large wolf had pounced onto his back and was trying to claw his face off. Lively was chanting away and fired a fireball at the wolf surrounding him in flames. Chance threw him into another bus and then fired his gun twice hitting him with rubber bullets knocking the wind out of him as Lively quickly stopped the flames from enveloping him completely.

     Jake grabbed Cam and bounded off. Leaving Miguel with Lively and Chance.

     ”So you guys do this also besides act in adult films?” Miguel said punching a thug that ran up on him so hard he flew out of his shoes. Pulling off his uniform’s sweater Miguel bared his fangs as he proceeded to get busy.

     Chance performed a leaping spin kick into the chest of a lion coming up behind Lively. “It pays the same.” Chance was suddenly thrown onto his back with a loud thud. Looking up he found he was looking into the eyes of a pissed off wolverine.

     ”Let’s dance bub!” It said as it reached down and grasped one of his ankles and threw him over a bus.

     Chance crashed into another bus and fell to the ground. Standing he leaped over the bus he was thrown and planted a kick into the wolverines face.


     The wolverine stood there and grinned. ”I am going to enjoy this.” He said.


     Chance smiled then punched him over and over in the stomach. Ending his attack with a backhanded punch that made the wolverine crumple to the ground.

     ”Well someone did…bub.” Chance smiled and backhanded the guy coming up behind him. Twirling he drew his gun once again and fired. All the remaining thugs fell over with pained cries as he emptied his clip of rubber bullets. “Don’t need a murder rap.” Chance thought darkly as he slid his gun into its holster. “So I used rubbers.”


     “Bad joke Chance.”    Lively groaned before a fit of coughing overwhelmed her.

     Miguel threw the guy in his left hand over his shoulder and walked over to Lively who was coughing. “You okay?”

     ”Yes. Whew that was fun. Reminds me of the bar fights at my sisters place. Oh well let us take our leave.” Lively threw down a smoke capsule and vanished along with Chance.

     Miguel stood there for a moment before Lively pulled him into the smoke as it dissipated.

     Cam was sitting in the studio van as the others caught up with her and Jake who was watching over Cam.

     ”Thank you very much. I do not know what to say.” Cam said sincerely.

     Miguel butted in. “NO problem. Well see you later.”

     ”Hmm don’t you need a ride home? Your car was virtually smashed by those thugs.” Lively stated. “We came here because Sabrina warned us with a phone call from her date with her boyfriend.” Lively said emphasizing the world boyfriend. Making it all to painfully clear that Miguel had not a chance with her at the moment.

     ”Yea I figured someone like her had a hand in this. Thanks I probably would have gotten beaten up. Would have bounced back in a day or two if I managed to choke down some food.” Miguel smiled and walked off into the night.

     Cam was stunned. “So you came to help him?”

     ”Yea and you also,” Chance held out his hand surprising everyone. Cam took it and Chance smiled. “Hello my name is Chance Wolfhog. I am a hybrid just like Miguel. Only he is part panda and tiger. While myself is composed of wolf and hedgehog. Though my quills are not noticeable, they can however come out in a moments notice.” Chance demonstrated that by making a line of quills appear out of the fur of his forearm.

     Jake smirked. “You look like one of those guys from that Andromeda show doing that.”

     Chance shot Jake an evil look and the rabbit shut up and got into the drivers seat without another word. Lively piled into the van’s back seat with Cam as Chance decided to ride shotgun.

     ”You don’t mind if I sit here, do ya Jake?” Chance said with an edge of anger to his voice.

     ”Not at all, in fact while you are up here. Can you answer one question I have?” Jake started the vehicle and put it into drive and drove off heading towards the studio.

     ”Make it quick, it is pretty late and we should just take Cam back to her hotel room and not to the studio.” Chance grunted.

     ”Whatever happened to Darty?” Jake said pushing his shades up onto his forehead further.

     Chance looked out the passenger side window and frowned. “She went with Angela into the woods. She wanted to be there for her new friend.”

     Lively kept silent as a burst of electricity leapt from her fingers into the back of Chance’s seat.. Cam just observed the situation and wondered why Miguel acted like he did around her.

     ”Oh man! What kind of situation have I gotten myself into?” Cam exclaimed.

     ”The adventure of a lifetime.” Lively said patting Cam on her shoulder.

     ”That is such a weak statement Lively.” Chance said closing his eyes.

     ”I am not good with this kind of situation. I don’t know whether to hit on her or console her!” Lively said glaring at Chance.

     Cam scooted away from Lively blushing. “Um that is nice of you but I like guys.”

     Lively flicked the hair out of her face. “Well, I believe I can change that!” Lively said with a laugh.

     Chance couldn’t help but smirk as Jake laughed.

     ”Don’t let that talk scare you Cam. We are just fun loving people. Ya know my name is Jake, the mystical woman next to you is Lively. She is unique in many ways.”

     “Some of which you only will find out about on a date.” Lively said with a wink.


     “That sounds…inviting.” Cam started to say before she shook her head. “Why did I just say that?” Cam scooted away from Lively.

     Chance sniffed. “She is using magic to try and seduce you. Let me guess Lively, your boyfriends are out of town right?”

     Lively crossed her arms and frowned. “I don’t know how you came to that conclusion.” Lively stated. “Oh and Chance?”

     Chance flinched as Lively stung his ear with a little jolt of power.

     ”Stay out of my business.” Lively then added with a smile. “Unless you want to become the latest subject of this ritual…he jumped out of the car.” Lively looked past Cam out her window to see Chance go rolling by.

     Jake smiled. “Talk about an original way to get out of doing something strange with you Lively. No offence.”

     Lively punched Jake in the back of the head softly. “Aw shut up.” She said playfully.


     Chance dusted off his coat and looked to the shadows across the street as he stood to his full height.

     ”I see you have spotted me tailing you. How…nice of you to drop by.” Teresa said walking out of the darkness behind Chance and stopping directly behind him. She wore a black body suit made to fully conceal her movements in the night. Not that she needed it.

     ”Yea and I came to tell you something. When you make the choice not to go back.  Do not regret it. I do not, but you might.” Chance started walking away.

     ”What does that mean?” Teresa asked flicking her white hair out of her eyes. “And why did you stay?”

     ”You will see, that is my answer to both of your questions.” Chance smiled to himself and sprinted off into the night.

     ”We shall indeed.” Teresa quipped as she stepped back into the shadows. “We shall indeed.”

End of Chapter one


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