Working Relations

By Michael Luvar Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Darke Katt, Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Alexander Maximillion, Jenni Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry, Cam Manson, Teresa Shadow, Ashley Steel and Ashton Lynch are owned and \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell and Roland Bloodthunder are copyrighted to Luke Collins. Their owner Chance Wolfhog copyrights Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player. All characters besides the above appearing in this story unless otherwise stated are copyrighted \xA9 2000, 2001, 2002 to Michael Luvar Barnes.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 3


     David opened his eyes and tried to move his head but found he couldn’t. His antlers were firmly stuck in his bed’s headboard preventing any movement of his neck. “Whoa.” David closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath and exhaled before pulling his head free. Sitting up he rested his knees against his chest and looked down at a patch of gray that was starting to appear in his brown fur. “Great now I am probably going to be gray all over before the year is out.” David smiled and touched Lara’s shoulder. A loud snore greeted him and made him laugh as he stumbled out of bed feeling sore in places that one would not mention unless with good friends.
     “Work! Damn the studio opens in an hour! okay I will not panic.” The thing about David was he needed at least an hour to erase all evidence from his person of what he did the previous night. And he was never late for work unless his mother was sick. Lara being a wizard with fur would probably be ready in less time than him. “Okay so I should…check the calendar.” David walked over to it calming down as he realized it was Saturday. “Okay no need to panic anymore, I am safe from ZigZag for the moment.” David smiled remembering how ZigZag had a habit of teasing anyone who came to work smelling like sex instead of the other way around.

     ”Not really. Safe that is!” Lara said as she leapt onto David’s back and heard a loud pop. “That sounded funny, you okay?”

     ”Yes…just knocked my vertebrae back in place.” David winced remembering his sore body. “You had to play that Michael Jackson song last night eh?” David said as he touched Lara’s hands wrapped around his neck with his own gently.

     Lara gnawed on David’s left ear before replying. “Not my fault you got your music collection filled with the stuff. I just liked that song for some reason.” Lara smiled.

     ”Really? So the title “Break of Dawn” doesn’t mean anything other than that?” David smiled while walking over to the bed and shaking Lara off of him with some effort.

     ”Well, if you took the lyric’s to heart maybe it did mean something else.” Lara looked around David’s room noticing it had three bookcases. “So you do read a lot. Tell me, do you have any of the books written by Eric’s family?” Lara asked curious as to what her mate read.

     ”Why yes I do, read them all. And they are very nice. Mike is taking over on the next one. I hope he doesn’t ruin it but I think he cannot make it any worse than the last one.” David said while stretching.

     ”So what do you want to do today?” Lara grinned. “Morning walk? Or run?” Lara asked looking excited and full of unlimited energy.

     ”No, I need to raid my refrigerator. Can you handle anything I have in my fridge?” David asked concerned. “I could order out, or we could invade Chance’s garage fridge. He gave me a key.”

     Lara’s ear’s perked up at the mention of Chance. “He lives around here?” Lara watched David enter his bathroom and turn on the tap as she asked him about the notoriously angry hybrid wolf.

     ”Next door…managed to get the couple that lived there to sell to him.” David blinked the water out of his eyes as he washed his face. “Do you need to use the bathroom first?”

     ”Of course, a girl has to keep clean you know. Unless you want to do something else before a bath?” Lara said hinting at what was on her mind.

     David blushed. “I am too old for this.” He thought. “Um no not really.”

     Lara stood behind David looking at his face in the mirror. “You’re blushing!”

     ”AH! How did you do that?” David asked as he faced Lara.

     ”I am a wolf dummy.” Lara hugged David as he blushed more. “Tell me, are you ashamed of what we did? Though it was illegal in some communities. I think it was okay.”


     “Illegal how?” David asked.

     ”You did not hear the phone ringing while…just check your answering machine. Noise control ordinance and such. You should really check your local area laws. The apartment complex I live in allows screaming and howling. Though the one rabbit woman that lives there rarely comes out of her apartment for some reason.” Lara said.

     ”Isn’t your place filled with canines and the like? I would suspect she is either a net entrepreneur or deathly afraid of being eaten. You know some still do go bestial and just attack others.” David sighed as he approached his answering machine.


     “I know, I have trouble sometimes too controlling myself.” Lara sighed.

     ”Hmm what is your problem?” David asked facing Lara. “Have an urge to mark your territory?” David said jokingly.

     Lara glared at David then relaxed. “No silly. I may need to be psychoanalyzed but when I see couples or parents with their children. I get the urge to have kids of my own. Angela seemed so proud of being a mother but then her secrets ruined that for her somewhat.”

     David frowned. “I have a son, of course he doesn’t know I am his father nor does he care.” David blurted out.

     ”You do? Where is he?” Lara pressed. “You don’t have to tell me…”

     ”He lives with my twin brother. He and his wife wanted a child and my first love died after he was born in a strange incident. So I was not really ready to raise him alone and so I offered him over to him.” David sighed.

     ”Hmm, considering your age he is all grown up now right? Remember age is just a number!” Lara joked.

     ”Yes he is a marine, but he quickly gained rank and soon took on assignments that made it necessary to erase his identity from public records. I was told of this by my brother who was really, really, this is an understatement, pissed.” David smiled. “I am proud of him. Maybe I can tell him the truth one day. Have not seen him since he was a baby though. Course my mother knows and is happy with my choice.”

     ”But are you?” Lara sighed. “I guess us having children can wait~!” Lara said in a singsong voice.

     David just blushed again. “Stop doing that.”

     ”What?” Lara smiled.

     ”Making me so damn happy when I am sad that’s what.” David said pressing the answering machine playback button.

     The first message played like so, “David? What the HELL are you doing at nine at night? Sheesh! You could have let the kids go to bed! My god! The whole neighborhood association is having an emergency meeting concerning what you have done. It is outright indecent!”

     David looked at Lara blushing as she just smiled a toothy grin.

     ”You were screaming a lot.” David muttered.

     ”That was you.” Lara grinned.

     ”Oh…it was?” David asked as he listened to the next message.

     ”This is Chance, even if I did not have good hearing. I could STILL hear you through the walls of my house. What the hell happened? Are you dying? Never mind I just heard a howl. Don’t worry confidentiality is my middle name. I wont say anything to ZigZag. BUT you owe me some of your apple pie man. Gawd your loud Lara.”

     Lara made a bow and giggled. “Your apple pie?” She asked quizzically.

     ”My mom’s recipe. Chance is a good cook he says it’s genetic.” David shrugged as the next message played.


     “This is ZigZag, Teresa just called me about you two! I want all the juicy details Lara! Remember you’re supposed to stop by my place and do my hair! Tonight is my date with James! He is just so cuddly! Oh and remember, deer can get their antlers stuck in the strangest places. So have fun!” ZigZag giggled as she hung up.

     David looked at his bed and sighed. “I don’t even want to know how she knows that bit of info.” David smiled.

     Lara tried to hold in her laughter as she spotted the multiple puncture marks in the headboard. “We have to do that again sometime.”

     ”I have nothing to do this week except pay bills, read and love you.” David quickly added. “And not in that order.” David pressed the pause button on his answering machine as Lara walked over to him and threw her arms about his shoulders.

     “What about work?” Lara asked.

     “Heh Sabrina doesn’t eat lunch in the rear break room for a reason dear.” David winked holding Lara tighter.

     Lara kissed David while pressing the resume button on the answering machine but it seemed no other messages were left. “But how did Teresa find out about us?”  Lara got a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Let’s go surprise Chance with breakfast!”

     ”You really just want to see if he is knocking boots with Teresa.” David laughed at the mental image that produced.

     ”And what is so funny about that?” Lara questioned.

     ”They both grew up in the same military environment. And at one point wore uniforms so…” David let it hang in the air.

     ”I get it, you think they had a relationship back then?” Lara asked.

     ”Don’t rightly know, but I do think James is older than me. Just something about him just not sure if he is older than me.” David said as he wondered about Chance, Teresa and James past and how it connected.

     ”Never mind that, come on! I want to be nosey!” Lara grinned as she pulled David to his closet as she grabbed her overnight bag which was really a suitcase filled with clothing and hair care products.

     ”You really want to sniff out some trouble.” David joked.

     ”Aw hush up and grab something!” Lara smiled. “And I think I know what you should wear!”



     Chance’s arm hung over the side of his couch clutching a black furred paw and on his chest lay the owner Teresa. Her tail was wrapped around his leg and a sheet covered them both as they lay together sleeping.

     Chance opened his eyes and sniffed the air. “David and Lara. Damn it!” Chance was caught up with two choices. Hide his relationship or just let it be known. “Fine, don’t mind if they do find out.” Chance sat up waking Teresa who yawned.

     ”Morning.” Teresa said.

     ”Whatever, we have company.” Chance’s words were followed by the ringing of the doorbell.

     ”Just ignore them.” Teresa snuggled Chance.

     ”David has a key.” Chance said as he got off the couch and grabbed his robe.

     ”So he would just come in then? How rude!” Teresa said while putting on her clothing from the previous night.

     ”No, he probably wants to feed Lara, but he is too damn polite to just go into the garage and take what he needs from the deep freezer. So he does this every so often when he has Katie over.”

     Teresa smirked. “He is cheating on Lara?”

     ”No runaway girl, she is like us. And David lets her stop by and spend the night on occasion. She is like a daughter to him I guess. How they met is a mystery.” Chance said as he opened his front door. “Lara, David. How are you?” Chance looked at David’s antlers. “How long were you going to let him keep that piece of headboard stuck to his antlers anyway?” Chance grinned.

     ”Oh till you told him about it.” Lara smiled.

     ”Sheesh.” David reached up and removed the piece of wood and pocketed it. “Good morning Chance can we come in?”

     Chance nodded. “I will get breakfast ready. Teresa please don’t be rude say hello.” Chance walked off towards his kitchen as David and Lara sat down dressed in their official studio gear.


     David wore a black t-shirt with the logo on the back and a small cartoon of ZigZag on the front over a smaller logo. His jeans were blue as were his eyes as he smiled at Lara as she straightened out her clothing.

     ”Nice choice of clothing.” Teresa said while idly flicking her tail back and forth on the ground. “Oh and hello.”

     ”Hey Teresa, so you told ZigZag about us right?” Lara asked.

     ”Yes you were rather loud, but a great cover for me and Chance. Thank you by the way.” Teresa giggled.

     ”Sheesh.” David slapped his forehead as Lara nudged him with her elbow.

     ”Don’t be so embarrassed! Or your neighbors will eat you alive when you are out in public.” Lara glanced at a window and noticed a pair of birds sitting on a branch chirping. It made her smile.

     ”Okay, I will try.” David sighed.

     The wait was short for the food but it was well appreciated. Though David had to avert his eyes every so often as the others ate. With Lara it was fine, but Chance and Teresa seemed intent on eating their large meals quickly. Lara sipped her orange juice quietly as they ate at record speed.

     ”Sorry about that.” Chance sighed contentedly. “I have to take in large amounts of calories and fat to sustain my body. Otherwise I get really, really angry. Its programmed into us to fight harder when starved. Course our bodies are strong enough to go without food and water longer than normal people.”

     ”No worries. You eat about as much as my sister.” Lara smiled.

     David smirked. “You ate pretty fast yourself.”

     ”Shut up.” Lara playfully hit David in the shoulder. “So what are you two doing today?”

     ”Training.” Chance said softly. “I have to get stronger, so I can shove Eric’s face into a cement wall.” Chance added. “When he comes home. I want to be ready to say hello my way.”

     Chance’s way of grieving was strange but no one said nothing. Teresa just finished her food and was all smiles. The conversation then drifted towards dating.

     ”So you two have had this love hate thing going on for years now right?” Lara asked Teresa as Chance put away the dishes.

     ”Yes, I have loved him all my life. Ever since we were little kids and he was being the tough one with Daimon. You know Michael’s twin brother?” Teresa asked.

     ”Yes we heard about him from Eric, Eric seemed really upset about the whole incident. He did not know if he left his long lost brother dead or alive. But he seemed to understand why you did not tell him anything Chance.” David stated.

     ”Heh, he knows why I said nothing. I felt he should learn it on his own. Am I correct?” Chance asked David.

     ”Yes, but no. He said you always were antifamily and well that could have been a key element in your choice to keep your mouth shut. But your also Daimon’s friend right?” David asked Chance.

     The young wolf hybrid smiled. “Of course, Teresa could go on about how we both were the leaders of the pack. Our mock missions had us teamed up often and we worked well together. At any rate, I would like to take you all out on the river in my speed boat. I just purchased it from a friend and a day on the water would be nice. Of course if you have anything else to do let me know now.” Chance knew his hospitality would be turned down.

     Or so he thought.
     ”Hmm, I just need to touch up ZigZag’s hair first and then we could go out and have fun. How about you David?” Lara asked her boyfriend.

     ”Sure, unless Chance doesn’t want to.” David stared into Chance’s eyes searching out the truth with a slight smile.

     ”You know me all to well.” Chance thought. “Hey, I offered right? Why would I suggest something I would not want to do?”

     ”Yes makes sense, for an excuse.” David stood. “Alright, Lara meet you at the studio. I am interested in seeing your boat Chance. I have one I have left in storage for far too long I should see myself.”

     Teresa laughed. “Oh you two,” Teresa checked herself out in a mirror she pulled from her purse. “I will be at the studio later Chance. Take care not to be too much like your old self.”

     ”What is that supposed to mean?” Chance thought. “I can be anyway I want.”



     Michael held his wife’s hand as he walked along a pathway above the spiraling city below him and his love. This city was one of only two that were built by the ‘human’ survivors of Armageddon. Well one Armageddon anyway.

     Michael was in his comfortable true form while Krystal was in her own.


    “So, when the kids are born, then what? No more missions for me and you?” He asked his wife.

     ”Well I have another job to fall back on, which is my research. You on the other hand get to be a house husband at least until we find a babysitter.” Krystal smiled.

     ”Yea, sorry about how I have been joining every job that has come up. But the mercenary force needs its best to work right?” Michael asked.

     ”Yes darling but still, you should consider what happened to my brother…. I miss him you know?” Krystal said rubbing her stomach sadly. “And with your daughter kicking me so often she seems to be telling me she wants out.” Krystal smiled.

     ”So our daughter is a kicker? Great, of course she probably got it from you.” Michael joked. “Seriously, the council will not allow him back officially?”

     ”No, he violated law by rescuing me and letting outsiders see what he was. It was bad enough he lied for me, they forgave me and condemned him. And the way he left! I thought he was dead.”

     ”Take heart, he did what he did to survive. If they thought he had not done so they probably would have sent someone to kill him.” Michael admitted.

     ”Yes I know.” Krystal sighed. “Can’t face facts can we? Our society is advanced as far as technology and culture but, what we do to earn money for use in manipulating the rest of the world…”

     ”Is wrong. But I don’t mind. Not at all.” Michael smiled. “Come on let’s go home and rest.”

     ”Lame way to end a bad topic Michael.” Krystal frowned.

     ”Sorry, I am just bad at ending conversations. And I have other things on my mind.” Michael closed his eyes and thought back over his life.

     ”Stop daydreaming and let’s go home. I just got drop kicked by our son.” Krystal winced.
     ”Hmm maybe you should restrain yourself to your bed for the next few weeks if it is that painful.” Michael offered.

     ”No, no. I am fine, high pain tolerance I have.” Krystal smiled putting on a brave front.


     “Okay someone has seen that new movie without me I am guessing?” Michael growled playfully.

     ”Yes while you do your thing. I am on leave till the children are born. A movie sounded nice so I went. We could watch some movies at home you know.” Krystal smiled.

     ”I don’t like that smile. Very suspicious from the look of it. And I also sense some playful thoughts coming from you.” Michael smirked.

     ”Since when could you read minds Mikey?” Krystal looped her arm in Michael’s as she spoke.

     ”Since I married you.” Michael said softly.





     The sun slowly settled into the hills overlooking a lush forest hidden away in a valley in the Rocky Mountains. Smoke rose from a chimney attached to a large ultramodern cabin. It was two stories tall with solar paneling and energy efficient windows and construction.


     Inside the living room sat three women, one a raccoon, the woman to her right a black furred feline. And finally there sat a pink furred skunk in a love seat curled up with her tail and a book as the others watched television.

     The feline spoke first. “So Dartanya? What is up with your fur color anyway? Bad dye job?”

     Dartanya turned a page in her book with a sharp looking claw and smiled as her eyes drifted towards her friend. They were blood red at the moment a testament to her true nature. “Darke, frankly I am surprised you did not ask sooner. I have been here with Angela for a few months performing chores and what not to keep you from kicking us out.” Dartanya giggled. “But I don’t have a clear answer for you, I have pink fur, it’s not brown, not white, just…pink. Okay?”

     ”If I told you I believed you, would you rub my feet?” Darke asked.

   ”If I told you I would drain the life from you if you ever had me do something like that. Would you be afraid?” Dartanya asked turning another page.

     Darke stood up and kicked over her coffee table. “Alright if you want a fight you got one!”

     Dartanya stood up and cracked her neck while spreading her leathery wings. “Are you sure you want to die?” She said calmly, almost playfully, in a deadly sort of way.

     Angela changed channels before bursting into tears. “Why did he have to go off to war? Damn my heart for hurting like this.”

     Darke sat back down and hugged Angela as she sobbed. “It is okay your babies father is still alive.”

     Dartanya hugged Angela also. “He is too tough to die. Trust me!” Dartanya smiled as Angela sniffled.

     ”I know, but I am going to have to be alone for so long though. My own family wants me dead. I have no job right now, If I go out in public agents for my mother will probably kill me and take the children. It is all so much to handle!” Angela cried.

     Dartanya got up and sat back in the love seat and wrapped her wings around herself as she started to read. Darke shot her a dirty look and Dartanya ignored it. “Look,” Dartanya started to say. “I know how pain like this can hurt. Trust me though when I say it is best you think of other things. Possibly even meet someone else.”

     Angela started to stand up so she could knock Dartanya’s teeth loose but Darke was already on her and strangling her. Angela pulled off the hissing feline and chided her. “Stop! She acts this way because she is in love with Eric also!”

     Darke stared at Angela. “What? Why didn’t you tell me? That is it! No more secrets or you both get the fuck out!” Darke declared as she pointed at the front door. “Talk or else! Just tell me the whole story instead of reminding me of how I owe ZigZag and some other stuff I don’t like you mentioning!” Darke declared.

     Dartanya sat up on the floor and smiled. “Another thing you should know. I can hold my breath a really, really long time.” Darty flipped up and plopped down on the couch next to Angela. “Sorry if my advice hurt but seriously from what you have said. Males are slaves where you’re from. And if Eric decides not to start killing people who get in his way, especially women folk, he is going to be used like a slave.”

     Angela said nothing as Darke frowned.

     ”You’re giving up on him?” Darke demanded.

     ”No, just. She is right for once. Eric just doesn’t fight like he should.” Angela smiled. “But I also believe he would do the right thing in any situation.”

     Darke scratched her head. “You guys still are pretty strange. Your friends yet you hate each other because of one guy?”

     Darty smiled. “Not just one guy.”

     Angela nodded. “The perfect guy.”

     ”Great you two are starting to sound like you like each other.” Darke said shrugging.
”I just don’t understand you spoiled girls.”

     ”Spoiled? I had to kill my father!” Dartanya said. “And it is his actions that leave me immortal till this day! I look like a teenage freak! Normal bat’s don’t have an extra set of arms!” Darty said looking at her wings as she spread them.

     Angela said nothing as she listened to her friend vent.

     ”I have wings, I am pink! And I am also hunted by the vampire elite as their freaking messiah! They want me to be their queen and lead them on a blood hunt so fierce that only Eric’s kind could stop us!” Dartanya sniffled as she wrapped her wings around herself. “I don’t like killing! I am cursed with the memories of those who I…have killed.”

     ”WHAT?” Angela and Darke said in unison.

     ”It is true, when I used to feed by attacking innocents. I drained part of their souls into me, inside of my heart lay the thoughts and will of hundreds. All sleeping but every so often they wake up and taunt me with their damn forgiveness….” Dartanya said while hanging her head. “Yea they forgive me, only now they forgive me. At first they always hate me then they realize I had to feed and live and it was their time to die…. It is all metaphysical bull! All of it!” Dartanya hopped to her two feet and ran out the front door and lifted off into the sky with a mighty leap forward.

     Angela managed to make it to the door just as Dartanya flew off. “She doesn’t need to feed like that anymore Darke. So you don’t have to worry.”

     Darke quickly put down her homemade stake and coughed. “Um how can that be?”

     ”She fed on the blood of Eric once, he lived but she realized it gave her body a slight immunity to her need to feed on blood. It changed her physiology over time as she fed on it more and more. Even made her stronger. Now she feeds only when she is upset, or really in need of it. That large black case we shoved in your basement is filled with plasma. If she does attack someone it won’t be for blood.” Angela said closing the door.

     ”So you’re going to let her do that?” Darke said not caring in the least what happened.

     ”Really now? If they track her back here after she causes some trouble, I do believe they will blame you.” Angela said crossing her arms.

     ”But…damn you!” Darke grabbed a coat as she noticed the sun was already going down. “I will look for her then. She owes me and so do you!” Darke was gone and running along the dirt path that connected her home to a main road. “Sheesh, sleep with a person a few times and they swear you’re their friend. Damn you ZigZag!” Darke said as she reflected on her past as the trees passed by as blurs.

     Dartanya was perched on a tree branch when she looked down and saw Darke leaning against it breathing hard. “Hey you having a heart attack? I can hear your heart racing.”

     Darke looked up and smiled as she unsheathed her claws and sank them into the tree and climbed it. Once she was at Dartanya’s level she hopped off of the trunk and onto the branch she was on. “So how do you feel now that you have done some ‘running’?”

     Dartanya sniffed. “I can sure as hell smell you have done some running of your own.”

     ”Shut up! I am trying to be civilized here!” Darke smiled darkly. “But nooo, you rich idiots keep making me MAD!”

     Dartanya giggled. “Um Darke, when you won the lottery you moved out here. Your rich also.” Dartanya said with self-satisfaction.

     ”Okay so my comment had a loop hole, big deal.” Darke nudged Dartanya. “So do you feel better? I know where you come from. I have had a rough life and don’t you dare ask me about it!”

     Darty waved a hand dismissively as she used her feet to keep her grip on the branch she sat perched on with Darke. “I already know enough about you from reading Zig’s thoughts. You know you two have done some pretty fun stuff. Shame she is a one man gal now. I guess I missed out on “a fun time” eh?”

     Darke shoved Dartanya off the branch and snickered when she heard a thud from far below. “Let that be a lesson on keeping your mouth shut. By the way, you still have the dishes to do when you get back Ms vampire.” Darke climbed down the tree and hurried off for home just as it started to rain.

     Dartanya sat up and growled. “She is SO going to regret doing that.” Dartanya declared just as she heard a loud creaking noise. “What is that?” The branch Darty was on smacked her in the head just as she looked up. “Ow…some days being a vampire sucks…pun intended.”



     Chance walked along the dock grinning. “You guys didn’t say a thing while I was piloting the boat. What was that?” Chance smirked.

     Lara looked sick as she replied. “Shut up Chance or I will dye your fur yellow.” Lara walked towards David’s van and slumped against it. “At least ZigZag’s date should have gone well.”

     Everyone’s studio pagers went off. Usually only happened when ZigZag suddenly had a burst of inspiration and required her staff to assemble like superheroes as she put it. But this time the text messaging devices said something utterly horrifying.

     “ZigZag’s been taken hostage?” Everyone said in unison.

     Chance frowned and punched the air in front of him. “Great! What happened to James? Who would do such a thing?”

     David climbed into his van and unlocked all the doors. “Just get in! I know where that particular night spot is!”

     Teresa looked up at the skies as she climbed into the van’s back seat with Lara. “Its night already. ZigZag would have taken James club hopping for fun tonight. She seemed really happy today. Some sort of surprise.”


     Chance pulled out a pistol and loaded it with a fresh clip. “I should have known something like this would happen. Some fanatic must have grabbed her after taking out James!”

     David floored it and soon was zooming through town heading for the club known as “The Night Spot” frequented by felines, the club was owned by a jaguar who was known to entertain people of any gender with his dancers. Some of which were featured in some of ZigZag’s films before she started hiring again. All thoughts were not on ZigZag but rather on something else. David failed to notice the exchanged looks as he drove franticly.

     “ZigZag!” David said bursting into the club. David looked around the darkened night club and immediately braced himself for what he knew was going to happen.

     “Surprise!” Was the cry that the heavens heard as the lights came on and balloons fell from the ceiling.

     David sighed. “You knew I was one year older today didn’t ya.” David said blushing. “I am too old for surprises!”

     ZigZag pulled the string on a party favor before hugging David and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Your not old! Stop saying that!”

     David shook his head. “Your methods for getting me here were deceitful! I could have had a heart attack! Anything could have happened.” David sat at the bar and slumped in his seat. “I don’t need a party to tell me to be young. I have Lara and my friends, I don’t need reminders.”

     Jazz sat next to David and smiled. “Man the way you be bellyaching about how your too old for stuff! It made us feel bad about acting young in front of you!”

     David smiled. “Its my catch phrase.”

     ZigZag laughed and snapped her fingers causing loud music to start playing as the party got underway. Everyone came up to David with presents one after the other. Some were practical others were just downright embarrassing.

     “ZigZag, um why would I need a bottle of this?” David said holding up a bottle of blue and pink pills.

     ZigZag smiled. “Its for you and the one you love!” ZigZag winked at Lara. “The pink ones are for Lara of course. Just take one and trust me you will have a heart attack.” ZigZag joked.

     David shook his head as he downed his lemonade. “Ya just had to say it?” David smiled. “Oh well bring on the cake!”

     Sabrina tapped Chris on the shoulder. “You know there’s a stripper in a cake that large right?”

     Chris coughed up some Pepsi he was drinking. “Really?” Chris said a little too excited.

     “Men!” Sabrina thought frowning.

End of Chapter three


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