Character profiles for Workplace Relations


The following was updated 4-21-01 with all new character additions towards the bottom and updated info for all characters.



Eric Taillong

Age: 20




Eric is the sanitation engineer and scriptwriter for Double Z studios. A fun loving guy at

Heart Eric tries to sort out his problems with the help of his girlfriend Angela and his friends at work. Eric gained his current wealth by using money he got from a source. Playing the stock market and buying up land Eric has a tidy sum of cash set aside for his various endeavors.


Eric currently has to reestablish all his data on the GAA project in an attempt to figure out what will cause the Genetically Altered Assassin’s to attack. Since he knows the code word system is flawed he searches in his spare time for the other possible triggers and GAA’s in the country and world.


Erica Taillong

Age: 20




Erica one of the most skilled GAA’s she excels at infiltration and manipulation and has all her brothers’ abilities. Though Eric lost his eyesight due to his power Erica has not giving her an advantage over Eric as far as vision.

Erica wants to be the one to finish her family and since the resurfacing of her parents she hopes to get them also. Though at times she seems like a normal feline deep down inside she is more disturbed than her lover Anthony.



Michael Taillong

Age: 24

OccupationTechnological Expert

Race/SpeciesFeline/Wolf/hedgehog hybrid


Michael is not as interested in keeping the world safe. He mostly wants his family to come to terms with what happened in the past and establish a future though he may hide his brilliance with a laid back ignorant attitude at times. Michael is very skilled at combat though he received no training and backs out of fights in a comical manner at times.

Michael is as strong as Anthony if not more so since he was the original GAA child in the since his parents perfected the treatment on him and created various means by which to administer it by.



Rachel Maximillion

Age: 30

OccupationManager in Anthony’s company



Anthony not only owns One X studios he also owns a major corporation. Rachel his wife runs a department inside said corporation to keep herself busy and not seem like a trophy wife.

Rachel remembers a time when her husband was a dedicated military man much like James but ended up doing many an illegal thing to support his wife and children who are all grown up. Rachel maintains a grudge against Erica who she knows is sleeping with her husband.


Anthony Maximillion

Age: 39

OccupationAntagonist/business rival



Anthony is ZigZag’s rival though the reasons as to this are not clear at times he tries his best to ruin her. But recently due to the start of his plan to attain an army of GAA fur’s Anthony has laid off of ZigZag and is now concentrating on killing Eric and anyone who can help him. So in the end ZigZag remains on Anthony’s hit list.

Anthony was exposed to the chemicals and altered viruses apart of the process of creating a GAA at an older age than normal and thus has never fully adapted to the enhancement process. Age plays a factor and since he stole only parts of the process and variations of it has since tried to perfect it and has yet to try it out again on himself for fear of complications like those that occurred with his brother Jack who now lives in obscurity on an island with is family who became infected by there contagious father.




Age: 22

OccupationWebmaster/Artist/Dreamer for double z studios



Sabrina plays that supportive friend role well even though she sometimes is frightened by what she knows she keeps her emotions in check and tries not to quit her job whenever the going gets tough.

Sabrina has stood for a lot around the studio as the one who maintains the website which receives hundreds of orders a week. She still manages to remain friends with ZigZag who did incidentally hit on her a few times for an actress job at the studio.


Amy Squirrel

Age: 28




Amy is Sabrina’s long time friend and confidant. Amy really just doesn’t want to get involved but Sabrina has a way of dragging her friend into situations.


Zig Zag

Age: 26

OccupationOwner and former actress of Double Z studio's

Race/SpeciesTiger striped skunk


ZigZag spends most of her days worrying about her brother and sister who are on the run currently from there shared past. Though work keeps her busy she also wonders if she made some right choices by allowing Eric to run things when she is away.


ZigZag has matured much since meeting Eric and acting as the big sister he never had. The very alluring big sister he never had.



James Sheppard

Age: 30

OccupationBodyguard/security for the studio



ZigZag’s older boyfriend has a checkered past though his reasons for not revealing much of it are many he still manages to let it out in bits and pieces. James was ZigZag’s bodyguard. Now due to due to her studios increasing popularity he has extended his duties to include all the actors and actresses and keeps a constant watch out for people with explosives like Eric’s sister who he trained to be the ultimate infiltrator with the help of someone else who has yet to be revealed.


Angela Markson

Age: 21




Angela is Eric’s first girlfriend and his only love. Angela is the secretary for the studio she mostly tries to keep her personal life out of her daily duties which are basically ZigZag’s duties since she dumps some of her work onto her in a pinch.

Angela wants a pay raise but is mostly hoping for Darty to leave her favorite feline alone. Keeping her eyes on Darty keeps Angela on edge and Eric is starting to act strange towards her she feels. So she keeps watch hoping that nothing happens between Darty and Eric that hasn’t already happened when she first showed up.



David Bateson

Age: 41




David is one of the older members of the studio staff in fact he is the oldest besides Darty. But being wise beyond his years has taught him one thing that keeping his eyes open and his mouth shut is the best way to deal with his friends at work.

David spends most of his free time when not helping the others set up sets or filming reading. David knows Lara has eyes for him but tries not to get involved with her due to a bad relationship with his first wife before she divorced him.


Michele Fawn

Age: 32




Michele was a onetime mainstream actress who then switched to the blue movie business in a strange move after becoming unpopular. Though her popularity has soared Michele just looks for someone that shares her views on life or is incredibly cute not some possessive guy.

Bryce seems to fit that image Michele has of the one for her to a t though he is younger than her. Michele wants Bryce for a boyfriend on the other hand she is also afraid that what she does will ultimately keep him further away from her.



Lara Justain

Age: 35

Occupationmake up and hairdressing



Lara is a hairdresser plucked from a hair salon and picked by ZigZag to be an in studio hair and fur dresser. Though most of Lara’s beautiful hair designs are messed up during filming she takes pride in her work and has her eyes on David even though most of the time his eyes are in a book.


Lara has an air of prestige around her and considers herself the best at what she does in the state. Though her long time rival does work for One X studios.


Jake "Jazz" Phillips

Age: 37

Occupationsound engineer/music composer



Jake has had his share of bad luck. Being the middle child in a litter of six has had its tolls on Jake also called Jazz by his friends. But having a huge extended family Jake can get you almost anything. And I do mean anything.


Jake had a love of music from an early age and went to three different musical institutions before attempting to compose for a production company. It fell through and a lot of things had been falling through for Jake until Eric fell across Jake or rather Jake ran over Eric’s back in there first meeting which soon landed Jazz a job at Double Z studios as the studios professional music composer.



Bryce Landry

Age: 22

OccupationZigZag's assistant



Bryce was given a pity job of being ZigZag’s assistant. At first it was to see if he could survive in such a strange environment but Bryce hasn’t quit yet much to the dismay of Ertai who seems to dislike Bryce and his being in the studio.


Bryce having earned the respect of everyone at Double Z studios wants to forget about getting his master’s and becoming a blue movie actor. Though his dreams have been dashed by the appearance of his sister. Bryce doesn’t blame ZigZag though he blames himself for not having the guts to face Michele about his feelings even if she is older than him. Or his sister about butting into his life whenever she feels like it.



Christina Landry

Age: 24




Bryce’s older sister Christina was turned onto the idea of becoming an actress by none other than ZigZag. Christina had stopped in to visit her brother at his job and ended up signing on before she knew what was going on. Eric attributes it to ZigZag’s killer personality while Bryce wishes he did not have to contend with his sister being in of all places an adult studio with him.


Christina likes the idea of doing something so shocking as to act in blue movies but dislikes the fact her brother is constantly harassing her to quit. Christina wonders why when in reality Bryce wanted to be the first in his family to star in a blue movie. But his sister’s interference has slowed not stopped his plans to play in the buff some day.


Ertai Maxwell

Age: 25




Ertai is one of the troublemakers at the studio. He came in for an interview and ended up getting the job on the spot thanks to his looks and attitude. Ertai is an annoyance around the studio but makes up for it with his acting abilities.

Eric who was on a food run for the studio discovered Ertai in a pizza shop, Though Ertai’s real intentions are to steal ZigZag from James and become a leader among his fellow actors. All he has succeeded in is barely avoiding a smack down by James.




Live Wire Katt

Age: 19


Race/SpeciesSkunk/White Tiger


Live had the misfortune of being struck by lightning while inside her mother’s womb while on the way to a hospital to be born. Her mother died but she and her sister survived and were named accordingly. Live was raised by her grandparents after her father skipped out on her. She has some magical ablates due to her being a witch/wiccan.


Live lived in Japan with her sister Dead Jolt Katt until they turned fifteen and moved to the US and took care of themselves with the help of there grandfather.


Live is called Lively also. She was wandering around the country for a while living from odd job to odd job till she came across an ad for Double Z studios that seemed to call out to her. Her sister Deadly runs a car repair and painting business, along with a coffee shop called the Java-Kava.



Dartanya Nightblood



Race/SpeciesSkunk with bat wings


Dartanya also known, as Darty to her friends is a vampire, don’t think she got the wings because of it no one of her earlier family members was a bat so she ended up being born with wings.


She is at least over hundred years old yet doesn’t look a day over 15. She flirts constantly with anyone and I do mean anyone and tends to try and win Eric’s affections most of all. Angela and Dartanya do not get along and how she met Eric and got to be an actress at the studio is revealed during her first appearance.



Chance Wolfhog

Age: 22

OccupationActor and mercenary



Chance was hired to kill Eric by an unknown person. He is like Eric a fur able to call upon incredible power for the purpose of destruction. Chance lost in a fight with Eric even though he is stronger due to the way he was raised as a killer from birth.


Chance hides his emotions except his obvious contempt at being made a fool of by Eric and being forced for the sake of his honor to perform at the studio per Eric’s request when he lost his fight with Eric.



Evan Taillong

Age: 45

OccupationScientist /businessman

Race/speciesHedgehog/common house cat


Evan was an outcast most of his life feeling his intellect separated him from all others. Falling in love with an assistant at the laboratory at the college he was working at and attending was something that was not apart of his plans. At 21 he got his then girlfriend Lorene pregnant by mistake.

He thought his career was over but though the suggestion of a scientist who he worked with. Evan decided to experiment on his first-born. His son Michael thus Michael gained his high intellect and power from his fathers tampering though Evan doesn’t show it he is proud of his children and doesn’t have any regrets about what he did to them.



Lorene Taillong

Age: 43

Occupation: Perfectionist/assistant to her husband

Race/speciesLion/Wolf hybrid


Lorene is the mother of Michael, Eric and Erica. All three children where experimented on by there parents respectively. Though none of them harbor any ill will towards their parents for what they did. Lorene feels somewhat guilty about what she has done but hides it by hoping that her crimes will give birth to something that may change the world if they already haven’t.


One of the more popular girls at her collage Lorene was an A+ student who was offered a part time job at a lab at her school she took it and ended up dating an assistant professor Evan who is the love of her life. She was on top of the world… Till she got pregnant and thought her life was going to take a turn for the worse though Evan convinced her to keep the baby and let him do experiments on it. The result was the beginning stages of the GAA project.