Workplace Relations By Michael l. Barnes

The lost Chapter 15



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog are copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt


This was the original Chapter 15 as seen by Miguel a friend of mine which some of you may know I like to call Miggy. In this chapter I made some weird changes to the storyline and plot… Overall it was a funny story… Yet sad and overly violent. I will make it a point to edit this at a later date. I have only done a partal edit on the first two pages or so since the more I go over this the more I realize I could use this altered… Chapter 16 is just strange so I will not look at it I will just post it.



Chapter 15


An origin from afar

Darty sat in her apartment meditating. She had gotten fed the day before like usual by a donation from Eric. Eric was pretty weak when he had given her the blood but Dartanya refrained from getting anything else from him.

”Poor poor Eric… I wonder how he is feeling?” Eric rubbed his back and yawned as he dragged himself out of bed and into a short sleeved black shirt and matching jeans. Angela had left already and Eric just grabbed his cane and left also.

”What to do this weekend… Hmm it seems I have guests” Chance pulled up in a gray jeep and hopped out with Ertai and Jake Bryce remained seated. Eric sat in a chair on his porch and sighed.

”Hello care to have a little fight?” Eric yawned. “Don’t ignore me kitty!” Eric snorted then just kept staring straight ahead.

”Aw leave him alone Chance he is tired I bet!” Eric glanced at Bryce from behind his shades.

Eric stood and calmly said. “What the hell do you want? Angela and me had a bad argument last night… I do not need this… See ya” Eric started walking to his car. Taking off his shades he shifted his eyes and got in.

”Wait! We need you to hear and see the new tape! The one you helped finance with that orchestra doing my music!” Eric smiled.

”Calm down hyper bunny and see me at the office Monday. Chance go to hell by the way. As far as I am concerned until I decide you’re off the hook your stuck at the studio”
A pencil whizzed by Eric’s nose and pierced the opposite window with a small hole as it passed through.

”Okay Eric… Fine” Chance coldly looked at Eric as he drove off. Chance then walked over to Eric’s door and turned the knob.

”Unlocked… Hmmm” Chance stepped to the side as the pushed the door open with his hand. A nail gun popped down and fired three nails into the porch. “Eric you sick bastard!”

A recording started to play. “Um you’re like breaking in and stuff so get out of here before you get hurt… Unless you are already hurt… Gah” Chance frowned as Bryce and Jake snickered.

”Who’s voice was that!?” Jake pushed one of his ears from over his left eye.

”Michael Eric’s older brother… He did install the security system here. Just goes to show he is silly no matter what he does” Chance scratched his chin thinking of a plan to get back at Eric.

”I have heard of Michael from… Never mind let’s just leave” Chance closed the front door and then walked back to his Jeep. “Next time Eric I will get you… And when I do get you it will be unpleasant”

Darty stood after finishing her second bowl of cereal. She had managed to get an apartment and was planning on buying a few things that same day. Walking in front of a full body mirror Dartanya struck a pose and flexed a few muscles.

”I am way too sexy!” Dartanya thought as she turned around and looked at her back and noticed an old scar from before she became a vampire. “Papa…” Darty shook her head and scolded herself.

”No they were weak and they deserved my revenge… Including Albert…” Darty sighed and flopped down on her bed after stacking her bowl on a stack of plates that needed cleaning in the kitchen.

Dartanya closed her eyes and slept. Eric stood outside of Dartanya’s apartment with lunch in hand a few hours later. “Angela where are you?” Eric could only fear for her safety since her scent had long since vanished when he got to the last spot she was at which was in the middle of nowhere in particular.

”Almost as if she left the surface of the planet… I need to stop thinking in such a way!” Eric had doubts as to his girlfriends origin since he got so mad with her during another argument he ran a check on her and found.

”Fake identification paper starting from15 then nothing before… Almost like she never existed before that point… But why does she keep fighting with me over dumb things then we end up talking things out and I score… Whoa a little Mike got into my thoughts there… Guess my bro has an influence even if I like it or not…”


Eric knocked on Dartanya’s door and she got up out of bed and drifted sleepily down her hall to the front door. “Hello Eric come on in sweety!” Eric blushed and stepped in.

”Um nice job with the dishes… They need some cleaning” Darty sniffed.

”So do you care for a tongue bath?” Eric’s ears kept twitching as he sat down trying to keep a straight face.

”Sorry I should have went home… I was looking for Angela as if you did not know” Darty nodded. She still had a slight connection with Eric and his thoughts. Eric could only assume that she kept after him because he must have deep down some thoughts about her he did not know he had.

”It is all right… Here let me get lunch ready… I don’t mind if you stare at my ass as I do so but if you touch me I will bite you” Eric looked down into a backpack he had brought along and pulled out a palm computer and an ebook and began to get his email while reading.

Dartanya smirked and got some plates and utensils ready for her and Eric. “So is it often that you buy Chinese?” Eric looked up and then looked back at his book.

”Is it often that you flash your butt at people deliberately? Come on this flirting then not flirting has to stop!” Darty stood in front of Eric her chest right in his face at eye level. She had on a sleeveless white skintight t-shirt and gray shorts that clung to her hips.


Licking her lips she put her arms around Eric’s shoulder after leaning over. “Come on you know you want a piece of me…” Darty was left hanging as Eric got out of her reach and sat on the other end of the couch.

”Hmm Eric you forgot something” Eric looked at Darty and saw his palm computer in-between her cleavage. “Care to upload some loving while you retrieve your unit?”

Eric shook his head and deadened his emotions Darty sensed the change and was shocked and got a worried look on her face as she removed Eric’s palm top. It was like she felt how she did when she first became a vampire. It made her cry.

Eric glanced at Darty and said. “Stop with the games and the tears… I just want to eat and talk… You made me use something I did not want to. I can turn on a hormone that causes some of the centers of my brain that work to control and give me feelings off. NOW please sit”

Darty got the plates and sat sniffing. “You can be so mean sometimes” Eric smirked his eye’s remaining dead.

”Yea it comes with the power… What was your price?” Darty finished putting some fried rice on Eric’s plate and looked away. Eric repeated what he said with a coldness rolling off his tounge. “Your price? If I may…”

”Fuck you” Eric would have blushed but under the current circumstances he was in no mood for games and wasn’t surprised in the least. “You don’t need to know… What was your price HA treating me like some one dollar trick…”

Eric smirked and sipped his can of soda. “Yea on Broadway Street they cost eight” Darty slapped Eric and he did not even flinch.

”What is with you? You came here for info right? ON me and for another reason? Well then you have to earn that information otherwise eat and get out” Eric took off his shades and flinched then smiled warmly.

”What do you want me to do? Pay homage to your bloody history or just be myself?” Eric then was back to being cold again. Darty did not like the feeling she was getting it was of another feeling she had sensed many times from others but Eric he was also adding something else to it.

The two started eating and Eric ran down a list of options for obtaining what he wanted. “Betray my girl and give Dartanya what she wants… Under consideration due to recent events or Cut myself until she breaks down and tells me… Hmm painful but also good, and finally be nice and hope she tells me… Aw to hell with it!”

Eric stood and walked over to Dartanya’s side and she looked at him with hate in her eyes for making her remember her past. “Come on…” Eric took her hand and then turned on his feelings again.

”What… Oh you mean… Even after what I did to all those people and you… And what I do now… You still” Eric looked at Darty and kissed her. Darty held Eric by his ass as he kissed her.

The two locked lips for a while Eric felt the time was right and could not contain his urges any longer. “Okay tell me what I want after we are done and I promise to come back”

”Deal!” Darty hopped into Eric’s arms and soon he had her on her bed, which was covered by adult toys. “Sorry about the mess heh” Eric knocked them to the end of the bed with a swipe of his hand and began to rub Darty’s body as he laid down next to her.

”AHHH ERIC!” Soon the two laid peacefully next to each other. “Eric?” Eric looked at her and smiled. “I think we are in trouble…” Eric looked up at Angela as she glared down at the two.


Eric wandered into his house drunk and bleeding. “Damn why did I go and do that? Drinking all day… Waste of money and time… Angela?” Eric found a note. “I know your or were at Darty’s place… So I am going over there to have it out with that bitch!”

Eric stretched his neck and shoulders. “I go looking for the lady and she’s plotting to have her ass kicked by Dartanya… Fuck it all” Eric tosses his cane onto the couch and sits down.

Eric soon is asleep after washing in his bed. Back at Dartanya’s place.

”How could you!? What did I do to deserve this?” Eric smiled.

”Nothing but how about you join us?” Angela drew one of Eric’s special guns.

”How about I blow off your equipment!” Darty frowned.

”Jelous… Hmm I know I was after Eric started to..” Angela prepared to shoot as Eric hopped up and snatched the weapon from her and then shoved her on her ass.

”Calm down I am sure we are mature enough to handle this…” Angela stood and frowned.

”My creator was right… Your like all other men… At first she warned me about working at such a place… Nothing but trouble would follow… Now I know and you have broken my heart… I will kill you now with my power… I am so sorry Eric… Dartanya your just another woman who can not keep to her own ends… Now I am going to end you”

Eric cocked his head then gasped as he looked at Angela. Darty pulled on her clothes and stared also.

Back at Eric’s house.

”So Eric you drank yourself stupid… It is okay we are here to help!” Sabrina and ZigZag while on there way from picking up a shipment of equipment Eric had paid for stopped by his house. It was late and Eric wondered if ZigZag had done anything to Sabrina.

”Eric ERIC!” Eric looked at Sabrina as she handed him a cup of coffee. “Drink this and then eat this” A bowl of hot peppers was sat before the feline who groaned.

”Not the ZigZag method!” ZigZag smiled and winked.

”That is right Eric! Your going to be so amped up you won’t feel a splitting headache in the morning!” Eric tried to talk after finishing his drink but ZigZag shoved a pepper in his mouth.

”Nothing bad will happen just eat!” Angela stood blood smeared on her fur looking around at the damage she caused and at the bodies before her.

”I knew I was stronger…” A cell phone went off and Angela answered it.

”I told you he would hurt you in the end… That is why you must come back… Now return to me…” Angela cleaned herself up and left. Darty opened an eye and then fell back as she tried to stand.

”Oh… What have I done…” Dartanya coughed up some blood and then stopped moving completely.

Hours later

Eric had just eaten the last pepper when the TV popped on. “Now for some TV Eric!” Angela had made it back to her and Eric’s home when she heard voices inside.

Eric and Sabrina were on the couch with ZigZag watching the early morning news.
”Guys you have been over here most of the night! Leave and let me sleep!” Sabrina yawned.

”We don’t spend that much time together! We are good friends!” Angela could not believe what she saw.

”Eric is alive! But… No matter I will finish him now!” Angela exploded through the back door into the house. Eric glanced up and gulped.

”What the… Angela!?” Agela had red streaks in her fur and a deadly glint I her eyes. Eric looked at her stunned.

”Wha… GAA? But I would have…” Angela laughed and smiled.

”Something like that lover… I am an artificial being created by a kindly scientist… Though I have the capacity to kill at will I wanted to settle down and have children with you… You betrayed me and now must die!”

Eric laughed. “If you wanted to tell me this is the worst way to do it dear… I mean come on you destroyed a wall… Wait I must die? Why! What did I do!?” Eric shoved Sabrina out of the way as a knife embedded in the couch where her chest was only moments before.

ZigZag changed and got into a fighting stance. Eric changed also and as he felt the numbness recede he was grabbed by his face along with ZigZag and slammed into the wall behind his couch head first.

”Pain… How could you and Darty? HOW COULD YOU!” Eric was in serious pain and he knew ZigZag still had problems talking about her fight with his sister months before. He also knew that it would effect her ability to fight.

”Eric you always pick the weird onesssss!!!” ZigZag was flung into Eric’s kitchen she slammed against his stove and then got up grabbing the gun Eric kept under the sink. Slapping in explosive tipped bullets, which were in red cartridges, she unloaded the modified machine gun into Angela’s back.

Eric was let go as Angela felt fire on her back. Coldly swinging her eyes towards ZigZag she smiled. “Ah every employees dream!” Eric kicked Angela in her back his skin torn and bleeing around his shoulder where one of ZigZag’s rounds hit.

”ZigZag don’t shoot! Angela talk to me… Were you really sent to learn about life? Then why take it? What did I do! Giving Darty blood packets? Come on I was saving lives!” Eric never saw Angela reach for his cane and press the switch that released the armor-piercing tip. And he never saw the swift movement that brought it through his heart.

Sabrina had long since ran outside but when she saw Eric get stabbed through his chest from the living room window she knew… She knew that she would be in therapy for a long time.

Eric landed on his side coughing. Angela noticed too late that Eric had no wounds from the previous fight. “Scars… At least a scar would remain until tomorrow sometime… No I… Oh god!” Angela ran from the house changing back to normal she went.

Eric cried knowing that a terrible mistake had happened one that he could not fix. “Damn… ZigZag!” ZZ had since dropped the gun and was trying to figure out how to removed the pole.

”Tell my brother and everyone else even my sister… I love them….” Eric then went limp as ZigZag held him and cried.

Angela ran and ran to the entry site to the lab. She did not stop and normally it would take a while on foot to get there but she was so upset. “I was a monster… Eric thought he was a monster but… No I was… I killed him twice… A clone… Oh no DAMN YOU ANTHONY!”

Anthony was in shock as his men carried the still alive Darty and the remains of his clone out of Dartanya’s apartment. “Erica… I want to know who did this… Never mind” Anthony sniffed and sighed shaking his head.

”Our plan failed… Just like with the three sisters… Who are still missing except for one who Eric claims is in a coma but still alive… Angela did this but how?” Anthony rubbed his chin.

”Another savior project was in the works… One that involved some of the project that created Eric and his siblings and myself… The technology would be melded with cybernetic implants and nano technology in the blood… Making a perfect solder… The scientist who was the lead creator of the new science of making Cyborgs vanished with her equipment but left notes as promised on how to use her technology and make more… The government let it go and forgot about her. She was brilliant but… She also was a raccoon… Could she have?”

Anthony looked at Rachel worried. “I may be insane sometimes but this is way more dangerous! My plan could be ruined! Think about it! The Eric clone was only supposed to gather info on Darty… He must have had sex with her then got the information we needed only Angela showed up and used her power… Unbelievable…”

Erica blinked. “Wait… She would have gone home to… My god! My brother!” Anthony grabbed his phone.

”Too late she already hit home… Eric is… Critical but not dead… I guess he is stronger than we thought before eh?”

Eric held onto ZigZag’s hand, as they were loaded into the ambulance. He had changed back but the injuries to his chest remained since ZigZag did not pull the cane out she only retracted the blade like Eric asked when he came around after his adrenaline started to pump again.

”Patient is still awake… Portable x-ray reveals object going through left half of heart… Patient is critical. FLOOR IT Fred!”

”Okay Barn!” The ambulance driver who was a goat slammed his hoof onto the gas and the ambulance shot off faster to General Mercy downtown. ZigZag had changed back also but was still suffering from a fractured skull but was awake and in no real pain.

”How did this happen ma’am? It could help the doctors help your friend?” ZigZag rubbed her bandage on her head and said.

”Some crazy woman attacked us… I think it was his girlfriend but I am not sure…” Eric blinked as he stared at the poll sticking out of his chest.

”Owww my chest hurts… Pull this thing out!” Eric was delusional a side effect of Eric’s injuries.

”He once said when a GAA is badly injured for any reason and is still awake can sometimes go delusional as a precaution so they won’t give out info on who hired them or why… Eric…”

Sabrina drove by everyone’s house with Eric’s station wagon and picked them up. It was crowded but everyone except Bryce was too worried bout ZigZag and Eric to complain.

”But I have a car!” Michele nudged Bryce. “Oh all right…” Chance and the other guys snickered until James glanced at them with human eyes.

”There that shut them up…” James glanced at Sabrina and she nearly fainted but kept driving.

At the hospital

Eric was rushed into the ER as ZigZag was walked to an examination room. Anthony and Erica followed by Rachel approached her as soon as she was situated in the room.

”Angela right?” ZigZag frowned.

”Go away Anthony…” ZigZag felt on edge since she was hyped up by her hidden genetic enhancements.

”Come now… We just need to know…” ZigZag was on her feet in seconds and after tripping the surprised Anthony she held him upside down and had a scalpel in hand.

”Castration anyone?” Erica tensed up and Anthony shook his head. Erica relaxed but Rachel just laughed. “As far as I am concerned you’re the reason this happened… You and your damn clone… Eric explained to me about your little operation… I know something’s that many do not… I don’t care right now because of you Eric is in there getting operated on another time because of you… Your sick you know that? Your reasons and reasons for your reasons change every damn twelve seconds… Your sleeping with the man’s sister and cheating on your wife… How sick can you be!?”

Anthony just smiled as ZigZag tightened her grip on his leg. “I don’t know really sick?” ZigZag dropped Anthony and shoved the three out of the room.


Angela cried as her mother and creator held her. The graying raccoon smiled and shook her head. “It is okay… It was not your fault… I guess all men are not bad after all but you should rest now… Go to your sleep chamber I want to analyze your memories and battle data… Funny I expected you to get into a fight or two while you were away…”


Angela climbed into the sleep chamber and closed her tear stained eyes. Sealing her creation in the cylinder the doctor began to run some scans of her cybernetics.

”Incredible you’re even more fit for combat that originally projected. Hmm oh tomorrow will yield more data” Turning off the lab lights the doctor went to her quarters. Angela slept silently dreaming of the good times.

A week later.

Eric rubbed his chest bandages as he let the doctor remove them. The doctor and nurse gasped. “No scarring!? No stitches!? No nothing… Oh well your good to go Mr. Taillong” Eric nodded and left the examining room putting on his shirt as he went.

Getting into the passenger seat of his car Eric smirked. “Mike your ready to help me find Angela?” Michael looked at his brother and smiled.

”Your always getting hurt so I convinced the council to allow you to move with me but you can only leave when it is deemed necessary to the future of the planet” Eric rolled his eyes.

”No wonder they let you out no doubt… Drive bro!” Mike floored it and soon they were speeding down the city streets. Darty yawned and scratched her head as she leaned up.

”Eric I still cannot beleve that was a clone… At least Anthony helped me out” Eric smiled.

”Yea I guess… Though he is the reason you got hurt… And no one hurts my friends and gets away with it for long… No one” Darty and Michael swallowed hard as Eric smiled wickedly and put on his shades.

Eric suddenly got a feeling. “Hey! I just got a reading on Angela! I think…” Mike rolled his eyes.

”Are you evolving or something? I mean every ten seconds one of your powers shorts out then shorts in and then shorts out!” Eric shook his head.

”NO I have been fending off Darty’s mind probes for the last few moments it disrupts my scans… Stop here!” Michael pulled into a field and stopped the car.

”We are in the industrial area again. Hmm what is it bro?” Eric stomped his foot and a metal clank was heard. Mike and Darty got out of the car and walked over to Eric.

”A hatch? To where?” Eric slammed a clawed hand into the metal entry way and yanked it and it’s locking mechanism out of the ground then threw them ten feet away.

”To Angela…” Eric was about to hop down the entrance when a figure leapt out of it.

”Angela!” Angela glared at Darty as she spoke in a harsh tone.

”Go away… I don’t love you anymore… Live with the slut and be gone from my sight!” Eric shrugged and said.

”Okay Darty you seem to have won my heart let’s go” Mike and Darty stared at Eric.

”Are you another clone!?” Eric frowned.

”No… Angela doesn’t want me and you do and I do have some interest in you so let’s just roll out” Angela glanced at Eric and scanned him.

”You’re lying… Why fuck with my emotions… WHY!?” Eric frowned.

”Beyond the void my heart waits… That was the title of a poem you gave me a while back… Until recently I did not have a good idea what it could mean… Till now… Angela come home with me… No need to live underground… Heads up!”

Eric backed away from the entrance as three more figures leapt out. “Angela who are these mortal fools?” Darty frowned.

”That’s my line!” Eric glanced at the newcomers.

”Your brother and sisters?” Mike growled as one of the girls looked at him.

”Mortal… Him I guess your bionics make you immortal… Or is it the nano tec? Which ever the case may be… I cannot leave without you… I love you… I know you want more out of life than what has happened… Please come back with me…”

The situation seemed hopeless to Eric. He was going to lose again because of something he did not do and it was really making him mad. Mike on the other hand was thinking about his girl and what he would do if she left him.

”Eric… What ever your choice is I will follow it but… They do mean business”


“I know Mikey I know”

End of chapter 15

Email me at with questions about Workplace Relations or if you want to be a proof reader of future chapters before they are released.