Workplace Relations By Michael l. Barnes

The lost chapter 16



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog are copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt


This chapter sucked to high heaven but it was a prototype for how I envisioned some of the areas of the base Eric is on in chapter 19. Only difference is I never really used any of these ideas. And so it is a LOST CHAPTER 16. One that I am sure you will find strange.

This chapter is left as it was when completed. I have not done any editing. So mistakes galore people. Also ignore the bottom comments as it stands I will never use this chapter for anything… Chapter 15’s first scene and others may be rewritten at a later point and altered slightly for use. But then again I probably will just base a sequence or chapter in Working Relations on that.

As it stands Working Relations is a new start and I can take it in any direction I want… October will be the point when I release Chapter 20 of Workplace Relations… The final chapter… I will finish writing it of course, as it is then totally edit it like I did for 19… My first honest editing job… Normally I edit as I go but hell forget that! Hard work pays off. As you will see below this wasn’t hard work… Just some crazy ideas but hell most of my earlier chapters were like this until I edited them… Can’t believe it took one series to get a feel for writing like this. Well enough chatting enjoy.




Chapter 16

End of a love story

Angela runs down a corridor going deeper into the laboratory. Eric sprints after her not believing she is out racing him. “Angela! Wait I love you what ever happens remember that!”

Angela runs into a lab and hides Eric runs into the room and looks around sniffing then leaves. Angela stands and slips into a hidden tunnel and runs to meet her creator.

Outside the lab

Darty had run off leaving Michael to fight. “Damn you Dartanya!” Michael faced his foes again and grunted as he fended off their attacks. ”Ugh! Your tough!” Michael slams his foot into Angela’s sister’s stomach and then pushes off of her and flips behind the one behind him and slams his elbow into her face. Angela’s brother rushes him and clips his feet out from under him and then slams his boot into his chest twice then leaps up and lands on Michael’s chest.

Michael shoves him off his chest then stands wiping blood off his face. “Play time is over!” Michael transforms and cracks his neck as his wounds heal during the change.
Pulling his hair into a ponytail behind him Michael smirks getting ready to rumble as the three before him smirk also and draw weapons.


“You are good but I am better we all are!” Mike smiles and steps back and tense’s his body.

”You talk a lot” Mike is hit hard in the chest with a kick he never saw coming and fly’s back into the dirt.

”You seem to be in need of help” James smiles down at Michael as he stands with his help.

”Another one of you? Makes no difference we will not allow mother to be harmed!” James pulls out a gun and shoots them all.

”Sorry didn’t hear you over the noise of my hand gun here” The taser shots stun the three and they twitch as current courses through there bodies. Mike sticks his tongue out at them as he walks along with James down the stairs and into the lab.

”The old bio lab facility from the 1950’s… Still active and seems as advanced as ever” James remarks as Michael’s eyes widen at the glowing walls all around him.

”This stuff is more advanced… No this PLACE is more advanced than any lab I have ever seen!” James smiles.

”This was built in response to the discovery of humans living among normal furs by the central government. The organization that runs the world from behind the scenes, of course you knew that”

Mike shakes his head. “No I did not… Is this place self upgrading?” James nods
”Anyway this lab is completely self sustaining and has a living central computer core… The technology was excavated from sites around the world… In reality Michael the year is not 2001. But in fact more likely 8001, thousands of years ago a virus wiped out most of the normal human population and changed others into furs. This virus was man made by a fanatical group of people who claimed their selves to be furries and set about to change the world as such. You know how on the net today fur’s interact and role play as Humans, Elves and other such mythical or extinct beings?”

Mike was in shock. “Yes but I knew about that virus but not that people deliberately set it loose… And the year is more likely 8001? That is some deep stuff!” James checked his gun as the two neared an intersection.

”Anyway centuries ago according to magazines and other data our people have found the same was done online with humans interacting as furs… It was truly a testament to the human imagination… Of course this led to those who wanted more than anything to be a fur… How ironic we can change into humans for the purpose of destroying them…”

Michael slammed James into a wall. “What did you say!? Tell me the truth! What was the original purpose of the GAA project!” A step is heard from behind the two.

”Let go of James. I can answer your question son… And reveal a legacy of sorrow and discovery” Michael narrowed his eyes at his father and mother.


”Angela this is what I must do!” Angela struggled against her restraints in a small area of the complex that had direct access to the computer core. “I must have your body… I want to live again!”

On the floor lay Angela’s creator now dead from old age. “I transferred my mind into the core… Exalon is now just sleeping until I turn over control of this place to him again. After I take your body!”

”NO I want to live… Can’t you just clone another body?” Laughter was heard from the speakers in the walls.

”No it would take years to grow up and be respected! You’re my finest clone of myself and I do mean that” A long wire snaked out of a wall and into the back of the head restraint holding Angela’s skull.

”By erasing your mind I can download into your body… I admit recent science fiction novels and shows have had the same theme but this is for real! Think of this as the ultimate sacrifice for no to your mother!”

Angela screamed as the first pulse hit her. “Stop!” The next pulses of energy slammed into Angela’s mind and erased her existence… Her soul the very nero connections that made up her personality and being were gone and erased. More pulses came and soon Angela’s eyes opened again and she stood.

Stretching her body she smiled and flicked her hair out of her face. “I am back!”

”This complex is where I worked during my college years with your mother helping me… When she got pregnant with you we had just mapped the human and fur genetic code the same year you were conceived… We had mapped both and found that only a one percent difference was all that mattered between the two… IN fact this percentage was so small we are practically the same race and we are!”

Michael snorted as his dad sat at the table across from him with his wife who was reviewing messages on her laptop. “We took you here and we desired to start to use the knowledge we had gained from examining the RNA encoding of you we found we could manipulate it… Of course we waited for the computers here to run the scenarios of what would happen if we did such and such… We were happy when we found we could do almost anything to you”

Michael blinked then stood and slammed his fist into a wall damaging it and sparks flew from the panel it stopped glowing and soon nanites scrambled to repair it. “You only wanted to use us… For weapons”

James shook his head. “Your parents cared for you… They just wanted to enhance you yes prevent you from catching any disease and live longer… A gift for future generations but… The central gov’s military department wanted weapons… Originally the organization was filled with highly racist people… Mike they wanted you and your brother and sister to be raised to kill… To kill all humans who lived in hiding and in peace among the population…”

Michael looks around the small break room they are now stationary in and sighs. “So what happened?” Evan continued.

”They ordered us to make alterations to your DNA and thus we did as they asked in exchange we were told we could take you home after we perfected the techniques… It became an international effort… Racing to perfect how we could change the genes that made up ones fighting and survival skills… At about the time you were five we were finished with you… And we had the formulas and techniques needed to make more… SO we sent out ‘do it yourself kits’ to all our allies and that was that… Later we went further with it and made generation two more able to resist emotions that would hinder battle tactics… That is why Eric and Erica can seem so cold to others at time… In fact Eric has the ability to turn his emotions on and off like Erica and the other children out there”

Eric walked into the room shaking his head. “So you still carried out your intended plan only you went further with it as the men controlling you wanted you to… SO we are disease resistant… And can live longer… But what about the plan? Why was it called off?”

James laughed “Easy the central government had a little rebellion a few years back… So it split up with smaller factions popping up… Only recently these groups have learned of the GAA project and it’s intentions… You Eric are a key factor in the plans of Anthony who just wants to run the world… He runs one of those broke away factions and fully intends to use the GAA’s out there for something… Myself and ZigZag included…”

Evan sips at his cup of coffee. “The truth his we are ashamed we made our children hate us… We tried to neutralize your gift… With a virus but as you know Eric it only made your powers more erratic and you would have dreams of you going on killing sprees while Anthony was actually doing what his dreams showed him… He was infected during the drop off of the container we hoped would end our shame… But your now blind because of it and only see because of it also… Can you ever forgive us?”

Eric smiles. “I came here looking for Angela… Help me find her and I will give you your answer” Evan nods and the group leaves the break room.

”So this lab covers miles and miles underground? I guess the multiple stairways and elevators attest to this place being under the subway with a few hidden access tunnels located in locations such as the old factory above…” Eric says as he leads them further into the labyrinth.

”Sons you are capable of altering the future and make all humans no matter what they look like live in peace… Too many centuries have passed… Hate may be your greatest enemy…”

Mike hugs his father and jokingly says. “Dad I love you” Evan pushes his son away and says sarcastically.

”Oh I am so filled with joy… Grow up will you!?” Mike sighs.

”It is not my fault! Eric used his powers to mess with my head!” Evan glares at Eric as he nods.

”My bad sorry” James cocks his gun as he sees a figure approach. Getting on one knee he aims. Mike still in human form just gets ready to crack some skulls. Eric runs towards the person saying.

”Angela!” Angela approaches dressed in a white dress.

”I missed you so much!” Angela and Eric embrace. Eric senses something is amiss but lets it go and kisses Angela. She aggressively kisses him back making him nearly choke.

”You have never kissed like that before… And I did not know your tongue was that long”
Mike snickers and his mother slaps the back of his head while James knees him.

”Behave Michael!” Mike growls.

”Aww mom I am over 20 I am ouch okay okay!” Eric walks over with Angela.

”Mom Dad I forgive you Michael go home and give your girl a hug for me… James thanks for the assist but ZigZag probably needs you… Um Angela’s sibs sorry about that whole fight thing so please do not shoot us!”

James whips around only to be kicked in the forehead. As the coyote goes down Mike leaps at his attacker to only be tasered in the chest.

”Fine you can go… Just owed those two… Angela where is mother?” Angela looks down and hides the smirk on her lips.

”Dead…. She finally died of her disorder… Pity I wanted her to see me and Eric’s first born” Michael got up and shook his head.

”Um that is nice well see you all later”


”Well I am going home see you in a few weeks!” Michael walked out of the studio whistling it’s a wonderful world. Angela was working on the studio budget and remarked on how the original inhabiter of this body did a good job.

”But I am better… Hello James!” James walked in along with ZigZag, Dartanya, Lively and Chance. “Hello everyone… How are you all?” Darty snorted.

”I am okay… Shocked you could beat the snot out of me… And get so murderous… But I still want Eric and that is that” Angela narrowed her eyes and thought to herself.

”She is first to go… Then Chance… That GAA has an attitude problem” Chance proved her point by shoving poor Bryce into a wall as he walked past him. “ZigZag stays I like her… She reminds me of someone I knew”

ZigZag walked to Bryce and helped him up while scolding Chance who just walked away a small grin on his muzzle. Eric walked down the hall using his powers to see and he spotted Sabrina coming out of her office with a stack of prints.

”The new posters how do you like them?” Eric retched and said.

”Nice job… Sorry you know how this business sometimes makes me squeamish…” Sabrina nudged Eric.

”But you’re the one doing the scripts and you also direct sometimes!” Eric looked like he would fall out. “Oh and where are your shades?” Eric pulled them out and slid them on.

”Those are the ones I gave you… Oh and tell Angela that I understand that whole murderous rage thing… I could have hurt Chris if I ever thought he would cheat on me… Well maybe not…”

Eric smirked “Really! I am the non violent type!” Ertai came out of the unisex bathroom rubbing his swollen eye.

”That is bull and you know it! Honestly I did not grab your butt!” Sabrina rolled her eyes.

”David and you were the only ones in the room and David is with Lara… Oops…” ZigZag zoomed out of her office and zeroed in on the rumor starter.

”So Sabby… What is this!? You have confirmation of a relationship between David and Lara?” Eric smiled.

”Well I… Sort of caught them kissing in the janitors closet… AKA Eric’s office…” Eric raised an eyebrow.

”NO wonder my desk was messed up! I thought it was ZZ and James… Oh well….” Eric walks into the front area and smiles at Angela as she works.

”Man she is a machine! Err a hard worker heh” Eric thought as he walked out of the building for a break. Lunch had been uneventful. Eric was surprised Angela did not ask for the two of them to go home and eat like they usually did on Thursday.

”Hmm she just stayed in the office… I am not used to eating alone not anymore… Something is up… What happened in that lab… And why do I have the strangest feeling that Angela is not who she was…”

Angela walks up to ZigZag’s door and opens it as the voice from inside beckons her to do so. “Angela we have to talk… Your work… Its better!” Angela blinked.

”What is wrong with that ZigZag? Better performance is what this studio is all about… You said it yourself just the other day…” ZigZag turned towards her office window thinking.

”This is definitely not Angela… My woman’s intuition tells me so… And the fact that she is now strangling me doesn’t help her case much!” ZigZag grabbed at the fingers around her neck.

”Your just another woman in my way… Hehehe I shall remove all obstacles and take Eric away from here… Back to the lab then I will lock it down… Your death is neccisary ZZ!”

ZigZag clawed at Angela’s face and she just laughed as her skin burned from the attack. “Losing air… Must…” ZigZag broke free and fell forward. Angela just calmly cracked her knuckles then reached for ZigZag again.

ZigZag hit her panic button under her desk and also removed a bat and smashed it into Angela’s head. Angela fell but got right back up. “Reminds me of the time Erica came after me… Well this time I am not helpless!”

James kicked in the door and pointed a gun with a laser scope at Angela as she twitched her left eye in anger. “Hold it! Eric get in here something is up with…” James never finished his sentence as Angela broke his arm shoved the gun in his stomach and let loose with two rounds.

James fell back and hit the wall as Angela fired rapidly into his midsection until he fell over. “only loaded with tranquilizers… A pity I shall snap his neck later” Angela nailed ZigZag in the shoulder as she ran past her into the hall.

”HELP!” Eric ran towards ZigZag and she fell into his arms. “Stop… Her…” Eric laid his boss and friend on the floor and glared at Angela who held the smoking gun. Eric pulled a tranquilizer round out of ZigZag’s back. It was one of his made to take down GAA’s or other tough foes.

”Who the hell are you!? A clone… You smell just like Angela… I mean we were in bed last night holding each other like normally but you seemed different… Well?” Angela laughed and smiled.

”I am the creator of Angela as she was called… I erased her mind and loaded mine into her body… She’s dead Eric… Oh I love that look on your face of total defeat… But her body remains… Come now think carefully about this situation and make your choice!”


Eric’s head hung, as it seemed to get darker around him. “Memories… She… Gone… Like nothing more than a program… No… Why!!!!?” Eric thought to himself as Sabrina looked at him from her office directly behind him.

”Go into your office and lock the door call no one… NO police… This is all my doing… I should have never let go of my true self… I was made to be a loner a killer a target for those who fear me… I am a freak… Nothing more but an infectious plague that has struck down two of my friends during my existence… Sabrina like all my friends I love you… A lot you’re my family… Well now… It is goodbye”

Eric drew a cane from his shirtsleeve and pressed a small switch it became a blade. “NO Eric!” Sabrina closed her door as the fight began. Screaming pain agony… All of it a terrible crescendo of music outside of her understanding no out side of her being!

She knew that afterwards he would be gone and so would be the one person he loved forever. She also knew she did not have a clue as to why but knew that it would be explained later as always with a kind and understanding person voicing concern for her while telling the tale.

When it was over she crept from her office and gasped. Not a spot on the carpet or ceiling or the walls was touched with anything. “But I was sure…” Sabrina expected gore but got none for the fight had been taken elsewhere and finished before the pain truly began for the combatants.

Jazz and Bryce looked around for Eric while everyone else stayed behind to look after ZigZag and James who slept off the drugs in his system. “Eric won’t come back… Not now… It is all to painful you should have….” Sabrina burst into tears.

”He was without emotion in his voice… Just like before when he started to work here years ago… Where will he go? Who can look for him? Why did this happen?” Everyone frowned and looked even more depressed as the answer came to mind.

”Anthony is not all at fault here… He only played a small part… But life goes on…” Bryce and Jazz came back.

”No sign of him or Angela… What happened? The way the screaming was going on you expected to see at least some damage!” In truth all of them knew that it was over and done with and nothing was going to change that.

”Let’s just carryon… I am sure we can survive on ZigZag’s scripts alone!” No one felt like laughing… “Eric was the one who made that joke about my scripts it just felt so sad the whole situation… Why did he have to go or leave us… I was ZigZag a renowned former blue movie actress and I was actually sad when I should be partying like I used to… I guess I grew up today… “


ZigZag thought as she stood up and hugged James crying. Elsewhere Eric stood at the edge of the ocean and smiled. He held Angela’s dead body in his arms and looked down at her as blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

”I don’t know what to say… Even though you told me you wanted a burial at sea… I never thought I would outlive you Angela… Oh I wish you told me sooner about your past… But in the end we both lost each other… I do not know what to do… I am so immature in truth… Gods have mercy on me and you… I hope to see you again sometime…” Eric laid her body down on the raft he made and brought along.

”See you later beautiful…” Eric cried then opened his eyes as the sun set slowly. He was alone again and had no real idea as to what to do after this ceremony. Setting the body adrift he lit a torch and tossed it onto the raft.

As it burned he thought of his feelings and how they got him into trouble…” No more pain” Eric turned off his emotions and walked away as the raft finished burning its load to ash and sank.





“Happy new year!” Double Z studios annual Christmas bash was held at ZigZag’s studio of course. Everyone showed up even Michael who came back to sell the house and get his things. Sabrina was happy as an Amiga fan girl could be. Chris had moved in with her and the two were celebrating their love.

James and ZigZag had a similar arrangement and were also very much in love. Bryce had called off his whole acting scheme months ago and became writer months ago and also took over Eric’s office.

Everyone had not forgotten what had happened and moved on. “WHOO HOO!!! Free food!” Krystal shook her head and pawed at Michael with her paws trying to pull him away from the food table.

Suddenly the electronic bell sounded as a figure entered. Boots stepping heavily against the carpet, Chance sniffed and smirked. “Eric Taillong…” The music stopped as Eric entered the studio and looked around at everyone.

He looked different. Was it the black outfit with leather jacket to match? Or the fact that he had taken his shades off and they now hung from a shit pocket. Eric wore a look of deadly concentration. Like he was trying to access the situation.

”Hello… I just came by to wish you a happy new year… And to release Chance from his debt of honor to me… As a gift… See you all next year” Eric pounded out of the studio as Darty ran after him.

Outside Eric walked over to his black viper. “Eric… How are you?” Darty looked back at everyone else as they crowded around the entrance trying to watch.

”My health is good… Dartanya it is nice to see you…” Darty walked around to the other side of the black sports car and got in. “What are you doing?” Darty hugged Eric and he did not even flinch as he sat in the drivers seat.

”You need company… Let me guess you did the whole see America and be a bounty hunter thing like Maxwell and Brandy?” Eric smirked.

”Yes I did team up with them as a matter of fact on a few cases out east” Darty tried to understand the blank look Eric was giving her.

”Eric do you have any idea why you’re running from the truth?” Eric nodded and said.

”I want to be alone… I only hurt people around me sure it is an old excuse used by many cowards but at least I can back it up with countless events in my life where I could have made a difference… Even with all my power I still have no real control over anything… Darty honestly I could use company… But I have a question… Who gave you blood while I was away?”

Darty snickered. “James and ZigZag… Mike too even if he was a hard ass about it when he stopped in to see if you had come back… We all miss you… I miss you” Eric got out of the car and looked at everyone watching him and Darty in the blackened parking lot.

”What do you guys expect from me!?” Eric stated as Sabrina held Chris’s hand.

”Eric I love you honestly I do… I just feel something about you…” Eric snorted.

”I am just another meal and a case of guilt for you… Get out of my car… All of you get out of my life!” Eric got into his car and yanked his hand away from Darty’s as she touched him.

”Come on Eric… Stay… Or take me with you…” Eric blinked then sighed as he began to feel again.

”I am lonely… Just don’t die on me… Please do not die” Eric hugged Darty and cried.

”I killed her after she was already dead! It is just so… Horrible… I lived with my pain but not feeling it for so long… Darty… Please help me live again” Dartanya nodded and caressed Eric’s head as everyone watched and smiled.

”Okay everyone back to the party!” ZigZag yelled sipping from a bottle of wine she held. James laughed and joined everyone else as Eric and Darty talked.

Eric started up the car. “So lets go… To your place”

End of Chapter 16


A new beginning… Sigh I did not want to end the story so soon… Or have I ended it? Well no Chapter 17 shall reveal more of what is in store for the future!

As Always email me at