Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. ZigZag is copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and is also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.


Chapter 11


New outlook


ZigZag ran her hands over Eric’s chest and sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder.
”I want to stay like this forever…” Eric hugged ZigZag close to him and reached over to kiss her on her soft lips when…

Eric jumped awake and screamed. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Flopping down on his pillow he closed his eyes trying to go back to sleep as Angela stirred next to him.

The next morning.

”I think I have a crush on my boss and one of my best friends who I can’t say is weirder than myself…” Angela absorbed this and said.

”Eric if you ever cheat on me with ZigZag its over and your going to be beaten up by my older brother who is also gay so when he’s done pounding you… He may pound you some more”

Eric woke up screaming for real this time. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

At Double Z studios during a late filming session.

”More groaning! Moaning! Yes yes oh yes! Perfect! You can stop now Ertai and Christina, Guys?” ZigZag tells David to stop filming and he sits in a chair reading a book as ZigZag and some others try to pull apart the two actors.

”Its just a kissing scene come on!”


“Guilty im so damn guilty… But why all of a sudden, I have never had any qualms about murder or death… The death of others by my hands is incidental… Just apart of my old line of work… Just a memory”

James typed in his journal one last sentence before shutting down his computer and going to sleep. “Finally im in my own house again… ZZ was so scared because of Eric and his rivalry with… Just go to sleep James and clean tomorrow like planned”


James tried to stop thinking but more thoughts came as he rolled over alone in his own bed for the first time in weeks. “Feels strange to be alone while ZigZag is working late trying to fill orders and what not… She owns the place why not make Eric stay and watch things or better yet Sabrina… It’s funny to watch Sabrina squirm when placed in control of a situation”

James smiled. “Kids… Really if you think about it Michael was the biggest kid of them all… I wonder… Who will do the editing now? Just sleep man you need it… Though if I used my training I could stay awake for days and days… Like I showed Erica…”

Erica stood on the balcony of her penthouse apartment overlooking the city lights. “Eric if only you would… Why can’t you see your destiny is not what it seems? Sure your having fun now but I remember a time when you tried to not enjoy life. So as to hide your guilt for tampering with Michael and others… You still haven’t told him where our parents are and you know… Or rather have known…”

Erica brushes her hair out of her face as the wind makes it drift in front of her eyes. “Just wait and see Eric we shall finally know for certain how you feel about dear old mom and dad… And if you can handle the implications of our true origin’s”  



The next day

”Okay now I want Bryce to get me a cup of coffee. Sabrina to post those new pictures of our latest film, Getting Even and I want Eric to run this off in triplicate while convincing me not to film his latest script like he asked”

”Got it” Sabrina walked off as Bryce sweated in the presence of ZigZag. “Okay milk with that right?”

”Right Bryce loosen up will ya?” ZigZag patted Bryce on the head and he nearly fainted from the contact. Eric was starting the copying machine with little difficulty. He and everyone else were doing extra work that was meant for Bryce till he got a hold of himself.

He had memorized the button locations and was running off three copies as asked while complaining. “The script is a message really… It has underlying tones about why not to fall in love and stuff”

”What I see is spooge Eric… You really need to relax also” Eric took the copy of his script from ZigZag and showed it to Jazz as he walked by.

”What is the title of this?” Jake read it.

”Naughty Fairy Tales… This is one of ZigZag’s scripts!” Jake nearly lost his footing as Eric almost tripped him with his tail as he turned around quickly.

”HEY just because I can’t see at all anymore doesn’t mean you switch my scripts!” ZigZag ignored Eric as she drank her morning coffee.

”I will be in my office” Eric growled and then sighed and put on his work cap and went into his office. A slightly modified Janitor’s closet.

”Be the janitor… Be the janitor,” Eric thought to himself as Bryce blinked doing nothing but standing there looking after Eric as Jazz yelled at him.


“HEY you know what you have to do so do it! Ertai is practicing for that big scene later!”

”Um he’s working out in that weight room in the back… Oh” Bryce walked off as Jazz went on his way.


Eric sat down at his computer and began to type. Not sure of what he was typing Eric finished then concentrated and shifted his eye’s just enough so he could see the work.

”Okay this seems okay… Hmm… My stomach… oh no not again!” Eric’s clothing tightened against him as he fully changed.

”Great another uncontrollable transformation… I need to find out how to get inside Genecorp and see Mom and Dad… They were the one’s who did this to us… Erica, Mike and I… It was all a lie… Michael doesn’t even know and I doubt he will surface too soon…”

On the other side of the planet.

”What your saying is I was born with this DNA not… Infected with it via a delivery system AKA that virus Eric mentioned to me a while back?” Krystal nodded her white uniform molded to her furry form so much that Michael could not help but stare at her.

”Yes… I knew something was funny about how your DNA looked to me… It was not easy but someone introduced the virus later to cover your tracks… Unknown side effects of doing so could have resulted as anything… You said your brother was blind somewhat and kept losing his sight and so relied on his so-called “Physic sight” to see. The way I see it the virus not Eric made him blind”

Michael sat down in a chair near Krystal’s equipment. “So I was born what then?”

”A furry you silly kitty you or is it… Um oh never mind the point is you were but you also had this DNA in you from the start… You’re the oldest so im guessing you were the prototype… Eric and Erica were the test and production models… So you were always somewhat more human since your birth… Hmmm I wonder… Eric probably knew this… But didn’t tell you”

Michael nods “Yea Eric always tried to downplay things and confuse events… This time he just didn’t say anything… On the plus side this totally exonerates Anthony as the cause of our ability to change… Now my parents are at fault damn….”


Eric meanwhile arrived in front of Genecorp and got out of Angela’s car. “Angela I love you and remember your promise to not come after me… If I should disappear tell ZZ I have a ton of original ideas on a disk marked executable… Bye”

Eric walked towards the building. He was wearing black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. “I have an appointment with Director Lubri” Eric said to the receptionists at a circular front desk situated in the center of the huge glass lobby of the building.

”Elevator one please and also remember leave your camera and glasses with us” Eric dropped his shades and then his mini camera he had taped to his left leg.

”I let you scan my mind for some things but not all see ya” The receptionist scowled wondering how this cat knew she was a telepath.

Eric soon was inside Elevator one and on his way up. In Director Lubri’s office Eric’s parents were seated waiting for Eric to show up.

”What do we say? That he is intended to be a biological weapon in a war that we have planned for? Anthony is subdued for now thanks to our plant but still our “son” could be a problem”

Evan Taillong looked at his wife. “He is our child… Even if we did change him you should remember you did give birth to him like the other two”


Lorene smiled at her husband. “Yes that is true… Our children are so confused… Then that… Hello Eric” Eric stood feeling like a wanna be Luke Skywalker being dressed in black and all.

”Mother… Father. Dr. Lubri…. Hello” Eric took a seat on a couch in the Doctor’s office away from his parents.

”Can you see well enough? I see you don’t have your cane” Eric had turned on his physic sight and was able to tell how his surroundings appeared well enough to spot a stain of some chemical on Dr. Lubri’s shirt and even tell what color it was with enough concentration.

”Yes im okay Dr… By the way that red stain must be from lunch. The one on your collar that is” Evan raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Lorene smirked. “So you came after all and your using some unknown power to still see right? Are you using our eyes? Or something else”

”Something else mother… Mike!” Michael sprinted into the room his anger obvious. Eric stood Michael stopped and caught his breath.

”Don’t ever skydive onto the roof of a building at high altitudes to avoid detection without an air tank Eric… It sucks!” Eric smiled. Evan rubbed his chin wondering if his mind control was still in effect with his children.

”Eric did you know that the sun sets at noon?” Lorene looked at her husband with a smirk. “Just a simple test… After all we need to know which version is better before we have another child”


Eric groaned and transformed and looked at Michael who smiled and scratched his head. “Doesn’t that beat all?”

”Do what your brother says Eric beat him” Lorene said with a smirk and a giggle. Eric slammed his brother into the ground and held his claws in a point on his left hand and thrust them at Mike’s jugular.

Michael kicked Eric off of him by kicking him in the back of the head then flipped up and smirked. “Well I’ll be. Mom and pops must have put some mind control programming in you and Erica… Cool do I have the same set up as Eric and Erica or am I just an older model?”

”Michael son… You really should stop with the jokes” Eric smashed a chair into Michael’s head and he stood there. “Or not… Amazing you seem to have a higher tolerance for pain… Or your just not really paying attention”

”Not funny dad” Michael grabbed Eric by his shirt collar and punched him in the face twice before Eric smiled and bit his brother’s hand.

”I hope that toxin works… Like we planned it should activate in mere seconds” Michael scowled as his whole arm went numb then got the feeling back.

”Not unless his immune system kicks in and neutralizes it like I planned for Lorene” Dr. Lubri said with a smirk as Lorene added.

”Oh but watch this” Michael suddenly lost the feeling in his arm again as Eric bit him again. “See Eric can overload his recovery factor’s easily with a second bite causing his body to work overtime on clearing out the toxin… What do you have to add Evan?”


Michael kicked Eric into the ceiling then spin kicked him into Dr. Lubri’s desk as the doctor stepped to the side with the Taillong’s. “Hmm that fighting style we put in thought genetic manipulation seems to be working so far to keep Michael moving as he recovers in about two seconds”

With the feeling restored in his arm Michael and Eric both grabbed each other’s hands and pushed trying to force each other back as they snarled and growled at each other.

”Notice how Michael’s adrenal glands have not even kicked in yet… And he is not even transformed yet he forces Eric back… Oops my mistake” Eric grabbed his brother around his waist and threw him over his head into a wall face first.

Plaster showered Michael as he stood up and looked at Eric. “Eric…” Eric blinked and something snapped. “Michael… Okay I think im in control again… That was fun though”

Evan and Lorene stared.

”It failed! Just like I said it would! Your programming is only temporary as long as the subject wants it to work… It’s like a map and Eric just felt like doing something else took him a while though”

”I don’t need you to explain our programming failed but we did install a back up… Your version of the programming Dr. Lubri… Care to activate it?”

”Whoa whoa mom! I don’t want to beat up Michael! Stop fucking around with my head… Damn my head hurts… Anyway cant we just be a family? I don’t care if im just some experiment… I need love and damn it im immature!”

”Yes and no Dr?” Dr. Lubri ran over his code words that would trigger a target when genetically programmed to kill.

”In a moment Evan I just need to remember that code… Hmm I don’t remember the Titans but I do remember Olympus” Eric was not in control again and Michael stood having had enough.

”That’s it Eric listen to me… The deactivation code is Evening ends at dawn” Eric slumped.

”Thanks… Let’s go before something else happens like me putting a smack down on our parents and the good Dr”

”Eric you can’t hurt a fly. You’re out of your league here… So just give in and come with us… Or those guards are going to have to shoot you in the knees”

Eric looked behind him. “SHIT! Eric we are outmatched!” Eric looked around and smiled. Changing back to normal he ran forward and snatched up a chair and in one motion threw it out a window and leapt out of it.

Michael followed suit as the guards fired at him. Eric pulled out a small knife and slammed it into the side of the building twenty feet above the ground and snagged his brother by the hand.

”Thanks now let’s go!” The two dropped and looked up at there parents who looked down at them.

”We should have another girl I really like Erica she is so much more stable as a psychopath than most…”

Evan raised an eyebrow. “Nah too crazy for my likes… We should go ahead with the plan though… After all the other test family is ready to begin”


Eric and Michael walked off. “So you found out? Krystal told you… I can sense it… So how are you holding up?”

”Im just fine Eric let’s go home… Well I have to go meet up with Krystal and the pick up jet at the airport outside of town… I love you Eric stay strong and remember… There were others involved in mom and pop’s experiments… Just watch your back… Even your closest friend could have originally been experimented on by… Well you get the picture”

Michael ran off down the street and vanished into a crowd. Eric was glad no one had noticed their little escapade as he got into Angela’s car as she pulled up. “Going my way cutie?”

”Always sweetness always” Eric relaxed and rubbed his sore arm. “Also swing by the hospital also… I don’t think I can heal this broken shoulder on my own… I did stop my fall with it and Mike’s too… Owww”



”Okay and now… Yes good Ertai! Zoom in on them!” ZigZag got a phone call and she stepped out of the studio. “Missing the best part. Oh well its on tape. Hello?”

ZigZag dropped her cell phone and looked around then picked it up. “Hello? Is that really you?”

The voice on the other line said. “Yea sis it’s me… So I hear your back in business again… Listen I just found out about something that you might need to hear… But I have to tell you in person…”


ZigZag had not heard from her brother in years since the incident. “Okay where are you?”

”Damn they found me! I’ll call back as soon as I can!” ZigZag called out “Hello Hello?” But got no response and put away her phone. “Sabrina?” Sabrina walked out of her office and sighed.

”No I will not participate in this film session or any other! No I will not pose for “pictures” either… Now what is it?”

”I think my little brother is in trouble” ZigZag said tears in her eyes.

”Oh my… You may need to speak to James about this more than me… I didn’t know you had living relatives. I would probably freak if Tabitha got hurt even if she is a pain sometimes”

”All brothers are! Hey Sabby ZZ im here for a visit!” Michael walked over to them and frowned. “Geez! I have the worst luck! I was just in a fight now ZigZag is sad… Hell has frozen over people!”

”Not now you evil Windoze user! She honestly needs help concerning her brother and you come in here after vanishing over a month ago and strut like you own the place… God I missed you!”

Michael smiled “Yea I knew you would so how’s Chris?” ZigZag sighed. “Oh right ZZ im sorry” Michael hugged her and smiled.

”Cheer up Eric is still around and strong as ever!” Eric came in his whole right shoulder bandaged and in a cast.

”Or not… Ow is all I have to say”

”Oh shut up! You’re the one who did this! Your extra weight tore my ligaments!” Michael smirked.

”Yea well who asked you to catch me? I could have survived the fall easily even though we were thirty stories up… Okay thanks Eric im sorry your arm is busted for at least a few hours”

”Apology accepted now we need to help ZigZag!” David ran in. “It’s terrible! Horrible! Absolutely freaking weird!” Sabrina growled at being interrupted.

”What is it?”

”James is in the hospital with gunshot wounds to his gut and chest! The doctor’s say he may not live through the night!” Everyone looked at ZigZag as she looked down.

”… No” ZZ fainted into Michael’s arms and he handed her to David.

”Great what next?” Christina ran out of the studio she was in with a towel around her.

”Ertai pulled his back! Help!” Everyone looked at Eric and frowned.

”Sorry I had to say it!” The front door’s of the studio were smashed in as an assault team poured in.

”Your all under arrest for drug smuggling!” Michael sighed.

”Eric I would blame you but… Nah ERIC THIS IS YOUR FAULT!”


End of Chapter 11


Email me at with questions and I will try to answer them.