Workplace Relations By Michael l. Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by me.

Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog are copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt



Chapter 14

Night Creature


A lone fur walks down a dark street. He has a feeling he is being followed and he is afraid. Though he is sure he can bite and fight off anything that comes his way his tail suddenly is caught by something… Something that is bare and soft and feels like a foot.

”Nice evening isn’t it?” The man turns.

”Yes it is? Um your not lost or anything right?” Dartanya smiles and licks her fangs as she steps closer to the rat.

”No my dinner is right before me and I tend to play with my food so either run or try and fight” At this moment the rat notices the wings draped around the woman’s shoulders and gasps in surprise not yet sure of what he is dealing with he yanks his tail from under Darty’s foot and backs away.

”Your one of those freaks that eats other sentient furs?” Dartanya laughs and walks over to the man as he is backed into a wall.

”No I am a vampire… No not all vampires have wings I was born with these… Your cute like all my victims usually are” Darty sinks her fangs into one of his shoulders and he gasps. Darty licks the wound and then kisses her victim before biting into his neck.

”S-s-stop!” He cries as he feels a wave of pleasure wash over him. Darty sucks hard draining his blood just enough so her victim is drowsy. Darty then drags the rat into the shadows giggling the whole time.


Darty steps out of the shadows smoothing out her dress and smiles licking the last of her meal’s blood off her lips. “Tasty” Darty then walks into the downtown area with a smile on her face.


“This is Reslanta Bass here with a live report. Last night a famous horror novelist was killed. Sources say he was raped then drained of his blood by fanatical fans others stipulate that this was the work of a vampire. Jogger Chris Foxx was the first to discover the body”

Eric and Angela sat up in there bed and held each other while looking at the TV in front of them on the wall. “Well I wasn’t trying to… OH it was horrible! This is the second time I have found a dead body in this city! Damn I am going nuts!” Sabrina came up behind Chris and said.

”No comment” And dragged her hysterical boyfriend away. Eric flicked off the TV.

”Okay… Look’s like this is a job for this city’s only freelance enhanced investigator… Me Angela I wont be going to work today!” Angela sighs and gets out of bed only to be pounced on by Eric.

”Eric! Oh… Hehehe” Eric winks and kisses his love.

ZigZag yawns as she opens her eyes. She had slept at the office after trying to organize the recent news about her brother and sister’s heroic activities and her studio after filming a messy scene which Eric wasn’t around to clean up.

”I am too nice to these furs. Oh well at least James is on the job” James sat at Angela’s desk and watched a few portable video monitors he had set up there temporally since Eric and Angela were late for unknown reasons.

”Kids hehehe” James thought as he kept watch over things. Sabrina came in and nodded to James. Who nodded back as she walked away smiling and hoping that today would be normal. Bryce was trying to carry some props after cleaning them to the back storage area when he bumped into Michele.

”Bryce… We need to talk…” Bryce looked away. “I am sorry… I did not mean to laugh the other night… I mean we need to talk about this I…” Bryce frowned.

”No no it’s okay… It has happened before… I just didn’t think you would laugh also…” Bryce walked away trying not to cry. Ertai meanwhile was watching and took this opportunity to trip Bryce as he was walking by.

”Oops my mistake” Ertai was about to walk away when ZigZag stepped in front of him.

”Ertai come to my office… James!” James got up and smiled. Ertai eeped as James hefted him by his shirt collar into ZZ’s office. Bryce got up and looked at Michele and she looked back and something snapped between them and they embraced.

”I care a lot… I forget it is hard to get along in a world that is so unforgiving sometimes… Forgive me?” Michele asked. Bryce nodded.

Sabrina smiled then frowned as her computer froze. “Ugh! I told Eric no don’t speed up the office server without making sure my computer could handle it but nooooo” Sabrina sat down after picking up a pen that rolled under her workstation and waited for her computer to function again.



Eric sniffs the air as he pushes his glasses up onto his muzzle. He looks around the area with his powers and notices something the police did not. “The attacker walked away… I can still see her imprints on the cement… Plus there is some pink fur left on the ground though it is only one hair… Hmm time to follow the clues” Eric walks along for a while till he ends up at a hotel.

Inside the lobby a beautiful pink furred skunk is eating a sandwich in the hotel buffet. “Bingo… One vamp and she even has wings… Um probably not because she is a vampire… Now all I have to do is… She’s looking straight at me… Shit she knows!? But how... She must be”

A soft voice rings out in Eric’s mind. “Telepathic? Why yes I am… One of the perks of feeding on mortals like you… Now how would you like to die Eric Taillong? Want me to send you into oblivion slowly or hard and fast?”

Eric blushed at Dartanya’s implications and began to walk away from the outside of the hotel. He was shocked she had such mental powers as to learn his name with just one probe even though he had set up some mental blockers. He hoped Darty would not follow but soon. “Eric… You know my secret and I cannot let you live… Come on! It will be fun!”


Eric quickly summoned a cab and got out of there fast. “Retreat is in order… For now…”
Darty looked on and smiled.

”Dinner will be served again soon enough” Darty said silently to herself as she turned around her wings sweeping at her legs as she did so.



Eric comes up behind ZigZag and taps her shoulder. “What do you want?” Eric smiles and hands ZigZag a dozen roses and chocolate. ZigZag blushes and thinks.

”Eric must think I am a wonderful employer! Wow this is the first time an employee has..”

”Oh I want you to give those to Angela for me… I have to go” Eric leaves and ZigZag sighs slightly irritated and still blushing.

”That guy needs help with women and I know just who should help him” Eric left the studio as it began to rain. Lately the rain set his mood since it had rained all week he felt gloomy and not wanted.


His surprise evening with Angela was interrupted by ZigZag’s planning for an orchestra to perform music Jazz wrote. Eric was funding it since he had cash to waste. “Something Anthony would not do… I hope we win another award for this vid”

Eric walked past his car. He didn’t feel like driving since he didn’t feel like using his power. “Is that all I am? A walking road show… Heh I guess I need to loosen up…”

Eric looked up as a shadow loomed over him. “Dinner!” Eric gasped as a familiar figure slammed him into a dumpster. Eric raised his arms to protect himself but his opponent slammed her claws into his shoulders and flung him into a wall.

Eric hit his head and was dazed but quickly got up. Getting a look through his rain soaked eyes he gasped. A pink furred skunk approached him and smiled. She had bat wings that wrapped about her like a cape and she had a wicked set of fangs. On top of that she looked like she was about 15 or so.

”How can she be so small and light into me like Anthony could or the sisters or my sister for that matter?” Eric thought as he grimaced and backed into the alley away from his strange foe. ”Um…Dartanya no! There is no need for this… I know your thoughts are not evil!”


The girl smiled and threw back her wings as she held her arms at her sides ready to attack Eric again. Eric growled as the figure said. “The name is Dartanya as if you didn’t know and you’re going to be my meal… Though I would not mind playing with you first… If you catch my meaning… Just relax and I shall drag you into shelter and well… You can imagine the rest”

Eric drew his cane and pressed a button sparking up the tip. Darty smirked and suddenly was on Eric faster than anything he had ever seen and had knocked the cane out of his hand and threw him through a boarded up door.

Wood splintered and Eric skidded slowly to a stop on the moist cement floor.
Eric moaned as Darty walked up on him. “Good you’re indoors now for the finishing touches” Eric dazed and not able to see straight tried to turn on his powers.

”My only chance… If she sinks her fangs into me it is game over…” Eric quickly said, ”Please no! I have a girlfriend… Just finish me and be done…”


Darty smiled at Eric’s weakness. Eric knowingly knew he had to play weak. Darty stepped closer her tail draped behind her. Eric waited a split second before pulling out another retracted cane from inside his jacket and slamming it though Dartanya’s foot.

Dartanya screamed and hissed as Eric yanked out the bloody pole and then kicked Darty away from him. On his feet in a flash Eric smiled and wiped his cane off on a furry hand.

”So you’re not so weak after all… Interesting for a blind guy you sure can move” Eric kept his senses alert and stared at Darty. Unbeknownst to her he had shifted his eyes when Darty stood over him so he could now see but he was still out matched

”Your one of a kind… Most males and some females would just submit but I will honor your last request… With a kiss of death” Darty leapt on Eric and bit into his neck as her claws raked his back. She sank to her knees holding Eric as she drained his body of blood.

Eric totally caught off guard fought back trying to get Darty off of him but she raked his back making him shudder in pain. A rush of pleasure went though Eric as he went limp.


“So that’s how vamps get their victims…” Eric thought as he tried to stay awake. “Damn something on or in there teeth… Or saliva… So weak yet I feel so good… Angela I wish I could have told you again… I love you…” Eric closed his eyes as Darty continued to suck out his blood.

Hours later.

Angela sat at her desk buzzing people in all day for interviews had bored her senseless. Now it was late and soon the place would be closed for the night. “Balancing the budge is much more exciting… But Eric is probably at home since not a lot was needed to be cleaned or directed around the studio today”

Angela picked up her roses and smiled. Suddenly Eric stumbled against the glass of the front doors. Angela stared at him as he looked back then collapsed. Standing Angela shouted for help then let Eric in.

”Call an ambulance!” ZigZag said as she rushed up front. Angela held onto Eric as he kept on trying to speak.

”Vampire…” Was what his lips kept on saying before he stopped moving. Everyone had gathered around Eric and held their breath. Angela just held him until.

”GHA….. Damn…. Whoa… For a moment there I thought my vocal cords had stopped working altogether sorry I had to hold my breath while my ripped out windpipe healed”

Angela started crying as everyone started hurling questions. “After I get a blood transfusion I will tell all… Right now… Sleep” Eric passed out and soon was on his way to the hospital.

Anthony got a phone call as he lay in his bed with his wife. “Eric has been hospitalized? By who, who ordered the attack? No one did… Hmm investigate! I need to know who did this before Erica finds out”


Rachel looked at Anthony. “Hmm your friend got hurt?” Anthony smiled

”Seems that way oh well he is alive until I kill him so all is well goodnight” Anthony closed his eyes and fell back asleep in seconds. Rachel sighed and rolled over on her stomach.

Dartanya on the other hand was flying above the cloudy night sky as the rain kept on coming. She felt so strong after draining Eric. “Wow I drained him completely… And I feel soo good!”

Darty landed on a roof and picked up a stone and crumbled it into pieces with two fingers. “So much stronger yet it will fade once I feel hungry again. But I will have three days… Three days of such power! Hmm maybe I can get a job since I am new in town”

Darty flew on laughing frightening a few people on the ground who wondered who was laughing as they walked along.

”A vampire? Cool so how do you think you will hold up?” Eric sighed.

”I feel fine… Doc said I only needed some plasma and I can leave tomorrow or sooner just as soon as I can lift my arms and legs… Darty drained me good” Angela looked at Eric.

”Darty? That is the freaks name?” Eric shot Angela a hurt look.

”Thanks for showing support for the were fur cause with that comment… Sheesh I scanned her thoughts before at the hotel. She is new in town and is a sexual creature of the night… And guess which studio is world famous and has had casting calls for the last few days due to ZZ not wanting to hire temps all the time and get to know some new furs”

ZigZag smiled. “She’s a pink furred skunk those are rare but not uncommon we can stop her… Just how do we stop her?” Eric snickered.

”Stab her in the heart simple yes? Course we should not kill her… Or let her feed again in a few days or more… I don’t know what my blood did to her but she could have got some memories out of me while she was draining me… Vamps are telepathic and when they feed. They gain knowledge and memories of each victim… It’s a tormented life”

James coughed. “Your feeling sympathetic for some girl who nearly killed you not that Anthony hasn’t tried… And you want us to not harm her?” Eric laughed.

”Yea can you do that for me at least?” Angela spoke slowly.

”Eric just remember I care for you a lot try not to be such a hot shot again I almost lost you… And did you get any hits in on this Darty before she got you?”


“Yea her foot is probably healed by now… Don’t ask” Eric was soon left alone in the dark to watch the lightning flash over his window as he stared out at the night sky.

A day later.

”And this is the weight room… We have a few unfurnished rooms in the back mostly we knocked down walls and added walls to get the studio the way it is today… Our script writer doubles as a contractor as does building work though he isn’t a licensed pro…”

Angela said trying to hold her contempt for Darty in check as she stood dressed in a long black dress. “He does good work… Um you’re his girlfriend right?”

Angela looked at Darty. “How did you know that?” Darty smiled.

”You have the scent of a male cat on your clothing and some cat hair also and you did say earlier he was a feline so…” Angela blushed.

”Yea well we do live together” Angela said leading Darty into the break room. Eric was waiting with a few others new cast members. All had gone down according to plan though Eric was not sure what to do next even though he told everyone he had a final part to his plan.

”Close the door and leave us Angela” Mike was at his brothers side along with James. The three men had every intention of avoiding a fight. It was all on Dartanya now.

”So you lived… Figures since your blood did a number on me… I haven’t felt hungry for the longest time…. Nor do I feel it setting in… The longest I have been without blood was four days after which I fed on three furs to get my strength back… You may just be my savor. Eric Taillong”

Eric looked at James and Mike and they sat. “Eric what does she mean by that?” James coughed.

”Obviously GAA blood is not normal… So it is safe to assume it has done something to her… Eric any ideas?” Eric shrugged.

”Im not a pro like some of the guys me and Mike have hired in the past to examine our blood but… My guess is something different than with what happened to you and ZigZag has happened to Darty…”

Mike looked up from his pager watch. “I am needed back in the hi… Um I mean uh nice seeing ya bro!” Mike left as Eric smiled.

”He flew out to see you how touching…” Eric’s attention was on Darty again. He noticed James eyes never left her.

”So your blood cured me?” Eric shook his head.

”No probably made you stronger as far as your bodily functions… Vamps burn out there blood’s nutrients due to their organs working overtime to give them that edge they have over norms. Something or rather my RNA encoding has reworked your DNA it may only last a little while before it is gone and you have to feed again… Here’s the deal I will get you GAA blood when you need it if you do not attempt to feed on anyone again!”

Darty looked down. “Okay Eric… Though I wonder if I can finish my earlier snack” James flushed a little and got his composure back as Eric’s jaw dropped.

”Darty!” Darty winked and smiled.

”Just kidding” Eric turned his head from side to side cracking his neck as his ears swiveled.

”You can stop listening in now guys!” ZigZag walked in grinning. Eric sighed.

”Eric I have plans… For Darty and our other arrivals… You want to direct again?” Eric looked a little sick and Darty wondered if she was the cause.

”Um err no… You take the job… Me I need to get to a bathroom!” Eric ran out of the room and into the unisex restroom down the hall. ZigZag had her arms crossed and a hand up holding her chin as she smiled at Darty who stared back.

”Well since I am not needed…” James left the room and went to his security station he had set up in a formerly unused room.


ZigZag sat down and said. “Darty how would you like your first film to be something I have held in storage for a while?” Darty blinked.

”Okay…” ZigZag grinned again and Darty suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Eric came out of the bathroom and went into his office. Sitting down he looked around at the various cleaning equipment and chemicals he had. Some were homemade.

”I need a vacation!” Eric stood up and smiled. “Yea I am stressed out! A vacation will solve my problems!” Eric snickered as he thought of where he could go.

”There is a beach house I can use that I heard is for sale by an elderly couple… Hmm”

Eric sat down and began to type out a letter. Sabrina was in her office on the telephone.

”No I do not want to watch Tabitha! What? Oh mom… Fine I will watch her this coming weekend” Sabrina sighed and wrinkled her nose at the thought of her younger sister going insane around her.

”Your sis probably needs medication Sabby… Am I disturbing you?” Sabrina looked at Eric as he handed her a letter.

”I wasn’t using my gifts when I wrote it how does it read?” Sabrina smiled.

”Like a vacation request… We are busy but after the stuff you have gone through… I guess ZZ will let ya go… But where exactly?” Eric smiled.

”A beach far away… I can organize my thoughts ideas and plans!” Sabrina shook her head.

”You don’t have to do anything while on vacation so don’t! Relax and cut loose!” Eric blinked.

”Whenever I cut loose as you put it I always end up bleeding or as recent events would have it. Nearly drained of my blood… She missed a pint I was lucky but Darty could have gotten me… And no one would have ever known what had happened to me… Well they would have but not who had done it”

Sabrina sighed “Give it up! Just think for a moment about what you want and not about what happens when something strange occurs!” Eric cracked his fingers and shrugged.

”I don’t know but im going to leave as soon as I can… Okay we have signed on Darty who was the other lady?” Sabrina smiled.

”Another Skunk only she is strikingly almost similar to ZigZag though we don’t know much about her except her unusual name” Eric raised an eyebrow.

”What is she Tiger striped?” Sabrina picked up a notepad and began to jot something down.

”No she’s basically a skunk mix. I didn’t want to pry so I just said my hello’s after ZigZag signed her on and then went back to collecting orders from the site and documenting how many people constantly vist etc. We do have to know are target demographic right Eric?”

Eric nodded. “Good job keep it up me I have a letter to deliver” Eric pulled out a cane and unfolded it and left Sabrina’s office. Sabrina sighed again thinking of Chris who was more than likely close to having another breakdown.

”I have to talk to him and get him to relax! If I can deal with Eric and his wild lifestyle and that of ZigZag’s. He can deal with finding a dead body or two… I can not believe I said that!”


Sabrina slapped her forehead and giggled. ZigZag looked over Eric’s letter and hugged him and jokingly said. “Aw Eric is stressed out? Poor baby… So where ya headed Eric?”

Eric was glad he didn’t have to have a dragged out conversation why he wanted to go. “Beach and sun… This rain has not helped my mood much” A figure approached stepping softly and said.

”Hey again ZigZag. Sorry I am early but I could not just sit around at the hotel while wondering what my first screen test would be like… Is this the cute kitty you mentioned that ran things sometimes?”

Eric’s jaw almost dropped he used his senses to get a scent profile before he spoke. “You must be Live Wire Katt” Lively seemed to smile more as she looked Eric over.

”I am sorry about your being in the hospital. At least you’re out so soon… You were gone yesterday when I came in for my interview… So are you going to direct my little on screen endeavor?”

Eric really was starting to like Lively and the fact that Angela was not there to be jealous really helped brighten his mood. “Nah I will be on vacation well I am on my way out it was nice meeting you Live”

”Please call me Lively” Eric nodded and tapped away. Lively didn’t think it was unusual that a blind guy was doing all sorts of outgoing things as ZigZag led her to the break room.

”Wait here and I will get everyone together who will be in this…” A loud gunshot was heard outside. James burst out of his office. He had it set up with a swinging door so that he could easily get out incase of an emergency without breaking anything.

Except Bryce’s nose since he was behind the door at the time. Michele rushed to Bryce’s side as a scuffle was heard outside. Eric held his cane blocking a knife slash and the one holding the knife.

”Eric Taillong you may have strength but I am stronger!” Eric’s attacker’s eyes glowed and soon Eric was knocked back hard by an unseen force. His attacker capitalized on this and drew long blade and rushed Eric.

Lively stood watching and visibly was concentrating as Eric’s attacker suddenly slowed as if he was hit by something. “That slow spell should halt him… Enough so Eric can do his thing”

David stared holding a home video camera with a steady hand as he watched the fight. Eric had since gotten up and was punching his masked attacker with rights and lefts until he grabbed his hands and squeezed them.

”ARUGH!” Eric could feel his bones breaking as his attacker grinned under his mask.

”Your weak and you were one of the first… Time to die!” Eric then knew this was no ordinary fur assassin.

”You’re a GAA also? Then I have no qualms about doing this!” Eric twisted his body in mid air as he flipped up and behind the one holding his hands. Eric felt his wrists snap with his maneuver and James was about to help when Eric jack kicked his attacker in his spine snapping it in two.

”AHHHH!” His foe defeated Eric could only hold his arms at his side as his wrists throbbed. Eric walked over to the still highly dangerous masked wolf. Eric determined it was a wolf due to the unknown fur’s tail that stuck out the back of his black suit.

”Eric your okay!” Eric looked up to see Darty run over and rub her cheek against his and hug him. Everyone stared until Angela came over pissed and pulled her off of Eric.

”Listen you little freak you stay away from my Eric!” Darty tugged on Eric’s arm forgetting his injuries and hugged him again.

”Aww cant you share? He is so cute and such a man!” Eric blushed as David laughed. James took away David’s digital camera and took its recording disk out and snapped it in two.

”James but why?” James said calmly.

”Confidentiality… Now for Eric’s attacker who is slowly getting away!” Chance winced as he dragged himself to his car. He had chosen that moment when the females were arguing over his target to leave.

”My kind of fur… Eric must be trouble for the ladies” James and ZigZag stepped in front of Chance. ZigZag was already on the phone.

”Ah yes? Ambulance please…. You’re joking about charging us for ambulances right?” ZigZag said as the operator on the other end laughed. ”Yes this is the second one in two days! What can I say the adult film industry is dangerous”


Chance tried to fend off James removal of his mask but he was feeling weak as his body started to heal his broken back. Chance did manage to slash James arm, which began to bleed onto the cement.

ZigZag growled but James said. “No he has every right to keep fighting… But this fight is over… Now let’s see who you really are” Chance blinked as light hit his eyes. Without the lenses that covered his eyes while the mask was on Chances very human face was seen changing back to normal.

”Who are you boy?” Chance slashed at James who merely stomped on his clawed hand. Chance yanked his hand back.

He did not like feeling helpless and now he was just that. “Chance Wolfhog James Sheppard murderer of my father!”

David had caught up with a new recording disk and caught James expression of remorse. “I did what I did because he tried to kill me… At the time I was cold inside…”

Chance laughed. “At least your still full of self righteous pride old man… Eric how can you hang with this evil bastard!” Eric smiled.

”Because Chance I know my allies... And I know your honor is really um how do you put it? Has gone to the dogs” James growled and so did Chance.

”Oh right you both are apart of the canid family… Sorry James… Chance you want your honor restored? Do me a favor” Chance looked at Eric and looked away sharply.

”What do you know about honor? I lost to a weakling like you and I am stronger!” Eric rubbed his ribs.

”Yes you used a mental attack… When your eyes flashed… I was not sure then but I am now… Your one of those variations I heard about… One with enhanced mental abilities besides the normal ones… Luckily I had help in the form of our new resident witch Lively”

Angela and Sabrina both slapped Eric. “Eric that was shameful!” Eric rubbed his cheeks then held in a scream as he remembered his hands were broken. Lively came to Eric’s side looking down at Chance.

”I don’t know how Eric knew but… Yes I am a Witch… Pretty cool right?” Sabrina apologized while Angela fumed. Darty was at Eric’s side again.

”See she does you wrong… Me I don’t care what you call these weaker women around here… I just love you for you!” Eric shoved Darty away with a shoulder.

”Knock it off! The ambulance is here… I just hope you agree to these terms for gaining your honor… IT may be humiliating but since I don’t believe in harming another for any reason… Unless Angela is involved” Eric said making her blush.

”HELL NO!” Chance screamed as he was taken away. “IT IS BAD ENOUGH I FAILED BUT… THAT? I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!” Eric laughed and waved the paramedics off as the left with a screaming Chance.

”That was harsh! And what about us actors? Making us work with Chance! What guarantee we have of him not harming us ladies?” Michele asked Eric as he walked towards the studio.


“And us men! He seems to not like competition!” Bryce said. Shocking ZigZag.

”So you’re going to act also? That is wonderful Bryce!” Michele smiled also and sighed sure this was going to complicate matters.

”He wishes me dead not you… Besides he suffers from what I did…” Darty wrapped her arms around both Angela and Eric and said.

”And that is loneliness?” Eric nodded and got out of there before more yelling could erupt.

”Way to go Eric… At least you’re alive… Now you have more crazy allies than ever… Sigh I just wish I knew what Anthony was planning”

At Anthony’s downtown offices

”Okay so who wants the job of killing Eric? How about you three? Sheri, Jeri and Cheryl?” The three sisters smiled and nodded in sync. Jeri stepped forward and raked her claws down a wall.

“Dead is what we do best… He is not going to die easy either…”

”Excellent Jeri Excellent”

End of Chapter 14

WHEW! This was one bad puppy! Bashes chapters nose with a paper Heh sigh well I have already started chapter 15 and I will upload it as soon as I can… Peace and im out.


As always email me at with comments.