Workplace Relations By Michael L Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W. Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner. Michael Taillong, Eric Taillong, Erica Taillong, Evan Taillong, Lorene Taillong, Rachel Maximillion, Angela Markson, David Bateson, Michele Fawn, Lara Justain, Jake "Jazz" Phillips, Christina Landry are owned by Michael Luvar. Barnes. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. Bryce Landry is copyrighted \xA9 to Bryce Landry. ZigZag, Brandy and Maxwell are copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and are also used with permission. Ertai Maxwell is copyright \xA9 Roland Bloodthunder. Dartanya Nightblood and Chance Wolfhog is copyright there owner Chance Wolfhog. Live "Lively" Wire Katt is copyrighted \xA9 to her player Live "Lively" Wire Katt The term Animorphs is copyrighted to K. A. Applegate and is only mentioned herein twice after this notice. Ebony Conejo and Miguel Tigre belong to their player and are used hopefully with permission.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 20

A finale but not the end

Double Z Studio’s

”HELLO ALL YOU FORNICATORS! ET IS IN THE HOUSE!” ZigZag popped out of her office wearing a too tight t-shirt with the double z logo on it, a blue mini skirt with silk stockings and a small blue jacket she had open with a pair of blue pumps. Her hair was teased up in a punk rocker sort of way with a ponytail flowing down her back. She had a playful grin on her face that showed she was happy to see the formerly missing feline.

Approaching Eric who was dressed in black as usual and with accompanying shades. ZigZag cracked a smile and a lame joke.

”Entertainment Tonight is here? Again? Hmm give me a sec!” Eric’s right eye twitched in irritation at ZigZag’s lame joke. Angela spotting Eric hugged him the moment she got near him and then smiled. Kissing her Eric patted her stomach. Angela was not showing yet but Eric knew about her pregnancy.

Pulling away slightly blushing Angela asked. ”You know?”

”I knew” Angela smiled and cried for joy. The whole scene was soon filled with all the main players and the main attraction looked glad to be back.

”So where have you been mister kidnapped?” Eric laughed and shook Jazz’s hand. The bunny man was missing a small pair of specs he wore in their place was a gold necklace with two overlapping capital Z’s.

”Been researching era after era trying to solve the whole mystery that is my life and I think I have it all down pat! Oh and Jeri’s family is safe after some death combat stuff and other assorted crap. I took them home before I did my research. Which will all be explained”

Bryce walked into the studio holding coffee cans recently purchased from the store and spotted Eric and dropped them all. “Finally… The torment… Ends…” The fox collapsed shivering soon after his statement much to the horror of Michele.

”Bryce! Now get up you silly fox and try to stay awake!” Sabrina shook her head and spoke in a muted tone.

”He must have gone nuts from the cleaning job… Where is Chance and how is his real sister?” Chance and Mellisa entered the room as Chance finished loading two guns and pointing them at Eric.

”This ends now! We duel and let it be the deciding factor of our rivalry! First one shot looses!” Eric took both weapons from Chance and shot him in the shoulders with both of them. Eric laughed at Chance as he glared at Eric.

”Wow that was quick and easy!” Eric said as Chance winced in a painful grin that turned into a sadistic smile.

”Damn you Taillong! Your brother did the same thing once…”

Eric looked serious. “You’re talking about Daimon right?”


Everyone stopped talking and looked at Eric as Michael spoke to him in a sad voice. ”You saw him? And fought him right?” Eric grew silent. “Did you fight him?” Eric smiled at Michael.

”Yea we fought… And I beat him so badly it looked like he was going to die when I left…” Chance having had enough sense to load the guns with regular bullets took them from Eric and slid them into holsters under a black coat he wore.

”Hmmm you think he died?” Eric laughed. It was unnerving but everyone guessed it was Eric’s way of dealing with shock. The shock of having to harm a family member you knew then again did not know.

”If you’re asking me I honestly do not know Chance… I just left him in the sickbay and left with the sisters and the computers…  I caught a plane back and then took them to their sister… Nothing happened after that except I suddenly found myself wanting to know the whole truth about myself. So I went to the old family mansion and checked things out in the family archives and libraries. One that I can explain over a STUDIO LUNCH!”

James slapped his forehead. “Can’t we have a film to shoot! And also when you have time you need to spend it with your immediate family… Everyone was worried and well they should hear everything first. Besides your clothing is ripped in several places.”

Eric nodded. Looking over his clothing he looked up and smiled again. “Your all my family… I don’t divide the people I care about into groups… I missed you all! Everyone group hug with Sabrina at the center!”

Sabrina’s face fell and she uttered one word. “Crud…” Before being smothered in fur.

Later that evening

Michael and Krystal sat across from Eric and Angela at dinner in a pricey restaurant named Ben’s Gourmet house of beef. The name was to ward off anyone who was too classy but it brought in clientele on word of mouth mostly and the place was packed. Either it was the good food or service but old man Ben, a badger, always had a full house on most nights.


Eric talked about everything and anything with his brother, future sister in law and his girlfriend. “So you’re a spy now eh big brother number one?”

Michael shook his head as if shaking off a terrible headache. “Don’t call me that… I have had enough trouble getting over the fact that my new sister is an alien princess whose people want us for snacks! Sheesh I would not worry if it was ZigZag mentality at work here…” Krystal poked Mike disapprovingly. “Heh at least you know you would only end up having fun but this is some deadly dangerous crap here Angela! Do you know when your mom may snap?”

Angela shook her head. “I got us all more time… She said after I deliver my children then she would attack so we have 10 months at the most… But it could be any day now. She tends to lie a lot” Eric took a bite of his meal then chewed it with his razor sharp teeth and smiled at Angela as he swallowed.

“Why the long gestation rate?” Angela smiled and looked at her stomach. As Krystal sipped a glass of wine.

”Well as far as I know it is Eric’s fault the children seem to all have the gene that makes him as dangerous as he is… And predictions by my mothers scientists say that they should all also trigger much like Eric did.”


Eric let out a slow breath. ”My first good meal in days… Mmm I have a lot I want to tell you all but I want to do it with the others but I can say this… Michael you remind me a lot of our great great… Too many greats to say grandfather Marty Vertox… Krystal you remind me of Jasmine his daughter… dedicated to her job and willing to help change the future for the better and for the hope of saving her race… Angela you remind me of Vixen… Deadly and beautiful and loyal to her mate… I remind myself of Richard… A guy who would do anything for the orphaned children under his wing…”

Michael snorted and frowned. “Um why cant I be the guy who takes care of kids?”

Eric chuckled. “Because he is caught up in a love triangle, what with three women wanting him? Much like myself only he is seeing all of them sometimes separate other times all at the same time…”

Angela sighed. “If you want Dartanya…” Eric hugged Angela gently.

”No I don’t want to see other people… I was just commenting on how my life seems so similar to his…” Looking lost in his memories the young feline twitched his ears. “Who would have thought I would have the bad luck to travel through time again? Only this time I managed to succeed where Jeri failed…” Everyone looked at Eric shocked.

”What… Again?” Michael said his quills and fur bristling.

Krystal looked at her future brother in law and smiled. “You mean you got…”

Eric narrowed his eyes. “Live samples of the original virus that can change a person’s DNA into that of any animal they wish… The extent of the change depends on the dosage of the virus given to a person… A certain amount gives them the ability to change back and forth between a hybrid state and a purely human one… Mike’s and my own ability to do just that was based on this virus. And your ability to shift into a ‘furry’ state just like our ability to turn human. Also if you take a high enough dosage you’re aging process stops or is reversed! I can control my aging to a point but have chosen to age along with Angela.”


Krystal ate her second order slowly. She was thinking about all of this. “So you know everything you can about yourself finally?” Krystal paused. “Oh! That was a kick!” Michael feeling giddy at the prospect of being a father nearly got up and ran but Krystal snagged his tail in a paw and pulled him back to the table. Michael sitting again coughed and answered Krystal.

”Of course he does! I mean all the weird events in his life! He should finally be able to piece it all together! Right?” Eric looked at the crowd in the restaurant and smiled inwardly.

”We are being followed but luckily I have two people that can handily take care of them…” He thought while tapping a button on his shirt collar Eric whispered into it. Outside inside a car sat Chance and Darty dressed like Neo and Trinity.

”Bleh you got this nasty carryout again!” Dartanya shoved the food handed to her out of her face and Chance sat it down and started to eat his.

”Whatever you just sit there while I have some jerk chicken.”

”Yea you’re a jerk who likes to…” Chance gave Dartanya a glance and she stopped in the middle of her joke.


“Come in Chance!” Chance lifted his watch and spoke.

”Don’t talk so loudly” Eric adjusted the mic sensitivity on his end.


”Yes now what is it Taillong I am eating!”

Eric would have loved to give Chance an obscene gesture at that point but he wasn’t around so he silently cursed his rudeness. “We have company… Robotic company… Same type of bots I tangled with before and nearly killed me. Sabrina is still mad about that time.” Michael remembered the whole clone Sabrina thing and shook his head. “Can you handle them? It seems that I will not be able to cut dinner short for this kind of mess…”

Chance sighed. “Fine but it will cost you… I still owe you for your damn cheap shot earlier! I don’t care how strong you are now I will kick your ass then go back home and kick your other brothers ass then finally I will have proven myself to be better than all of my rivals!”

Michael spoke. “You do know I have one of his COM setups also? And that you neglected to mention…”

”Shut up Michael!” Everyone at the table said at the same time. Even Chance who was outside. Mike just blinked.

”Fine…. I can take a hint”

Chance shook his head. “When you leave the restaurant and they attack and they will attack just leave them to me… So how many organizations own these androids?”

Eric thought quickly. “We have Yamato corp. Suzuhara corp. and American Front Industries who produce these spying models and they sell them to anyone who wants them…”

”I know that Eric! Just tell me what I should expect in the coming months when I try to keep your ass safe!” Eric rolled his eyes.

”You sure show you care… About five different groups have an interest in me. The secret organization that runs the world from the shadows has left me alone for now since I sort of gave them what they wanted… But they can’t use it only someone in my family can ever hopefully achieve perfection again and that would most likely be one of my children… Damn! Bastards! Angela you’re going to have to go home! No ifs ands or buts!”

Angela cursed in her native tongue. “My mother wants the kids for the same reasons! She will then sway them to her side and then all hell will break loose!”

Michael pulled out a small handheld computer and called up some info as he conducted scans of the room discretely. “I love technology… Okay my scanner shows that there are about two beings with unusual DNA… Other than that there are the two android wolves… I would just love to get a hold of the scientists who designed those androids to look like wolves and tear him a new sense of humor…”

Suddenly the wolf agents drew guns and gunfire erupted aimed at a couple that suddenly shifted before everyone’s eyes into non hawk’s like magic and fled the scene by crashing through a front plate glass window. The Wolf agents leapt after them and fired upon them. Chance was eating his food as the gunfight carried on around him.

”So um later on you don’t mind… Ya know using your claws?” Chance was about to chew on a piece of chicken before speaking to Dartanya about the activities they had planned for later that night. When a bullet shattered his window and basically vaporized his plastic fork and the food on it.

”Okay now I am angry” Chance opened up his car door and pulled out his two magnums and hit the two agents with four quick shots each from his sitting position. They fell to the ground as flesh hung from their gaping wounds. Then they got back up and looked at Chance. With his eyes he could see the blue glow of their corneas as they shifted to backup power and pulled out fresh fully loaded machine guns and fired on Chance. Darty frowned and sat in the car arms crossed.

”Boys and their toys…”

Chance leapt out of the car and ran around to the other side faster than the agents could pick up and fired on them as Dartanya sat ignoring the whole scene. “Get out of the car damn it!”

”No Wolfhog I am sitting here until I feel like moving. Besides bullets can’t kill me!”


Inside the restaurant Michael was screaming.


“This is some Animorphs shit!”

Krystal slapped Michael as they ducked under their table seeking safety with Eric and Angela. “Do not cuss in front of the baby!” Michael rubbed his face.

”Sorry but this IS some Animorphs shit!” Angela punched Michael in the nose.

”That is your final warning. I hope you don’t mind Krystal?”

”Not at all” Michael rubbed his face and nose.

”I am not Eric so punching me in the nose does nothing to me!” Eric was busy talking to Chance who was outside the restaurant shooting at the agents as they almost zombie like took his shots and kept on firing back as Chance ducked behind his car dodging a barrage of bullets. Dartanya sat inside the car calmly eating some jerk chicken finally.

”Get out of the car already!” Darty sipped her can of cola. “And why are you eating now? Get the hell out of the car and do it!


Eric raised the mic sensitivity and screamed loud enough that Dartanya would pick it up on Chance’s end. “GET OUT OF THE CAR!” Dartanya hopped out of the open passenger side door and landed next to Chance who tore out his earpiece and rubbed his ear.

”Fuckin Taillong! My ear!” Eric was sincerely sorry as he got out from under the table and pulled out a gun of his own design. Running outside he fired at the agents giving Chance cover as the restaurant patrons fled out of the back. Police sirens were soon heard as Eric blew the machine’s heads off with his gun and then blew the smoke rising from its barrels away.

”Nice gun you have there Eric” Dartanya said sliding up to him and hugging him. “It saved my life.”

Eric coughed blushing and pushed Dartanya away and said one word. “No.”

”Awww but come on! Angela can come with and I am sure… Uh something wrong?” Eric looked up into the sky Chance followed his line of sight and saw the two hawks that had fled earlier perched on a building nearby.

”Hawks in this city? Quite unusual so what happened inside anyway?” Eric got into his car as Michael pulled up driving it and sat in the back with Angela.

”Come to my house… I think we all need to call a rally of sorts…” Michael snickered.

”Yea a Rally E!” Everyone groaned at the lame joke. “Well at least I am not typing messages to an invisible friend! Sheesh… You guys need to liven up!” Lively appeared in a swirl of smoke.

”You called?” Chance put his guns away after loading them and putting the safety on each.

”Just get in my car… And no making out with Dartanya in the back seat!” Lively and Dartanya groaned and did as Chance said. Chance shook his head.

”Damn women.”


Elsewhere in a hidden location

In a dark office sat a lone masked figure that was talking to someone over a video line. “So that Mellisa was a clone? No matter our security is still intact and we have what we wanted… But what troubles me is how you dealt with the clone… Did you have to let her go?”

“She is dying anyhow. Just thought that for once I could be a little sensible and use poison instead of some horrible bloody stuff or just toss her to the GAA’s on the base and well you know what they would do… Besides her last hours will be spent wandering the desert around the base… Mellisa the real one has reported back and is now undergoing extensive examination at her own pushing. Besides the scans done on her she wants the doctors to check out her body for implants of any sort. Seems Anthony worked her over with a few implements of pain and she admitted she did pass out for hours at a time…”

The mask figure growled. “Seems Eric and me have the same wish now more than ever…” The masked figure pulled off his leather mask and revealed his partially metallic face and glowing green cybernetic eye. “My son needs a lesson and I hope you will be sure to set about my plan for him to get it… Is that understood?”

”Yes sir” Anthony’s father cut the connection and put his mask back on with it’s built in darkened lenses.

At the Taillong residence


Eric was sitting with his parents who he had contacted at a table while the rest of the invited guests just watched from the living room. “Mom, Dad I forgive you… It seems you just played your roles in this messed up life and well I would like to tell you that I don’t hate you anymore and that I have come to terms with what I am and what you have made me… I know the truth the whole story. ”

Lorene looked for the whole world to see like a satisfied mother. “And to think when I had you I thought you would never grow up to be so large… Just look at you strong and more powerful than most people ever get… Did you have to give up those samples of the virus like you did and all that documentation? You know who these people are and what they will try don’t you?”

“Plan S will solve that problem won’t it Eric?” Sabrina shook with anger. “You want me to make it so that none of this has happened don’t you? You want the easy way out! Well I do not want any part of it! I just wish that none of this mess started!”

Chris who was at the gathering put his hands on Sabrina’s shoulders. “Sabrina. They don’t want you to do anything. You’re over reacting…”

”No she isn’t… I… Need her power to change the world. So how about it? Lively and Ertai have helped you some. So can’t you help us? These people will experiment and experiment over and over again till they make the virus work for everyone. I have something to tell you that may shock you. So relax and please sit down.”

Sabrina sat down and listened. “Eric what is this all about?” Lorene asked curious.

”Mother it is about everything. About ten to eight thousand years ago a research team did a little experiment in gene manipulation. Utilizing a virus that would enter into the body and destabilize the genetic code so it would be in flux. The virus then would manipulate the DNA as programmed when alien DNA samples were introduced. They hoped to cure disease and sickness and prevent aging with the entire process.” Eric smiled. “A grand plan indeed. They hoped that people after gaining an extension on life would change with time and learn that peaceful ways would be the key to the future. Didn’t happen. Idealism like that fell prey to the wants of one man. He called himself Wolf and he ran an organization from the depths of what was then known as the furry community. You all know about how they have a ‘human’ community online? With elves and other mystical beings and some furries? Well same thing only the original.”

”Your telling me that a man a single man set up a secret organization within the furry community. How was funding obtained for such an organization?” Eric’s father Evan asked.

”Conventions, online sales, you name it he and his people did it. From extortion to bribes to using sex as a means to obtain what they wanted, originally Wolf just wanted to be the ‘big brother’ of that community. Millions around the world were members and he had affected each and everyone in some way. But over time he grew tired of the pain of the world.”

”Amazing if what he says is true this whole mess started because of one person one with a dream to help others. Will I ever do such a thing that causes the ruination of a civilization?” Krystal hugged Michael and he hugged her back sensing her unease.

Eric stood up and picked up one of his canes as it lay on the kitchen counter. “You guys are all the end result of Wolf’s group attacking and seizing the virus. It was accidentally released and thus the whole world in a matter of months was full of furs and humans. Most of the population was changed. Only around two and a half billion did not survive the change. Those who lived could become furs at will. But within this group of survivors who were fanatics about not being freaks. And so concepts like hate still raged and well they never utilized their newfound gift and in the end they nuked the world. The survivors rebuilt and that is the story. And incase your wondering why everyone isn’t quote unquote immortal? It is because the virus to be that effective requires a high enough infection in the body after receiving the trigger. It is a gene… A gene my father has passed on to my siblings and me. It has awoken inside of me after undergoing a mutation.”

”So that is why your blood could infect us like it did?” Eric nodded at ZigZag.

”Exactly why I am a threat. I could easily make everyone in this room who isn’t. Capable of some sort of special gift like myself only not as powerful. I am a walking factory for this virus. It’s in my genes. I can’t help it but find it funny that it served some of it’s original purpose when ZigZag went psycho and took some of my blood and gave it to James who incidentally tried to kill himself. Admit it you shot yourself!”

James hung his head. “By accident. I was too embarrassed to admit it but…”


James was cleaning his gun and sat it down for a moment and while reaching for a clip his thumb, which was near it, tripped the hammer and one bullet was left in the chamber. The bullet passed through the barrel exited the gun and ricocheted off a metallic ornament and bounced around the room for a moment before hitting James in the back and passing though his chest and embedding it’s self in the floor.

”And that is how it happened.” Eric nodded and ZigZag looked stupefied. Chance looked at his old mentor and held in a laugh.

”Okay James… I believe you because if I did not what kind of friend would I be? A gun cleaning accident… Who would have thought it? Man the police must not be doing their job.” Chance said.

”Bribes from Anthony no doubt!” Lara said while brushing her hair trying to keep busy.

”Yes… So in the end this whole mess centers on me Sabrina… And two other fur’s” David said while looking more interested in the world around him than a book for once.

Sabrina nodded. “The two Hawks at the restaurant?”

”Exactly! And those two are the original test subjects for the virus. They were given the gene that triggered the modified virus and thus they have lived for the last few thousand years watching over their children’s children. They were there when I was in the past inside my grandpa’s body. And they were there when you started on this project Dad and mom”


From the hallway leading to the bedrooms came three humans two women and one man. “Actually its three of us altogether.” Eric looked over his ancestors with a judging glance

”Ray, Emily and Jasmine… Welcome.” Lorene and Evan looked at each other then at the trio.

”Wow so which two of you were at the restaurant?” Chance said while reaching for
his weapon which he found in the hand of the male human.

”Emily and me went Jasmine was at home. Heh I have watched you for a while Chance a long while and you have grown up quite nicely. By the way is it okay if we sit down and explain a few things?”

Everyone else looked at Eric as he slid on a black long sleeved shirt and put his dark shades on his face and sat down at the kitchen table. “Would you mind moving for a moment Mother and father?”

”Sure come on Evan,” Ray and Emily sat while Jasmine stood behind them. The three had an unmistakable air of mystery and grace with unmistakable power radiating from them.

”How come I never saw you guys but one time while I was stuck in that time warp?” Ertai asked.

”Because. We can change shape at will but these be our true forms. Watching people takes time and we have plenty of it. Over the millennia I along with Emily and Jasmine have mastered all known forms of magic. It is because of us you exist as you do. And why our great grand child Eric here is the chosen one for this generation”

”Chosen for what?” Angela asked.

Jasmine smiled. “Nothing but to see if the humans all humans as they exist now deserve immortality. Your family our children are our direct descendants as you know. You know all you sought to know Eric. So how would you feel about putting that knowledge to better use than to scare Sabrina into tampering with a power she can’t control?”

”Who will save us then?” Michael said jumping up. “Eric? Myself? You? Or the 1991 Denver Broncos…” Krystal kicked Michael before he could finish his sentence. The three ancients just looked at Michael and then laughed.

”Your sense of humor is quite good” Ray said.

”See! I knew it! I am a good comedian!” Michael smiled while settling down for the rest of the conversation.


After a while and long discussion a decision was reached. “Okay I will leave Sabrina alone… Um by the way… How do you feel about the um whole porno studio aspect of my life?” Evan and Lorene looked at Ray, Jasmine and Emily along with everyone else tried to look like they were doing something else.

”Um ah err… Uh you take that one Jasmine!” Ray said quickly. Jasmine shrugged.

”I don’t really care its not like you’re an actor in the films… Like most of your friends…” Bryce snickered with Ertai and Roland. Eric just shook his head.

”I keep interesting company.” Eric and Jasmine smiled and laughed.

”I don’t get it?” Mike interjected. Krystal smirked.

”You never do my killer kitty”

”Technically I am not a feline… Just so you know…”

”Whatever mister hybrid we should all clear out. You know what to do right Eric?”

”Yea I know I know but still I feel we meaning me and Sabrina should personally take care of those groups!”

”We are handling it ourselves Eric just relax. Man looking at your rashness reminds me of my youthful days…”

The group quickly disbanded and left Eric alone with his brother while their respective mates went to bed. “Eric you sure have some kind of way of trying to manipulate people…”

”I manipulate no one!” Eric stood. “I just wanted a favor… Oh forget it!” Eric left to join Angela in his bedroom. “Hey Angie… How are you?”

Angela bushed her hair slowly while humming. “Fine though I am fearful of the coming days. Anything could happen and… And…” Eric sat on the bed facing away from Angela.

”I have nothing to lose but everything. Trust me I have every intention of coming back alive… I sense it something is coming… I need to consult a few things in the morning…”

”Your weapon collection?” Eric faced Angela and nodded.

”Yea how did you know?” Angela held up one of Eric’s canes and with a deft flick of her wrist it extended. Its point was silver in color.

”I found your stash downstairs and besides I know about how my mother acts and she is likely to do anything. So a surprise move on her part would be likely…”

”Nothing surprises me.” Angela flung the cane’s tip at Eric’s face he stopped it millimeters away on instinct alone with his hand. “Except that…”

Angela smiled. “Your still sharp even when your guard is down… I could have betrayed you and signed on with my mother again to kill you and raise our children alone…” Crawling over to Angela after setting the cane down Eric faced her nose to nose. Angela and Eric stared at each other smiling.

”Why do you always try to seduce me like this? You know danger is a turn on for me.”

”No it isn’t.”

”But you are dangerous.” Eric kissed Angela then softly.


“Good night.” Angela said closing her eyes and laying back. Eric did the same and then had a troubling vision.

On board a high altitude Nevran ship

”Okay assault teams are ready. We will capture the two targets and proceed to take them to base. Using the data and samples we stole from that Terran air convoy we should be able to compare notes with the data taken by our scientists and those of the Terrans. I will not fail the queen.”

Ner’sta sat on a throne being held up by four muscled women. “See that you don’t. I did not promote you for nothing. Hmm I wonder what Eric will do when he finds out I have his friend’s brother and sister… Not to mention this lovely addition to my male harem.”

Chance was bound and gagged with carbon bindings his gag was leather and chewing through that was no problem as he snapped his jaws shut and ripped it apart. “Lady you are SO going to die when Eric gets here!”

”Putting your faith in Eric? My my that is surprising considering your so at odds with him… Set course for the west coast. Have the attack force ready. I want any witnesses captured and put in the slave pens. Bring back our intended targets alive. Oh and someone put a carbon laced binding around Chance’s mouth. I really do not want to hear him bitch.”

Chance’s head was yanked back and a new gag put in place. His eyes were white as in glowing. He was so angry he tried to pop his bindings instead of waiting for rescue. Two guards shoved stun devices into his shoulders and carried him away to a corner of the bridge. The four guards holding the queen up moved her closer to the command chair and she stepped down and sat in it. Chance at that moment got an idea. “Using my electrical powers I can super heat the metal around my arms and legs. I have to be careful if they see the glow from my powers they could drug me up…”

Ner’sta looked at Chance at that moment. “Do that and I will have you castrated instead of drugged Chance. I can hear every last one of your thoughts thanks to that neural transmitter.”

Chance wondered what that itch on the back of his neck was. “Then hear this fuck you and all your…” Chance never thought the rest as Ner’sta had one of her guards knock him out with the bottom of her boot.

”Nice job. Now onwards. I hate getting off schedule.” The ship was soon on course with one agitated wolf hybrid with inhuman strength and power. One deranged queen. And an attack force ready to do its job. In all it was your classic road trip if you were insane yourself…


In California

Maxwell and Brandy were relaxing in their Beverly Hills home. “I so love it when we bring in the big money…” Maxwell sat down in the living room, which was decorated by his sister. She chose fine works of art and the best electronics including a device built by a friend of their sisters that could edit and record live television and be used as a means of identifying people among other things.

”Thanks to Mike’s gadget we were able to figure out how that killer kept killing news reporters. Ingenious how he set up remote activated guns at locations where he knew they would be.”

Maxwell nodded. “Yep thanks to it we triangulated the position of the shots and were able to gather evidence in the news footage ourselves. The cops didn’t even know the guy was the station manager of a rival cable news program who had former military tie-ins.”

Brandy looked at a flashing light above the fireplace. “Intruders! Quick grab the stun guns and body armor!” Tipping over the couch he was on Maxwell tossed his sister the non-lethal weapons. They were modified air rifles that shot pellets that released a toxin that would put anyone down for days but not kill them. The technology was from the KGB. When the two got it. They found it was meant for killing but simple modifications such as switching out the ammo. Made it safer. Grabbing two sets of body armor the siblings strapped it on and waited. For the next half an hour they waited.

”Um sis what the hell is going on? Brandy looked around constantly trying to see anything at all wrong with the environment around them. Then she saw it.

”Biocloak armor we are surrounded!” Maxwell blinked then adjusted his vision to pick up the body heat of the eighteen targets around him.

”Your right. And they are all around us… Damn what should we do?” Brandy opened fire on the face piece of one hidden attacker then leapt towards another who brought a sword up to block the swing of a knife she produced.

”Fight!” Maxwell started firing around the room at the now moving assault team. Hitting them with all he had he got no results. Then remembering what Brandy did he shot them in the face the only place where the armor was weak enough for the pellets to do their job. “Behind you Max!” Max pulled out a knife of his own and slammed it into the shoulder of the opponent behind him while kicking another in front of him away.

Brandy ran to a cabinet and pulled out a round device and tossed it. Max frowned. “Not the electronics scrambler!!!” The ball exploded and all the masked intruders were revealed. They said nothing as they raised their weapons and circled the two.


”Brandy…” The two looked at each other and threw away their weapons and prepared to shift into human form. They had agreed it would be a last resort since they had little control over their other selves.

”A last resort effort? Transforming into humans to take on my best men!? I laugh at you! Ha!” Ner’sta stepped in from the front door. She wore a white robe and carried Chance under one muscular arm. Tossing him on the ground she stepped on him and cleaned her feet. “Surrender or…” Pulling free her sword, which was strapped, to her back under her clothing Ner’sta aimed its tip at Chance’s head. Chance barely conscious since he was drugged before being taken by Ner’sta looked at ZigZag’s brother and sister blankly with a hint of angry pleading. Not for his own safety but for them to fight.

”Max change anyway! Chance would want us to fight. I say we fight!” Max blinked.

”Not before they shoot us… Wait you want us alive don’t you! Why?” Ner’sta smiled.

”Hostages, guinea pigs, you will do nicely as those but… I have a dream… And that is to rule this world and then trash it and maybe be kind enough to let you live with my people on a restored Nevran.”

Maxwell and Brandy blinked. “Just who the hell are you besides an insane Raccoon…” Maxwell felt a blade pass near his face and he stepped back shocked. Ner’sta had moved across the room with speed that he only thought beings like Eric possessed.

”Your out of line young man.” Ner’sta kicked Brandy away and punched Maxwell in the chest an audible thwack was heard as he fell over stunned and clutching his chest. “Take them away and then blow up the house.”

The next morning at Double Z studios

ZigZag looked at her email and then totally on instinct and reaction to what she read. Punched the monitor and threw it through a wall and into the hall hitting poor Bryce and Roland with it and then picked up a chair and ripped it in half before calmly calling Eric into her office. Eric walked to ZigZag’s office wearing black as usual and stepped into his boss’s office through the hole she made.

”We need to talk… Seems my sister and brother are now guests of Angela’s mother and it is up to you to do something about it!” Eric nodded and took a seat while handing ZigZag her breakfast.

”I got what you wanted to eat.” ZigZag growled. And Eric quickly gave his reply to her order. “Oh and sure. No problem I will just infiltrate an alien craft and eliminate my mother-in-law and then rescue your family. Not in that order necessarily. Anything else?”

”Yes if you can crash the ship into Anthony’s house.” Eric smirked at ZigZag’s joke.

”I will deal with him if his father doesn’t.” ZigZag was about to ask what Eric meant about Anthony’s father who was supposedly dead. But instead called James and Angela.


James poked his head in through the hole made by ZigZag ignoring the two foxes who lay stunned and plaster covered on the floor. “You wanted to see us? Nice redecoration job.”

”James you’re as bad as Eric!”

“Hey my jokes are not bad… Wait… I don’t make a lot of jokes you must mean Michael right?” Mike popped his head into ZigZag’s office from her door.

”You called?”

The resounding reply by everyone came sharply. “NO!” Mike lowered his ears and slinked away feeling unwanted. ZigZag sighed and looked at James.


”Just help Eric with anything he needs. Angela you’re going into hiding as of now. Eric just do this as a favor to me… Please?”

”I already agreed to do it. These days I seem to be changing into quite the sneak thief.” Eric gave ZigZag a thumb’s up accompanied by a wink and reached for an electronic notebook. Tapping the screen he gripped the attached writing stick and started writing down what he would need. Handing it to James he ran down the list and nodded.

James wondering what could have made ZigZag so angry, when she got mad instead of thinking it out she reacted now a day. ”I am positive we can do this.”

Eric snickered, ”I can do this I am certain I can.”

Bryce and Roland got up and shook off plaster and looked over their bodies for lasting wounds. “Bryce let’s just go they seem to have not noticed the two wounded and bleeding foxes out here…”

Eric smiled. “I thought you two were throw rugs. My mistake!” Ertai came by and looked at the damage.

”Wow ZigZag pulled a Chance!” ZigZag picked up a paperweight and smacked Ertai in the nose with it. “OW! What was that for!?”

”I don’t know why don’t you ask yourself that question and then come up with your own suitable answer!” ZigZag then broke down in tears and squeezed James tightly as he came to her side. If he had not had the same strength as her he would have been laid up in bed for weeks after her hug.

”You guys…” Angela said while looking at Eric who twitched his tail. “Eric what will you do? I mean an army of one you are but still…”

”I have everything under control! I have a few things to do to agitate my future opponent then a few calls to make. Thanks to local connections I have a list of local ‘friends’ who are sure to want answers about their powers they have kept hidden. Ertai come with me. Also Lively!”

Lively appeared in a puff of smoke. “What is it? I really wanted to finish that scene!” Eric blushed and looked away. “What?” Livewire asked.

Angela handed Lively a towel that was in ZigZag’s office. “Hide your shame!”

”I have nothing to be ashamed about.” Lively made a dress appear over her form. It was an illusion but at least it provided the illusion of clothing.

”Oh Livewire I have a question for you. Have you recently cast any spells?” Eric asked while removing his shades.

Lively nodded. “Just this one and the teleportation and the curse spell I put on Chance. Just a little joke that would make him unable to use all his strength, he really made me mad last night. Why do you ask?”

Eric sighed. “He was nabbed also. Though no one here cares right?” Dartanya walked in.

”I do. Funny I normally would ignore him and his problems but I say let’s go help him and the others. But first I want to ask you something Eric.”

Eric tapped his glasses against his left shoulder while thinking for a moment before answering Dartanya. “Ask Angela. She is the one most effected by your question.”

Eric slipped his shades on and left with James and Livewire. ZigZag listened in on Angela’s response. “You want to be my bodyguard? Forget it! I don’t need you hanging from the ceiling like Eric waiting for someone to come into my room and try and nab me! Forget about it right this instant!”

”You will need protection and I have skills from my stalking and training over the centuries. I excel at usage of any kind of bladed weapon. I could show anyone here how to use a sword properly. Eric included!” Angela turned to leave. ”Angela… Think about it.”

”I will not!” ZigZag smiled.

”I think the rift between you two is way to large for you to do something like that. And with you gone that would mean hiring more people… I have a list of potential candidates! And our insurance covers them all thanks to Eric!”


Angela giggled. “But isn’t it Eric’s fault most insurance carriers won’t cover the studio?” Eric yelled from the front.


Dartanya nodded. “It would be wise to hire some new faces anyway. Considering we have a high fox percentage. And I hate their blood ick.” ZigZag rolled her eyes.

”You better not prey on the newbies! You had Roland avoiding you for weeks!”

”I know I can be a bad skunk at times.” Darty said batting her eyes.

”Not as bad as some.” Sabrina waved from the hole in ZigZag’s office wall as she walked by.

”If I did not like Sabrina I seriously would consider stringing her up by her tail for that comment… Of course somehow I think someone other than me would get into trouble for it… Strange.”


Eric and James along with Lively and Ertai who grabbed Sabrina after her comment piled into a van James pulled around front. James and Eric switch spots so the feline can drive. David stepped out of the studio to see the group off.

”Eric explain to me why you want to instigate an inter-dimensional war before it is absolutely necessary?”

Eric stuck his head out of the driver’s side window and told David straight up. “Its another one of my insane plans! Just like the one with instigating the government official who had her lover’s family killed off to get people after me. And besides I am the chosen one!”

”No your not. You’re just a crazy cat with a lot of people backing him up. Take care and remember that is the studios van. I have a few camera’s inside there don’t get the van blown up, shot up or even crushed!” David said sternly waggling a finger pointed at Eric who grinned widely like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland.

Lively phased through the side of the van. “Don’t you worry! With a simple ghost spell the van can pass through anything! Much like myself right now!” Sabrina pulled open the door in the rear and tried to escape but Ertai caught her.

”Don’t make me spray you!” Ertai thought for a moment and looked back at Eric and James and Lively who was already outside of the van hiding behind David who looked just as scared as the rest.

”Let her go… I guess Sabrina doesn’t want to meet the family of that kid that Tabitha knows before he moves away.”

Sabrina zipped back into the van and sat next to Eric and James up front. “Get this thing in gear! My big sister gene kicked in.” Lively got back in and sat in the back with Ertai.


“Strange they have a gene for anything these days… I wonder if they have a gene to make people act like some people we all know used to act…” Eric looked at Livewire. “What?”

”Oh hush up! That is too scary to even think about!” James nodded.

”It would be the end of civilization as we know it if that were the case. Luckily we are all calm and respective… Aw geeze! Ertai, Lively! Stop that!” Ertai and Livewire stopped feeling each other up and Eric slid down in his seat an exasperated expression on his face.

”I am a fox so I try to live up to the hype!” Ertai said defending his behavior.

Lively snickered. “Your more like a snake.”

Sabrina tried to escape again and James stopped her. “Please the jokes… So bad… Please let me go!”

”Sorry when you signed that new contract you also got that pay raise you requested. Think of this as an artistic expression trip.” Eric said snickering.

Sabrina blinked. “Huh?”

James smiled Eric started to drive. “What I am saying is I love the expressions you make!” Sabrina groaned.

”Bad joke… Seriously bad…”

”It was actually a pun. You see…”

”Eric if you do not stop I will paste a head shot of you over a picture of ZigZag.”

”I’ll be good.”

”Good kitty.” Sabrina relaxed. ”I knew that would work!” Once everyone was settled down inside the van Eric put it into high gear and pulled out a CD he popped it into the van’s player and started enjoying the music coming from the modified sound system Jazz had installed in the van.

Lively scrunched her face up trying to listen along. ”Strange song.” James nodded.

”Sad in a way yet happy, who wrote it?” James asked as the van sailed along the road. Heading just outside of the downtown area towards most of the residential areas for the city complex.

”It’s a Jazz remix.” Sabrina listened and shook her head.

”No it isn’t jazz.”

“It is a Jazz remix I saw Eric get it from him this morning. Something about classic game tracks or something, what about it ET?”

”Oh you don’t know Jazz’s background? Well considering at one point I was seriously going to hurt him for running me over all that time ago. Subsequently I researched him and his family.”

Lively laughed. “A family that large? Get out of town!”

”No I am serious. CAT!” A stray cat ran in front of the van and Eric swerved to avoid it nearly hitting a street lamp. “Whew anyone hurt?”

Sabrina picked up her glasses. “This sucks!” The frame was twisted and the lenses cracked. “I have had these for the longest time also!”

Eric and Lively exchanged knowing looks via the rearview mirror. “Remember your lesson. Reverse time. Alter it so the cat never ran in front of the van. Come on! Its for a good cause!”

Sabrina hummed. “Okay but just that! No changing major events!” Sabrina willed it and it was done.


Two minutes previously.

”No I am serious Livewire. It was not that hard. Only a few dozen searches revealed all the info. Then the phone calls made by me and Michael and other things to see how Jake was before putting our trust in him. Anyway Jake was a video game music composer. The track I am listening to played when Alissia died in Furtastic Fantasy 7… Damn that Leoroth!”

Ertai snickered. “Heh I knew that already. I did live inside a time warp for decades upon decades seeing all of history I wanted!” Lively zapped Ertai in the nose from her spot next to him while snickering as he rubbed his nose.

”Yea you probably spent most of it watching women.”

”Yea I did I can admit that. I mean it makes you wonder if god does the same thing!” Sabrina felt unnerved by Ertai’s admission.

”Watch anyone you know?” Ertai shook his head.

”Not like that Sabrina. I have respect for others believe it or not. Most of the women I watched were demons and other assorted beings that posed as furs and humans. I tended to get lost in watching them kill innocents over the littlest things. There was this one filly that vaporized a guys farm and his family with fire just because he bumped into her. Lot of cruel stuff going on Sabby if only you could help save the world… Wait you can!”

Sabrina kept her cool. Facing forward she coolly replied with. “What kind of friends are you trying to push me into doing something I don’t want to! I just fixed my glasses and made sure a stray cat had a nice home just so Eric would not hit it or swerve and ugh!!! See I am so confused now!” Lively sniffed.

”Yep she used her powers already. Reached back quite a few years to change that kitty’s fate too. Sabrina you do realize that doing that much meddling could have other adverse effects?”

”Like what?” Sabrina said while frowning. “I just did what you said. What could moving a cat from the street to a home could have possibly done?”

Lively looked beaten. “Okay giving a cat a home was just a good deed and prevented your glasses from being broken I guess.”

”Thank you now Eric what about this kid who Tabitha plays with?” Eric slowed the van in front of a housing project a few moments later and then answered Sabrina.

”He’s a poor little badger boy who has super speed. Much like myself and some genetically altered assassins. He likes to spend time reading and playing with his friends Tabitha is one of them. Of course its messed up that he has to travel so far to go to school. The state government and city government cut so much funding in this area. The library is now funded by outsider donations and they choose what the kids can read. Difficult stuff that most of them would not want to read… Its sad about the schools also.”

Getting out of the van the group approached the front entrance to the complex. It was early evening so not many furs were about. Those who were outside stopped whatever they were doing to look at the menagerie that entered the complex. “Eric called ahead to the boy’s mother. He has an older brother who is also like him and myself. He is the one we want to talk to.” James said calmly while checking out the area with his senses.

James led the way up the stairs since the elevator looked unsafe to use. New coats of paint were evident but the cracked and leaking walls and ceiling did nothing to keep them new. Reaching the third floor Eric walked over to apartment 3b and knocked. “Hello who is it?”

Eric called out. “It is I Eric Taillong here about funding for your son’s education.” Sabrina, Lively, Ertai and James looked at Eric who just smiled.

An angry looking badger woman in her early forties answered the door. “What about money?”


“May I come in?”


 “Fine but you others wait here. And don’t use the elevator. If you need to leave in a hurry incase gunfire starts take the fire escape or pray!”

The door slammed and Eric was escorted to a closed door. “Hey Mikal?” A badger male about Eric’s height answered. Looking at Eric he smiled slightly as if to say hello.


”We need to talk about your… Problem but first how much do you need to start with? I hear materials are expensive and well you seem in need of quite a few. May I step into your room?”

Mikal looked at his mother whose eyes glinted in a way that he was all too familiar with. “Come on in. Sorry about the stacks of books…”

Eric was amazed even though the room had only a bed and a closet for clothing it was filled with wonderful things. Hundreds upon hundreds of books. In one corner sat Tabitha’s schoolmate. “Hello mister. Hmm you smell funny.”

Eric smiled. “Little Dominick?”

”That’s my name don’t wear it out like your welcome. Just kidding hello. Mikal who is this?” Mikal shrugged.

”He called me up and said he knew about us… You know our… Powers?” Dominick stood up and walked over to Eric and held out his little paw. Eric extended his and soon barely flinched a muscle as Dominic, with strength only a full-grown fur should have, squeezed his hand. Eric smirked.

”Well your quite strong. So you have powers at your age?” Dominick nodded.

Mikal interrupted. Them with a raised finger, turning on a radio he pulled from the closet he also pulled out a folding chair and asked Eric if he wanted to sit while turning up the volume. “My mother is listening in. Or trying too she has gone partially deaf due to her previous work. Take a seat if you like and we can talk further.”


Eric bowed slightly and sat down. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

Dominick handed Eric a soda from a case of them behind a book stack. “Here it is cold since there is a hole in the wall it is covering.” Eric thanked the little badger and smiled.


Mikal sniffed. “I don’t know why you said you would help me with my writing career. What was your name again?”

Eric smiled and pulled off his shades. “Eric Taillong.” Mikal and Dominick gasped and pulled out a box from under their bed and opened it up and showed reprints of his grandfathers and his latest work. Flipping to the back of the newest book in the series the brothers compared the picture to Eric. Eric put his shades back on and the brothers nodded.

”You are him! Wow we have every book in your families series!” Dominick nodded excitedly. As his older brother spoke. “You’re an awesome writer! And your grandfather too!”

Dominick looked amazed as he spoke. The cuteness factor was on par with Tabitha whom Eric and Angela had baby sat before and the resulting nerf war left the house smelling like foam rubber for days.

”My grandpa had an original print of each of the first few books in a series your grandfather started involving aliens and time travel! A true sci-fi epic! Their value to us would increase if you could sign them! Look your grandpa signed this copy of our great grand pa had!”

Eric thought back to his stay in his grandfather’s body and remembered a book singing in London in Thomas’s later years. A badger who looked similar to Mikal had asked him to sign his copy with his full name. Normally he would just sign with his first name initial then last name but he agreed. Taking the book handed to him Eric smiled. It was the same copy. Old and preserved well through the years since he signed it originally thought Thomas’s hands. Opening it up he signed just below the signature he did years ago.

”Wow even there signatures match almost!” Mikal exclaimed.

”Only his name is different! Wow same writing style and handwriting style!” Dominick said while beaming. Eric then shifted the conversation towards the serious topic.

”Mikal I know your going through hell living here with your… Mother.”

Mikal looked the same but Eric sensed his sadness and the look in his eyes was a window to his soul. “It is okay she has… A disorder… Its not her fault she acts that way…”

Eric cut to the chase

”Mikal I am willing to set you up in a house where ever you want. Just promise me that you will write… I know some of these books are yours. In fact this one right here seems interesting!” Eric held up a notebook with a piece of paper taped to the front that said Wind runners.

Mikal blushed. “Ah that one. It’s Sandrunners. It’s a novel about a group of misfits. I only have about thirty locations done. Only fifteen of the main characters bios done and I have only completed two experimental chapters on how I will approach the story with my brand of humor and action and human drama.”

Eric whistled. “Hmm took me a while to even get that far. About five years as a matter of fact to complete the latest book in the family series. Two years of editing included. But Mikal you do know I have a catch right?”


“Yea there is always one… What is it?” Dominick looked a little worried for his big brother.

”I want you to call this number if I do not call you by this time.” Eric handed Dominick the latest electronic notepad. All extras including two extra 128 bit memory sticks besides the one inside the device.

Dominick looked stunned. “Wow! What is going on?!”

”I want a young writer like yourself to do things with your life. Bold things. Also it will be a way to finance yourself in the future. Trust me I know your destiny. Oh and by the way Mikal. All info needed is on it. It is brand new as you can see oh and Dominick.”

Eric handed Dominick a mp3 player notebook combo. With remote net attachment. “I am shocked…”

”Well I am a techno freak. I have high hopes for both of you. Just do what the note says and I will be gone.”

Mikal blinked at one page and read aloud. “James I want to do something but I need a ride? Huh?”

Eric took the notebook back and erased it. “Nothing much just planned ahead for this encounter. Look I can take care of you guys but you have to be willing to accept all danger that comes your way in the future. I am counting on you. More info will come from a friend of mine named Sabrina.”

”Sabby!” Dominick said while smiling. Eric knew he had meet Sabrina before when he originally told her about one of her playmates being like himself. “Tabitha loves her big sister Sabeena!”

Mikal growled. “Don’t use that voice.”

”But its cute~!” Mikal groaned and Eric laughed.

”You two remind me of my own big brother and myself. Well Mikal, Dominick this is where we part paths for now… The next time you see me I may look different but I must admit Dominick your very intelligent for your age!”

Mikal beamed. And gave his little brother a hug. “Dominick here is a genius. We feel that it is because of his powers awakening early that he is like this now. Took me say when I turned 16 and I got really pissed off one night. Suddenly I felt strength and pain in all my joints. A fire like hell spread through my mind and soul and soon I was transformed into a human… Strange thing was it was cool. I turned back and well when Dominick here ran around the block in an instant. I knew something was wrong with him too.”

“There is nothing wrong with either of you two. Your blessed by science and the hand of man.”

Dominick nodded. “Yea since we can turn into humans… What does that mean about fur kind’s origins?”

Eric closed his eyes and smiled fondly. “We are descendants of humans who were exposed to a virus. This virus years later was reverse engineered so furs could turn back into humans for the purpose of hunting down the only true humans around. In truth we are the same just different looking. Some said it was impossible for things like this to happen… But when you dream… You can do anything you want… Remember that you two.”


“We are like this to kill!?” Mikal said shocked.


Dominick hugged his brother again. “How terrible… Such a fate…”

Mikal brightened. “Hey cheer up. I mean we have free will right?”


Eric smiled. “Yes friends of mine and my self have made sure that you and the others like us are never controlled by those who seek to kill and destroy. Remember this moment. It is the moment that you learned the truth. It will help in the future.”

”Your quite the story teller.”

”Thanks Mikal but sometimes… It is best to explain things in a way that all can understand and come to believe… You know the truth because you are it. Remember as genetically altered assassins. Your bodies can do things you never imagined. I am not preaching to you. I just want you to know that you can do things when you get stronger.”

Dominick held out his hand. Setting a piece of paper into it he concentrated and it burst into flames. “Pyrokinesis and I can also run really fast. You should see me at that school I attend on the other side of town. A gang took over our local one after it was closed and well mom has to drive me to school but I have the nicest friends!”

Eric smiled. “Yea and I am sure they all accept you like you are right?” Dominick nodded but looked a little upset. “Um it’s the gut right?”

”Yea cause my little brother has a slight weight problem he really is unsure of himself. But I keep telling him just use your powers more and it should be gone in a weeks time!”

Eric thought for a moment. “Better yet don’t. You never know when he could need to have the extra body fat. And if it isn’t slowing him down why loose it? Unless you’re self image is suffering?”

”No I am okay.” Eric pulled out a credit card and handed it to Mikal.

”This one is linked to my special I set up for you guys account. The limit on it is ten thousand. I have a plane you can use to move with.” Eric thought for a moment. “Better yet take the bus.”

Dominick groaned. Mikal hushed him. “I did that before. And I got a case of asslag like you won’t believe!” Eric giggled.

”Funny. Who came up with that comment?”

”My mom… She is fun at times.”

”I see… Well get to her… I mean where you want to go.” Mikal blushed.

”You know?” Eric nodded.

”I can see the future. In a later time and place our families sort of join together… I think it’s my great great great granddaughter that marries into your family. But by me altering your present for the better. The future will be best for all involved.”

”That is deeeep.” Dominick said while picking up a book outline his brother wrote. “Almost as deep as this thing will be.”

Mikal laughed. “Cool… Though I expect my life to have some hardships.”

”Yep to each their own. Be sure to live true to yourself… I have one last thing to do that is why it is important you do what the instructions say after you see this.”

Eric showed him the picture of Maxwell and his sister Brandy. Chance was also shown in a separate photo. “Who are these fur’s?”

”My kidnapped friends Maxwell here and his sister Brandy are being held by forces that I have to fight. I need you as per my instructions. If I do not contact you at the appointed time. To call Rayder.”

Mikal nodded “Yes.” Looking at his brother he smiled again. ”I understand.”

Eric bowed again and took his leave. Exiting he found James pointing a gun at three hoods while Ertai and Lively zapped their fur various colors with magic.

”What took ya?” Ertai said while changing the black furred feline before him yellow then white.

”Had to explain some things… Arrange a little timely interaction for the futures sake.”

”What do you mean?” Sabrina asked a worried tone in her voice.

”I can see the future at times… a curse possibly but… I changed it for the better…”

”How do you know that?” Livewire snapped. “How could you know?”

Eric pushed his shades up on his face and wrinkled his nose. “I have nothing but faith.”

James and the others withdrew while leaving the three wannabe thieves and thugs to wonder about honest jobs. “I want to work at that Burger hut like my mom said!” The other two nodded as the group exited through a window.

That Friday

The final conflict was about to start. Eric would fight again and this time he would not hold back… He nearly killed his own brother. Mike’s twin only through appearance, their souls were different. But you know what? He did not feel guilty at all. Eric now sat in front of his workstation typing away.

”This is making me sick…” Eric stood up and stretched.

”Sitting on your behind for hours on end typing out script after script can do that…” Sabrina walked in on Eric and smiled. “Any progress on your mission?”

”I am finished with the preliminaries….” Eric looked at Sabrina and took off his shades. His eyes were like they used to be when he could only see with the use of his extrasensory senses. “So how do you feel about that little badger boy who hangs with Tabitha?”

”I thought he was smart… Too smart, he carried on an adult conversation with me. Quite amazing.”

Eric smiled. “See. I told you he was no threat. So you talked about your art… I wouldn’t consider that adult… Just cute.” Sabrina held her arms across her chest and blushed.

”Thanks… My latest renditions for the cover of the next vid are done. I also took the liberty of designing the studio well this generation of studio wear for everyone. The actors will wear one type of shirt which is super stain proof.”

”Cool. Wish I had some of that stuff for my old jumpsuit.” Sabrina tossed a package Eric had sitting on a bucket that was turned over.

”This is your new one. Its kind of baggy just like your old one. And it’s made out of the same material.” Eric beamed and looked overjoyed.

”Wow… Awesome… I love gifts! And this I can use!” Sabrina nodded.

”I am glad you like it. I also designed your studio outfit to reflect who you are.”

”The jumpsuit?”

”No your… Well just look at this drawing I did of it.” Eric wondered where Sabrina kept the folded piece of paper he was handed but remembered her pants did have pockets. Unfolding the paper Eric gasped.

The uniform for him consisted of a six-pocketed vest with places for his electronics and pencils and pens. The shirt that accompanied it was black and white like the rest of it but had the double Z studio logo on it. And the pants that went with it were the same color as the rest. “Cool look… Plenty of pockets nice job… What does Livewire’s look like?”

”See for yourself.” Eric looked out of his open office door and did a double take. “Amazing huh?”

Lively was wearing a yellow mini skirt with a little studio logo patch on it and a tank top.
”She is just wearing a tank top… With no bra… Um did you?”

”No I made a top to go with the dress I designed. She did not like it. Said it was too covering.” Eric laughed.

”I’ll bet but at least she is wearing the bottom half.”

”Yea I guess.” Eric sat back down and began typing. “I should get going… See you later Eric.”


Eric left the studio then and hopped into a car. He had taken ZigZag’s car. “She won’t be so pissed… I hope. Just don’t hope I blow it to hell and back… For a third time. But Luis’s body shop loves our patronage and ZZ so much they give us a discount of ten bucks per bullet hole!”

Two hours later

Eric pulled in front of an old warehouse and turned off the engine of the sports ride that sported ZigZag’s colors. Exiting the vehicle the tan tabby pulled on his whiskers and realized that he just noticed he had whiskers. “What kind of cat am I to not notice I have whiskers?” He thought not expecting a reply.

”A stranger one that we all thought…” Eric smiled. And stood with his arms crossed over his black outfit.

”I was right. The twenty of you all have specialties that I will need for the sake of the future.”

The frame of a rhino stepped out of the shadows. She was holding a gun pointed at Eric. “I do not know why you did this… Or how but you obviously have no taste in car coloring and no real commonsense! You came alone to meet people who you know have every reason to kill you because of what they are and claim to be one of them yourself. And not just one of them but the best of them.” Eric smirked as she fired and then fell back into the car as the bullet hit him. Sliding to the ground playing possum the feline stooped breathing and started holding his breath.

The others emerged from the shadows. It was a strange Menagerie. One who looked like a large tiger with panda features spoke first. “He is not dead. I do believe he was not lying. I can still hear his soul. His acting is incredible.”

The rhino fem marched over to the panda hybrid. “You saying I missed? I am the best shooter you have.” Eric stood up in one fluid motion and dropped the bullet.

”You did not miss I caught the bullet though.” The others took up offensive stances.

The panda that was obviously the leader spoke again. His fierce determination and leadership qualities were not hard to miss. The pissed off expression really helped to point them out, “So your fast. Let’s see just how fast you are!”

Eric let out a breath and then moved. Time slowed down all around him. Then suddenly a bright flash and he was laid out on the ground. A hyena stood over him laughing. “You call that fast?” Eric decided to use his extra powers would be unfair at that point. Standing he took up a fighting stance.

”I know all about your menagerie. You’re a group of GAA’s who call yourselves NextGen’s. Nice original word but were called by our creators, genetically altered assassins, Sure all of us do not specialize in assassination. But it is the only word that really covers us types. We can move unseen, strike fast and hard. And have the coolest powers!” Eric saw stars again and this time found he was pinned by a bear a Kodiak by the looks of him. Eric continued as if he had been hit only with a feather. ”Your all different but you all found each other and your leader their he knows how to keep you safe. It was not easy to find you guys but I did.”

The panda hybrid walked up to Eric and looked him in the eyes. “Wait a moment… Your that guy that works with Sabrina!” The rest of the group groaned and Eric felt his captor’s grip loosen and he knew the time was right to show off.

Eric dislocated his shoulders as he flipped backwards kicking the panda in the face and sailing free of the bear’s grip and landing behind him. Popping his arms back in place with a simple muscle contraction for each shoulder. Eric then delivered a devastating tap to the spine of the bear with his index finger’s knuckle. The bear paused then fell over. The panda reacting swiftly caught his friend then told the others to halt their attack.

A snow leopard and a lioness stepped forward anyway and attacked Eric. Eric pulled out two canes and held their metallic tips against both ladies necks. “For a lesser being.” The lioness began. “You are fast. Titanium tipped right?” Eric nodded at the Lioness.

”Coated with a special material as hard as diamond. Expensive to get but hey I am rich. And I could fund you guys so you actually can do something besides just waiting around. But it is good you waited before doing anything. Good leadership on mister anger management’s part.”


“I DO NOT NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES!” The panda tiger hybrid yelled. “Oops…” The panda handing off the bear to another approached Eric hands up. “Okay. Eric right? We will talk. And besides I must know how you know about us like you do. You seem to know too much about our group and well that is unsettling.” Eric replied telepathically.

”I am an esper, and Dartanya you can come out of the shadows now.” Dartanya stepped out from behind a shaded spot near a wall and smiled as Eric drew his weapons away from the two felines and they relaxed.

At Eric’s residence

Eric was hosting fifteen different fur’s including himself and Dartanya. The panda tiger hybrid known as Miguel chowed down on the food offered along with his group. They all fit into his kitchen and living room but it was still a tight fight with Dartanya scaring off most of them from sitting on the same couch as her and Eric. Dartanya leant on his shoulder smiling. Eric did not have the heart to tell her to stop that so he let her. They sat on a couch watching each fur in turn grab something eat it then go back for more. In ten minutes the food was gone. Darty licked Eric’s cheek and frowned. “By now you would have pushed me away… What is wrong?”

Eric smiled. “Nothing I realized that as long as I have friends with me nothing can go wrong. Besides I sort of understand Sabrina’s previous dilemma now more than ever.”

”Oh when ZigZag was hitting on her twenty four seven?”

”Bingo” Darty laughed. Snuggling closer to Eric she watched as Miguel sat down and smiled.

”Thanks for the food. So care to explain yourself?” Eric coughed and went into depth on his life. Two hours later everyone sat transfixed as he went over his recent fight with his brother.

”There I was Daimon and I were locked tooth and nail in battle. He would not give in for nothing. And as the putrid smell of the pit of death loomed before me. I managed to give him one last good hit before I fell over to the ground exhausted.”

A rabbit called Chase asked. “What happened then?” Eric smirked.

”Daimon stabbed me with his claws. Picking me up with his right hand. I felt them tear into me. But before he could finish me off. He fell over. I had managed to send one of my canes into his back severing a nerve near his spine. And then it was over. I got up got the girls left. Dropped them off home and rested for a while so my body could heal then reported into the studio.”

Dartanya was squeezing Eric’s arm by the end of his graphic account. Not in shock but in excitement. “Tell it again!” Eric rolled his eyes.

”No. It is now time for current stuff. Well you guys I found you all by doing one simple thing.”

Miguel raised an eyebrow. “And that was?”

Eric shook his head. “Observation. Gathering on the same day at the same place. And always shopping at the same store really leaves you open like that. What you should have done with the food issues anyway. Was buy part of it on shopping days at a different store and in different order each time. Makes it hard to follow a scent.”

”Eric really now you found all this out by tracking him down by scent?” Eric nodded and Dartanya raised an eyebrow. “Some nose I wonder what your toun…” Eric clamped his hand over Darty’s mouth.

”HEY! No evil jokes!”

Darty looked at Eric and made her eyes turn blood red. “Oh you will know evil when you see it as cute as a button.”

Everyone looked confused. “What?” Miguel asked.

”I MEAN ME IDIOTS!” Eric shook his head to clear the ringing and continued on topic.

”The two hours before the meeting I drove to Miguel’s place. Then confirmed what my source told me by scent. I can track anyone down by scent. It is fun and profitable.”

Darty looked unconvinced. “Yea but you really found all this out by scent alone?”

”Did you not just ask me that?!”

”Just making sure~!” The rest of the meeting was quick and Eric explained the situation.

”Hmm so you want me and my friends to help you and ZigZag? Of course I can do this! To impress Sabrina!”

”Do you even know her?” Eric asked. Miguel got a far away look in his eyes. And Dartanya punched Eric in the shoulder. He looked at her like he did nothing.

”You just started a whole flashback narration sequence!” Eric blinked twice and tried to look cute.

”Not my fault!” Miguel started to talk.

”When I was about oh say 19. I moved into this nice neighborhood… There I met two people whom I never thought I would see again. One was the cutest skunk that always kept her tail curled up somehow. The other was a mean old man who lived alone. Well long story short I got a crush on Sabrina. The old dude turned out to be a mad scientist. And I found out I had nifty powers!” Eric slipped off the couch and fell on his face. Standing he sat back down quickly laughing like he had not fallen. Miguel glared. “You fell asleep didn’t you?”

Eric shook his head and yawned. “Oops… Um anyway nice story but how come you kept track of Sabrina? And are you a little too old for her?”

”IM ONLY TWENTY!” Eric looked Miguel up and down.

”You look older… Man your life must be hard… Well listen just think about it. In the end I probably will end up fighting alone and probably get killed…. Dartanya I think we should talk to Angela about your whole bodyguard thing. She is asleep in our room. Wait here. Oh and before I forget. You should leave as soon as you can with her. I know you two will get along great.”

”Thanks for the vote of confidence Eric. Unlike some of your relatives who always tried to stab me in the back.” Eric nodded.

”Yea sorry about that, how can I make it up to you.”

Darty smiled and Eric groaned. “You can put a stake to me anytime. Purrr.”

Eric stood up walked through the gathered fur’s some who were on the floor due to lack of chairs. To the hall leading to his the master bedroom. Upon reaching the door and opening it Eric knew something was wrong. “Angie?” A huge explosion rocked the entire neighborhood as Eric’s residence exploded…


“This is terrible! I am here at 2764 Eva lane. Where a terrible explosion occurred around two o’clock this morning. The houses on one side of the street were all blown down but miraculously there were no fatalities just horrendous damage.”

The reporter was handed a piece of paper from her right as fires still burned behind her. “This just in! We have reports that there were fatalities inside the home behind me….”

Anthony watched the news with the two most important women in his life while he sucked on a large femur or leg bone.  “Taillong dead? Bah I do not believe it. So has he raised an army yet Erica?”

Erica sat transfixed she slowly faced Anthony. “Yes and no.. It may be all according to Eric’s plan. How things turn out depends on him. Good thing my brother is not stupid or blood thirsty like some people…” Erica picked up the mailbag that lay at Anthony’s feet. It was covered in some areas with blood. “Well at least the others on his route got their mail first…”

Anthony chucked the bone into the fireplace to the left of his wife who sat on his left side silent for the moment. “Ah lighten up! I put the guy out of his misery!”

Erica looked through the wallet of the victim. “Says here he was a father… Like you are. How do you think this guy’s kids will feel? Can’t you just kill clones like before?”

”They taste like chicken.” Erica frowned. “Joke joking my lovely. Rachel are you ready?”

”Yes the car has been ready for some time. Are you sure you want to do this?”

”YES! I have to see how things are shaping up… After all I have not been out of the mansion in god knows how long…”

”It has only been a day.” Erica said sneering.

”Sheesh don’t bite my head off.”

”Which one?”

”Oooh someone is being dirty minded!” Erica smiled.

”Just drive me to the airport. I have to be ready to help…”

Anthony nodded. Then grew serious. “About your… Brother. You say you two share the same soul. How is that possible?” Erica looked Anthony in the eyes and touched his cheek.

”They say your soul leaves your body as you sleep. Sends out a part of it so it can glimpse the future. Who is to say one cannot have multiple lives at one time one moment. You know how some twins are in sync to the point where they can talk at the same time, finish each others sentences and do things that the other feels?”

”Yes I know all about that.”

”Who is to say they do not share the same soul. I… Have a feeling that I am apart of Eric and he is apart of me in a way so deep so intimate… I believe it could drive us apart.”

”Because of me right, and our child.”

Erica sighed. “Yes I am pregnant. Eric has children on the way also. I… Do not know how things could not get any stranger… At this point I feel that the worst has happened to Eric and his friends… We have played enough of a part.”


Anthony clenched his fists getting angry. “I tried to kill him for you… To make you whole… Your so sad sometimes it… I… Feel so helpless…”

”It is true.” Rachel smiled. “He cares a lot about both of us and when one of us isn’t happy…”

”He would do anything. I know darling it was fun and funny how things were but we cannot continue like this.” Erica’s hand left Anthony’s cheek. “We worry about our own problems for now.”

”Yes…” Anthony hugged Erica. “I agree. And for once no one has to die!” Anthony took out his hidden gun and threw it behind him. A loud gunshot was heard and the sound of a fur screaming and falling over was heard. “Oh dear…”

Rachel pulled out her cell phone. “Yes I know… Call for a new bodyguard to dispose of the old one… You really should put the safety on.”


Anthony scratched his head. “What can I say my bad?”


On a ship orbiting the planet

”Preparations are complete. We have Taillong and the princess.” Eric was held in-between two guards that had captured him after the explosion. He was badly burned from head to toe and was groggy.

”Excellent. Take him to the guest quarters with the others.” Eric never saw who was on the communications screen as he was dragged down a corridor to a cell and gently laid down on a bed. One of the guards produced a canister and sprayed Eric’s body down with a sweet smelling substance and left. It was a healing agent though the crafty feline did not need it.

”Eric?” Brandy stood up and walked as far as the chains on her wrists and legs would let her. Maxwell did the same. “My god… He is burnt from head to toe!” Brandy turned away holding her face in paw while Maxwell tried to see if Eric could respond.

”Are you okay? That guy you sent to get us… He managed to make it but… They caught him and are now holding him inside a maximum-security area. His name was Rayder or something. Said he was acting on a call he got from some Mikal guy… That was before he took off running before he could free us.”

Eric would have smiled if he knew it would not have hurt like hell. But his plan was falling into place.

Two thousand miles away


Mikal sighed as he looked at the landscape from his seat on the bus. He was about to arrive in the middle of nowhere. Away from all his problems and closer to peace and quiet. His little brother sat next to him sleeping and he smiled. “Finally I made it and all I had to be was myself and I succeeded at making it out here… To her.”

The other half of a long time, long distance net relationship. Mikal wanted to visit his net friend in person one day. He knew just by holding a piece of hair she had sent him that she was like him and his brother one of the altered. It made some sense that a higher force would arrange things like this. “Mikal?”


”Are we there yet?”

”Just a little while longer. Go back to sleep.” Snuggling up closer to his big brother Dominick went back to sleep. His mother the previous morning had came home. Yelled then went to sleep. Mikal having had enough packed up used the credit card and got them a bus ticket. Sure they could have flown but Mikal liked the frequent break stops and the view better from bus. Though the service lacked at times the trip was pleasant enough.

Mikal knew they were on the final leg of the trip and could not wait to tell his friend about the extra money he was going to get. “I am set! Now all I have to do is get there and live free. Oh yea and I am also pulling the single parent bit too… Gah being a guardian I hope it isn’t too hard.”

On the ship

Eric flaked off the burnt fur from his body showing off the new set that had grown in during the last few hours. Brandy and Maxwell looked green. “Cheer up its not that nasty! I just pulled off damaged skin cells since the new set had grown in. I heal fast. Um guys?”

”Yea Eric… Um still that was nasty.” Brandy nodded

”What he said!” Brandy then sat down holding her stomach. ”Whew I hope I am never burnt that badly… So what happened to everyone else?” Eric told how he rushed everyone else in the house into the basement shelter he and his brother made. Complete with a power core that would last forever.

”Wow you’re quite the survival expert… Hmm so your getting hurt that bad was a plan?”

Eric nodded. “Yea I wanted to test the limits of my power. And all my old scars are gone!” Maxwell and Brandy turned greener. “Well I did sort of pull off my skin here…” Eric motioned to the pile of fur.

Max stood up walked to the prison cell’s energy bars and threw a cup of water outside the cell. Eric saw no reason immediately as to why he did this. Until.

”So anyway I was so mad with my slave the other day so I cut him.” The two guards conversing as they came through on their patrol route failed to miss the puddle of water on the floor and slipped in it and knocked themselves out on the floor. Their helmets spun into reach of Maxwell’s hands in between the bars and by sliding the metallic shell’s into two of the beams paths, shorted them out due to the overload put on the power grid from their interaction with the energy bars.

”Holy Christ… Max how did you know?” Max looked calm.

”I noticed the helmets were made out of a very conductive material and highly reflective too. And the guards always walked the same path talking. So while they were distracted I knew that would be my best time. But they would know if I moved. So why not lay a trap?”


”Thanks Eric now what?” Eric took a sword one guard carried and an energy weapon from another. Studying it he figured out which setting was stun and set it to that.

”We kick some heads in!”

The bridge of the ship

Ner’sta was smiling to herself. Her sword lay in her lap. It was a huge blade. One that looked too heavy and large for the ruler of Nevran to hold. Yet she wielded it like one would hold a light piece of fruit. The blade had compartments in it for poisons of various types and styles. Some caused paralysis others death. Some even grievous scars, she was hoping to use it on someone strong.

”The prisoners have escaped!” She would get her chance.

”Send someone to find them!” She said addressing the bridge crewmate who had spoken. “And save them for me!”

Corridors near engine room

Three guards fell over as Eric uncloaked in front of them and took their weapons and smashed the ones he could not use and tossed the three into a storage room. “Eric where are we going?” Maxwell asked.

”Do you hear a slight hum? Well I have heard it since I came on board. I am now zeroing in on the engine room!” Brandy and Maxwell sighed.

”Shouldn’t you get us off this thing?” Eric thought for a moment.

”Look I need your help Max. And you too Brandy. I need you to find my love. Angela. Then I want you to keep her safe. If you want to otherwise just get away. I can handle the rest!”

Weapons fire up ahead made Eric and the brother and sister duo hide in the storage room where Eric had dumped the unconscious guards earlier. “Damn it that shirt was new! Why do they have to bleed on me?” One familiar voice said while a new one answered it.

”Stop complaining Chance.”

”I am not complaining Rayder. I am just pissed off!” An electrical sounding buzz filled the air and bodies hit the floor accompanied by the scent of burnt fur. Eric opened the door to find Chance standing with a white wolf.

”Chance and Rayder how are you?” Chance smirked his eyes flashed white a moment before he punched Eric in greetings in his shoulder. Eric hit Chance back and he flew into the other corridor wall.

”Hello Eric. Mikal got me that message. The poor kid did not want anyone hurt but he called me like you told him to.”

“I knew I would be captured. I did not think they would blow up my house. And burn me nearly to death while doing it…” Eric shot Brandy a look and she frowned.
Rayder checked over his gray sneak suit and attached sword. “Hmm I see your powers now include seeing the future?”

”Yea been that way for a while.” Eric calmly blasted the first guard that rushed around the corner then lit into the second with two quick blasts without even looking at them. Lowering his arm he continued to talk. “I should have known better than to allow things to get this far out of hand. Never mind the plan just get to the engine room like planned. By the way how did you get onto the ship?”

Rayder pulled a scarf over his neck and tied it. It was black like his swords blade. “Hang glider. Lucky thing they kept all my gear in one spot. Those maximum-security personnel never saw it coming though. And yes I did not kill them. No need. Beat the hell out of them though.”

Chance was irritated. And showed it in his usual manner. “Eric we need to get moving!” Eric sighed.

”I am not in a hurry to die man! Let me talk to this guy. He helped me out once and I now owe him twice.”

Rayder smiled. “Just take care of yourself. You are family basically.”

”Who the hell is this guy besides a great fighter?” Chance asked while tightening his hands into fists.

”He is Krystal’s older brother. Okay now I am ready to die.”

”Stop being so damn morbid and move it!” Chance took off running while shooting energy from his hands. Around the corner a group of armed women guards waited. They opened fire. Chance lifted a hand and made an electrical ball of energy and spiked it at the head of one of the guards. She fell as it exploded knocking her and everyone with her out. In a spreading wall of crackling light that faded as Chance closed in.

Chance looked back and smirked at Eric. Eric shrugged. “Guys up ahead more company!” Maxwell cried out. “Man I wish we could do more to help but we are still drugged up pretty badly.”

”You two hang loose. I will take this next group.” Rayder pulled his sword free and walked towards the group of women. Raising swords and guns they fired. Energy flew past his face as Rayder calmly deflected all shots that would have hit him. And kicked and punched those who attacked him directly. The remaining guards were afraid after seeing him dispatch their friends and Rayder was going to use that against them. In an instant it was all over. He slapped all of them with the flat of his blade knocking them out and clearing the way. Sheathing his sword he waved on the group smiling.

Eric saw it coming but Rayder did not. The shadow of a blade, the look of surprise and the thud as it hit flesh and the splatter of blood on the wall. “RAYDER!” Ner’sta stood over the human in wolf disguise form. His right arm lay next to him twitching. Ner’sta raised her blade again and swung.

”Impressive Eric. I can see why my daughter favors not sharing you.” Eric felt the blade embedded in his back near his spine but not touching it. His skin was super tough but not tough enough in this case. He felt a burning sensation as the poisons inside the blade entered his body but not affecting him for long. Rayder held his severed arm in his right hand and looked into Eric’s pained face and nodded in thanks as he dealt with his own pain.

”Lets pull back!” Chance rushed up and helped Rayder stand, Maxwell and Brandy took Rayder from Chance and he faced Ner’sta and Eric who was still standing in front of her. The huge weapon in his back still.

”Eric…” Eric smiled then gasped as Ner’sta yanked the weapon free with a tug then slashed at Chance faster than he thought the woman could do. Chance evaded and smirked. “Your amazing. But I shall soon show you the limits of your power.”

Chance had never seemed so calm or strong before. He was almost like a hero in Eric’s eyes but he would kill anyone that told him that to his face. Ner’sta didn’t care about any smart mouthed wolf hybrid’s comments and proceeded to beat the daylights out of him. Soon he lay on the ground coughing up blood as Ner’sta ground her boot into his head. “Hmm you were fun. But time to die.” Eric slammed an invisible blast of energy into Ner’sta’s back propelling her forward slightly then threw three more before he managed to knock her away from Chance.

Chance stood up and smiled. “I am not done yet. Taillong to the engine room!” Eric turned and ran not questioning Chance. Chance stood ready to meet his destiny. Ner’sta had regained her balance and regarded the changed one with curiosity.

”It would appear you favor death than life. So be it. This is the end for you.”

”Bring it on. Bring it ON!” Eric heard a battle rage behind him as he managed though barely to cloak himself with his mind. But his folly was not realizing that he was trailing blood from his back. The wound had not instantly clotted like he had hoped.

”There shoot there!” A guard yelled as Eric felt a blast slam into him. Standing he found himself out numbered and bleeding weakened by his ordeal but not giving up. “Finally we will show our leader how strong we are!” The lead guard said.

Eric smirked and closed his eyes and unleashed his rage. Before it was over he had torn through all the guards in his way and healed himself but a scar remained on his back. “My fur ought to cover that up soon enough… Now for the power core.”

Chance pummeled Ner’sta’s face with charged punch after punch. She had fallen back into a wall and dropped her blade but with a knee thrust she had caught Chance off guard and impaled him on a spur that poked out of the top of her leg guard. “I have speared an insect on my armor. Well time to squish you and then move along to killing Eric.”

Walking to a hatch to the outside. Ner’sta opened it and chucked Chance out. Closing it she smiled to herself and cracked her neck before calmly regaining her weapon and the insane look in her eyes.

Eric stood over a bloodied form and found that the engine had already been sabotaged. “Who did this?” Eric previously had used all his strength to get past the guards blocking his way but even he did not kill them. And the way these people had been killed left no doubt as to who did it. “Anthony… But how did he get on the ship? No wait…” Sniffing the air Eric confirmed who it really was.

”Finally got here brother…”

”Hello Erica… Nice to see you again.” Erica stepped from behind a control station near the power regulator for the core. It had been smashed after being set to overload. Erica was still covered in the blood of those who worked on and protected the engine room.

She wore a skintight black outfit just like Eric had but. He had tossed his shirt after the previous fight. It was too torn and bloody and it made Eric’s sense of smell clouded by his previous foes scent of blood on it. “Eric you know why I came right?”

”To help me, I knew you would.”

”Right and to tell you.” Eric nodded.

”I know about that also. So I guess our kids can play together after Anthony is gone right?” Erica smiled. “No that is unfair. I am sorry for being an asshole about it but I hate that guy. And you at times for what you have done… But I love you so much. Could you change at all in the future?”

”Maybe. But it also depends on if you survive. My escape route could easily carry both of us to safety.”

”At what cost?” Eric shook his head sadly while breathing out slowly. “If I go she will just come back. I have to see if I can beat her.”

”You’re supposed to be unbeatable… Yet you loose most of your fights. Why is that?”

”Why would you care sis?” Eric clenched his fist and threw a psy blast at a control console that was still active. It dented and exploded. Erica held out a hand and clenched it into a fist. She looked at her brother mouth open slightly and a look of superiority in her eyes.

”We are one and the same. Both brilliant. How else could we both decode the alien language on these computers and systems? I did it in five minutes how long it take you?”

”Same amount of time… So what if we are smart. You and I both tend to not show it. I am a confused lonely person inside. I want so much to be next to you and stand with you but I cannot because of what you do even if you’re half of me.”

”You’re half of me.” Erica repeated. “So you believe also…”

”That it is possible for a soul to be cleft in twain… Yes. It disturbs me that I could do such a thing if I was you.”

”Same thoughts here, anyway brother you tend to linger about like a bad smell. Finish your job. I will wait for you.”


”Your nose can find me. And if not your heart will, and also… I triggered the gift our family has handed down for generations without knowing it. I think it has something to do with my being pregnant. No matter. We are more even than ever Eric. In the future do not underestimate my power or me. When we are on opposite sides of course!”


Erica left Eric alone in the engine room with his thoughts. The revelation that came about of there meeting was of no consequence… Yet. He had learned much of how the soul acted and could act during his travels to find Mary while in his grandfather Thomas’s body. They together discovered many truths about the physical world. And how upon Thomas’s death he would return to the present and have his own body back.

Eric’s thoughts were interrupted by a voice that came from above. “Ready to die?” Eric roared his anger.

”You’re the one who is going to die queen!” Eric leapt thirty feet up to the catwalk Ner’sta stood on. Her blade was covered with blood. Chance’s blood dripped onto the metal path as Ner’sta closed the distance between herself and Eric with slow steps. It sounded like a death march to the beat of a slow drum. Eric only got ready to fight by remembering his promise to himself. “I will live on somehow. I can come through this but I also have to be realistic…” He thought to himself as he saw death in a beautiful guise approach.

”Your friend died… Honorably. But I don’t believe in that honor crap. So just die quickly and without any struggle okay?”

Eric stood his ground. His muscles clenched and unclenched. He was ready for this. “My only regret… My only real regret is that you could have been a good grandmother. But I have to kill you one way or another here and now.”

Ner’sta’s masked face smiled. Her bushy ringed tail showed her excitement as it moved back and forth in a wave like pattern. “Just die already!”

Eric rushed Ner’sta and knocked her back. Her hand clutching her blade brought the handle down upon Eric’s skull many times but he would not let go as he continued to push her back to the end of the path. Eric finally let go and jumped back then leapt forward landing a vicious kick to the side of the queen’s head. Holding her face she looked at Eric and raised her blade and slashed so fast and hard she cut the walkway and Eric at the same time. Eric stumbled back in shock and pain. His face burned but he would not give in to that sensation as he willed his mind to concentrate on something else as he shut down some of the functions of his brain that controlled emotion. Except for his rage. He would need it. They both would.

Leaping over Eric as the part of catwalk collapsed. Ner’sta turned and slashed. Eric already having leapt up into the air came down smashing his feet into Ner’sta’s face. “I remember the time me and Mike did a move similar to this one on some thugs back in the day… How I will miss him.” Eric smirked as he connected with his opponent with his feet.

Ner’sta regaining her balance slashed upwards. Eric twisted out of the blades path and landed. Punching upwards as he stood Eric unleashed a devastating uppercut on Ner’sta then kicked her away from him while hanging onto the catwalk’s sides for balance and to brace himself as he pushed the armor clad warrior queen away from him with his attack.

Ner’sta was now brimming with rage. “He is stronger than me. Like I knew but I still have one thing he doesn’t!” Ner’sta called out. “Bring my daughter in here!” Two guards appeared holding Angela at the end of the walkway. Their faces were obscured shadow but between them was a squirming Angela. “Fight me now and I order her to be killed!”

Eric smiled and laughed as the guards stepped into the light clearly. It was Maxwell and Brandy in disguise. “We couldn’t leave without helping!” Brandy shouted. Eric gave them a thumbs up and smiled.

”I didn’t know Max had such a girlish figure to be able to fit into that guard uniform!”


“Oh shut up Eric and watch out for psychotic Raccoons!” Eric looked at Ner’sta and winked. Ner’sta screamed and slashed at Eric again and again. Eric dodged all the attacks then grabbed the frustrated queen’s weapon by the blade then kicked her in the face. Tossing her sword away Eric stood over her but out of range of her and waited.

Angela and the others left quickly to escape. Leaving Ner’sta and Eric alone. “Your plan… Was brilliant… But you’re going to die…”

”That was in the plan mom.

”How… Disrespectful… And now the engine is going to blow… Any last requests?” Eric shrugged as he glanced about the room as the walls sparked and shook.

”Just one.”


”Just what the hell happened to make you so damn mean? I admit I know some crazies but you take the case!”

”This from a cat who writes dirty scripts for a living!” Ner’sta said while giving a tired irritated expression.

”HEY its honest work! I make people happy therefore I am not evil or wicked! My job is honest work. I am also a writer too! Well I was… Seeing as how we are about to go down with your ship I would like an answer.”

”My husband… The one I truly loved… Broke my heart.”

Eric rolled his eyes as Ner’sta lied through her teeth. “Yea right. I am a mind reader.”

”THEN YOU FIGURE IT OUT!” Eric shuddered and Ner’sta pounced him. Her claws around his neck she squeezed while he just looked at her. “Yes I get off on being evil! It is so much fun!” Eric thought to himself for a moment.

”Just like Anthony did or does whichever of those. Eww well as long as she is busy with me she cannot escape. Nor can I… Erica go…”

Erica waiting at a hatch with a parachute nodded silently and left. She thought about her newfound powers and smiled. With Eric gone she could do some wicked things. But she decided that being a mother was more important than being bad. With that done Eric waited for the end and closed his eyes as hell erupted around him.



Mikal and Dominick stepped off the bus and into the waiting arms of Elena Clydella. She was a young mare and even though it was unusual Mikal and Elena had met over the Internet and fell in love. They were from two different worlds but hey nothing was going to stop them now.

Finishing her greetings the young lady let go of the brothers and smiled. Dominick smiled and said.
”So are you two going to have kids? And if so what will they look like?” Mikal punched his brother in the back of his head. “OW what was that for?”

Mikal laughed while Elena crossed her arms and tapped her foot while glaring at him. “He deserved it!”

Back at Double Z studios Maxwell and Brandy hugged their big sister they gritted their teeth as she hugged them back tightly.

”Owww!” ZigZag loosened her grip and smiled.

”I am so proud of you two… So what now?” Maxwell and Brandy smiled.

”Well Brandy is going to school and I guess I will to. Being able to beat up on bad guys for money is fun but… Not a real way to live.”

”That is really mature… You are grown up now I guess… But what about Chance or Eric?”

Chance stumbled into the break room and smirked. He was covered in cuts and bruises but otherwise he was fine now. “I made it out alright… Eric’s sister found me after I fell.”

”How far did you fall?” James asked.

”About three maybe four miles, I slowed my fall with my power. But I ran out of juice and hit some trees then a pond stopped my fall. Erica pulled me out and helped me back to town.”

“Hmm so you are still a womanizer… I figured as much…” Chance turned and looked at the mouse fem that stood before him dressed in a light blue dress and matching earrings.

”Sha… Sha… Shadow…” Chance actually turned a few shades red then straightened out.

ZigZag held out a hand as the mouse took it and shook. “Seems you’re not the only one to go AWOL eh Chance?” ZigZag said. “Meet our new actress Miss Teresa Shadow.”

Shadow smiled and glanced at Chance. “I expect you to be as legendary as you were back home.” Chance smiled

”Legendary? I wasn’t that good.”

”Save the sweet talk for some other time you two!” Lively said while smiling.

”I was talking about Chance’s skills as a warrior. I still intend to train. Hmm seems you have put on weight too.”

”HAVE NOT!” Chance said while firming up his abs till Shadow delivered a punch to them making him let out his held breath. “Okay maybe a little.”

Everyone shared a laugh till the question was asked. ”What about Eric?” Sabrina asked.

”I don’t know… Angela is now in hiding. She said something about Darke but other than that…. I just don’t know. Dartanya is gone also. She went to protect her… Well I guess I should take my saved vacation time now and go into training. I will be back soon enough. Till then Shadow stay cool and try not to wear out the fox boys. Oh and you should hire some more people Zig… Just a thought since we have the space. And Teresa here is a nice acquisition if I do say so myself.”


“You’re leaving already?” Teresa asked.

”Yea I mean I did get beat up nearly to death. Tossed out of a high altitude vehicle. ZZ’s bro and sis got off easy with Rayder and used an escape pod. Me I GOT TOSSED OUT OF A SPACE SHIP!”

James patted Chance on the back and he winced. “You don’t have to YELL!”

“You guys…” Christina said while looking at her brother.

”Sis I am just showing how I feel to the one I love.” Michele smiled.

”Yea right you just want an excuse to make out.” Bryce laughed.

”That too.”

Even with all the laughs one thought on their minds still. “Where is Eric?” ZigZag said while she hugged James and her brother and sister again and smiled. “I hope he is fine where ever he is.”

Sabrina wandered away from the conversation that sprang up about the future of the studio since sales were up and pay raises were coming to all. She did not care about that at the moment. She wonders where her strange friend might be. “I could wish with all my might that things were different. But that would not help. He did his part right? I guess I should try and act normal now. It is all I can do. And it would be what he would want all of us to do. Besides” Sabrina looked at an original Optimus Prime figure made out of resin that Eric made for her and painted. “That guy is too wonderful a person to die. Sigh if only Chris would be as creative at times.”

Sabrina’s cell phone rang. Answering it she smiled. “Sabrina here. Chris?”

Chris on the other line was at work. “Hey! Listen. How about we go to dinner. Then afterwards we.” Sabrina’s eyes widened.

”Really? I can!?”

”Yea three hundred dollars isn’t much considering I didn’t pay for it… But why not! Let’s destroy an X-Box!”

In a distant land separated from ours though time and space. A lone figure wanders. Who is this person and why would they be walking through a desert? It does not matter for fate has conspired once again to throw them and all they know into the river of history. For as everyone knows.

History repeats. One way or another…

The End

The finale. Wow. This has been fun. More to come in the next series. Which I hope all of you enjoy! As always email me at or either is a good email address. Though I check the hotmail one more frequently.