Workplace relations
By Michael Barnes

Zig Zag is Copyright © Max the Black Rabbit. Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted © by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are Copyrighted © to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard, Doug Granitz, Kelly Granitz are copyrighted © to James Bruner Michael Taillong is copyrighted to his player Me Michael  L. Barnes. Anthony Maximillian is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza.
This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story . Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and i in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resembulance to anyone living or dead (without permission) Is just a coincidence.

Chapter 1
The Night Janitor

Sabrina slept at her desk peacfully. She was dreaming of her boyfriend Chris Foxx. "Ma'am?" Michael nudged Sabrina with his dust mop handle. ~ I hate it when they fall asleep at the job ~ Michael poked Sabrina again and she woke up with a start.

Seeing blackness she knew that the day had ended. ~ Great and as a joke Zig Zag locked up with me inside to be let out by the night janitor... I have heard he was creepy but... ~ "EEEK!" Michael had acidentally poked Sabrina in the breast with his cane as he assumed she had not woken up.

Sabrina thinking Zig Zag was at it again lept up and threw a right cross. Sabrinas fist connected with something. Something that felt like a hand.  "Okay miss you throw a mean right but im not here to hurt you" With his walking cane Michael turns on the lights then collapses his cane in on its self.

Sabrina snatches her hand away from Michael "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Michael takes off his darkend glasses and puts them away. Sabrina gasps. "Your the night janitor?" Michael looks at her with his grey eyes.

"Yes and i want to clean up here now. Your work station is one of the messiest what with all the junk food wrappers Miss..." "Sabrina you can call me Sabrina... So your here to clean up? Whats with the dark clothing and eyes" Michael stopped his work. "Im blind when there is absolute darkness but when there is light i can see some shapes shadows make out outlines thats the reasons my eyes are like this"

Sabrina grabbed her things "Well ill be going now" Sabrina walked to the front door and found it unlocked and quickly left. Reaching for her cell phone.  Sabrina speed dialed her boss Zig Zag. At that moment Zig Zag was busy with James and desided not to pick up the phone.

Getting no answer Sabrina thought to herself ~ Wait untill tomorow and let the place get cleaned out to get confirmation on a guy that might be a crook or call the cops and let them handle it? ~ Sabrina dialed the police.

Inside Michael had just entered the main studio and slipped in a puddle ~ God i hope that wasnt what i think it was ewww i hate my job sometimes... ~ Getting the mop Michael wished the actors were more carefull during the filming. Mopping up the mess Michael walks right into a plate glass window and mashes his nose.

"Owww darn glass" Michael pulled out his cane and extended it and then as he was emptying a trash bag heard someone enter the building. "I hope its not that nerd again why me?" Michael walks back into the main hall and then wonders whats going on when someone yells.

"Hands up and dont move! Looks like someone broke into the porn studio alright" The officers partner comes up behind him. Michael drops his cane and the officer points his gun at his head. "Why whould a blind guy want porn?" The officer points his flash light into Michael's face. "Its weak people like you that make this country weak! My taxes take care of your ass and what ever else you want! And you have to go and break into a porn studio! What did you want here?"

Michael closes his eyes and answers "I am not weak and i work here and since theres no damage you cant take me in" The officer shoots out the glass of the front doors. "On second thought..." The officers partner a wolf sneers. "Well i guess mister X will pay us extra for making..." The first cop slaps the second. "Not in front of the blind guy. Heh though i whould like him to try and identify us"

Michael looks at the security camras and then the cop follow his gaze. "So they have camras? SO what our bosses plant will..." The first cop kicks the second "Shut the hell up and arrest his ass!" Michael grimances as the officer steps on his tail.

Cuffing him they lead him to the patrol car and then toss him in the back. Michael thinks to himself as he is driven off. ~ Well being aressted by a bigot on the take and his partner is not so bad ~ It got worse.

Michael was tossed into a cell with big Bruno. "They call me big do you know why?" "Um is it because of your big toothy grin that i know you must have?" Bruno laughed. "Kid your funny im gonna enjoy this!" Michael didnt bother to scream so he just kicked Bruno in the crotch once he heard his pants hit the floor. Then with the swiftness of a ninja he put him in a choke hold when he dropped to his knees.

"Go to sleep! Dont make me have to sing a lullabye or ill make ya cry!" Bruno blacked out. Michael then laid the large fox on the bunk then covered him with a blanket. "Nighty night" Michael climbed on the top bunk and hoped that his employer whould get him out of jail.

"I could call my folks but nah"

The next day

ZigZag during the throes of passion last night got so mad that the phone rang and threw it across the room of her bed room. Leaving Michael in jail for the night. Stepping through the broken front door of her studio. ZigZag knew this was the start of a bad week. "Okay whos crazy boyfriend busted up the front door?" Zig Zag knew it was not un common for a boyfriend to get mad and then come to the studio and get mad. But when they broke her property this was a cause to start taking names.

"Zig Zag we dont know but there was a strange guy here when i woke up last night and well i" From the looks Sabrina was getting she was toast. "Well i what? Dont tell me you ran into Michael" Everyone looked at Zig Zag. "So thats his name eh boss?" Zig Zag shot the vixen who had spoken up a dirty look. "Yes just so everyone doesnt make the same mistake like calling the police on the night janitor. You will all be introduced to him just as soon as i figure out why the doors havent been fixed yet"

After a few calls Zig Zag had gotten Michael released. "Sorry about the breaking of your cane and all kid" Michael had fended off Bruno with his cane untill he was let out. The police man had given him a poor susbsitute. A broom handel  ~ Its a good thing they didnt take my 'wrist watch' ~ Michael looks at his wrist and feels it to make sure its there.

"Now to take a cab" Michael held out his hand and then waited till he heard a cab stop. Climbing in Michael  sat then said "To ZZ studios and make it snappy" The cabby an elderly gent. Was an advid collector of porn. "Hey do you know Zig Zag my my she has curves like..." "Just drive please and ill give you a tip" The old man floored it and Michael hanged on for dear life. When the cabby arrived. A clean up crew along with the day janitor were cleaning up the glass and fixing the doors.

Michael paid the cabby then was about to enter the studio when the old man yelled out. "Hey wheres the tape!" Michael stopped then shook his head. Michael sat down and waited to be called into the office. Michael without his glasses on could make out figures looking in his direction. His keen ears could hear there every word.

"That must be Michael hmm hes cute" Another voice spoke up "Yes but his style is so drab" "Must be his pay or the fact that he cant see" The laughter hurt Michael so much. Michael stood up and was about to march over to the girls that laughed at him when. "Michael enter please" Michael looked at the girls. His gaze one of pity.

Michael took the empty seat next to Sabrina who eh recongnized from her scent. "Michael what happend?" Michael put his shades on since his eyes showed his emotions and spoke. "The geek got me locked up with a guy named Bruno who i had to fend off of myperson all night after he woke up from the kick i gave him to the crotch" Michael heard someone say D'oh! out in the hall.

Sabrina was fuming from that geek comment and was about to speak when Zig Zag stopped her. "Sabrina you whould be mad too if you had to fend me off again now whouldent you?" Sabrina sighed and then felt bad that she put Michael in jail with a fag. "I didnt know they were going to put him in a cell with a person that way but..."

Michael smirked "You dont know a thing about me none of you do. especaily the ones listining in!" Micahel stood up. "I have worked here since i was 18! The year i lost my sight. At first i thought it was the end of the world but i managed to find a job here working as a clean up man or what ever you want to call it." Michael wasnt looking for sympathy so he took on a mean look.

"My parents are monsters thats all i can say about them for legal reasons i dont want to go into" Zig Zag sat with her chin in her hand and smiled. "Well we do have something in common" Michael smiled. "I know i didnt tell you much about me and many whould have never given me a chance but i have shown you..."

Michael walks to the door and then opens it making everyone who was leaning on it fall. "That i can clean up so to speak. Um want this mess taken care of?" Sabrina giggled as everyone picked themselves up and walked off in a hurry. "No but since your not willing to give me a straight answer maybe Sabrina can" Michael suddenly heard a loud sound.

~ X and his gang must be doing a job but i must warn my employer about the plant in the studio and other things i suspect but first i have to do my day job! ~ Michael turned around then took off his glasses. "Tell me what i want to know. Michael you paused for a moment is something wrong?" "No Zig i need to leave you know i dont like the daylight" "As you have claimed sigh one day Michael Taillong you will tell me about yourself over lunch. Good day"

Michael was gone in seconds.

Hours later

As ZigZag was locking up.  Something she did rarely she turned to see Michael standing there in his black uniform. "Why are you here? It isnt after sunset mister vampire" Michael chuckled then held his ribs. "Whats wrong?" "Im fine i just wanted to do my job early thats all" Zig Zag reached for Michael's pay check in her purse. ~ he always wants to be paid in person and on mondays and he always is hurt and says that same line ~

Taking his pay Michael took on a serious tone and look. "Ziggy i have some info for you. The police force or some of its members are on the take. Mister X or as i suspect Anthony Maximillian..." Zig Zag grabbed Michael by his coller a move he could have easily avoided but he desided that now was not the time Zig Zag should know the truth about him and his secrets.

"Keeping information from me is dangerous. Michael as you know that jerk opend a studio for adult products. Across town right across town!" Michael smiled "Okay Mister X could be Anthony your sales rival. But i have no proof but my freind can get me some. But hes laid up due to injuries he got from a fight the other night"

ZigZag didnt know what to beleve. ~ Michaels 'friend' has been very informative lately hmm i wonder nah ~ Zig Zag dropped Michael who stood right up. "Ill contact him as soon as i get more information" Zig Zag stopped. "Dont you mean as soon as he? Michael give it up i know your secret!"

Michael slowly extended his walking cane and then took off his glasses. "I knew my boss and best friend whould figure it out soon enough. So what was it that tipped you off about my..." "Secret? Easy your slip up here and then the other day i know your really this friend getting me information on this new underworld person that is out to get me called Mr X plus i found out that your a detectives friend so i assumed you used him to get your information right?"

Michael put his glasses on and then colapsed his cane and slipped it into his pocket. Looking up he noticed the sun begining to set. "Your right i used my freind for information and then took credit for it to get the extra money in my pay checks" "You know i hate others taking" "Credit for others work. I know Zig and i do give him some of the money but i need it more than him anyway"

ZigZag walked to her car. "Michael becarefull and also theres a small spill in the studio besides the dust and the other messes" Michael grumbled then sighed as he walked to the front door and unlocked it again. "You could have left it unlocked!" Zig Zag laughs. "You know me" Then she was gone.

Michael took out his cane again since it was pitch black inside the studio. Tapping his way around he found the puddle in his regular way. He slipped in it. "Ewwww oh well at least i dont have to worry about anything strange tonight" The lights flipped on showing Michael cradiling his cane and a mob in one hand. "Not tonight my friend!" Michael saw it was Raven  an thief and expert killer.

"So your a janitor during the night at a porn studio? How can you do your work?" YOUR BLIND hahahahaha" Michael got so mad then blacked out as his alterego takes over "So you know who i am? " "Bingo wait untill the others and my boss hear about this!" Michael grabs his cane and then extends it and with a flash the Raven is laid out on the ground.

"I dont think so" Michael proceeds to mind wipe the Raven with his psyic powers then he wakes up. "Okay thats strange how did i defeat this guy? Oh well" Michael calls the police but after he tied up the villan. "What is wrong with me?" Michael sat down and remembered something from when he lost his eyesight at eighteen.

A few years ago

Michael laid at the bottom of a ditch. After losing control of his dirt bike on his familys land. He crashed into a drainage ditch and broke his neck.  ~ I cant move i shouldent move or even try to talk. My neck ahhhhh it hurts something awful. ~ Michael looked around with hes eyes untill the pain made him close his eyes.

At that moment

A plane was flying over head that contained a chemical agent stolen from area 51. Its pilot was  Anthony Brokes. He was a guard at Area 51. His years of hard work watching and protecting the geeks as he put it of Area 51 were for naught! "They fired me and they wanted to kill me cause i was going to talk! Ha half the planet knows what they do there but with this juice i will be rich! Just wish i knew what it was"

As Anthony thought to himself he failed to see the radar for a split second pick up another plane till it was too late. "Target within site permission to fire?" A shadowy figure sits behind a desk ponders for a moment before giving his reply. "That land is private so the chemicals wont spread far" Pressing a switch the shadowy figure calls in his secritary. "I want the Taillongs to be kept well silenced for this little trouble" The secritary nodded as her boss looked over the data on the land owners.

Back on the ground

Michael opend his eyes just in time to see a flash and an explosion as a plane came down only twohundred feet away from him. Anthony had been thrown from the exploding plane and landed face down in the water near Michael. "Hey... are you okay?" Michael knew he shouldent talk but he had to see if this incredibly lucky guy was still able to move. So he could help him.

Anthony got up on his knees. "Im alive but the plane... The explosion... The chemicals spilling on me and... AHHHHHH" Anthony felt his fur burn away as his DNA shifted. Michael watched in silent horror as Anthony transformed into a... Undescribable horror.

"I am a freak! I only have fur on my head and most of my body fur is gone what was that stuff?" Anthony looked at the bleeding Michael. "So kid you know too much well since i am a dead man i might as well kill you too. I never liked to take trips alone and hell is a loney place from what i heard!" Anthony reached for Michael and was about to pick him up when he heard sirens and then quickly looking around Anthony spotted the entrance to the sewers and ran for it.

Laying there Michael felt the water flow faster around his neck as it was being pushed along by the leaking contients of the tanks Anthony was transporting. Michael was swept over from head to toe by the stuff as it ran into the sewers.

Michael gaged and freaked out as his eyes burned ~ Mental note close your eyes when your being comvered by nasty stuff! Oh and your mouth too ~ Michael swallowed some of the contaminate by accident then passed out.

Michael remembers well what happend to him next. "Dad wasnt so helpfull after my accident"

Michael's father stood by the side of his hospital bed as he woke up and saw nothing but shapes and shades. "I cant see everything right whats wrong with me?" Darren Taillong looked at his son and spoke harshly. "My boy we told you not to go riding after it rained! Now you have broken your neck and need a head brace untill your neck mends or we can spend half a million on you for a specail surgeury that will repair your neck"

Michael sighed "Oh and your blind also something about the water having too many house hold chemicals. After all you know how we consume a large amounts of cleaning chemicals at our mansion" Michael closed his eyes. "Wheres Mother?" Michael's Mother walked in after talking with a man with a cigerette who said something about not saying anything about the pay off.

"Michael i have bad news. You do know that once we spend this money on you to be healed we will  disown you and move to the bahamas" "WHAT? where did you get the money to achieve your goal of getting land out there and then moving there?" "None of your bussiness but we had to sell the mansion and your things also since we moved while you were in the coma"

Michael passes out again aw his parents plan there future without there son.

The present

Michael sits in Zig Zags office after telling his tale "They say greed corrupts but i did not think my parents whould just disown me like that then move to the bahamas. I know its wrong but i hope a hurricane sweeps away all there estaets down there" Zig Zag faced Michael.

"Well no wonder at first when you begged me for this job since your disability checks werent cutting it at home. You acted so proper and prissy. So your apart of the famous Taillong family. I should have known" Michael smiles "Yes but now i wish i knew who that guy was and what he wanted with me. "Michael relax and live a little and as thanks for you stopping that guy who had explosives on him. From blowing up my studio i want to give you something as a reward"

Michael thought for a moment "Aww not that!" "Yep another offer as a starring role in one of my studios films! I know alot of girls who whould want to see what that cane of yours could really do" Michael felt his face turn red. "Um yea anyway i think i need to go i need sleep before tonight" "Yoru off tonight you need sleep so you go get some ill have the day guy do your work tonight"

Michael smiled "Thank you and please keep my story to yourself. I dont normally but i felt i could trust you" Zig Zag stops the tape recorder in her lap and then hands the tape to Michael who is holding out his hand. "I swear i was only going to share it with my hair dresser, the studio staff and my boyfriend James and thats it!" Michael laughs.

"Same ol Zig well ill be going now" Michael extended his cane then stopped and slid a painting in Zig Zag's office to the side to remove the security camra and microphone tapes for the studio. Zig Zag frowned. "Michael your a spoil sport" "No im Taillong Michael Taillong at your service my lady" Michael left with the tapes and promptly walked into a plate glass window.

"Oww" ZigZag looked at the camra monitor she had hidden in a drawer in her desk. James had sugessted that she install a hiden camra system with mic's all over the studio. ~ How Mikey knew about it is beyond me ~

Later that night

Anthony Maximillion owner of extream studios. Sat at his desk in his darkend office. Wondering what to do that night. "Its been a few years since i gained my abilitys due to that spill i caused. But enough about that its time to hunt!" Anthony stepped into one shaft of light from outside his window to reveal a human figure.

"All those quacks could tell me was that i had somehow reverted to the original state the furs once retained.  That of a homo sapien! But with the morphing powers i accuired i can look like my old self and my new self" Anthony quickly shifted into a wolf as his wife entered his office with his lunch. "I dont see why you dont just order out. Instead of making me come and drop off your lucnch at midnight since you work at night"

Anthony sneered at his wife "My dear you must understand your a throphy wife i married you because i needed and always wanted a pet like you. So when you spend my money and drive my cars. You can at least drop off my lunch for me!" Anthony's wife took a step back and then laughed.

"Hmm you do know that your attitude drives me wild! Oh and before i forget to mention our plan failed ack!" Anthony had his wife by the neck seconds after hearing those words. "Kill or have killed who ever is responsible for the missions screw up"

Dropping his wife Anthony smiles "Pick yourself up slut and fetch me my hunting clothes i feel like killing something young and innocent" Bowing Sara leaves her husbands side.

Later that evening

Michael laid awake in his bed. "Why me and my hearing!" Michael was kept away by the sounds of his apartment and the street outside. Hookers stood on the corner all night talking and it made Michael sometimes want to go down there and kill them. "Sigh well at least this is my first night off in a long time"

Michael laid there for a while longer thinking about a girl he ran into earler. "Man at this rate ill never sleep" Michael was soon asleep afterwards.

Michael heard a woman scream and automatically sat up. "Someone needs help ill call the cops" Michael walked to the phone and as soon as he touched it he blacked out.