Workplace relations By Michael L. Barnes



Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner\xA0\xA0 Zig Zag is Copyright \xA9 to Max BlackRabbit Michael Taillong and Eric Taillong are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of Fan fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.


Chapter 5

Normality does not exists in this world


A black limo moves slowly down a street and stops in front of ZigZag\x92s house. She isn\x92t home and the furs in the vehicle know that. \x93Plant the bugs and then lets get out of here\x94 a brown rabbit says to himself as he steps out of the limo and sneaks around to the back of ZigZag\x92s house

\x94Entering through the back door this should be easy. Ill keep radio silence from now until im done\x94 \x93Roger\x94 The driver of the limo nods to the man in the back seat sitting in the shadows \x93He\x92s planting the listening devices now\x85 Why are we doing this? And in a limo no doubt?\x94

Anthony sticks his head into the light \x93Because my good man\x85 Knowledge is power\x85 And I need to know where ZigZag is going and what she does\x85 Besides it\x92s my right as a wealthy person to flaunt my wealth that is why we\x92re doing this in a limo\x94 Anthony sniffs the air with his nose \x93He\x92s near\x85. He\x92s inside the house! Call our man back NOW!\x94

The driver fumbles with the radio \x93Boss says get out now!\x94 The rabbit ignores the radio and finishes planting the last bug when he hears a sneeze. \x93Huh?\x94 Looking up he is suddenly yanked off his feet. \x93AHHHHHH!\x94

Anthony hears the scream \x93Okay you win this one Eric\x85\x94 Anthony lifts his hand signaling the driver to leave. \x93What about Ben?\x94 Anthony reads his stock reports. \x93He will be fine\x85 Knowing Eric he will just beat the life out of him then dump him in front of my door\x85 Or he will rip his head off.\x94


The driver gulps \x93You said he would be fine!\x94 Anthony lowers his papers and looks at the driver\x92s eyes in the rearview mirror. \x93I lied\x94 The driver averts his gaze and concentrates on driving his master home.

ZigZag comes in her front door with James her boyfriend and gasps \x93Oh my\x85\x94 James pulls out a gun and checks the house then comes back after checking the kitchen with a note. Putting his old service weapon away \x93It seems Eric did this\x85 I didn\x92t know he could tie a knot in his condition\x85\x94

ZigZag walks over to Ben who is tied to a chair with a plastic carrot stuffed in his mouth. \x93Eric is such a kidder\x85\x94 ZigZag dials the police as James stares coldly at Ben. \x93Something familiar about him\x85 Oh well\x94

ZigZag hangs up the phone Ben stares at her as she walks over to James speaking about the damage from the fight. \x93Oh well ill ask Eric to pay for it\x85 Though I wonder how he got into the house\x94




Eric steps into his front door wincing Michael hears his brothers slight whimpers and is about to ask him why he is in pain but Eric blurts out\xA0 \x93Bastard had a crow bar\x85\x94 Before sitting in his favorite chair and going into deep thought with his eyes closed Eric frowns.


\x93Cool\x85. So let me guess you got smacked at least one good time before you took the dude out?\x94 Eric wakes up from his cat nap \x93Look\x85 I couldn\x92t harm him he\x92s Jazz\x92s brother\x85\x94 Michael rubs his chin with a claw \x93You mean the former CIA agent\x85 Wow he\x92s now a thug for X\x85 Cool way to fall off the ladder of society\x94 Michael\x92s face grows dark.

\x94You do know you would have had to take him out if he had a gun?\x94 Eric smiles \x93Don\x92t doubt my speed or skills\x94 Michael looks at his hand where claw marks appear suddenly \x93Okay but YOU Don\x92t HAVE TO ATTACK ME!!!\x94

Eric laughs \x93Remember how you attacked me with your rusty collectable when ZigZag first well you know?\x94 Michael smirks and takes his sword off the mantle over the fireplace. \x93Ill show you how rusty it is!\x94 Eric pulls out his cane and extends it with a slight flick of his wrist.

\x94Care to try it Mike?\x94 \x93Love too But I don\x92t have time see ya\x94 Michael replaces his weapon and disappears through the front door. Soon a car engine is heard and then the scratching of tires on the road as Michael pulls off.

Eric sits down in his favorite char and goes back to his thoughts. \x93Erica\x85 How do I get you back?\x94 Eric curls his tail around his right leg and finally drops off into slumber.



Outside a pair of eyes watches Eric from afar through the front window as it begins to rain and thunder. A flash of lightning reveals the persons face. Her face reflecting Eric\x92s own Erica moves over to the front door and raps on it twice.

\x94Huh?\x94 Eric opens his eyes and looks at the door then he feels his watch, which has been modified so the glass cover for the hands can flip up so he can tell the time by touch. \x93Its 9:30\x85 Who would be here at this time of night?\x94

Eric yawns and walks to the front door not bothering to bring his cane. \x93Hello?\x94 Hearing only breathing and seeing as how he has hidden strength Eric sees no reason to not open the door. Standing there is Erica but Eric doesn\x92t know yet \x93Who\x85 Whoa!\x94


The sound of a gun cocking is heard \x93Let me in brother NOW!\x94 Eric backs up and trips and falls on his spine. Erica smiles down at him as he fumbles for his cane. Erica sees what he is reaching for and kicks it out of his reach and presses the gun to the back of his head.

\x94Can your power save you now?\x94 Eric pauses \x93Not unless that is not an air gun like im guessing\x94 Erica growls deeply and yanks Eric up by his shirt collar. \x93I need to speak to you\x85 So sit\x94 \x93Well inviting me to sit in my own home sis how kind of you\x94


\x93Whoa!\x94 Eric is tossed into a chair that falls over with him in it. Erica sits on the couch and rests her wet bare feet on the coffee table water pooling around them. Eric flips out of his chair and just as he is about to reach for his cane he is kicked in the back by Erica who then leaps at him as he lies on his stomach.

Rolling on his back Eric catches his sister in mid-leap with his feet \x93Hmm for a guy who\x92s blind you sure can move!\x94 Eric smirks \x93Didn\x92t X tell ya? I can see just fine with my powers\x94 \x93Oh well this \x93X\x94 didn\x92t send me\x85 I came on my own\x94 Eric launches his sister into the air with his feet. Making her crack her head against the ceiling hard.

Eric stands over his sister who is moaning on the floor in a heap. Lifting her chin with his left paw he decks her with his right knocking her out. \x93Sorry but it had to be done\x94 Eric lifts Erica and carry\x92s her to the basement where he lays her on a small cot behind some boxes and containers filled with assorted parts and junk.


Eric sits on a box then after taking a deep breath concentrates on his sister\x92s mind \x93Okay lets see\x85 Where have you been for the last few years?\x94 Eric closes his eyes and scans her mind with what limited physic abilities he has. Eric sits perfectly still sifting through all the information in his sibling\x92s mind.



Michael leans on the back of Eric\x92s chair as he types up what he learned from his sister\x92s mind. \x93She\x92s the real thing\x85 Only problem is the people who grabbed her want her dead\x85\x94 Michael sits in another chair in the computer room. \x93Sooo we cant do anything to help her?\x94 Eric winces \x93We have to hide her or expose this whole mess\x94

Michael scratches his head \x93But she was at One X studios!\x94 Eric sighs, \x93The girl there is a clone sent out to ruin her name posing as an adult actress\x85 Sad to say no one will take her story likely with her being a supposed blue movie actress\x85 And thus she turned to us since she could not take her revenge on Mother or Father she came here\x85 For help\x94

\x94If that is true why did she attack you?\x94 \x93Her mind is twisted due to the experiments done on her\x85 She sees anyone even those she loves as enemies. The only sane thing on her mind was revenge on our parents and getting our help\x94 Michael looks at his watch

\x94We stayed up all night talking we need to get to work at the studio\x94

\x94Action!\x94 ZigZag stands behind David as he films Eric\x92s current script \x93Your sure we should do this without him here to tell us the finer points to his writing?\x94 ZigZag baps David with the script. \x93Keep rolling! Im sure this will turn out right! This is brilliant work! I can\x92t believe the dialog the emotion\x85 The easy access to filming areas around town!\x94 David goes silent and concentrates on what he is doing.


Jazz works on editing the footage they already shot while getting squeamish \x93I think im going to be sick again\x94 Angela comes in with Jake\x92s lunch \x93Hmm maybe I should put this up cause your about to lose your lunch. And you haven\x92t had it yet!\x94 Jake smiles weakly and one of his ears flops over his face.


Angela smiles \x93Why did you take this job if you can\x92t stand looking at people doing the deed?\x94 Jake frowns and slams his fists into the arms of his chair. \x93I am NOT the film editor! I am the music mixer/editor! But for me to do the music right I have to watch some of the footage\x85. GOT IT?\x94


Angela frowns \x93Well you don\x92t have to yell\x85 Its not your fault your brother is a crook\x85\x94 \x93So everyone knows he got arrested breaking into ZigZag\x92s house? And that he claims he saw a were-human?\x94 Angela snickers \x93I wonder if he got his insanity from you?\x94 Jake is about to scream as one of his veins in his forehead throbs when Eric walks in tapping away as Michael rushes past him to the closed door of filming studio two.

\x94So close\x85 yet so far\x85 Im a loser\x94 \x93Got that right\x94 Michael looks over his shoulder frowning at his brother. Eric realizes \x93Where\x92s my custom keyboard? I need to amend that script of one scene before\x85\x94 ZigZag opens the doors to studio two from the inside with rage in her eyes.

Marching up to Eric she hugs him \x93It was a great script but\x85. That ending was strange\x85\x94 Eric looks down \x93I know I know\x85 The couple goes for a walk in a park what is so strange about that?\x94 \x93Makes people think\x85 Remember Eric in this business most of our customers don\x92t think when they have other things on their minds. They just want the mature matter nothing else\x85 But this script says for the ladies all over it\x94

Sabrina hears this as she walks by and stops \x93How\x92s that?\x94 ZigZag says in response to Sabrina\x92s question \x93It\x92s a lesbian story\x94 with a wink. \x93Okay\x85 I think my hard drive just crashed see ya\x94 Angela walks up to Sabrina \x93Wait there\x92s fan mail for you!\x94

Everyone looks at ZigZag and Sabrina then Eric says what\x92s on everyone\x92s mind \x93Don\x92t tell me you convinced her to star in a movie! With one of your scripts!\x94 \x93No and what is wrong with MY scripts Eric?\x94 ZigZag says placing her right hand on her hip.

\x94Nothing nothing at all\x94 Eric walks off quickly \x93Chinese food for one Sabrina AHHH\x94 Eric collides with the deliveryman. The Chinese food fly\x92s into the air then comes crashing down onto Lara as she walks out of Studio two.

Lara gasps and takes a deep breath then lets out a stream of cuss words at Eric as he dashes for the safest place he is familiar with in the studio. The Janitors closet once safely inside it he yells out. \x93So ZigZag this was your idea of me coming out of the closet eh?\x94


Everyone laughs even Lara who stops picking the closet lock to get at Eric as Michael walks over \x93So one of your ancestors was a burglar?\x94 Lara rolls her eyes and replies sarcastically \x93Yes you idiot now shut up im trying to ah there\x94 Eric stands there in his janitor jump suit. \x93As janitor I must clean up your act\x94 Eric tosses a bucket of warm soapy water on Lara.


Lara faints from the shock of realizing her clothing is not salvageable while Sabrina hits the roof. \x93Some one kidnapped Chris!\x94 Eric gets serious and is at Sabrina\x92s side before Michael holding her and giving her a shoulder to cry on.

Michael snaps his fingers and mutters \x93Rats\x94 as he walks over. Michele comes out of the filming studio with a smile on her face. \x93Nice script E\x85 Oh who died?\x94 Eric quickly explains what has happened recently in his life.


Michele is as stunned and confused as everyone else. \x93So that girl at One X studios is a fake?\x94 Angela turns away from everyone and hugs a picture of Eric \x93Thank god he isn\x92t a cross dresser\x94 David looks at Angela funny as Jake walks out of his mixing room to join the others

Eric walks Sabrina to her office and then turns to Michael \x93Watch her bro and no unlike what your thinking vulnerable women are NOT easy especially when there grieving over a loved one that is probably dead\x94

Sabrina sobs louder while everyone growls at Eric \x93And they say im dumb\x85 Wanna play Pokemon with me Sabrina?\x94 Michael enters her office with the cards. \x93NO YOU\x92RE NOT SUPPOSED TO THROW THEM\x85 Cool how they stick to the wall though\x94




Eric, Sabrina ZigZag and Michael all sit around the kitchen table at Eric\x92s house. \x93Okay we managed to keep that clone thing from everyone else. But why did you mention it to them about our sister coming home Eric?\x94

Eric shrugs \x93I felt it was time I did something stupid and reckless\x94 Everyone looks at Eric \x93Forget I said anything\x85 But where is Chris?\x94 Sabrina sighs \x93We don\x92t know but\x85 I wonder can you guys do anything to help me? I was wondering if you could because normally people just don\x92t hold secret meetings at there homes with a few select people unless there actually capable of doing something\x94

\x94And where did you hear that?\x94 ZigZag says \x93Saw it in a movie once\x94 Eric smiles at Sabrina\x92s joke \x93Keep your spirits up im sure we can do something\x85 But you Sabrina you should go home and get some rest\x94 Sabrina smiles \x93I know you\x92re planning something but what can you three do?\x94

ZZ, Eric and Mike give Sabrina the same secrative look \x93Okay\x85 Ill be going\x94 Once Sabrina drives off Eric takes off his shades and concentrates till his vision comes back to him. \x93That is so nasty how your eyes morph. You should close them at least when you do that Eric\x94

\x94Zig just chill I mean after all\x85 What we may have to do is what we must do to get Chris back\x85 Man of all the things to happen to a guy\x85 First he sees a dead body then all sorts of other stuff im sure. Now this\x94



Chris is being held in a warehouse downtown by three furs under orders from Anthony. Chris is tied to a chair while his captors stand around the room he is in \x93So nerd boy why do you have such a cute girlfriend?\x94 A thug says flipping through Chris\x92s wallet. \x93Because im a little higher on the evolution chain than you are. Women dig that\x94 \x93Youse saying im stupid?\x94

Chris laughs and gets belted in the gut hard by the hood. \x93Your pretty stupid yourself to be so peppy while being held captive for ransom!\x94 Chris coughs up some blood and looks at the leader of the bunch. \x93What was the ransom anyway?\x94 The leader doesn\x92t acknowledge Chris directly.

\x94Two million\x94 Chris frowns and screams at the hoods \x93WHO DO I KNOW HAS THAT KIND OF MONEY?\x94 \x93ZigZag your woman\x92s boss\x94 Chris slumps in the chair he is tied to.


\x93Im so doomed\x94 he thinks when suddenly \x93Aww did you give up hope already?\x94 Chris\x92s head snaps up. \x93WHO\x92S THERE?\x94 The leader yells out taking hold of a shotgun. Growling echoing off the walls of the large room is heard.

\x94He\x92s over there! To the left!\x94 The three hoods scan the shadows but none of them look up till its too late. \x93OH SH\x85\x94 Eric falls onto the kidnapper nearest to him and silences him quickly with a punch to the back of the head.

Leaping out of the light he doesn\x92t give the remaining kidnappers time to see him. Eric then surveys the situation quickly. \x93They\x92re both next to Chris\x85 I don\x92t have much time before they decide to kill him. Soo\x94

Eric leaps in front of Chris scaring him so badly he passes out. Eric then grabs the back of the chair he is in and kicks both of the kidnappers before they can attack him with a split kick. \x93Heh my agility rocks. Now for Chris\x94


Eric smiles and thinks, \x93Heh I kicked so much butt tonight I wonder how ZigZag and Michael are dealing with my sister at home?\x94

\x94Duck!\x94 Erica throws a brand new IBM server at ZigZag and Michael who are in their human forms so they can stand up to Erica\x92s strength in her transformed state. \x93You sure did neglect to tell me that your sister could change as well!\x94 Michael dodges a second server in the room.

\x94Not now ZigZag my sister is trashing my internet start up company. That would have provided cheap Internet cable modem access to the schools but now the schools will be forced to go to cheap contractors for there internet needs\x94

Erica pauses in mid step as she is about to throw the third internet server in the room. \x93You know that makes sense\x85 But I have to kill you now kay?\x94 Erica slams the server into Michael hard instead of throwing it thus not allowing him to leap out of the way of it.

Michael due to the small confines of the basement is pinned under the huge machine-playing possum for the time being. \x93Mike!\x94 Erica looks at ZigZag \x93Hmm how do I kill you?\x94 Erica picks up a spear from its display on the wall.

\x94A human kabob is in order!\x94 ZigZag picks up a musket on the wall making Erica laugh. \x93Oh yea like my brother is stupid enough to keep it loaded!\x94 ZigZag smirks and takes aim. \x93You haven\x92t been around your older brother a lot recently have you?\x94 \x93Oh dear\x94

ZigZag fires striking Erica in the side of her neck blood spewing all over the computers not in the hidden computer room. \x93OH MAN NOT MY AMIGAS!!! NOOOOO\x94 Michael tosses the server off of himself and runs over and presses his hand over his sisters neck wound as ZigZag searches for a better weapon.

\x94Move away from her so I can ventilate her!\x94 Michael looks at ZigZag \x93NO I love my little sister!\x94 Michael turns back and as soon as he does Erica wraps her fingers around his neck choking him. \x93Hey\x85 Sis\x85 no fair\x94 Erica stands her neck fully healed scar vanishing as she speaks.

\x94Foolish brother! I will destroy you!\x94 \x93Why would you do a fool thing like that?\x94 Erica looks up and is yanked off her feet by Eric who is clinging to the ceiling with his feet claws while using his right hand to yank Erica off her feet and his left to slam a fist into her jaw.

\x94Don\x92t make me hit you again!\x94 Erica slashes Eric\x92s face making him let go. ZigZag breaks a bat over her head. Erica stunned for only a moment coldly turns to ZigZag. \x93Your such a weakling!\x94 ZigZag slams her knee into Erica\x92s stomach \x93Ha I barely felt that!\x94

ZigZag picks up a crowbar made of titanium Michael ordered out of a catalogue. \x93OKAY OKAY I give up Sheesh\x94 Erica says backing away


Eric calms down enough and shifts back to normal and looks at his jump suit. \x93We should invest in costumes or something\x85 I run out of jogging clothing more this way\x85\x94
Michael laughs \x93I thought you didn\x92t want this turning into a costumed slugfest\x85 We found our sister and im sure we can keep her safe!\x94 Eric smirks \x93Don\x92t you mean keep us safe from her?\x94


ZigZag ties up Erica after injecting her with a tranquilizer that makes her change back. \x93You do realize with that fake at one X studios keeping Erica safe may be harder than we thought previously\x94 Michael sits down on a busted Server \x93Ill call that cleaner that doesn\x92t ask questions about blood that you use ZZ im sure she will be glad to clean this place up\x94

\x94No heavy lifting just cleaning of rugs carpet windows things like that\x94 Michael snaps his fingers while Eric and ZigZag laugh at his laziness.

Few days later


Chris sighs \x93Sabrina I am telling you a were-human saved me!\x94 Sabrina yawns, \x93You have been watching too many movies\x85 I wonder what happened to your kidnappers though?\x94

Sabrina is at home in her apartment Amy is out for the evening \x93SO your gossipy friend isn\x92t here I see\x94 Sabrina nods \x93Yea she went out to get something to eat\x85 Enough about that lets talk about you! Are you sure your okay?\x94

Chris shudders \x93Yes I am fine\x85 I am absolutely fine\x94 Sabrina doesn\x92t buy it \x93Come on! I KNOW your hiding something!\x94 Chris sighs \x93That human thing scratched me and late at night I get this feeling that I am about to change into something not human\x94

Sabrina laughs \x93Your such a kidder\x94 Chris smiles and hides his scratched arm behind his back \x93Oh yea I have the best jokes did you hear the one\x92s about the Amiga\x85 Why are you holding that bat like that? Sab? Sabby? Sabrina!!\x94

Days later


Anthony walks back and forth in front of a very large window of a boardroom thinking of ways he could really hurt his enemies more precisely Eric.

\x94What cleaver plot could I use to slash my enemies while also knifing ZigZag\x92s profits in half?\x94 Anthony looks at his board of directors. \x93Sir we should concentrate on our other operations! Word on the street is designer drugs are back and we need to get in on it! And your puns are never funny sir\x94

Anthony sits down \x93You think so? I really should kill you now for telling me the OBVIOUS!\x94 The board member slouches in his seat, as the others look around nervous

\x94I know! Lets say that the offshore labs are sending a test shipment of the formula for a study of the effects on average people\x94 A lackey speaks \x93Why do that? I mean we are not even out of the testing phase for the variant formula\x85\x94

Anthony frowns and slams his fists on the glass meeting table shattering it \x93Just spread rumors! Besides plan A, as you know involves us targeting young furs. College types. Their attitudes about sex will make them the perfect targets still\x85 But what I have in mind is a trap plain and simple\x94 \x93For who?\x94

\x94For Eric\x85 Rumor on the street is a test subject from a government lab escaped fitting our clone\x92s description\x85 I want extra guards on her and I want someone to break into Eric\x92s house\x94 \x93Sir that place\x85 It frightens the men\x94 \x93More than I do?\x94 \x93No SIR!\x94


Later that day

Erica walks along side of Eric and Michael. ZigZag is off running her studio as always but Angela managed to tag along somehow. \x93How did you get away from work again?\x94 Eric asks smirking as Angela guides him by holding his hand while his other hand holds his cane.

\x94I told ZigZag that I was going to confess my feelings about someone to their face\x94 Eric frowns and looks down \x93Oh\x85 Well whoever they are they are lucky\x94 Angela kisses Eric on the lips. Eric so shocked relaxes and drops his cane and takes Angela into his arms

Michael and Erica stare, as do passers-by on the street, as the two kiss \x93Shouldn\x92t they take a breath Mikey?\x94 \x93Erica its another secret of kissing that I haven\x92t mastered breath control\x94

End of Chapter Five