Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes




Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner Michael Taillong and Eric Taillong are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. ZigZag is copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and is also used with permission.


This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 8


Moving ahead

James holds his still smoking gun and blows the wafting smoke from its barrel away with a quick breath. “Open your eyes Michael I didn’t harm you… Yet” Michael opens his eyes and exhales sharply.

”WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?” Michael hoists James up by his neck and growls.

”Just keeping you on your toes… Besides Eric called me here and said to do something to alert you to my presence when I arrived. He never said what now did he?” Michael narrows his eyes.

”He never said blow a hole in the ROOF Im sure!” Michael puts James down as Eric walks into the living room tapping along with his cane. Finding his seat he sits. Michael taps his foot. “Why is he here little brother?”

Eric knew Michael only called him that when he was in trouble with him. “No reason just so he can explain what he did to Erica and why he is under Anthony’s thumb”

”WHAT? James is at Eric’s house? Grrrr that traitor! He’s going to open his mouth! Tell the huntress to kill James!” Erica walks into Anthony’s office as he rants into his cell phone wearing a silk blouse and black lipstick.

”Now why do that? As you know she’s a hunter of humans… We just altered our perception of Eric and Michael for a moment when we lied to her about their condition and said they were humans that posed as Fur’s. Now you and me both know that Eric and Michael were born as Fur’s and gained there ability’s like myself thorough indulgence of a need to cool off in a creek… Which happened to be contaminated with something you stole”


Anthony frowns “So we can tell a tale about James and get his head blown off also!” Erica sits on Anthony’s desk and lazily swings her tail to and fro.


“Love you should consider that James is just going to tell a story… About me and him and our past… That is most likely going to be the truth” Erica throws a pen and it strikes a picture on the wall of Anthony in its chest area. Anthony hugs Erica from behind.

”Just remember… I want ZigZag dead before James finishes his speech. I have decided he needs to be punished… And if you fail… Well ill let it slide this time but… Don’t do it again” Erica shrugs Anthony off and retrieves her pen.

”I wont she is as good as dead. But why kill her now? Why not play the game longer and see if she can recover?” Anthony sits and clasps his hands together and smiles

”Oh the game is not over… Not for a while… The first season isn’t even over for this soap opera… Just make sure to make her death bloody… I want to see the sorrow on James face when he reports in tomorrow” Erica smiles and walks over and kisses Anthony on the lips then walks out with a smirk on her face.

Anthony relaxes and turns on his computer “Now to go over this weeks earnings”

Michael stomps his foot and slams his fist into the arm rest of the chair he rests in.

”WHAT? You made our sister into a killer? James… There are only so many things a man can forgive a person for… Just so you know… As soon as I feel ready im going to eat your heart for this… And I wont be Human when I do it!”


James leans over towards Eric “He’s been playing too many video games lately since the studio blew up right?” Eric holds his head in his hands and sighs.

”How could you tell?” James smiles

”That line is so over dramatized it has to be from an RPG” Michael frowns

”Yea so what? It’s a game about some young kids who… Never mind! Just why the hell did you just flat out tell us that Erica is seeing Anthony! He’s a loser he’s a jerk! He’s…”

”In love with your sister” Eric gulps as Michael gags then runs to the bathroom. Soon loud vomiting is heard. James sits calmly sipping from a mug handed to him filled with water.

”So what do you want to know now?” Eric takes off his glasses and smiles

”Is it okay if I… Probe your thoughts?” James looks away

”Try it but the implants make probes impossible… Your sister… Is the one who made them”

”I see… So she is about as smart as I am or smarter?” James closes his eyes

”We don’t know though Michael is about as smart as you are or smarter… But with the way he acts…” Michael walks back in chewing on a breath mint and holding a book.

”Hey want to see my collection of spy photos? I have pictures of every spy in your boss’s organization and a new one of that Barry guy who follows you James!” James spits out his drink.

”See what I mean Eric? Your brother is so… So… Annoying!” Eric laughs along with Michael

”James I am fine I just act this way for the shock effect and attention and now that I have yours… Yes your being tailed all the time. Anthony knows you’re here so all is well. He won’t have you killed but that doesn’t mean I wont kill you… James… Do you love ZigZag?”

James eyes seem to pierce Eric’s “More than you will ever know… I know in the past I screwed up your lives… But I hope you can put that behind you… I can’t stop working for Anthony he has… Too much info on me and my former operations” Eric rubs his left temple and looks at Michael who nods.

”As an assassin you killed a lot of people right? Anthony knows and is using it against you?”

”That is not common knowledge but yes I have been hired as an assassin on more than one occasion… Your sister was different”

”In what way James?” Michael asks as he clenches his fists tightly “Well because she… Was originally supposed to be just a guinea pig… For use in horrific experiments… All the info you have gathered is false… ZigZag told me most of what you tell her and I must say you guys are totally lost”

Eric smiles and thinks, “Yea that’s what you think but we know how you killed your team to protect Erica which was hired by a corporation to capture our sister and turn her over for experimentation and that corporation was owned by my parents”


Michael frowns “I told you the internet sucks!” James chuckles

”How’s your ISP doing Michael? Still providing cheap Internet service? Ha ha ha ha” Michael hangs his head.

”Erica told you right?” James nods “You know… Now that I think about it we should really stop telling ZigZag some of the things we know right Eric?” Eric yawns and taps his now collapsed cane on his lap.

”No… We got the information we wanted now we have to find out if… Ugh” Eric drops his cane. James stands and moves to his side.

”What is it? I know that look! Erica gets it when something bad is about to happen to someone she knows! TELL ME! Is it ZZ? Answer me!!!” Eric nods weakly

James draws his handgun and switches the cartridge full of regular rounds for one filled with Teflon coated bullets. “Erica…. I’ll show her!” James races off after opening the front door. Leaping into his car he speeds off.


Michael grabs his coat and tosses Eric his. “We don’t want to have to kill her… I just hope your shock stick is more effective this time around… Plus we have to watch out for that crazy hunter chick… Are you sure you probed her mind when you were shot? Im sure you could have made a mistake after all who is that crazy!?”

Eric looks at Mike who looks down “Oh right Anthony is… Oh well let’s get a move on!” Michael is about to step in front of the door when.

“STOP!” Eric knocks his brother out of the way and steps behind the door as a bullet embeds it’s self into the ground where Michael was standing. “It’s her! She’s here… And I don’t think she intends to stop till we are dead this time…”


Sitting on a roof of a house across from Eric and his brother’s place the huntress sits holding her advanced piece of sharp shooting equipment in her arms.

”Come on out kitty I wont hurt you too badly I intend for you to tell me where the others are. Your kind is and has always been worthless” She says softly to herself.


Eric reaches into his pocket as he hears his cell phone ring. “Hello? This is a really bad time!” Eric nearly drops the phone as he hears his attackers voice.

”Hello young one… You have no choice but to surrender to me completely and utterly!” Eric growls


“Listen I have no intention of doing such a fool thing! If you were so big and bad Ma’am you would shoot us through the walls of our house! But you find you can’t can you? No of course not due to the fact the walls of our house are lined with lead plating and your scope can’t see through the stuff!”

A bullet hole appears above Eric’s head “ERIC! Are you okay?” Michael peaks out from behind the kitchen counter.

Eric gulps “Yes I am fine…” Putting the cell phone back to his ear Eric listens

”As you can see I don’t need the scope… I have some powers of my own… A natural ability to hunt your kind… With my mind!”

”Did you say you hunt with your mind?” The huntress smiles holding a still smoking rifle with her right hand as she speaks into a head set.

”Impressed? You must be you humans always thinking your better than use fur’s… Your kind was nearly wiped out by my ancestors… Well im just here to finish the job!”

Eric chuckles and Michael calls out “Eric are you okay? So what if she has us over a barrel in the prison yard! So what if she tosses our salad! We will use some salve and recover!”


Eric laughs at his brother “No im fine and you should really stop watching Roz… That show has you talking funny… No offense” Michael chuckles

”It was a joke! And do you have a plan lil bro?” Eric tosses the phone in his hand over the counter and hits Michael in the head with it.

”Talk to her I have an idea” Eric sits down behind the still open door and closes his eyes in deep concentration. “I have never tried to do this… To any living being but… I have no choice! ZZ is in danger and it is my fault… I hope James realizes that he cannot keep working for that monster… Not anymore”


Eric clears his mind of his thoughts of his friends and focuses on the being with murderous intentions on the roof across the street.


“So are you new to the killing of my kind?” The huntress smiles lining up a kill shot using her sixth sense to target the back of Michael’s head.

”No… In fact I took out a whole family up in Washington State last month… I know you heard about that one didn’t you?” Michael shudders’ remembering they found a family of wolves with there heads cut off and there body’s burned.

”Yes I heard of that sooo what do you do in your spare time?”

”Killing you is what I do in my spare time… You sound like any average male fur… Which is to say you’re a hormone driven idiot. But I know you’re a human in disguise… Enjoy your death I know I will”


Michael holds his breath when suddenly he hears a scream through the phone. “GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!” Eric sweats as he jams the huntress’s senses.

”Michael warm up the car and get ready to peel out!” Michael stands then realizes

”I heard that in my head! You… You’re in control of your mind powers? Cool! You go bro!” Eric weakly smiles and clenches his teeth as the huntress fights back.

”Oh your good” She sends “But I am… BETTER!” Eric hisses as the memories come back of his sisters kidnapping and how he was torn from his comfortable life.

”I was selfish back then… I was wrong… But reminding me just… Makes me remember… Who I have pulling for me NOW!” Eric falls onto his stomach as the huntress breathes hard and grasps an AK-47.

Michael hops out of the car knowing his brother needs him and grabs Eric. “Look man you just hang in there ill make sure we don’t… Why isn’t she shooting?”

Eric smiles as he walks slowly to the other side of the car with his brothers help and gets in. “She can’t see us… Sure she can see the car door opening and what such but I made it so she can’t see us only feel us… She won’t risk using such a loud weapon in this neighborhood unless she was sure she was going to hit us”

Michael and Eric wave to some people who jog by as Michael backs up and drives off “After all she is supposedly a savior of our kind… In her mind…” Eric passes out and Michael shakes him with one hand then realizes.

”He’s asleep… I just hope ZigZag isn’t sleeping… Forever”

James is slammed into the side of his car as Erica in a black cat suit fully transformed races at him hair flying behind her wildly. James points his gun at her and fires three times.

Erica stops and laughs as the bullets pierce her flesh. “You think I am as weak as my brothers?” Erica growls as her wounds heal “You better hope that something else saves you!”


James looked around his surroundings and realized his mistake. “Tracking Erica to this dump was a bad idea… And ZigZag is nowhere in sight… Shit she is going to kill her if I can’t keep ZigZag from her!” James finishes his thoughts as Erica slams her knee into his muzzle.

Erica grabs James and slams him head first through the passenger windshield. “Your soo lucky! I mean having such a beautiful target and falling for her even after what you know of her past… You’re such a fool James and your going to die for it! Then I will kill ZigZag if I can find her before she bleeds to death…” Erica pulls James out of the window.

“Leave… Her alone!” Erica runs a claw under James bleeding muzzle and laughs in his face “Had enough?” James still holding his gun presses it to Erica’s stomach and fires four times. Erica falls back then slowly gets up.

”I told you that wont work!” James pulls out a small remote “The last rounds in the gun were not normal bullets… In fact they are the very same stun bullets you invented while under my tutelage!” Erica leaps at James as he hits a switch.

Erica slams into James knocking the remote out of his hand then falls to the ground twitching. “I estimate that you will need half an hour to properly work the bullets out of your system…” James runs off looking for ZigZag as Erica yells after him.

“Your… So dead… When I get up…”



Michael pulls up later as Eric rolls up his window after pulling his head back into the car. “I told you I could sniff them out! It’s the same way I tracked down Jazz after he stepped on me… ERICA!” Eric and Mike slam the car doors and race over to their sister.

Michael looks at his sister “She’s been here for a while… She’s not dead just really really hurt… Looks like those stun bullets I heard about… Wow I estimate the voltage was enough to kill someone… But I guess she can take a licking and keep on ticking!”

Michael pulls out a needle and injects Erica with it. “What’s that Mike?”

”A little something to keep her out of it for a few more moments… Normally it would not effect any of us but when injured our body’s center their efforts on healing not purification” Eric blinks

”The sun is setting… And we have no idea where ZigZag could be!” Michael kneels near a spot of blood on the dirty gravel covered ground and dips two fingers into it and sniffs.

”This is ZigZag’s blood… She’s hurt and scared… I can smell it in her blood” Eric looks at his twin.


“She… She… Oh my god!” Michael puts his hand on Eric’s shoulder.

”Pull yourself together man! We have to find her and make sure she is still alive!”



Hour’s earlier

”But James… Don’t go… I don’t care about your past… You’re the one I love!” James hugs ZigZag and smiles


“Don’t worry stripes ill be back soon enough just be sure to watch out for yourself while I am gone” ZigZag flashes her teeth with a smile

”What? Do I look like I cannot take care of myself? Just go and talk to Eric… He needs closure about his sister… And you need to tell him about her being involved with Anthony” James kisses ZigZag and then leaves her house.

ZigZag sighs and decides to use the weight room she had put in her basement recently. “I am going to show those two idiots I am not useless! I can help I am sure of it!”

ZigZag enters her bedroom to change as Erica slips in through her bathroom window.

As ZigZag slides her shirt off and puts on her exercise gear Erica slams her bedroom door shut. “What a surprise! This isn’t my house…” ZigZag looks at Erica with fear in her eyes thinking.

”Last time she was only playing… I have no idea how skilled she is… And she’s trained I’m not! Now I wish I hadn’t complained to Eric about being out of the action!” Erica leaps on ZigZag.

ZigZag having height advantage over Erica by a few inches flings her off of her but not before Erica slashes her exposed stomach. Leaping up ZigZag runs to her room’s door and opens it and slams it shut behind her after she exits and stands to the side of it.

Erica explodes through the door and gets her nose bashed in by a quick punch from ZigZag. ZigZag then kicks Erica knocking her down while she is stunned from the blow to her face.
ZigZag runs into her living room as Erica stands walks calmly after her.

”ZigZag come on stop for a moment and let’s play… I wont hurt you… Much” ZigZag holds a bat.

”Yea but I can’t say the same for myself!” ZigZag swings at Erica’s head and Erica let’s the bat hit her. Blood fly’s from Erica’s cheek mouth as her head turns from the impact.

Erica smiles and wipes her lips.


“Mmm that was a nice little attempt at hurting me but…” Erica slams the cuff of her hand into ZigZag’s forehead stunning her long enough for Erica to snatch the bat and use it to sweep ZigZag off her feet. Erica then leaps on ZigZag again.

”Bitch… Get… OFF!” ZigZag claws at Erica’s face leaving three thin lines of red. Erica hisses and bite’s ZigZag’s hand. ZigZag claws at Erica’s face making her let go of her hand.

On her feet again ZigZag dives at the couch and reaches under its cushions for her hidden weapon. Erica stands and cracks her neck. “Do I look like a dog to you? That was uncalled for… Course calling me a name shows how mature you are” ZigZag stands with a gun in hand.

”You can call yourself anything you want but you need to get out of my house” ZigZag says in a surprisingly calm voice as she click’s the safety off on the gun. ZigZag then points the weapon at Erica’s forehead. “Before your head is covering most of the wall!” Erica giggles for a moment making ZigZag narrow her eyes.


 Erica then laughs and stops suddenly as a deep grows starts to emit from ZigZag
”You actually think that shooting me in the head will stop me? Come on I dare you to!”

ZigZag cocks the gun and fires. Erica slides to the left then leaps on ZigZag avoiding the kill shot completely.

Grabbing the gun Erica effortlessly knocks the gun out of ZigZag’s hand and smiles licking her lips. ”Heh, heh, heh, your dead!”


ZigZag fights with Erica to grab her gun, which is just out of reach of the two combatants.” Why don’t you transform? Afraid you might not like what ya see?” Erica wraps her hands around ZigZag’s neck and slams her head against the ground hard stunning her.


“Now you die…” Erica grabs a knife from behind her back and prepares to slam it into ZZ’s abdomen. Suddenly ZigZag punches Erica in the jaw making her bite her tongue and fall on her back dropping the knife.


ZigZag scrambles to her feet and kicks Erica in the side “You sure have a one track mind!” ZigZag knows she should transform but feels that she should fight fair or run. She chooses the latter.

Erica sees ZigZag head for her front door and picks up a lamp and throws it at the door.
Shattering on contact the lamp distracts ZigZag making her jump back. Erica takes the opportunity presented to her and leaps knocking ZigZag head first into her front door with her hands.

”Well I guess now all I have to do is set up a trap for James or just kill you now ha!” Erica looks at the now unconscious ZigZag and smiles.

The Present

James cradles a unconscious ZigZag to him as he walks back to his car. “Sleep…” Eric and Michael run up to him out of breath from all the searching they did.

”What did you do to her!?” Michael gasps at the sight of ZigZag bloody and bleeding from wounds on her face and arms. Her clothing torn and soaked with blood and dried patches of it.

”Nothing now get out of my way… Unless you want some of what I gave your sister! You’re all not necessary… Your just monsters… And my poor ZZ got caught up in this cause of you Eric!”


Eric squeezes his cane with his hands “NO! You don’t understand… I can relate… Mike can relate… ZigZag will heal quickly and we will rebuild the studio then I will just.. Just leave… You can stay bro but im gone… This happened before… And it is time you all find out the truth about a chapter of me and my brothers life that is very painful”

Michael glances at Eric still worried about ZigZag as James looks at Eric “Explain later! Your sister is getting up!” Michael transforms and smirks

”Oh yea I just love fighting” Erica dusts off her suit and looks at Michael and he hides behind a junked car. “Yea I love fighting…. When I can win…” Erica laughs at Michael.

”Mikey you’re still a wimp… Hello Eric how are you?” Eric pushes his shades up on his face with a smirk.

”I am okay… But what you did to my friend… Is wrong…” Erica laughs and Michael comes out from behind the car growling then with a stomp of his left foot he begins to scream at Erica.

”Your… Twisted! James didn’t make you this way… No you became this way… He just provided the means you went overboard. James has changed! Why cant you!? You cause pain… Suffering… As of this moment I have no sister! Damn you!” James draws his weapon again and hands ZigZag to Michael who holds her as James aims his gun at Erica.

Eric puts away his cane and gets ready for a fight by tensing his body. “Sis… Your not going to let us leave without a fight are you? Especially after Mike disowned you or does Anthony own you now?” A cough is heard from behind the group.

”No I don’t own Erica but I owned James… Too bad he is now on the wrong side ha!” Anthony steps from out of the shadows behind Eric and company “It is time I end this and send you and your brother Eric to Krystal in heaven…” Eric transforms and un sheathes some wicked curved claws.

Michael and James glance at each other then at Anthony “Who is this Krystal your talking about?” Anthony laughs and then leaps and lands next to Erica and puts his left arm around her.


“Why your dead girlfriend Michael… Don’t you remember?” ZigZag opens an eye as everyone gasps. Eric looks away as Michael’s jaw drops


“MY WHAT? But I… All my old girlfriends are still alive…” Anthony and Erica laugh.

”Eric wiped out your memories of her… Your true love your only true love in this plane of existence… Too bad He, He, heh didn’t you Eric? Always trying to protect others… Tell him like you said you would”


Eric frowns “I will tell him but know this you cannot pass blame on me… I do what I do and I accept all the consequences! You will pay for corrupting my sister and tearing my family apart… You played a key role in this whole mess and it is high time you get what’s coming to you!”

Eric looks at Michael and sighs “A few years back… As you know we encountered Anthony or rather X before we came to where we are now… In the state of Dracsylvania… Named after the founder from colonial times who was a Dragon”


Michael looks at ZigZag and smiles seeing that her injuries are healing. “But… When we were on the run from government agencies of various countries until we got them off our case… You met and fell in love with a skunk girl named Krystal… You loved her and I looked up to her as big sister in a way… Anthony killed her… He killed anyone who came close to us on a personal level…”


Michael’s jaw drops “I don’t remember no one from our past by that name! All I remember is traveling… No wonder I always ask you about our past… You took it away from me!” Anthony smiles

”Yes he did quite a number on your brain… Regressed it and got rid of some of your killer tendencies… But you act like a young child at times… Quite amusing how Eric has lied to you for the past few years oh im sorry continue Eric”


James kept his weapon pointed at Erica and Anthony. Michael barely hangs onto ZigZag as his brother continues explaining his past actions.

“I am sorry but I did it because I love you man… You’re my only family” Erica shoots Eric a dirty look.  “Err my only family that doesn’t try to kill me or blow up my job site or try to murder a close friend… I don’t have any real excuse for wiping your memories of Krystal”


Eric smiles and glowers at Anthony “But I do have to say this… Anthony is the one who killed her and you should NOT try to kill him”


Michael helps ZigZag stand and keeps her stable as she smirks wobbling back and forth as she speaks “From what I hear… You have been fighting for a while. Haven’t you Anthony? You’re obsessed with the Taillong Family… Why? And what about Erica do you really love her?”

ZigZag stands on her own and stretches feeling better “You sent her to kill me… Why? Something tells me that you have never played with a full deck and im sure you need some sense beaten into your head!”


”Oh and im sure you’re the ones to do it! Erica!”
Anthony and Erica suddenly run in the opposite direction of each other and circle Eric and company running faster than James can aim. “Damn I can’t target anyone of them!”


“But I can!” A shot rings out and Anthony falls on his face as blood fly’s from his right leg. “ARUGH!” Erica stops and looks around.

”Who did that!?” A bullet that grazes her right temple hits Erica and she spins before hitting the ground holding her head.

Eric smiles “It’s that human hunter… Wait im still human! She’s going to shoot me! Oh crap!” Michael gulps

”So am I!” ZigZag frowns and James gives her a reassuring look asthe Huntress comes from behind a pile of junk. “I saw you both change… You were not born as Human’s correct?” Eric grabs his cane from his back pocket

”Your correct… So are you still going to kill us? Or try to kill us?” James switches cartridges and points his gun at the hunter.

”No you’re not human born… Those are the one’s I hunt… Your more of an evolutionary fluke if I ever saw one… A fur.. No fur’s who can turn into humans… If the world knew they would shun you… After all Humans are evil… I will leave now I know I have been tricked… Just make sure that you don’t socialize with those freaks” The huntress says pointing at Erica and Anthony who scramble to their feet


Eric smiles and looks at Michael who grabs his head “What did you do Eric?” Eric smiles

”You know you know”

Three days later

Eric, Angela, James and ZigZag sit in ZigZag’s living room talking. “So what your telling me is that your some kind of mutant?” Eric groans

”Generalizations like that are what keep me from publishing my report” ZigZag hugs James whispering into his ear as James smiles and asks,

”What report?” Eric holds Angela’s hand

”On humans… They are out there… And they are being exterminated where ever found… Some have evolved over the century to be able to hide being human by posing as furs. As you know from what I told you earlier we meaning us fur’s came about due to something big happening a long time ago… I have to stop her…”

Angela rests her head on Eric’s shoulder “Stop whom?” “Demoniqe… AKA the Huntress… I cant let her go on like this killing our cousins” James and ZigZag look at Eric funny and so does Angela.

”Okay since you’re too busy what with your hands being all over the place. Ill explain again later when your not so distracted you two” Eric grabs his cane and stands

”Let’s go Angela” Angela stands and leads Eric out the front door. James locks it behind them and smiles. “So want me to teach you some moves? I mean you did get beat up pretty badly… Course you have Eric to thank that you survived…”

ZigZag snorts and looks away frowning “It is his fault that I was in danger!” James sits next to ZigZag and sighs.

”You know very damn well that I am the one at fault… If only I had quit Anthony’s organization earlier… You would not have had to go through that… And I also was the one who trained Erica… Eric saved your life!”

ZigZag mutters, “How he do that?” James takes ZigZag’s face in his right hand and smiles as he turns her face to look at him.

”If you were normal you would not have survived your injuries or your fight with Erica… So Eric saved you… Even though he didn’t intend to… You know as well as I do that I owe him but we don’t have to let him know. Now do we?”


ZigZag kisses James and then hugs him “Thanks for coming to my rescue… Though I wonder… How did you move those cars off of me?”

”I didn’t I crawled in and dragged you out but lets forget that” ZigZag smiles and soon James is reaching over to turn out the lamp in the living room.


Eric stands next to the driver’s side door of Angela’s car talking to her

”Thanks for the ride home… I hope you can understand that I am just like you only… Stranger…” Angela smiles

”You have been though hell… So now you have to tell your brother about Krystal… This does explain why he was after Sabrina… Her being a skunk and all… Just be nice about it like you were with me”

Eric laughs and blushes

”Yea but you where hugging me as I told you and I am not going to hug Mike… Unless he starts to cry…” Angela giggles,

”Like you did?” Eric turns away still blushing “I don’t know what you’re talking about… I was sweating due to your close proximity… Your hot! He, he, heh” Angela pulls Eric down and kisses him then waves as she drives off calling out.

”Make sure you call me before you do anything drastic!” Eric waves then turns and taps his way to his front door.

Entering he finds it dark inside turning on a lamp he feels a note underneath it. Eric concentrating manages to use his power to read it. “Dear Eric I have left for a little trip… I don’t know what I will find but I have to see if she is out there… I got a flash of memory… You lied all right… She is still alive… Krystal was in a coma from Anthony’s attack… I know now that we left her in that hospital… No matter what… No matter how I will find her… Eric… Don’t come after me… Stay with Angela and tell her every day you love her. Just try to stay alive and also take care of our friends. For some reason now I feel that you unsealed some of my memories. I don’t know why but… Thanks. Thanks for giving me hope…”

Eric slumps into his chair and turns on the TV and thinks. He thinks about all the crazy events of the past year and how the future may turn out to be.

”Some way some how I hope you have the strength to accept the truth about Krystal… After all your both more alike now than ever…”


End of Chapter 8



Email me at with your comments and questions about the Workplace Relations Series. Or if you just want to flame me for my portrayal of ZigZag ^^0