Workplace Relations By Michael Barnes




Chris Foxx is owned and copyrighted \xA9 by Chris Yost. Amy Squirrel and Sabrina are copyrighted \xA9 to Eric W.Schwartz. James Sheppard is copyrighted \xA9 to James Bruner Michael Taillong and Eric Taillong are owned by me. Anthony Maximillion is copyrighted to his player Anthony Lanuza. ZigZag is copyrighted to Max BlackRabbit and is also used with permission.



This story has nothing to do with events in the Sabrina Online comic strip or those in The ZigZag story or Sabrina the story. Though some chapters or parts of it may seem that way. This is a work of fiction and I in no way have taken these characters without permission. Please note this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead (without permission) is just a coincidence.



Chapter 9


Shopping for a reason


Morning came slow for ZigZag. She had lain awake most of the night wondering about her friend’s safety. After Eric explained some things to her about how Anthony operates she found herself lucky to be alive.


With no cash flow things were looking bad for the studio. Some of the older cast of actors left and tried to find other work while most of the new arrivals stayed. ZigZag wondered if Eric was a good judge of character as she was when picking friends.

Those who had stayed definitely were friends. But for how long with no money and were those who stayed really friends? These were the things on ZigZag’s mind as she opened her eyes and looked in a mirror.

”Ugh my hair… My fur… Your hair and fur!” ZigZag looked at James who stood in front of the bathroom mirror brushing his teeth.

”Not funny… So how are your plans for the weekend? Oh and sorry about keeping you up all night with that game” ZigZag mumbled as she went to lie out her clothing for the day.

James came out of the bathroom wiping his muzzle clean of water after he finished brushing his teeth. “Okay… I take it that you’re upset about something?” ZigZag looked at James.

”Besides having fallen from grace and leading a unusual lifestyle… My life recently has gotten worse. No studio… Crazy friends… A plot to change the world that even I find hard to believe and a 19 year old that probably could make an Atom bomb out of spare car parts if he wanted, is in the middle of it… And I just happen to want to go shopping… Sound strange James?”


James smiled “No… Would you believe stranger things have happened to me?” ZigZag frowned at James “No it is true… Course I would have to kill you if I said anything about it to you… Just kidding! Don’t look at me like that!”

Meanwhile at the Taillong residence Eric is chatting with Angela about why he should continue playing his Dreamcast nonstop while she wants to enjoy the day with him.

”No I wont give up! I will not move from this spot until I beat this!” Angela yanks out the phone line and the game automatically begins to save.

”NOOOOOOO…. So… Close…. Oh well where do you want to go?” Angela smiles

”Well before I go to ZigZag’s house you should try to finish your search for Michael”
Eric’s face grows dark.

”Don’t mention him… I spent a night making calls and found he caught a bus to the middle of nowhere… From there his story will begin… Oops sorry I was thinking about that game I was playing… What did you want to know?”


Eric is hit in the face with a pillow “Just get dressed… Men and their games and to think neither has enough memory for the right things!” Eric smiles

”Yah but you cant get enough of lil ol me can ya?” Eric said with a wink

”UGH just meet me at the car!” Angela stalks out of the house and enters her car and slams the door shut.

Eric pauses for a moment and puts on his shades and reaches for his cane while wondering. “Should I just go without the cane? Nah too used to it” Eric runs after his girlfriend smiling.


Michael walks alongside a road holding out his paw hoping to catch a ride with someone so he can continue his search. A search that will undoubtedly lead him into danger that he is sure he can handle.


“Sigh guess ill have to hike it…” Michael walks faster hoping to reach the next town sooner than the last one. “I should have taken my car… But knowing me it would have gotten blown up somehow… Heh”


Walking more slowly Michael hears the distant roar of motorcycle engines from behind him. Turning he sniffs the air and then quickly sniffs again to be sure. “Humans! But… The scent is mixed with others… I’ll wait till they come by”


Walking with a tense stride Michael readies himself for a fight just incase. “Remember Eric’s rules of engagement. Run like mad when they’re about to whup your ass!” Michael laughs at the thought and memories from the past when he and Eric practiced that saying.


Suddenly the bikes speed by without even slowing down and Michael relaxes. “Whew just my mind going on me… But I could’ve sworn those scents I smelled were human… Gah nothing makes sense to my senses anymore! Perception is something that I am not good at”


Michael’s head slumps as it begins to rain. “And to think… It never rains until I am walking on the side of the road…”

”Okay girls who wants to max some credit cards out?” Lara yawns and flops back on ZigZag’s couch unenthusiastically. Sabrina sighs as the rest of the women just sit quietly.

”No one wants to do anything really… We are all out of work… And you’re so upbeat about it. I hate you” ZigZag sticks out her tongue playfully at Sabrina who smiles slightly. “Look it sounded fun at first but… We really are just not in the mood for shopping”

Eric knocks at the front door. “Who could that be?” Michele giggles and says. “Not a stripper I hope!” The women laugh and giggle as ZigZag answers the door.

”No just a half blind guy. Hello Eric what brings you here?” Eric taps his way into the living room and sits in an empty spot on the couch away from Angela who growls.

”Who brought you here Eric? I though I left you at the electronics store” “I took a cab… So I could drop off these… Just bring them back when you’re all done” Eric holds out four credit cards. ZigZag swoops in and tries to take one but Eric holds it firmly.

”These are for the ones who don’t have a fat bank account… So your out sorry Zig” ZigZag growls and Eric decides to let it go and is shocked to realize the other cards are gone just as fast.

”You’re serious? We can max out your cards?” Asks a very excited Sabrina while the others go over there mental shopping lists.

”Sure those are the kind that are pre paid… Mostly meant for collage students in lieu of the fact that they over spend on the wrong things. I have put two grand on each… Now I expect you to… Hello?”

Eric takes off his shades and looks around and sniffs. “Oh my god… They are gone! Shoot and just as I was about to tell them to get me something”


ZigZag sits in back seat of Laura’s mini van with Sabrina and Michele while Angela sits in the front passenger seat. “That was nice of your rich boyfriend Angela… Must be nice having someone to fall back on… Much like James has ZigZag…”

ZigZag inwardly says, “Told you so… Conflict will begin with Michele. Now to ease the oven to a lower temp” ZigZag smiles and looks at Michele saying. “We should all just be glad he did this… Besides he owes it to us! Right Sabrina?”

Sabrina stares out the window in deep thought as Michele begins to speak again. “Yea well your right… So Angela how is Eric in bed?” Angela spits out her gum.


“I wouldn’t know… I haven’t done anything like that… With Eric…”

Michele smiles wickedly “Yea I guess he wouldn’t know where to… Hey I was kidding!” Angela and everyone shoot Michele dirty looks and the former star of television backs down.

ZigZag sighs glad one crisis is averted and the girls and can now relax as she intended they do for the weekend. “Almost to that new Mall… Just think of it the stores the cute guys and the space!” Everyone agrees with Lara as she drives a little faster.

Soon enough the group arrives at the Mall and parks. “Now lets enter the Mall in style!” Sabrina shakes her head as ZigZag struts to the front doors and waits for the others who try to act like they don’t know her. “Loosen up girls!”

Sabrina decides to never go on a shopping trip again with ZigZag if she keeps this up. “I am probably blushing already… Shyness is such a pain”

ZigZag smiles at a group of guys. “Is it just me or is your fur pattern legendary?” ZigZag sighs and says “Well Sabrina there is that electronics store… Sure you want to go by yourself? I could play conscience for you and prevent you from spending like crazy”

”And your one to talk about spending! You drained that credit card you got from Eric in your first hour here! No way you’re spending my half of me and Laura’s card!” Lara and Sabrina had been voted to share a card since ZigZag swiped one of the cards intended for the other four ladies from Eric.

Since they had decided to split the money on the card equally, Sabrina let Lara use it first to buy beauty supplies. Now that Sabrina was in control of the card things were about to get hectic.

”Still I think you should… Hello?” ZigZag looked around and spotted a striped tail walking into a bookstore. “Nerds… Don’t quite understand them and never will” ZigZag commented as she walked off to find Michele and Angela.

Meanwhile Eric had tracked Anthony to the Mall in an attempt to find out what his plans were. “You bastard! You’re after Angela! I can feel it… Can’t let him see me! More importantly I can’t let him ruin the girls day! They all mean so much to me” Eric hopped out of a cab and ran behind a car parked in the Mall’s parking lot.

Anthony smiled and looked at his wife as they entered the Mall and the limo they were in pulled off. “Looks like I have been followed my dear Rachel” Rachel looked away


“So maybe he will be the one to kill me and end my torment. I hate you with all my heart!”

Anthony shrugged and smiled. “Hate that can be a strong word coming from a certain person but just to ease your worries he’s not here for you he’s here for her” Anthony spotted Angela her tail bobbing as she walked holding bags no doubt holding multiple items for herself.

Eric sprinted across the parking lot and slowed when he reached the Mall doors. “Just go in calmly and be sure to use the cane not your power…” He thought to himself as he extended his cane and entered the Mall with the help of a kind stranger who opened the door for him.

”Im done what about you guys?” Angela sat at a table in the food court that was occupied by Lara, Sabrina, ZigZag and Michele. “Hello Angela were exhausted… What with all the heavy bags we have to carry to the van” Sabrina said with a hint of exhaustion.

Lara looked at the bags everyone had and sighed. “Someone is going to have to hold there stuff in their lap on the ride back”

”Im willing to give anyone of you a thrilling ride” Everyone at the table froze and looked up at Anthony who was holding his wife’s hand in a possessive manner. “What is with those stares? Am I that desirable? Sorry im already taken… With Erica”

Everyone seated nearly wets themselves as Anthony sat down after pulling up a chair for him and his wife. “Hello…” Rachel said as she looked down sullen and obviously upset. ZigZag thinking that this was it and that Anthony had men planted all around him, which he did to take her and her friend’s hostage or worse.

”Calm down im just enjoying my day or rather my weekend. Did you know that I spent last night talking with my wife? Ha most would think I am evil but ill let you know I am a kind person really. Just last week I offed… Err offered the minister of this church money to rebuild. At another location and he turned me down so I made sure his family was taken care of also when they found him gutted on the church steps the next day”

Angela felt faint after Eric and her had spent some more time together, he confided in her that Anthony had killed past friends and others just to keep Eric and Michael alone in there struggles to survive. “ANTHONY!”


Everyone looked at Eric who stood behind Anthony his shades off and his eyes wide with rage. “Start to get up and I will snap your neck… Try to summon your goons and you will find them sleeping…”

Anthony took a quick look around and found that his men were indeed “sleeping” their heads were face down on the tables they sat at. “You killed them? Didn’t think you had it in you Eric”

Eric growled, “Well things happen and they are not dead… Just in comas for a little while. Trust me they will wake up… When I feel like sending you the antidote to the toxin I coated my claws with”

Angela looked franticly from Lara to Michele. “We should go…” Eric looked at Angela and smiled his rage subsiding. “Go then I have to handle Anthony… Follow me and we will “Talk” things out”

Eric backed up and walked away slowly sliding his shades onto his face. “You got lucky girls… I had some fun planned for us all back at my mansion but things happen… Oh hello James well got to go kill Eric and all. Rachel be a dear and call Enrique at the compound to drive you home”


Rachel nodded as her husband kissed her softly then walked off after Eric. James meanwhile hugged ZigZag. “Eric called me… Don’t worry girls I’ll take you home. Even you Rachel”

”You sure that is wise James? My husband tried to kill your former target, besides he told me to call Enrique and that is what I will do” ZigZag smiles

”Your husband won’t be breathing much longer. Eric was angry… I have never seen him angry to a point at which even I fear for public safety” Rachel smiled

”He may yet free me… Though I do love Anthony… He wasn’t like this when he was in the military… He just changed so drastically after the incident” Everyone looks at Rachel as she walks away her tail dragging.

On the Mall rooftop Eric tosses his trick cane away and his glasses. “Time to fly kitty”
Eric looks at Anthony assessing his strengths and weaknesses.

”I won’t beat him with my transformation but he will try to beat me that way… I have to rely on what I read and trust in my skill and power as a living being… Man im so dead!”

Eric zips up his leather jacket and rubs his sweaty hands on his blue jeans. “You’re sweating already? Come now I haven’t even started to stomp the life out of you!”

Eric blinks then jumps back finding Anthony standing in front of him face to face, nose to nose the two now stare hate in there eyes. “Never close your eyes boy or you will never see the light of day again”


Eric takes a sharp breath and swings first. Anthony grabs his hand and snaps his wrist loudly. Eric winces in pain closing one eye then kicks Anthony in the crotch and back flips once to distance himself.

”Hehehehehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Anthony transforms unfazed from the kick Eric delivered. “If you thought I was toying with you your now sadly mistaken”

Eric flexes his good arm and promptly runs away from Anthony. “What!? You ran? I just broke your wrist! Aw the hell with it!” Anthony runs after Eric.

”Man I hate running but the only way I will win is with trickery and my secret weapon” Eric thinks to himself as he leaps over a large cooling unit for the Mall that Anthony simply knocks over as he runs after Eric.

”Now to stop playing and just drain him of his life… Slowly hehe” Anthony leaps in front of Eric and Eric ducks a claw slash aimed at his face and stabs Anthony in the stomach with a small knife coming out of the end of his reclaimed cane.

”Ow… You actually stabbed me and what’s more it went in…” Anthony slaps Eric away and yanks on the cane only to find it firmly hooked into his abdomen. “WHAT?!”

Eric pulls out a long cord extending from the cane to his hand and pulls out a taser and turns it on sparks flying between the two prongs. “You wouldn’t!”

Eric touches the active taser to the exposed cord end and leaps behind a wall leading to the stairs from the roof. “ARUGHHHH!” Anthony’s body is shrouded in smoke as the explosives loaded cane explodes.


Eric stands and looks into the smoke and gasps. Anthony stands there with a gaping hole in his midsection. “MY GOD YOU’RE STILL ALIVE! THIS IS SOME SCARY CRAP!”

Anthony looks at Eric and a sliver of blood runs from his lower lip and drips on the ground. “Your… Right… I think… I should be dead… But with … My last breath… I’ll kill you… Fool…” Anthony roars as he charges Eric and leaps at him.

Eric makes the biggest mistake of his life and looks behind him at the parking lot hundreds of feet below instead of leaping out of the way of the dying maniac. Anthony collides with Eric and the two go over the side of the roof…
Halfway across the world

”But I told you I am not a human!” a woman laughs “And im telling you if you don’t stop playing like that we will kill you… Mikey” Mike’s hood is pulled off and he gasps.

”Krystal! And… Some other people I don’t know… Okay the jokes over just untie me and let me off this plane that is incidentally over the middle of the Atlantic” Krystal and some of the other’s in the passenger section of the small jet laugh.

”You still have a sense of humor… That is good… So why didn’t you tell me you were really a Human in disguise like I was? It would have saved a lot of trouble and I wouldn’t have ran off… I still love you…”

Michael looks down “I couldn’t… I mean well it’s a long story… And I still have Eric to look after…” Krystal sits next to Michael and smiles. “Your brother is currently involved in a relationship with a female Raccoon named Angela… I guess he’s just playing his role right? Being involved with a place like Double Z studios! You think we wouldn’t find you?”

Michael blinks “Um you rent porn?” relaxing from his joke Michael smiles as Krystal looks surprised and blushes.

”So what is going to happen to me?” Krystal looks away smirking and Michael realizes. “When ZZ gets that look you know your in trouble why me?”


Michael suddenly feels a needle prick and passes out. “I was just going to draw blood… Same old Mikey”

Eric wakes up with bandages around his midsection and winces as he looks around with his powers and finds he cant use them. “You had a pretty bad fall…. You broke your back but now that I think about it that wont slow your recovery… You should be walking again in hours” Eric feels his face and realizes his glasses are gone.

”Who are you?” Erica sits on the cot Eric lays on and lays a hand on his leg. “Your sister idiot! You can’t smell err tell?”

Eric and Erica laugh then Eric grows serious. “Is Anthony… Well is he dead?” Erica digs her claws into Eric’s leg and he winces.

”No… Almost but he managed to change back… Amazing that he suffered terribly and doesn’t want you dead as of yet seeing as you’re the one who caused him pain… Isnt that right lover?”

Anthony walks into the room and closes a door behind him. “Yes… Smart but not enough explosives… You got a lucky break seeing as how you could have finished me off… Don’t you remember?”


Eric remembers how after they fell off the roof onto the ground he could have easily snapped Anthony’s neck or worse and made sure he died but didn’t and passed out.

”So I wont kill you… And to make things right… I have agreed to call off the hits I arranged on your friends for a year… That should give you time to rebuild while I set about ruining the world… Have a nice day”


Eric sighs as Anthony leaves. Erica hugs Eric and purrs. “Just you wait! I am sure you will do just fine as a writer and janitor again… Hehe Hehehe” Erica leaves Eric alone and soon Eric falls asleep.


“ERIC!” Angela cries her eyes out as James tries to calm her down. “He is just sleeping! Let him be!” Eric opens an eye then opens the other blinking he only sees what he normally does… Blotches of black here and their and some light.

”Angela? Calm down… I think I just had a crazy dream… “ Angela sniffs then hugs Eric tightly forgetting his wounds and cries into his chest. “Love hurts” ZigZag kicks James for his weak joke as Eric tries to keep from screaming by biting his tongue.


After hugging Eric and sobbing Angela lets go and sits on the couch Eric is laying on at his feet. Eric thinks of the similar position of Erica in his dream but says nothing. “So… When do you start to move into the new studio location?”

ZigZag said nothing “How could you know? I haven’t told anyone yet that I found a place” Eric smiles

”Let’s just say I heard from a good source that the next year will be okay”


Meanwhile Michael hikes up the side of a mountain trail in central Asia while having guns trained on him. “You don’t have to point those at me! Like I can run!” Michael was right he was led by a rope tied to his hands that was connected to Krystal’s belt.

”Don’t worry when we arrive home you can tell us why your DNA is so unusual… I need to use the equipment in the home land to prove the test results from the blood test on the plane are wrong about you Michael” Michael knew he was in trouble as he thought of his fond memories of working at the studio.

”Oh what I wouldn’t give to be back at the studio… Ah the fun the laughs… The time I stole a kiss from Sabrina… The good ol days are gone!” Sabrina suddenly looks up and shudders.

”What’s wrong?” Chris asks as Sabrina sticks out her tongue and scrunches up her face.

”Something reminded me of the time Eric’s brother kissed me… Ewww”


Krystal sighs “I hope we are wrong about you Michael or your going to die…” Mike’s eyes grow wide. “Damn it now I really wish I was back at the studio!”


The next day

Eric looks at Angela and frowns “ZigZag is on my back about those scripts I have… Ugh I hate myself but I guess I have to just relax and give them over… Why do I do these things to myself?”

”You like to torment yourself? Or your just like your older brother as far as being a guy” Eric dropped his cane.

”No… Michael is the kind of person who could do a lot but because of my tampering I messed him up… That is it! From this moment on I am an average person!” Eric focused then felt himself slipping away the deed done.

Angela shrugged and walked away to start breakfast thinking nothing of what her unusual boyfriend said. Eric sat in a chair and started to smile.

”With my power sealed away… I can’t hurt anyone and maybe I can try doing what I did before… Back in the old day’s”

Angela came out of the kitchen with a plate of scrambled eggs and a piece of toast and sat it in front of Eric. Reaching for the fork Eric missed and ended up with his finger tips in his food.

”Eric you… Never did that before? What’s wrong your powers on the fritz?” Eric said nothing.

”Don’t help me I can learn to live without them… I think” Angela gasped “What about Anthony and them! You can’t protect yourself without your abilities!”

Eric smiled as he found the fork and started to eat. “Forget them… And all the other troublemakers in my life… I can start over again somewhat… Maybe what Erica did was a blessing… Just relax and drive me to the new lot when I am done… I have work to do”


Eric stands having finished his meal and walks to the bedroom. Returning he holds a floppy disk in one hand and his cane in the other while a jumpsuit is under his left arm.

”This time… I clean cause I want to! Plus im short on petty cash since you girls spent it all!” Angela smiles and shares a laugh with Eric who trips over his tail and bashes his nose on the floor.

”Owww medic!” Angela giggles,

”Some things never change now do they?”

End of Chapter 9


As always email me at with comments and questions.