"Ball!" - Edouard Kock "I didn't take it, I swear! OW! Stoppit!", Bromus yelps. Drask continues twisting the weredragon's arm. "C'mon. I know you took it. You were the only one who knew where I put it. Give it back!", Drask yells. From seemingly out of nowhere, Ed throws a fit. "Oh in the name of the dark lord, what the hell are you two going on about?!?". In an attempt to drive off boredom, Ed had fallen asleep on the beanbag in the middle of the livingroom, but his endeavor was cut short by the yells of Drask and Bromus. Mkima suddenly appeared out of nowhere and walked over to a corner to oversee the events that might follow. Ed wasn't sure if it was what he said that brough the dem-cah dracon here, or Mkima's own morbid fascination with anger. Or both. "Right. Drask, let go of Bromus's arm. NOW!", Ed yells, suffering to get out of the beanbag. "Awww, but Ed...", Drask protests, letting go of Bromus, who bounds over to hide behind Ed who is still rocking back and fourth in the beanbag, trying to get out. "No buts, Drask. Now, explain to me what all this bloody commotion is all about?". Bromus starts to erf from behind Ed, "Drask says I took his ball that he was hiding under your bed inside the box that you usually keep stuff in that you never use cause he didn't want you to find it because he stole it from the dog that lives down the street that always barks at Drask but Drask liked the ball that the dog had because it had pretty colours so he stole it and hid it but I saw where he hid it and now he thinks I took it but I didn't I don't steal I never have right?". Ed, taken back by Bromus's ability to say all of that in one breath, sits. He had given up his attempt to free himself from the rather comfortable grasp of the beanbag. Drask, either stunned by the same reason as Ed, or by Bromus's confession of his misdeed, just stands there. And in yet another paranormal event, Mkima smiles. At what, Ed will never know. "Okay, okay. Hang on a sec. Drask? You stole the ball from the dog down the street?", Ed enquires, holding his hand over his eyes. Drask whimpers a little, then confesses. "But it was such a nice ball, it did have pretty colours, and the dog did bark at me and was really mean...". Ed lets out what could best be described as a blend of a snigger and a gaffaw. Bromus gives an inquisitive 'erf', cocking his head to one side. "Right, and you hid it under my bed, and Bromus saw you. Bromus, did you take his ball?", Ed asks. "No, I didn't.", Bromus protests. "Okay, right. Now the question is, who did?". In an almost omnipotent response to that question, a sudden loud 'thud' sounds from beyond the door leading to the patio outside. "Mkima, do me a favor and see if that was my sanity committing suicide.", Ed mutters. Mkima, continuing his paranormal event, slowly walks over to the door and opens it. "No, Ed. Im afraid it is only Miktar and Sulpher playing with a rather pretty looking ball that might belong to the dog down the street that Drask says acted mean towards him so he took...", Mkima was unable to finish that sentance due to the sudden relocation of a large weredragon and demon from inside the house, to outside. Still comfortably wedged into the beanbag, Ed lets out a soft sigh. "Forgot to get out of the way, Mkima?", Ed asks, restraining a smile. A soft 'ow' answers that question.