"Bedtalk" - Edouard Kock Ed switches off his computer, and the soft hum of the processor fan subsides. Yawning, he gets up and before leaving the room, switches off the light. Slowly stumbling into his room, he fumbles for the light switch. A soft click, followed by the room filling quickly with light. A loud groan suddenly makes Ed realize that Miktar was already asleep. "Oh shit, sorry Mik, I..", Ed stutters, feeling bad for having disturbed the dragon. "Nah, its okay Ed. I wasn't sleeping anyway. I was wondering when you would eventually come to bed. What kept you so long?", Miktar mutters, adjusting himself in Ed's bed, propping up a pillow and leaning against the headrest. Being only a single person bed, Miktar sometimes has a hard time not falling out. So does Ed. "I was playing Grand Theft Auto 2. Fun game. Sorry I took so long.", Ed says, getting into his sleeping gear. Softly cursing to himself, he mutters something about 'having to do laundry tomorrow'. Miktar smiles, and pulls the blanket to one side, waiting for Ed to get in under the covers. Switching off the light, Ed slowly makes his way through the dark towards the bed. A soft thud, and a "OW, FUCK!" from Ed, informs Miktar that Ed had found the bed eventually. "You okay?", the dragon asks the darkness. "Yeah, just give me a sec while I lie here and bleed to death.", Ed remarks sarcastically. Before Miktar can get up to see if Ed is okay, he feels a hand against his chest. "Im here, don't worry.", Ed chuckles, lying down on top of Miktar and then pulling the blanket over them both. Miktar lets out a soft sigh and puts his claws on Ed's lower back, rubbing lightly. Ed myrrs softly, Miktar's claws feeling like little strips of satin on his back. "We really need to get a bigger bed, Miktar.", Ed remarks inbetween his myrring. Miktar nods, but upon realizing that it -is- dark, he answers a soft "Yes, we should." "And if we did get a bigger bed, what would we gain out of it, Miktar? Besides not having to sleep on top of each other...", Ed asks wryly, pressing his chin against the dragon's chest. "Well, for one, our 'playing' would not result in one of us ending up on the cold floor while the other wonders why moans of joy have become moans of pain.", Miktar answers, chuckling lighty to himself. Ed smiles to himself, putting a hand to his leg. "Yeah, but what bugs me is why are you always the one wondering, and Im the always the one checking to see if the floor still exists...", he remarks, rubbing a bruise. "Well, you are always the one worrying about 'foundations', arn't you?", Miktar chuckles. The silence that follows makes the dragon realize that what he just said, might not have been such a great choice of words. "Ed?", the dragon asks, gently hugging the kid lying on his stomach. "Yeah?", Ed replies. "Im sorry...", Miktar apologizes, "...I didn't mean it that way...". Ed lets out a soft sigh and hugs the dragon back. "I know, Miktar. You don't need to apolagize. I guess I should eventually get over this whole Xander slash me thing, huh?", Ed remarks. Feeling a small droplet fall on his chest, Miktar gets confirmation on what he feels. Ed is still very upset about what happened. "Yes, little one. You should...", he tries to comfort. But he knows that words will not make Ed's hurt go away. "One day, Miktar, I will grow up and leave this behind. This... anger and confusion I have about it. I will forget about it, about what happened, about how it hurts to think about it. I will become older, and leave the past behind. One day... when I grow up...", Ed mutters softly. Feeling the steady breathing of Ed, Miktar realizes he had swiftly fallen asleep with that last sentence. "No, Ed...", Miktar thinks to himself, "... you have already grown up. Much faster than you should have..."