"Blueness" - Edouard Kock This was something that no sane dragon was expecting. Not even Mkima, who in relation to being 'sane', is to the left and up a little. Bromus was quiet. That alone should cause the world to worry. Sulpher frowned, as per usual when there is something she doesn't understand. She frowns a lot. Drask gave a soft 'erf'. He did this when, well, he does it a lot. Miktar was standing there, not saying anything, lower jaw rubbing against his toes. Ed gave the group, who had been lounging in the livingroom till his arrival, a strange and wry smile. "Okay, okay...," Ed waves his hands in the air, "... so I made a snap decision, and got blue streaks in my hair. Whats so wierd about that?". Everyone remained quiet. Bromus, in all his infinite wisdom, muttered "well nothing I guess, if you want to look like something out of that Anime movie 'All purpose cultural cat girl Nuku Nuku'..". Miktar closed his eyes and gritted his teeth (after the lenghtly process of closing his mouth), hoping that Ed wouldn't damage to much of the room. Nothing happened. Upon opening his eyes, he saw that Ed wasn't tearing the room apart, but was, in fact, smiling. Miktar was even more baffled by this, than the sudden colour change of bits of Ed's head warming fur. "Yeah, thats kinda what I was thinking. But I still don't feel like I can move really fast and then there will be this background of stripes.", Ed mutters while walking over to where Miktar is standing. "And what do you think, big guy?" he askes the dragon. "Its, erm...," Miktar's mind races as he trys to think of something to say, "...nice, Ed." This was not the ideal response, but it would have to do for now. "You're not just saying that because I have a tendency to bite you when Im angry, are you?", Ed remarks, leaning against the worried Dragon. "No...well...", Miktar sutters, looking towards the others for assistance. Mkima steps forward. "Ed, I've been doing some checks, and it appears that the increase of blue in your..ahem...fur, has caused a slight increase of Rak in your karma." Mkima mutters. "And thats a good thing, I presume?", Ed chuckles. Mkima nods and flops down on the beanbag. "Well then, if there are no objections, I shall start playing 'The Nomad Soul' on my pc.", Ed mutters, walking over to his pc. "Wait, Ed. Can we play Quake 3? I was practising on Bhellioms pc all day...", Sulpher remarks as she jumps up from the couch. "Errr, sure..", Ed mutters, starting Quake 3. He didn't know that Sulpher even liked pc games. He also didn't know, that he would lose 31 to -15 to her in that game.