"Cerberus" - Mkima Dracon Big. Nothing more to it. Just plain big. Kinda the size of a 747. A really big 747. Even to this day, his size surprises me. Adorable, but BIG! Cerberus strikes me as being a cross-breed between a Rottweiler, Saint Bernard and Wolfhound, with a little Terrier thrown in for effect. Only striking diffrence being, of course, his size. That and his two extra heads. Gets rather confusing sometimes talking to him. Each one engaging in it's own conversation with me. One is gentle and careing, Two is rude and can be a real asshole sometimes, and Three just listens most of the time. Interesting, to say the least. I usually talk to One when wake up in the morning, Two usually points out what I did wrong the day before. Three, well, just listens and nods at the occasional comment. I still don't know how Cerberus got the job, guarding the Gates that is. I never bothered to ask. Presuming I know already, he never told me either. I guess thats the kinda status one gets, when you run the Underworld. "Know-it-all". Well, partially true. That other guy, ran the place before me. What's his name again? Haden? Harry? Oh, never mind. I'll remember later. He probably knew. Well, he is gone now, so I can't really ask. Funny thing though. A REALLY big three-headed RottBernardWolfTerrierhound that guards the Gate. That's not the funny thing, though. What I find funny, is what could he be possible be guarding it against? Another REALLY big three-headed RottBernardWolfTerrierhound? Doubt that. It's not like people are rushing to get here either. I mean, this is Hell! Who wants to break into hell? Heaven? Doubt that too. They have their own problems trying to keep us out. Hehehe. Well, I guess Cerberus falls under the "celestial unknown" catagory, just like that Elvis guy. Man, what a weirdo. Nearly wreaked the whole "eternal balance" thing. Still don't know where he came from. Well, as the saying goes, "If you belive enough...."