"Christmas" - Ed Everyone was happy. Darkness covered the sky outside, a soft pit-pat of rain falls softly outside. Miktar and Ed were smiling, and handed each other small parcels wrapped in colourfull paper. Huddled in the small livingroom of the apartment, everyone handed each other presents. Drask and Sulpher giggled as they snuggled up on the couch, Drask slowly moving his claws down Sulphers leg, caressing softly. Bromus grinned as he walked up to Mkima, who in a strange paranormal event, smiled back. Ed let out a laugh of joy, not having seen Mkima show such emotion in a very long time. It was indeed, a merry Christmas. For once. Putting his attention on the dragon of his desire once more, Ed watched Miktar unwrap his present, which was a rather small parcel. Instead of conventional Christmas wrapping paper, Ed decided to go for a more rustic effect, and rather made his own wrapping paper, consisiting of brightly colourfull runes drawn with marker on brownish paper. Miktar liked this "non-conformity" so much, that he took care not to tear the paper. It would obviously go into the box of "good things" that Miktar and Ed kept safely tucked away under the bed, away from the questioning of mankind. Ed intently watched every move of the dragon, who made the unwrapping of the present seem like a gracefull event. Finally, Miktar let out a happy myrrr as he took out the gift. It took Ed a lot of thought, almost a year's worth, to figure out what he should get his faithfull dragon. Something that would last, that would mean something, but still remain within the budget of an unemployed graphics artist. Judgeing from the purrumble of the dragon, Ed smiled and gave a slight nod of agreement. He had indeed, found something. Sulpher, Mkima, Drask and Bromus peered from where they were sitting, curious to find out what is making the dragon happy. Miktar held up his gift for them to see, and everyone smiled. Thin, soft brown leather straps formed a circle, on the bottom hanged a small golden circle, the leather attached to it by going through a small hole at the top of the circle. Engraved on the face of the shiny, coin-like pendant, the word "Miktar" could clearly be seen. Ed stood up, and stood in front of Miktar, laying his hands on the dragons shoulders. Miktar kneeled, and turned the pendant around, revealing more words engraved on the back, in small letters, "Takul mi Surka". Miktar l ooked upwards, and Ed took the pendant slipping the leather straps over Miktars head. Looking back at Ed, Miktar brought his paw up, softly over Eds thigh, and then resting it on the side of Eds face. Still purring, Miktar moved forward and nuzzled the side of Eds face. Ed wrapped his arms around Miktar's neck and hugged him tight, closing his eyes. Sulpher nodded to Mkima and Drask, who nodded to Bromus. They quietly left the living room, retreating to Ed's room to continue the festivities. It was clear, that Miktar and Ed wanted to be alone. It was a merry Christmas. For once.