"Who gave them the right..." - Edouard Kock What is it about people thinking they can analyze someone else? Who in the hell gave them the right to claim intellectual superiority of a situation just because they think they have you figured out. I am not smart. Academically, I've always been at the bottom. I don't excel at anything. And although some people might think that Im good at something, that view is a little biased due to their lack of knowlage. Just because they don't know how to do it, they assume that it takes talent or effort. Its the old "magic" analogy. How did the people of centuries ago explain static electricity? The fact that a bit of cloth clung to their coats were attributed to magic or demons. But was it? Today's society doesn't think so. What defines "smart" or "stupid"? The old stereotypes of someone wearing glasses, using big words and generally being educated, being smart, and the neandrathalic dope who's only word is "duh", as stupid? Im starting to think that somewhere along the lines, we got them the wrong way around. I cannot convince anyone that Im stupid (except people who don't like me, they seem to be easy to convince.). But yet, I cannot seem to convince anyone that I am what you might call, intelligent. Then Im average, right? My outspoken friend informed me that there is NO average. Fine. Then what in the name of Drak am I? Mediocre? What defines me as a person, when it comes to guaging me against someone else? I know that someone would comment that its stupid to try and prove yourself better than someone else. But lets say that you had to prove yourself against someone else, to get a job. Naturally, you would prove you have better skills, right? Fine, but what if you don't have better skills? Are you an idiot then? Im not sure... "They are them, and you are you." Yes. Thats a rather obivious observation. But lets look a little deeper at it, as someone intended me to. (What ever happend to the day of just SAYING it, instead of hiding it in riddles and rhetoric?) You cannot change someone else, and they cannot change you. Well, actually thats bullshit. If you could not change someone else, then what do teachers do? What does school do? It doesn't educate, it changes. Or are they the same thing? Ah, who cares. All I know is, I was better off before I went to school. When I still had all my creativity and strength that is localized to kids. Some lamers might then argue that "Yeah, you fuckhead. You are just a stupid fag because you LET them change you!". Does anyone who goes to school have a choice? Yes. Go willingly, get forced, or get kicked out of the house. Which would you chose? (And don't bother mailing me saying "Yeh, I would rather get kicked out of the house than go to school!" or something fucked up like that. You know as well as I do, you wouldn't. Im not smart. Im not smart, and I HATE it when people try to convince me otherwise! Im HAPPY not being smart, but Im unhappy when people think that just because I think Im not smart, Im the one who is causing me not to be smart. Sure. Some people have been convinced that they could fly. The ground convinced them otherwise. Just because you think that you are something, doesn't ALWAYS mean that you will be. Sure, some people might eventaully believe themselves. But what if you are already right? What is there to believe, except the facts? Im tired of being told "you should stop saying how stupid you are". What is wrong with just wanting to be who I am, and make the most of it? I don't MIND being stupid. I can live my life the way I want to, even though Im not intelligent or educated. But no, some people try to make you more than you are, without realizing that they are totally wrong about you. I dunno where some people get their self-righteousness when it comes to trying to give someone else advice. I don't know of ANYONE who doesn't need some of his/her own advice. If you arn't even capable of helping yourself, who gave you the right to help someone else? Sigh. At least one good thing comes of ranting like this. It helps relieve tension. Im sure that a certain two people are very pissed off at me right now, for acting like a "self-righteous bastard". Ironic that its okay for some people to preach and pretend like the know everything just because they went to a good school, got taught interesting things like calculus and physics and geography and so fourth, but its not okay for me to speak whats on my mind. And I hate it when I DO speak my mind, because I believe that I should, and then get my thoughts analyzed by someone who doesn't have a CLUE what its like to be me! I don't anlalyze (I try not to, but its not easy) other people, because I myself don't want to be. And now I know that someone must be thinking right now that Im talking about him, but no, Im not JUST talking about you. Im talking about friends, parents, society. Is green the same colour for you, as it is for me? What IS green? For all I know, what I see as green, someone else sees as purple. And yet, we go through life not caring HOW other people see things, because our views are the ones that are true. What WE know, and see, is true. What I see when I look around, the things and people, is true. But to others, its not. I cannot change that. I accepted that a long time ago, after people started looking at me strangely, telling me that Im insane and stupid, or "have to much imagination." I take an example of a picture with random ink blotches on it. I look at it, and see a bunny. You look at it, and you might not see the bunny, you see a lion. Which one of us is right? I ponder the validity of what I see. How can I not? Is it natural for people to grow up, accepting the views of the people who educate you? Because your parents teach you from the day you are born, that a small feline fuzzy thing is a cat, IS it a cat? They learned it from their parents, and theirs from theirs. Where did it start? Did someone sit down and note "That, is a CAT!" and thus the education of the known world is born? I don't think so. What if you saw something, and asked your parents what it is, and your parents couldn't tell you? What then? I think that most people would just shrug and then ignore the thing that doesn't have a name. I think that I didn't. I stayed interested in that which my parents did not know. Or was it, they they did not see? Im not smart. But I never said that I don't understand things. Spending my entire life trying to understand things, much have left me lacking the skills to actually explain them to others, but I don't care. Or at least, not until someone thinks they understand me. "Who gave man the right to think he can understand another, when he himself is lacking knowlage about his own being?" - Ed