Parents - Edouard Kock I think about how many articles have been written about kids, and how screwed up we are. Our fashion trends, our need to be unique, but yet we all wear the same things. Our striving to be accepted into our groups of friends. The periods we go through, in which we are rebels, and generally "bad" kids. I think about how the first thing parents ask you, if they find out you have been stealing money, is "Do you do drugs?". About how they assume everything for the worst, and generally act like... parents. Parents always say "we know whats best for you". How could they? They are NOT us. They may give the age-old excuse "We were kids once too!", but so what? They were kids, 50 years ago. Times change. The world is a diffrent place every month, with new ideals and ethics in play. "The world is not much diffrent now than it was back then." What a load of crap. Of course it is different. When we complain about homework, they say they had more than we have today. But so what? There is a new idea every second, someone once said. If thats so, then don't we kids of today have a billion more things to know, to learn and to think about, than they did at their time? With every generation comes new morals and ideals, new things to try to understand, new cultures to get along with. Somewhere between "kid" and "parent", something goes horribly wrong. A person looses his ability to understand, to relate, to be able to see all sides of the story. Compassion, fades away into the obscurity of pride and responsability. But all the angst and the buildup of conflict aside, what is the burden which a parent must bear? A child is born, out of the pain and suffering of a mother. After the fire of anguish, she holds in her hand life, an entire life which must be lived. It is filled with choices, with pain, with love, with the myriad of emotions that play in the grand act of an entire life lived. When parents raise childern, they have the greatest task before them. To make sure, that what they have created, does not lead a wasted life. They do not want their creation to go to waste. So much so, that it may badly influence their choices that directly influence the life of that child. They sometimes forget that this child of "theirs", is a life, which has its own ideas and paths that it may wish to take. I choose. It is something that is granted to me, upon birth. It can be taken away, by authority, by parents, by myself. It has been taken away, several times, in my life. But the chances I had, where I could choose, and was allowed to do so, are the points in my life, where I steer it down the path I want it to take. Life, is a possession. It belongs to someone. My life, belongs to me. Nobody can tell me what to do with it. They do not have the right, no matter what laws are created, no matter what people say. But parents, having given you this gift, think that they, can also do with it what they please. They create rules, which they say are best for you. But in reality, they are nothing more than rules of comfort, created to make life easier for them, not for you. The wonderfull joy of creation that they once experienced, has degenerated into the burden of caring for something which should be independant. As much as a child wishes to be independant, there is a time in our lives where we cannot be. I had my first apartment of my own, at 17. I had just barely finished college, and was already out on my own. I finished highschool at 16, not due to intelligence or achivement, but due to sheer blind luck, fluke, and circumstance. This has caused a lot of unnessisary hassle in my life. I sometimes wish I had led a normal life. But I haven't. Part of my existance, is to adapt to the situation I am in. But parents make this kind of situation difficult. As I rant on about parents, what am I actually getting at? As I mentioned much earlier in my rant, there are so many books on Childern, Child psychology, How to raise childern, How to be a good parent, and so forth. But where are the books on How to be a good child, Parent psychology, How to manage parents and so fourth? Mabye Im bitter because of my own experiences with my parents. Mabye I don't know what its like, to be a parent, and as a result do not have all the information that would change my view of parents. I will never know what its like to be a parent, because I will never have childern of my own. I made a choice in my life, one of many, to never have childern. My reasons, are mine alone. I do not need to justify them. And as I sit here, with my contemplations about parents, I start to wonder. Did my parents, have thoughts like these? Did they also wonder about life, about the cycle of existance? Did they vow, never to become like their parents, to always stay the way they are? If so.... when did it change? Will I myself, go through the unavoidable ascent into the mindframe of what I consider the "parent"?