"Poetry" - Edouard Kock Its not an uncommon thing, or at least, not on Friday nights. Even though Ed has been accused of being 'peverted' and 'sick', he doesn't care. I loves the Friday Night Poetry Session. Or as it is known to those to lazy to say the full thing, 'EfNnngPee Es'. This paticular night, everyone was looking forward to Ed's 'usual metaphysical-deeper meaning-loosely based on his life' poetry. Drask was sprawled across the couch, Sulpher lying on top of him, her head on his chest. They always listened to the poetry like that. Mkima prefers the 'I'm-hiding-in-the-dark-corner-because-I'm-the-lord-of-hell' approach, and everyone promptly ignores him. Bromus is on the beanbag, somehow. The weredragon's ears perked and tuning in on Ed, who is standing in his usual spot, Miktar leaning against the wall slightly to the side of him. The entire world went quiet with anticipation. Or it could have been the 'Shut the hell up!' that Ed released a few seconds ago. It doesn't matter anymore, because once Ed starts, for some reason, everyone listens. Okay, so mabye the fact that he controls the food in the house has something to do with their undivided attention. Or that fact that he bites. Either of which, a -really- persuasive trait. Taking a deep breath, Ed starts reading from the paper in his hands. 'Die, all of you.... by Ed' 'This world or the other one to the left, No matter its the same nowhere or wherever. Not caring beyond what is important now, As long as your beliefs of fate are together. Sad anger at the stigma of those others, Bad joy at repressing the ideals of the few. Blind acceptance of your control you've given up, Bigotry ignorance of the life that might renew. How dare I choose to challenge it, Idiot thinking that there is better to see. Trying to explain how simple and sure, Your fate and life without reality be. Takul mi surka miac sur kor dracon, Bermai miac di sor shira dax timra. Ir sur kor dracon dea surka mi, Myar mi shira mi ora ak bina kira.' 'The end.' The apartment was quiet. It was either because everyone was -really- trying to see the meaning in that, or, they were -really- trying to see how to get out of giving comment on it. "What do you guys think?", Ed asks the myriad of expression stricken faces. Bromus has the gift of the universal way out, and mutters "Erf." Ed nods, and looks at Drask and Sulpher, who in turn look at each other. 'Help', is written as clear as a stain on your favorite shirt, across their faces. Drask cannot resist using a word he recently learned. "Groovy", he mutters. Sulper gives him a "We will argue about -that-, later," look and then looks at Ed and says, "Something to definatly think about." Before he had time to sink into the shadows, Mkima gets hit with a "And you, Dem-Cah?" If anyone could have seen his face under the hood of his robe, they would have seen the lord of all destruction and death and really mean things, whimper. Hell, damnation, death, war with the heavens and all that, he could handle. But Ed's poetry was another story. He leaps with faith (odd for him), "Ed, I think you really put thought into the meaning of that." Ed smiles and nods. Another soul is saved. Mkima tries to relax by throwing a few more souls to their eternal damnations. Miktar walks over to Ed and presses his snout against Ed's nose. "I liked that one almost as much as 'I want to hurt some puppies because Im happy'.", the dragon says as he and Ed proceed to leave the apartment to go and buy milk. As the front door closes, and the gang hears them leave audio range, Sulpher promptly exclaims, "Jesus! Miktar actually -does- listen to that stuff! I would rather get my face beaten in by an orc at a bar fight, than have to listen to Ed explode over me not liking his poetry." Mkima moves out of the shadows. "Well, -that- was suttle, Sulpher," he mutters as he sits down on the other couch. "My strongpoint, after all," Sulpher sniggers but is then interrupted by a poke from the Demon under her. "But I thought your strongpoint was fu...", Drask mutters but gets a poke in the rib before he could complete his innocent honesty. Suddenly Drask, Sulper and Mkima look at the Weredragon on the beanbag, who had not moved since Ed finished his poem. "Er, Bromus? You okay?", Drask asks, throwing a pillow at the weredragon but misses. Bromus turns to look at the pillow lying on the floor next to him, then at Drask. "I think....that the poem....somehow.....stopped my brain."