"I may not be smart..." by Drask Dem Okay. I may not be smart, but Im a Demon. That has its advantages. Im big, scary, and stuff like that. Got the coolest horns. They curl around, and if I go "baaaa" I make Ed laugh. Not sure why yet. I can scratch behind my head with my foot. Dogs can do that too, but I look a lot cooler. I can make my eyes glow in the dark, and scare people. I like to do that. Its funny. I have a hard time getting into places, cause they make the doors so small. My tail wags. Erm. I got claws. I can scritch people's backs, and they like that. I got this really cool staff from Mkima. Its got lots of wierd writing on it, or at least, he says its writing. I think it looks more like some cat got at it. I come from a place where there are lotsa other Demons. I like them, we used to play a lot when we were little Demons. Life was easier then. But Im also happy now. I play with Bromus. He is funny. Erfs a lot. We've a lways been friends. I used to tease him, cause when he was small, his hair used to stand up, like a cat when the cat gets angry. Now, he is a lot bigger. We talk about things. Places we have been. People we used to know. I get sad when we talk about Cahist. But Bromus makes me smile. He always says Im a "Demented Demon", but Im not sure what that means. He says, its because I act silly. I like acting silly. It makes people smile. I like it when people smile. It makes life easy. A frown is complicated. Mkima frowns a lot. He is complicated. I never know what he wants. Always looks up at the sky, and sighs. I ask him why he sighs, but he never tells me. He is a strange dragon. He is a bit scary. Sometimes, I think he is sad, but he doesn't want anyone to know. But I know. I can see him. He talks to Ed a lot. Usually scolding him. Ed listens to Mkima, because Mkima is smart. He knows a lot about the things Ed wants to know about. Mkima isn't as big as Miktar. He may be older, but he is a bit smaller. Miktar was always bigger. I like Miktar. He is kind to me, and talks to me a lot. Says "Im a lot smarted than I let on", but Im not sure what he means. He likes to sneak up behind me, and I jump. He makes me smile. He also makes Ed smile. He is Ed's friend. The best one, I think. They are always together, talking, laughing, smiling. I like it when they smile. They are so happy together. Miktar also talks to Sulpher a lot. Sulpher teases him. I like Sulpher, I like her a lot. She is also kind to me, and is there for me when I am sad. She knows things too. We know little about her, but she knows a lot about me. About Demons. She talks to me, and I listen. I have to. But I don't mind. I like listening to her. She looks like a dragon, but I see something. I see her, but I don't. She is diffrent than Miktar and Mkima. Not like Bromus, who is both Werewolf and Dragon. She is just, diffrent. I don't know, but I don't mind. I like it. I like her. She likes me too. We have lots of fun together. Go places, and see lots of things. I hope she doesn't leave. I will be sad, if she does. I will go with her, if she will let me. I don't know where she would want to go. We are happy here. We miss Cahist, but we are happy here. Nobody here makes us sad, on purpose. I didn't like Cahist, for a while. I was sad there. Bad things happened. People I liked, left. And they don't want to come back. They say they can't. I say please, but they still can't. Its not fair. I hate bad people who made my friends leave. I was little, and they came. Pretty lights, but bad lights. (Magic. Drask still refers to it as "lights" due to the fondness mages have of making their power visible as rays of multicoloured lights. -Ed) My friends stopped moving, or went away. I was sad, I hid. They didn't find me, I was very scared. They left, and Mkima found me. He said I must go with him. So I did. My friends didn't want to come with. They, just didn't say anything. They were asleep. I could not find the others. Mkima said I never would. But I did. Somewhere. They are quiet, but they are there. I want to hurt people, who made my friends go away. I don't like them, when I think about them, it makes my very angry. I don't understand anger. It scares me. It scares everyone. When I get angry, Ed gets sad. Miktar too. Mkima, he seems to like it when I get angry. I don't know why. He says "I should not fight it", but I do. I don't like anger. Makes me want to do things, that I don't think are right. Things, that make me sad. I cry, when I do something that makes me sad. But Sulpher helps me. Miktar and Ed too. Bromus, talks to me about it. I feel better, when I talk to Bromus about it. Bromus then talks to Ed about it, and then Ed feels better, because I feel better. Ed cares about me a lot. He always smiles at me, and I smile back. Ed is like Mkima sometimes. Complicated. But not as complicated. Ed says its "human nature", but Im not human, so I don't understand. Ed lets me play on his computer. Ed lets me read his comic books, and lets me use his pencils to draw. He draws me sometimes. I try to draw him, but it never looks like him. I don't know why. I don't know a lot of things. Im not smart. But Im a Demon. And that makes me happy.....