"Takul mi Surka..." Edouard Kock "Well, this is a fine predicament!" Ed frowns at Miktar. Miktar gives a sheepish smile, and shrugs. Ed sighs, and starts to pace around the garden. "It had to happen.." Miktar says, a wide grin on his face. What is it they are talking about, you ask? Simple. The single most difficult task known to Man and Dragon kind. Finding Sulpher a birthday present. Sound simple? Don't even think for a second that it is! I know! "Any ideas?" Ed asks. Drask, who had been standing by the vending machine (don't ask what one is doing in the garden) shrugs. Bromus looks down from the roof where he is sitting. Laying back on the grass, Mkima's snores can barely be heard. "Miktar, wake your brother up.." Ed commands. Miktar gives another shrug, and thinks for a second. With a quick trot over to the hosepipe, he lets the water out. "YeeeEAaarg! ThAtS CoLd!" Mkima shouts as his brother proceeds to spray him wet. With a growl, Mkima pounces on Miktar, and forces the hose on him. "Yehaha! That IS cold!" Miktar shouts. "Hey, GUYS!" Ed shouts. Everyone stops. Hosepipe stops. A slight drip-drip, but thats all. "Just a reminder, but Sulphers birthday is tommorrow!" he shouts, looking slightly panicked. "Er, yes. That it is.." Mkima drips. Miktar stands up, and shakes himself off. Mkima does the same. Drask smiles. Bromus flys down from the roof, and lands next to Ed. With a sarcastic smile, he remarks. "Don't worry little one, Sulpher doesn't expect much." That did it. Ed, in an all out fury and rage (which doesn't happen often, mind you..) proceeds to scold and rant on about something like "how could you forget" and "you know she will be expecting something special" and some other stuff that not even fluent speakers of Cahistian could decipher. Calming down slightly, Ed looks at Drask. "Well, you've been awfully quiet. Any ideas from the Demon himself?" he ask, with a wry smile. Drask looks down, then to the right, left, then up. Looking at Ed again, Drask remarks "Nope". Ed rants "Well that's just great. How are we going to explain to her that we just sorta 'forgot' about it, and left it till the last minute." Ed looks at the group, who are now hands behind their backs, looking at their feet. Acting like a drill instructor, he shouts "I am not going to have a dissapointed female dragon on our hands. You guys know how she can be. She will probably get so upset, that she will wreck several taverns, harrass about a hundred dogs, hurt several small kids, and then go into a depressed state eating only ice-cream and steak." The group nods, remembering the last time that happened. A very upset and emotional, 800 kilo female dragon is NOT something you want. "Okay, lets think. She must have been dropping some sort of hints about what she wants for her birthday. Anyone got any ideas what it might be?" Drask looks at Bromus, Mkima at Miktar. They all look at Ed, and shake their heads. "Great" Ed sighs. Paceing once again around the garden, Mkima whispers something to Miktar. Miktar nods, and whispers something to Drask, then Bromus. They all nod back. "Er, Ed?" Miktar asks.. "What?" Ed spins around, and faces Miktar. "Er, well. What about..." Miktar gives a nervous look to Mkima, then Drask... Bromus adds " What about if we all make her something?" Drask nods, "Something unique, from each of us." Mkima smiles, "Showing that we put effort into giving her gifts.." Ed frowns. Miktar eeps. "You know.." Ed says.. "that is probably the most intelligent thing you guys have thought of in your entire lives..." he laughs, and smiles. Miktar, Drask, Mkima and Bromus give a relived sigh. "But now the question remains, what do we make her?" Next day..... (sunrise...) "Surpise!" the gang rushes in to Sulphers room. With an expression of shock, she sends them scattering back out. Closing the door, they can just barely hear her saying "Sheesh! Could at least give me time to dress! Rushing in here like a bunch of wild dragons. No respect for the ladies......blah blah blah" Miktar and Mkima look at Ed, who shrugs. "At least she is in a good mood. Usually she would throw us out. And not out the door either." Drask and Bromus nod. "Well, lets hope this works..." they say, looking at the door. As it opens, Ed peeps inside. Sulpher walks back to her bed, and proceeds to sit cross-legged on it. "Well, come on in!" she shouts. The gang piles in, and stands around her bed. With a slight hint of excitement, Sulpher puts her hands together, clearly unable to contain her curiosity. Ed looks at the gang, in his mind he shouts "Preseeeent ARMS!" in a drill instuctor's voice. Chuckling, he places the first gift, his, in front of Sulpher. Sulpher gives a strange look, and suggests "Why don't you all put them down, and I'll have to guess from who is what?" Miktar looks at Ed, who nods. Closing her eyes, Sulpher waits as the gang puts down all the presents, and shuffles them a bit. Opening her eyes, she reaches for the present in front of her. Carefully unwrapping it, she looks inside the box. "It's......" Ed panics... "...wonderfull!" Ed dies of heart attack. Well, not really. Could of, though! "This is simple wonderfull!" The group look at each other, then the present. Repeat procedure for all the presents, every one of them a success. For, ahem, certain reasons I can unfortunatly not share with you what the presents were. Moral of the story? We idn't have a 800 kilo upset female dragon that day. Phew!