"Young Miktar" - Mkima "What?" Mkima exclaims, surprised at the question. Miktar sits down on a warm patch of grass, a cool breeze slowly stirring the humid air of the hot afternoon. "You heard me." Miktar says, looking at Mkima with a grin. In thought, Mkima nervously scritches his chin. So young, yet a questioning mind towards things beyond his years, Mkima thinks to himself. The young Miktar stretches, laying back on the grass. Mkima looks up at the sky, something he has not done in a long time. As his thoughts drift with the clouds, Miktar gives an impatient erf. "Huh? Oh. Yes, where were we?" Giving a sigh, Miktar repeats his question, "What is Bromus?" Mkima looks at Miktar. "I mean, I have seen werewolves. They are big and furry, and erf a lot. Some are kind, some are really scary. I, am a dragon. I have wings. Werewolves do not. Bromus looks like a werewolf, but with a mistake. He has a dragons wings. I haven't seen another like him. What is he, and why are there not more of his kind?" Daunted by this question, Mkima quickly puts his mind to work, trying to find a way to answer the question without having to explain the workings of "nature" to him, and how Bromus really came to have that of a werewolf and a dragon. "Well, um. Its like this. Bromus was once without wings, and yearned to fly. So a kind dragon gave him his wings." Mkima smiles, thinking that the matter is now settled. He couldn't be more wrong. "But, that doesnt work!" Miktar exclaims, and looks at his hands. "We are one thing! We belong to ourselfs, and cannot give parts of ourselves away. Not as far as I know. Are you trying to avoid something, Mkima?" he says, looking at his mentor with prying eyes. Mkima looks around nervously. "Erm, well. you see..." he begins. "The truth, Mkima." Miktar interrupts, giving him a questioning look. "Well, there was this werewolf. A male. One day, he saw this beautifull female dragon, and fell in love." Miktar gives a happy erf. "That sounds silly! How can a werewolf fall in love with a dragon?" With a serious look, Mkima continues. "It just so happens, that the dragon also fell in love with the werewolf." Miktar gives another chuckle. "Come on Mkima, tell me the truth. Dragons and werewolves cant fall in love, its....wrong." With a sign, Mkima walks over to Miktar and picks him up from the grass. Looking at him, Mkima explains "Miktar. Love, unlike anything else in this existance, cannot be stopped by anything. Not race, class, species, sex, distance or anything.....can stop the bind that is created by two who are in love. There are many things in this world which you will question, which you might say is wrong. Remeber this. There are always two sides to something. Wrong, is just one of the two. If you say something is wrong, and someone disagrees, stand where he stands. He might be looking at the other side, which to him shows something else. You will be surprised that what you just considered wrong, might actually be right." Miktar looks at Mkima in thought, and afterwards nods. "I understand." Putting Miktar back down on the grass, Mkima continues with his explination "As I said, the werewolf and the dragon fell in love. That bond created Bromus, who shows the features of a werewolf and a dragon." Miktar gives a satisfactory erf. Mkima smiles, another question answered. "Mkima?" Miktar asks. "Yes Miktar?" With a confused look, Miktar asks "Where do baby dragons come from?".