FUSION Written by Rensis Schmitt He wasn’t sure about going, in all his previous efforts he never enjoyed himself at dances held by the school. Perhaps it was the annoying people, or the dancing, or maybe it was the awful music. In all actuality it was the annoying people dancing to the awful music that bothered him. It was the last dance of his senior year. There’s the prom, but this was the last dance that wasn’t formal. Well, except the theme chosen by the little wretches at the student council. The special theme set for this year’s dance, the 1980’s. Everyone apparently loves the 80’s. “I don’t know, man.” Wolfrik mumbled nervously scratching his arm. He knew Lev wouldn’t settle with ‘I don’t know’ for an answer. “Oh please, you’re just scared you might actually have fun!” Lev teased, removing his red-brown hair from his eyes. “No, I just might have something to do, like… Work on my website. I have that to do. HTML doesn’t make itself.” “It does if you use HTMLgenerator. Stop being such a loser and lets just go.” He whined tugging Wolfrik’s sleeve. “Fine,” he sighed, “I’ll go to the stupid dance. Now may I go to class now?” “Yeah, I suppose I’m satisfied. See ya tonight. Oh! And I’m going to your house to pick you up. So now you can’t out of it!” Lev called after, laughing. *** He decided to wear his black leather trench coat and pleather pants. He didn’t own any vintage 80’s clothes, or anything that even looked like such. So, he went gothic, braiding his long black hair, tying the braids off with little red rubber bands. Sighing he looked at himself in the mirror. Eyeliner, perhaps that would make him look natural in his costume. He opened the mahogany cabinet and pulled from it a little black pencil. He began to apply the pasty substance around his eyes, making himself look like a human raccoon. He decided to even go as far as apply ebony lipstick also. There. Done. He looked, “Absolutely ridiculous. Man, the theme is the 80s not the 1400s!” Lev snickered, his tall pink Mohawk swaying from side to side as he moved. “I know, but I didn’t have anything else.” Wolfrik sighed. He felt really stupid next to Lev’s costume. He looked great, his long thin legs covered by tight red plaid pants. His lean torso was adorned with an equally tight black The Clash shirt, upon it a man smashing a guitar upon a rugged stage. “Hey, are you gunna sit and stare at me, or are we actually going in?” Lev asked folding his arms agitated. His English was splendid and he could even cut corners with it after learning for thirteen years. Wolfrik wasn’t so good at it. “Yeah, I’ll go. I mean let’s go.” He stammered. He hated when he stared, hated it more when Lev caught him doing it. They entered the tall brick building, following signs that read “this way to dance.” The music could be heard all through-out the long white halls. It wasn’t 80’s music; it wasn’t even music at all. “Ugh… Dammit, why are they playing rap?” Lev asked out loud as he strode down the hall, his long legs making Wolfrik walk faster to keep up. They made their way into the doorway to the dance. “Hey, you pansies want two, for a couple or single?” said a boy behind a table. In front of him sat a rather large red box that most likely contained money. A roll of crimson tickets sat beside it. He sat with his hands behind his brown haired head, grinning. “Two single you twat.” Through gritted teeth Lev growled. Wolfrik just stood dumbfounded he wasn’t sure exactly what had happened. That’s what I get for zoning out. He thought. They passed the grinning ticket twit and went into the dimly lit gymnasium. The horrible thumping of the music washed into their ears. “Let’s request actual music!” The pink haired boy called out yelled over the awful noise. Wolfrik nodded vigorously, something had to be done about the choice of music. Striding across the gym a figure caught Wolfrik’s eye; a tall slender boy with short brown spiked hair. “Hey! Who is that?” the black haired boy called out. “That? Oh, that’s Ares! He’s a kid I skate with!” Lev’s voice became hoarse from yelling over the commotion. “Show me Ares.” Wolfrik murmured his eyes trained on Ares entranced. The way the boy moved, the way he held his head and his eyes. Even from where he was, he could see those beautiful steel blue eyes. “Yeah, okay!” Lev answered pulling the dumbfounded Goth boy along with him. Wolfrik couldn’t take his eyes off the oblivious individual to the front of him. Zombie-like he walked over and froze. He… he… he is so… beautiful. How am I going to… oh… man... “Hey, Ares, this is Wolfrik!” Lev shouted nudging the black haired boy forward. “Hey.” Ares said seeming less than interested. He went right back to talking with the others around him. Wolfrik hadn’t even noticed them, he felt stupid. How could I have even thought he’d want to talk with me? Lev had left to request whatever song he wanted from the DJ. Lev would listen to anything but rap, even his mother screaming at him. Wolfrik began to feel very alone. Rubbing his arm nervously he went out into the refreshment hall still feeling very embarrassed. What was I thinking? He’s way out of my league… I can’t believe I even tried. He’s probably not even- “Hey tall dark ‘n gruesome, want something to drink?” Lev teased. “Orange soda.” The pseudo Goth replied, not moving his stare from the wall. Lev frowned, “Hey, what’s up your ass?” “I… think I like that… that guy.” “That guy? You mean Ares? I don’t think he’s… um… interested.” Lev said drinking from a clear plastic cup, its contents fizzing loudly. “Yeah… but you know, that doesn’t keep me from trying!” Wolfrik shouted as if he had discovered the meaning of life. He actually felt good, about himself and the situation. He had a plan, not just a plan, the plan! * * * “Stalk him? Wolfrik have you gone mad?” whispered Lev. He didn’t want the cold black eyes of the teacher to fall upon him. “Dude, that’s illegal.” “Yeah, but I know I could get away with it.” The tall black suited teacher fell silent. This made both of the boys freeze, they slowly looked to the front of the room. “Oh no boys, don’t let my lesson interrupt you, please by all mean distract the class further.” He hissed, holding his spindly arms across his chest. “Sorry Mr. Shintz.” Wolfrik choked out, and the class resumed. For the rest of the class Wolfrik sat quietly drawing in his notebook around his less than elaborate notes. Lev, equally as inattentive, was zoning out and blankly staring. The bell rang, and the duo spent no time quickly escaping the cold math room. Stopping at Lev’s locker Wolfrik began rubbing his arm nervously. “Dude, now what’s your problem?” Lev inquired his voice revealing slight agitation. “He’s over there.” Wolfrik squeaked pointing sheepishly. Ares was talking with a group of other boys ten lockers or so away. Wolfrik slipped down the locker, sitting on the floor. “Just go to the office and get his schedule, man.” Lev said helping Wolfrik to his feet. “Do it quick before you melt.” Upon watching Ares walk away he finally regained feeling in his legs and went down to the guidance station. The lady at the desk looked as if she was mauled by a rabid bear on the way to work. Her graying hair matted and unkempt accented the bags under her eyes quite well. Her hoarse groaning voice made the black haired boy jump. “May I help you?” “Yeah, I lost my schedule.” “Ugh… Irresponsible kids. Isn’t it late enough in the year that you could remember your schedule?” She grumbled as she moved over to her computer. “Name.” Wolfrik panicked, he didn’t know Ares’ last name. He looked down on the desk and saw a glass paperweight, a can of pencils, and wait! It couldn’t be there is no way… A report card for one Billy Ares. “Billy Ares,” he stammered. The bear lady eyed him questionably, but typed the name into the computer. A list of classes appeared across the monitor. A few more clicks and the schedule was his. “Hmmm. Forth period, Orchestra. I’m there.” He snickered heading down to the theatre. He was in luck because he worked there and could easily get into the house to watch them practice. Or more importantly watch Ares. The black haired boy made himself comfortable sitting near the back of the theatre, reclining and resting his feet on the chair to the front of him. Watching the other boys walk in brought a tingle down his spine. There was Ares, looking beautiful in a black button down shirt and blue jeans, his mahogany hair in hundreds of perfect little spikes. They began to play, but the notes never penetrated Wolfrik’s fixed stare. If Ares could see him he might have been unnerved. This continued for a week and three days. Wolfrik went to the theatre and found his seat in the back and watched intently. Wolfrik had a growing stack of referrals in his hands for skipping his English class. He folded them into paper cranes and went on with his daily business, watching Ares. It was Friday and the period had quickly came to an end. He dashed down the stairs and out the door, smashing into someone on the other side. “Watch it!” Wolfrik snarled looking up, and to his surprise a very startled Ares looked back. “Sorry.” He said picking his notebook off the floor. “I didn’t see you.” He finished. Of course he didn’t see me I flew out of that door so fast… Hope I didn’t hurt him… “Are you okay?” Wolfrik asked feeling his face flush. “Yeah. I am. Hey can I ask you something?” he said folding his arms tightly around his books. “Anything.” The black haired boy blurted out. His eyes quickly fixed on Ares’. “Why are you in the theatre everyday?” he asked simply. “Me? In the theatre? Umm… Cleaning the back of the seats… Why?” Wolfrik’s voice cracked as he spoke, not helping him come up with a convincing reason.” “Then, why do you just sit there?” “Fine… I’m not cleaning the seats. I’m watching.” The boy mumbled looking at his own feet. The silence made him even more uneasy. Now he hates me for sure… First I run him over and then I make myself look like a complete ass. “You like orchestra?” Ares asked, taking a more relaxed stance, holding his books to his thigh. “Yeah, it’s cool, you like it?” as soon as the question left his lips he knew it was a stupid one. Of course he likes it stupid, he plays in one. Durr. “I like it, but I’m not too fond of playing violin, you know?” “Yeah…” Wolfrik answered as he lost himself staring into Ares’ blue eyes. “Well, it was cool talking to you, but I need to get to class.” said Ares as he began to walk away. “Wait, you mean lunch?” “How did you know?” he asked curiously. “I, have the same one.” Wolfrik said, although this much wasn’t true. Ares nodded and began walking again. “Well, good, let’s get food.” “Okay!” Wolfrik added overjoyed. He’d spoke to him and now he’d eat lunch with him too. This could work out after all, even if he is completely oblivious.