The_Hunters. STORY: THE HUNTERS WORD COUNT: 5732 WRITTEN: 01/22/02 WARNING: The following story contains X-rated, adult material and subject matters and should not under any circumstances be read by minors. WARNING: The following story contains scenes that depict homoerotic and non-consensual sexual encounters between anthropomorphic, sentient, humanoid-animal races in pornographic detail as well as scenes of extreme violence. Thus if you feel you may take offense to such matters you should not read this story. DISCLAIMER: Any similarities of the characters depicted within to anyone living or dead may be deemed as purely coincidental and any likenesses to any published characters were not intentional. COPYRIGHTS: This story and all characters are covered under the assumed copyright laws. All commercial distribution rights are reserved. Please do not alter the story or characters or re-distribute this story without permission of the author. CONTACT: For anyone that wishes to contact the author please send Email to: SPECIAL THANKS TO: Dark Natasha whose picture: inspired this story. But there is also another of her pictures that could be of the hyena characters in this story. It can be seen at: And interestingly I hadn't seen this one until after I had almost finished the story and so it was rather amazing to see it after I had conceived of the two lesbian hyenas. I'd say the brown hyena on the left is most similar to the character Xetsa, and the one on the right would probably be Panyin. Or to see the rest of her wonderful art goto GIST: Panyin and her clan sister Xetsa knew that was against the law to hunt in one of the 'safe zones' as established by the 'Gather of All', but then they also knew that laws only applied to those that get caught. However, when they find themselves a tasty-looking Zebra, will they bring back a magnificent feast for their sisterhood, or will their unrestrained desires catch the crafty predators in a cage of their own emotions? AUTHOR"S COMMENT: This is the first yiff story I've written starring female protagonists with hetero and lesbian sex scenes. I thought it turned out rather well considering but that will ultimately remain to be determined by the readers. *** THE HUNTERS *** The loud giggling laughter startled birds from their search for grubs or seeds as the cooper orb of the sun god rose in the African sky. Several of the perimeter guards of the Antelope tribes looked up, spears at ready, suddenly intensely aware of the presence of hyenas in the area. But they didn't stay at high alert for long once they realized that the hyenas were making far too much noise to be interested in hunting. In truth, hunting was the farthest thing from the minds of the two humanoid hyena females, as they pawed and excitedly caressed each other in the throws of intense sexual arousal. Bracing upright against a tree, tongues entwined as muzzles locked together in deeply passionate kisses. Handpaws stroked and groped, fingers found their way into slits, teasing clitoris in acts of mutual masturbation as the two hyenas bumped and ground their bodies together working themselves into two loudly announced orgasms. As their passions expended themselves, the two lubricious hyena-girls allowed themselves slide down the tree until they ended up cuddled tightly together at its base, panting from their efforts. "Xetsa! The hyena on the bottom snorted, "You're going to really get us in trouble one of these days." She had tried to sound reproachful, but it was hard to be convincing while her legs and arms were still locked about her sister's body and her sister's fingers were still wiggling inside her love box. "Panyin!" The Hyena on the top snuffled back, her eyes still filled with sensuous lust. "I told you that you worry too much." And to add extra meaning to her words she stroked her sister's already weeping hole, working her fingers along the clitoris expertly. Panyin shrieked in pleasure. "Oh damn you're so bad." Xetsa giggled. "Of course! Why shouldn't I be?" Almost as if in answer their play was interrupted by the arrival of an Elephant-taur and two Minotaur-like Water Buffalos. The three humanoid animals might not have been quite as big as their four-legged ancestors, but they still towered over the two hyenas formidably. Panyin, the older of the two was the first to react and tried to push her clan-sister off while attempting to stand up at the same time. Xetsa, who was still so intent on what she was doing stubbornly tried to hold on and continued to nuzzle and see how much of her handpaw would fit inside her sister's twat so the result was that she pulled the both of them over and they rolled on the ground putting on a show for the three dangerous herbivores. Within moments however the two hyena-girls were scrambling to their feet and reaching for the eight foot long lengths of wide, soft leather straps they wound about their bodies as clothing. "Disgusting!" One of the Water Buffalo snorted. "Such wanton exhibitionism!" But the Elephant turned to his compatriot and in a sage voice explained that sexual games aren't against the law here. After the two hyena girls had gotten themselves more decently attired the elephant-man addressed them formally. "As a representative of the word of the law. The law as said and agreed upon by the Gather of All, you do understand that this is not a zone that predators are very welcome?" The three powerful herbivores stood glaring menacingly over the two females, who amazingly stood their ground and glared back. "By the word of the Gather of All, " Panyin shot back, her voice held flat and formal. "There was no areas agreed upon to be off limits to predators. Only to hunting within the safe zones! We carry no weapons as you can see, and we do not hunt. We are only passing through." "How do we know you're not carrying weapons in your bags? " One of the Water Buffalo demanded to know, indicating the empty-looking leather sacks on the ground beside the hyenas. "And what about those blades you have strapped to your thighs?" Panyin nodded, her expression poker-faced, "If you doubt our word, which you obviously do, we shall show you everything with carry which isn't much. As for our stone working knives, they're hardly large enough to be called weapons, nor even useful the way a real steel blade would be. They are crude, primitive, working tools and nothing more." "Are you afraid of something that small?" Xetsa interjected with a scornful grin . .. "Do you fear our kind so much that you tremble if we pick up a sharp sliver of rock? My what a tale to take back to the Sisterhood. What a laugh there will be amongst the lion clans that someone of your size fears even a mere chipping of stone. " The Water buffalo snorted angrily and advanced on the Hyena. "You dare insult me unclean one?" But while Xetsa was clearly tense and ready to dodge in an instant, she held her ground before the huge and dangerous creature. "Oh I don't have to insult you oh big and fat one... you do that so well yourself. Careful now... I have a sliver of sharp stone on my thigh... you just might scratch yourself." The buffalo bellowed in anger and charged after the hyenas who danced easily out of the way, leaving the buffalo to ram headlong into the tree. The impact however hardly fazed him, leaving an area of crushed wood where he had struck, and he was already turning for another attack when the commanding trumpet of the Elephant-man stopped everything in its tracks. "THAT WILL BE ENOUGH!" His monestrous voice boomed. To the water buffalos he commanded an immediate stand down and desist, to which the enraged Bovidae reluctantly complied. Then to the two hyenas, in a voice only marginally calmer, "As for you two, I am convinced you weren't breaking any laws here, but at the same time I'd advise you to be on your way. Predators are trouble around these parts." Then he nodded to his companions and turned and walked away. The Buffalo followed after him obediently, but the one that had charged them turned back and grunted... "We'll be watching you two. I personally hope you try to hunt here so I can have the pleasure of feeling your skulls pop beneath my hooves." And after a moment to fix them both with a dirty look he too turned and left the clearing. Panyin breathed a sigh of relief as he departed but Xetsa put her thumb to the end of her nose and wiggled her stubby fingers in the direction of the departing bull. "Phrrrrrrpht! Yo momma's our dinner." Panyin shook her head at her sister. "Sometimes I really think you go too far. Take way too many chances." Xetsa let out a loud giggle-laugh. "Awww you're too serious Panyin. Lighten up already. They couldn't do anything to us. The very law that says it protects the prey animals from us here also protect us from them." "It would still be much better for our plans if we didn't attract so much attention." Panyin reminded her sister. Xetsa suddenly became coy and looked at her sister through half-lidded eyes. "Oh sister dearest. . . for shame! You make it sound like we're actually thinking about doing something illegal here. Like carrying hunting weapons . . " And as she mentioned that, she stroked the large and elaborate leather and beadwork armlet she wore about her wrist. "Or using them to poach game to take back to the sisterhood. Which after all . . . it is only 'hunting' that's illegal here. The transporting of caches of meat isn't." "Yes yes... "Panyin acquiesced with a resigned sigh, although the flick of her ears said she was inwardly sharing the joke with her sister. "And there's ample hunting grounds on both sides of the safe zone, so we're only transporting meat through this area . . . once we've caught some that is . . .although obviously from someplace other then here. " "Oh well we'll be bringing our meat from the valley of the high pass over the mountains, which is just the other side of the safe zones." Xetsa reminded her sister. " And meat is meat... " Xetsa continued, slipping up to her sister and stroking her thigh. "Once it's been removed from a body, skinned and chopped up, who can prove where or from who it came from." Panyin smiled at her sister and leaned forward to lick the end of her nose. "Well come on then, let's see which of these animals is dumb enough to stray away from their herd, thinking they're safe in the safe zone." Then she turned and started off at an easy trot, quickly followed by her sister. Together they loped easily along through the scrub lands. Staying as much as they could to the back trails and out of the open grasslands where they'd have a chance of catching some animal unaware and away from the security of witnesses. At one time Xetsa spotted a Cape Hunting Dog moving slowly along on the opposite side of a clearing they were passing. Motioning to her sister they both immediately dropped into stalking mode. As one they unwound the leather strapping from their wrists. What had appeared to be nothing more then showy, beaded leather bracelets opened up into long deadly hunting slings, and a couple of the heavy 'beads' of polished stone were removed from the arrangement to become the bullets for the slings. The sisters spread out, yet still moved as one, keeping each other informed of their intentions with silent subtle gestures. It was a system of signaling using subtle gestures of ears, mouth, eyes, and fingers they had worked out between themselves that was so complex they could almost hold a conversation without making a sound. They moved silently but quickly up on the unsuspecting dog, angling themselves to be able to catch him in as much of a cross fire as they were able. Xetsa's muzzle drew back in a hunting grin as she eyed the dog hungrily. Not many predators considered making a meal of a fellow predator unless they were desperate. The Hyena clans however wasn't so picky. Meat was meat and if there were differences in taste between one animal to the next they devoured all with equal relish. As Panyin circled the clearing in the opposite direction she spotted a smooth rock on the ground a little larger then the size of a softball in diameter. Palming her sling in one handpaw she quickly undid the long leather wrap from around her body. On the end of the eight foot long leather strap which was about a foot in diameter, was a pocket in which the stone slipped into nicely. It made up the other part of their hunting technique. Once they stunned their quarry with well placed shots from their hunting slings, their body wraps became long whipping flails with which to administer the coupe de gras. The foot square pouch able to hold a rock large enough to cave in a wildebeest's skull in a single blow. The eight foot length allowed the killing blow to be made out of reach of dangerous hooves or hand weapons. As Panyin secured her lethal flail over her shoulder and returned her attention to the dog, she let out a warning hiss. A little ways from her, her sister was already winding up for a shot when she heard Panyin's signal and looked at her sister for confirmation. Panyin signaled to check out the bushes to the right of the dog man, and when Xetsa looked she then saw the rest of the Hunting Dog pack coming up to the clearing. Hunting dogs were smaller then hyenas and they'd stand little chance in a one-on-one situation, but Hunting Dogs moved in significant packs and as a group they were far too dangerous for two hyenas to chance provoking. So the sisters returned their weapons to their hidden states and took off again, loping along in their mile-devouring gait. As they ran, Xetsa chatted easily with her sister. "Good thing you stopped me, I don't think our clan matriarch wants something as stringy as dog on her menu." Panyin laughed, "Well I've tasted Hunting Dog before, it's not so bad. Makes a great stew actually." "Would probably feel better then they taste though. Can you imagine one of those slender firm bodies between your legs?" Xetsa ventured wistfully. Panyin laughed even louder, "Leave it to you to be thinking of sex again. Do you ever get enough?" In answer Xetsa let her eyes become wide, wild, and maniacal, and let her tongue dangle out of the side of her mouth. When Panyin saw her she had to cease running until she could stop laughing. After that they again continued on their quest. After a few more moments Xetsa added, "Imagine getting jumped on by a whole pack at once. All those hot males poking you while the females played kissyfaces with you. Oh what great sex toys they'd make." But this time Panyin only shook her head incredulously. The sun was just passing from the noonday sky when Panyin signaled quarry ahead. Together they ducked under convenient cover to observe their potential prey. It was a male Zebra who looked to be in the prime of his life. In fact, he looked like he was rehearsing for his coming challenges when he'd fight the older males of his clan for the right to mate. Going through the many exercise moves of the martial art practiced by his people. Moves that stretched his limbs and powerfully sculpturesque torso, and flexed his rippling muscles as he punched and executed all manner of kicks from every conceivable direction. It was a potent and deadly dance of masculine vitality, vim and vigor, and quite a show for the two sisters as they unwound their hunting slings and prepared their deadly flails to bring an end to his challenges prematurely and permanently. The wind was in their favor and the Zebra was so engrossed in his katas that the Hyenas wouldn't have had to take as much care as they did in their silent stalking. But even with as picture perfect an opportunity as this, the sisters knew it was foolhardy to become too assured of success when dealing with such a large powerful quarry. So they picked their angles and moment of attack carefully. As the unsuspecting Zebra continued to work out, Xetsa loaded her sling in preparation for the first shot. But just as she was ready to take aim, the Zebra ceased his exercises and looked around anxiously forcing the two hyenas to duck under cover thinking he'd sensed their presence. But then, the Zebra thinking he was sure no one was watching him, slipped his hand beneath his breechcloth and drew it back. Xetsa slowly rose up from behind to bushes to behold the Zebra stroking his long mighty lance of passion. She froze in place as she watched and her breathing began to quicken. When Panyin gave the silent signal she was in position to attack she noticed her sister unresponsive and staring at what the Zebra was doing. She quickly crept over to Xetsa and nudged her in the ribs. "Wassa matter sex-for-brains, yah never seen a horsie get it on with himself?" She whispered urgently. "Let's hit him while he's distracted." But Xetsa still stared lustfully at the Zebra, "What a cock!" Was all that Xetsa could say as she watched the Zebra male. His eyes were closed as he thrust with his entire body into his palm. The sling dropped from Xetsa's hand and she sucked in her breath. "Oh Mother Spirits I must have that!" Xetsa whined and before Panyin could stop her, she got up and walked out of the bushes, straight towards the masturbating Zebra. "Are you crazy! Where you going?" Panyin called after her through gritted teeth, but the younger sister was beyond hearing anything besides her own rising lusts. The Zebra was reaching that point where nothing else in the world mattered except the intensity of the pleasure he held in his hand. So he didn't notice the hyena approaching until she was actually standing right in front of him. That was until Xetsa blurted out, "Damn you're beautiful!" The Zebra's eyes flew open at the sound and when he found the Hyena standing almost in front of him, he jumped back so fast that he fell backwards onto the grass. "WHOA! Damn! Where the hell you come from? The Zebra demanded as he started to scramble back up but Xetsa hurried over and knelt down to him. "No no! Don't stop! Don't be afraid! I don't want to hurt you." She soothed while pushing the Zebra back. "Oh spirits you were so close... I want some of that." The Zebra looked at the Hyena with shock and apprehension, not sure what to think. Noticed where her attention was focused. Then he shook his head. In fact after the scare she'd just given him, the thought of a Hyena wanting to get sexual with him seemed so ridiculous it was funny. "Are you for real? Are you serious?" The Zebra said, barely able to stifle a laugh at the utter absurdity of the situation. "What makes you think I'd want to get it on with a hyena of all things?" The Zebra asked in amazement. But before he could really respond to the hyena's advances she had taken a hold of his long shaft and was licking at it. The Zebra, who had indeed been so close to orgasm a moment ago whinnied in sudden new arousal. "Oh Great Stallion!" He exclaimed through gritted teeth. "Oh this isn't right!" Xetsa was fondling his erection and nuzzling her muzzle up and down it. "Don't think! Don't worry! No one will know about this. Just relax and I'll make you feel good." She breathed in a voice heavy with lust. Then she took the head of his penis in her mouth and began to work it around on her tongue. The Zebra gasped first in apprehension as he saw the Hyena's legendary bone-crushing jaws close over the end of his cock, but his warning of "No! Don't" was cut off by a loud nicker of intense pleasure. The Zebra laid back. "This isn't happening!" He repeated over and over as his hands grasped her head, but instead of pushing it away he pulled Xetsa onto his shaft, trying to push his long rod of passion down her throat. His reason and logic screamed that he was in terrible danger but his body refused to acknowledge it as he thrust himself deeper and deeper into the Hyena's maw. Xetsa took the big shaft in as far as she was able, but then gagged terribly as it slipped down her throat. She urgently forced herself off the Zebra and gasped for breath. "Oh gods don't stop now. . . " The Zebra pleaded, his throbbing pillar begging for release, then he noticed the Hyena choking. "Hey are you all right?" He asked. Xetsa nodded. "Just give me a moment to catch my breath." "I'm sorry if I hurt you." The Zebra added sincerely. Xetsa smiled down at him. "Oh you're so beautiful. I want you inside of me." Xetsa pulled off her body wrap and crawled up onto the Zebra, nuzzling and licking all the way until she laid down on his chest. The Zebra whinnied and embraced the Hyena as he began thrusting hard against Xetsa's soft furry underbelly. "Oh I don't believe I'm actually doing this." He whinnied then in a softer tone; "Are you sure you can take me?" He asked, although he felt he was getting to the point where he might not give her the option to say no. "I want you! Do it to me horsie! Do it to me!" Xetsa snarled lustfully. Then she yelped as the Zebra rolled over, flipping her on her back. His large body pinned her to the ground and he whispered into her ear. "You want me you crazy little mare, well you got me." Then the Zebra began to ravish the Hyena, kissing and nuzzling her fur while ground himself around on top of her until his hot shaft found the entrance of her vagina. As he began to push into her opening she gasped and whimpered as she was stretched farther then she'd ever known. The Zebra came down on the smaller Hyena with his weight and his big cock forced its way into the sex-crazed hyena. Xetsa whined and snapped her jaws as the Zebra slid inside of her. Her sharp finger claws raked down the Zebra's back her whines became louder and louder as the Zebra fucked her senseless until she was again screaming her giggle-laugh cry, announcing her pleasure to the world. When he finally erupted within her. She had tears in her eyes from the abuse. But her arms embraced the larger animal tightly. The Zebra slid his arms beneath her and rolled to the side pulled her along, keeping them together. He gently licked and kissed the Hyena as she stroked his broad shoulders and play bit at his neck. "Gods and spirits, I don't know how this could've happened, but I'll never think of your type the same again." He breathed into Xetsa's ear. "By the way, I'm called Husani." "I'm Xetsa." She replied, "and you're great." Then she started making urgent gestures to something over his shoulder. Husani noted this and turned to see Panyin standing behind him swinging a long leather strap with what looked to be a weight at the end. Husani groaned and shook his head. "Errr, your friend is okay... she um asked for this." Panyin flashed a hunting grimace at the Zebra and nodded as she spun the deadly flail faster. But Xetsa motioned for her to stop and then to the Zebra said rather matter-of-factly, "Husani, this is my older sister Panyin. You're going to be doing her next." "WHAT?" Both Husani and Panyin exclaimed in unison and Panyin let the flail stop spinning and the heavy end drop to the ground. Panyin put her fists on her hips and glared at her sister. "Xetsa! This has got to be the most insane thing I've ever seen you do. Are you still in one piece down there?" Xetsa looked up into her sister's face through half-lidded sultry eyes. "He's wonderful! You've gotta try it." Panyin shook her head in disbelief. "You're impossible." Xetsa sat up slowly, disentangling herself from the Zebra's embrace. "No really, it's an incredible experience. You gotta try it at least once." Xetsa added with a shrug and a smile. "No thanks, I've seen the size of his cock, I don't think I want my hole ripped open today." Panyin said with a snort. "Besides, you're the one that likes cocks. Not me." Xetsa stood up and threw her arms about Panyin, As they embraced, Xetsa teased Panyin's snatch with her fingers, "Oh my big sister, have you ever been sorry about trying the things I suggest?" Panyin stroked Xetsa's head lovingly. "Well that depends on whether you're asking about how I feel right afterwards or after the consequences of your crazy games catch up with us." Xetsa looked up at Panyin and licked her lips. "He's really good!" She breathed. And Panyin only nodded. Her expression flat and unreadable. Of course that was only the conversation that Husani could hear. There was another conversation taking place at the same time as the two hyenas used their system of silent signals to discuss matters they didn't want the Zebra to know about. In this secret exchange the topics would have turned the Zebra's blood cold. "Remember we were supposed to kill him?" Panyin had signal-asked. "Later! We can play first." Xetsa signaled back, while giving her sister a sultry-eyed look. "Glad to hear that, I was afraid you were going soft." Panyin signed, shaking her head. "Why should I do that?" Xetsa signaled back with a shrug and a smile. "There's plenty of handsome Zebra males to play with if I want." "Why don't we just finish him now before someone comes?" Panyin sign-asked with a snort. "What if we can get him to follow us back closer to our camp before we kill him? Less distance we need to carry his meat." Xetsa sign-suggested as she threw her arms about her sister. "You play dangerous games ." Panyin sign-replied as she stroked her sister's head lovingly. "Trust me." Xetsa signed while licking her lips. "Oh all right!" Panyin signaled acquiescence. "But if he tries to top me, I swear I'll bite him." She signaled, her expression otherwise flat and unreadable. Then the two sisters turned their attentions to the Zebra still sitting on the ground. Husani didn't know just what danger he was in, only that these were two of the most sex-crazed females he'd ever encountered. And Xetsa had been so wonderfully stimulating that a small part of him worried he just might develop a 'thing' for hyenas. Still, he was beginning to find it extremely ego-gratifying to see two females of a completely different species acting so desirous of him. "Umms. . . Ladies, I don't know if I can perform again so soon." Husani ventured, torn between feelings of betrayals towards his own clans and its sense of what was acceptable behavior and memories of the intense pleasure Xetsa had just given him. Xetsa smiled and knelt down beside the Zebra, stroking his mane. "Oh don't you worry about that, we'll help you find your desire again." Husani smiled and wrapped a arm about the Hyena, drawing her close. "I believe you will." He said sincerely. Then looked up at Panyin who stood by his hooves gazing down at him. Without a word she slowly got herself down and laid down between his legs. Husani stroked her head and shoulders gently. "I take it you're not as hot blooded as your sister?" He inquired as she began rub herself against him. Nuzzling against his neck Panyin grimaced, flashing her strong white teeth. "That's right horsie. And one thing we're going to get straight right now. We're doing this my way. You try to roll me on my back like you did to my sister, and I'll rip your throat out." Husani nickered, "Well, once my sex drive gets all worked up I just might not be able to hold myself back from such." He said with a coy grin and chuckle. But an instant later, Panyin jerked suddenly and there was a sharp intense pain in the side of Husani's neck. Husani ouched and brought his hand up to where the pain was, felt something wet there and drew back fingers coated in his blood. "HEY!" He whinnied in alarm. "YOU BIT ME!" He started to get up but Xetsa who had taken up a position by his legs held him back. "Calm down it wasn't deep. Just broke the skin." She quickly assured him. "THAT. . . was just a warning horsie." Panyin said flatly. "You don't lose control with me. Understand?" Husani rubbed his neck, the pain was already receding to a dull throbbing. He thought about the speed at which she had struck and realized the hyena could kill him at any time she chose and he wouldn't stand a chance. The thought made him shudder involuntarily, but at the same time there was something very stimulating about such a dangerous liaison. Panyin felt the shudder go through his body and reached up and pulling his hand gently away from his injured neck, licking the wound clean. "Shhhs,. . . relax horsie," she soothed. "I won't hurt you again. Now let's see if we can enjoy each other's pleasures." In contrast to her sister, Panyin took her time at foreplay. Stroking and caressing, kissing and licking as she worked to ignite her libido over a totally different species. She never sucked Husani's cock, but Xetsa did so eagerly while Panyin pushed her cunt into the Zebra's muzzle demanding cunnilingus. But eventually with Xetsa's help, Panyin grew very aroused and ravished the Zebra as much as Husani ravished her back. When it came to the moment that she spread her thighs to impale herself on the Zebra's mighty stanchion Xetsa even helped position her on Husani's pride. Panyin lowered herself on it gently, ooing and ahhing as she felt the large round knob stretching her as it pushed its way in. Husani was thrusting hard up into the Hyena as Panyin took him steadily inside, when Xetsa all but belly-flopped onto her sister's back and began to hump her hard. Panyin's eyes and mouth flew open and her claws dug into Husani's shoulders as his rod was driven deep into her womb. Panyin cried in a loud giggle-whine as Husani's powerful arms embraced her tightly to him and Xetsa humped her tail, excitedly pawing at her thighs and sides. "Xetsa! I'm gonna get you for this!" Panyin managed to growl between gasps, and then she buried her face into Husani's chest and totally surrendered to the intensity of the moment. Together the threesome worked themselves into a spectacular mutual climax, and the clearing resounded with their joint screams and giggle-laughs of incredible release. For long moments afterwards the three just lay piled on top of each other, panting and sharing in the afterglow of their powerful union. Still firmly impaled on Husani's member Panyin reached up and pulled his muzzle down into a deeply passionate kiss. "You're a nice horsie! I-I think I could get to like you." Beside her, her sister signaled, "You're not going soft on us are you?" "It's going to be hard to kill this one now." Panyin signed back, "Now I know why clanmother always warned never to play with our food." Xetsa flashed a hunting grimace, "Don't worry sis, I'll take care of him for you." Panyin let out a long sigh and nuzzled herself back down into Husani's chest. His cock which had hurt so much when it forced itself into her now felt so wonderful that she didn't want to remove it. What's more, she kept hearing his words from earlier when Husani had told Xetsa that he'd never think of Hyenas in the same way again. Yes, butchering this one was going to be hard. Husani, still totally unawares of the Hyena's nefarious plans for him rested feeling more wonderful then he could've imagined. Somehow, Panyin felt even better then her sister had. She might not have been the sexual manic that Xetsa was, but once she got down to it Panyin was far more sensual. He cuddled her to his chest and breathed softly into her ears. "Ahh what a cruel world in which we live. Were we not such natural enemies I could do so much more then just get to like you. I would love to have someone as sensual as you as my mate." Panyin sat up, letting the tie between them end. Still straddling his thighs, she sat gazing in Husani's eyes with a far-away forlorn look. Husani saw the look in her eyes and took one of her hands and kissed it. "You look like you're about to cry little one. Please don't. This doesn't have to be the last time we see each other." But Panyin could see her sister behind the Zebra. Xetsa had picked up her flail and easily began to get the feel of its weight and balance. Knowing what was about to happen must have been reflected in her mood because Husani leaned forward and embraced her tightly. "It's ok. It's ok. We can see each other again. I don't want you to be sad. You're too sweet for that." With her chin on his shoulder, Panyin could see where her sister stood ready to deliver the killing blow. "Lean back," Xetsa signaled. "And I'll take his head off. It'll be quick, he'll never know what hit him." "I'll know. . . Wait a bit." Panyin signaled back. And hugged Husani tightly. But then the Zebra took them both by surprise by jumping up and exclaiming. "I know, I know..." He pulled Panyin by the wrist back to where Xetsa stood and then gathered both hyenas in his arms. "Listen to me, both of you. You girls have given me such pleasure and have taught me so much that I need to give you something in return." To her sister Xetsa signaled, "Oh he'll definitely do that, won't he sister?" Aloud she giggled "Oh and now what wonderful gift does the horsie have for a couple of hyenas?" As she did she nuzzled her head against Husani's bare throat, flashing a hunting grimace, showing her powerful white teeth. Panyin saw what was about to happen and averted her gaze. But just before Xetsa struck, Husani ventured. "Look, I know you predators are always looking for fresh meat. Right? So how about if I give you a catch of meat to take back to your clan?" The two sisters both looked up at the Zebra with open mouths. Panyin was the first to recover from the startling announcement. "Say what? What are you talking about?" Husani was grinning broadly at both of them. "Listen to me. I am a prince amongst my people. While I might not be the ruler of the clan yet I already have authority over a lot of the more minor daily goings on." And here Husani held up a finger for significance, "Now I happen to know that there are several animals that have been caught hunting in the safe zone. Because they had murdered one of my clan, it fell to us to decide their fate. I'm sure you've heard that the punishment for killing another animal in the safe zone is execution of the predators responsible as was agreed upon by the Gather of All. But also you may have heard that it isn't uncommon for the peaceable tribes to give the bodies of the condemned to local predator tribes they've had good dealings with as a sign of good will. Now, how would you girls like it if I arranged that you get to take the corpses of the executed murderers back to your own clan? " The hyenas stared at the Zebra dumbfounded for a long time, then as one they both jumped him, laughing and kissing him until they all fell down together in a snuggle pile on the ground. * * * True to his word, prince Husani took them to his people and showed them the captured predators which turned out to be the band of Cape Hunting Dogs they had seen earlier. When Xetsa saw the prisoners had yet to be executed, she hurriedly convinced the Zebras to let them take the prisoners back alive to save them the trouble of carrying all of that meat back to their home territory. So the prisoners were muzzled and bound with hands behind their backs, legs hobbled together and a couple of ropes that tied the pack together. Not only that, but Husani saw to it the Hyenas were provided with spears to defend themselves in case the prisoners became unruly, along with official documents giving them permission to carry weapons through the safe zone for their trek home. A situation that Xetsa enjoyed to no end as she was able to sneer at the Water Buffalo henchmen of the law enforcers that she was allowed to carry a weapon and they couldn't do a damned thing about it. Finally everything was ready, and Xetsa was anxious to be off, only to discover Panyin has disappeared. She found her behind a wagon talking to Husani. "Whether we ever meet again or not, I'll never forget you." Husani told the hyena. Smiling sweetly Panyin reached up and stroked the small wound on Husani's neck. "You better not," She admonished playfully. "If you do I'll come back and bite the other side of your neck." Husani took her hand and kissed it. "And I just might let you do that." Panyin slid into his arms. "And I just might let you get on top of me the next time." Husani nickered, "Ho ho! Now that's something to look forward to." Then joined with her in a long deep kiss. One that was interrupted by Xetsa demanding to know where's hers. * * * The sun was dropping towards evening as the two hyena sisters started off leading their prisoners on the journey back to the sisterhood. Panyin knew that it'd be dark before they made it back to their tribe but she also knew that once they were out of the safe zone they knew the way so well it wouldn't be hard to finish the trip in the dark. But Xetsa called a halt as soon as the sun touched the horizon. "What now?" Panyin inquired of her sister. "Don't you want to make it back to the clan tonight?" "Oh whatever for?" An excited Xetsa exclaimed. Once we're back there, I'm sure the clan mother will order these fine fellows cooked and prepared for a feast. I'll not have any chance to play with them first." Xetsa ended with a wink to her sister. Panyin made quite an exasperated series of snorts and moans. "You're impossible! You're insane! You're Insatiable! You're. . .You're. . ." Then she paused and leaned on her spear laughing as she remembered all the unlikely situations they're gotten through this day. She looked up at her sister who was happily lining up the prisoners and pulling their loincloths off one after the other and commenting on their maleness. With a smile and a new admiration in her voice for her sister she added with a laugh; "You're amazing." The unlucky dogs found themselves abused and raped late into the night. Then the following morning they were matched back to the Sisterhood's territory where they were eagerly welcomed into the cook pots of the village. As the clan feasted, Xetsa and Panyin sat on their favorite grassy knoll, to the west side of the valley around which they lived, sharing a leg of Hunting dog. "I think I just figured out why the grass eaters are so anxious to have predators eating other predators they catch breaking their laws." Panyin pondered philosophically around a mouthful of fresh dog meat. "To reduce the number of predators no doubt." Xetsa suggested. "Much more then that." Panyin continued. "Just think of how it drives home the point that any predator caught poaching will end up as dinner for a neighboring clan. It's one thing to have someone say that breaking their laws will result in death, but this makes it very personal." Panyin paused to swallow her mouthful, then added; "Not only that, imagine if one of our clan was caught and sent to one of our rival clans for dinner. It's guaranteed to instill lots of animosity between the various predator clans. Keeping us predators hating each other and off balance so we can't make a united stand against the herbivores." "Wow, that's some pretty heavy thinking sis." Xetsa ventured adoringly. Then she took the foot that was still attached to the leg they were gnawing on and made a show of sensually licking the toes. "Now myself, I have to really wrack my brains trying to decide whether Hunting Dogs make a better play toy or a better meal. Personally I think they're a bit on the stringy side, but oh... what nice solid bodies they have.... or rather had." And ended by crunching the toes loudly between her jaws. Panyin threw her head back and rolled her eyes at the heavens. "I just can't believe you." Xetsa's powerful jaws ground up the dog's foot like a pretzel, laughing in between crunching. "Now that's what I call an adventure with a happy ending!" Xetsa laughed around a mouthful of bone and gristle. "I understand our chieftess is very pleased with our catch. I think she's wanting us to sleep in her hollow tonight. Which is probably the result of you filling her head full of all those lustful stories of yours." Then Panyin paused and snorted. "I really wish you hadn't told everyone so many details about how we let that horsie fuck our brains out." "That was a cock to remember!" Crooned Xetsa, "You going to visit your horsie again? Oh what was his name?" "He's not my horsie!" Panyin snuffled, "You keep forgetting I don't really care for males the way you do. . . And his name is Husani." "Oh sure you don't!" Xetsa teased, "I seem to remember hearing you offer to let your horsie top you next time. " Adding with a wink. Panyin snorted something obscene then wagged her finger at Xetsa, "If there's either one of us that's changing her , it's got to be you. I saw you doing it with three of those dogs at once last night." Xetsa stopped chewing and stared at Panyin through half-lidded eyes. "What'sa matter big sister? Jealous?" Then she laughed. "Yeah that was wild as hell, getting up the ass and up the cunt at the same time I'm sucking down a hard cock. I actually didn't think I'd get it out of them but I did." Panyin shook her head. "That's exactly what I mean. You've been hitting the males so much lately I'm beginning to think you'll be looking for a mate pretty soon." "I noticed you took one of the dogs to sleep with last night too." Didn't you enjoy that? Panyin sighed sadly. "I play along I think more because I'm frustrated then anything else. Oh and if you're wondering, yes I did enjoy his body last night. But I didn't rape him, I mainly just held him wishing it was you I was holding. " Then Panyin looked away, "I feel like I'm losing you to the males." Xetsa put down her end of the leg and launched herself into Panyin bodily, bowling the hyena over. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Panyin yelped. But Xetsa pinned Panyin to the ground and began licking and love biting her all over. In between her rough play she breathed into Panyin's ear. "I need to remind you that your crazy sister loves you above all else." Then buried her muzzle into Panyin's slit, her tongue hungrily lapping erotically. Panyin's handpaw encircled Xetsa's head as she giggle-laughed in pleasure. "Oh now I remember why I love you so much. You're one wild and crazy bitch!" In the clan of the hyenas it's rather common to hear the occasional yelps and howls of pleasure, but the whoops and screams from the west knoll turned even the heads of the systerhood. -END