The Reign of the Dranonica


Hidden in the depths of Death Mountain, a creature had remained since Muljula’s defeat, growing stronger and stronger. She was an ally with Muljula, his mate. Even though they were both from different races, they shared one thing… Love for each other. Muljula was a purebred dragon, but she was a Dranonica, part fire dragon, and part fire wolf. She had no name, so she called herself Dranonica.

Dranonica stirred. Her powerful tail hit a wall and the whole mountain shook violently. Goron’s waddled out to see what all the commotion was, utterly bewildered of what was happening. Dranonica’s eyes glowed red; she knew the time had come for her to avenge her only friends death. That time was now. She gathered up all the strength in her and roared with all her might.

People in Kakariko village woke up. Ayra rubbed her eyes, jumped out of bed and rushed over to the window. Her house had a perfect view of Death Mountain, but now, the mountain was shaking. Kakariko started shaking. Ayra’s boyfriend, Oni, woke up with a start and rushed over to where Ayra was standing.

What’s happening Ayra?” He asked.

I… don’t know… Something is wrong with Death Mountain,” Ayra answered.

Dranonica’s power was surging, she knew she had enough strength now to escape her prison. With a final roar, she burst out of the side of the mountain causing the earth to move violently. Ayra and Oni’s eyes widened, surely this was all just a bad dream.

Dranonica shook her fiery mane and crawled out of the hole she had just made in the mountain. She looked down and saw Goron’s racing around, panicking. Oh how she loved frightened scenes. She chuckled to herself, she was very scary, and she knew it. She was bigger than any other living being in all of Hyrule now. She was invincible.

Mayhem was Kakariko village. Ayra and Oni had run out of their cottage with their swords and shields ready. Although they had not fought in over seven years, they were willing to protect themselves and Hyrule.

Dranonica slithered like a snake down the mountainside and stopped at the foot of it. She took a deep breath in; she aimed at the Goron’s running around and let out a powerful fire attack. She didn’t stop there, she walked on, stepping on Goron’s that had not moved out of the way and she headed for Kakariko. She snarled, two weak pathetic villagers were taking her on.

What do you think I am? I am more powerful than you will ever be! I will reign supreme!” Her deep voice echoed. She dived at the two villagers and the fight commenced.

Mystica woke up with a start. She felt her brow, it was soaking wet. She looked over at the bed on the other side of the room where Janine was sleeping. Janine seemed fine. Maybe the dragon wasn’t real. It was just a dream Mystica had dreamt. Mystica stood up and wrapped her nightgown around her and looked out of the window. She marvelled at the brilliance of Hyrule castle. It looked so pretty in the morning sun, just like a fairy tale.

Up already Myst?” Mystica heard a tired voice to the right of her. She turned around.

Morning Janine, lovely sun rise!” Mystica greeted. Janine yawned and sat up in her bed and looked over at the clock.

Myst… It’s 5:00… You are not normally up at this time… Something wrong with you?” Janine joked. Mystica shook her head.

Just had a night mare… that’s all…” Mystica answered looking out of the window. “Janine, remember its my turn to use the bathroom first today so…” Mystica heard a bang behind her and the turn of a key. “Oh Janine! Janine let me in there! You have been first two whole weeks running!” Mystica said while banging at the door. All she heard were Janine’s giggles and laughter. Mystica shook her head and returned to her bed and fell asleep again…