The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 2 – Link returns

Link… It… it really IS you!” Mystica gaped. Link smiled.

Yep, it certainly is me,” he laughed. Mystica was filled with anger and happiness at the same time. “I think we had better leave the castle,” Link said after a while. Mystica nodded, still in disbelief.

Why didn’t you come back Link?” Mystica asked as soon as they were in Hyrule field.

Um…” Link started, scratching his head. Mystica turned to face him; she saw there was embarrassment building up inside him.

I don’t know… I left and I guess I forgot my way back…” Link finally answered.

Likely story. I bet you were glad to be rid of me right?” Mystica snapped.

That was seven years ago Myst… Things change…”

Yes, Link… Things DO change. I bet you didn’t even know that Ayra and Oni got a house in Kakariko and are living together!”

I can’t say I have…”

Well, many things have happened over the years you have been gone… Talon passed on last year and left the Ranch in Malon’s hands. Epona got a mate and a little foal too! Epona’s mate is Chase and Chase is my horse!”

Epona gotta kid? What is it called?”

Well, it’s a boy and Malon called him Link after you! Epona seemed to like it as well,” Mystica winked at Link.

Why don’t you come back to the Ranch with us? Janine and Malon will be happy to see you again I’m sure,” Mystica beckoned Link to follow her to the Ranch. Link smiled.

Are you sure they will welcome me back after all these years?”

Why not? I did. Didn’t I?” Mystica winked at Link again. Link’s ears pricked up and he walked after Mystica into the Ranch. It was pretty dark now and Janine and Malon had just about managed to round all the horses into the stables.

Hey! Guess who I found?” Mystica shouted to them both.

What? Who is it?” Janine asked as she bolted the door.

Its Link!” Mystica answered. Janine and Malon looked round the corner in disbelief.

Oh… My… God!” Malon gasped. Janine smiled.

So… the lone wanderer finally returns!” Janine joked as she walked up to Link. She shook his paw. “Where the hell have you been all these years?”

Termina,” Link replied, “It’s a far away place from Hyrule though…”

So… what did you do there?” Malon asked.

I heard about Termina!” Mystica piped up, “they were gonna have the moon crash into their city weren’t they? You saved them no doubt…”

Link smiled.

Well, if we can find a spare room for you to sleep in you can sleep there…” Malon told him.

Oh no it’s fine, I can go to Kokiri Forest and stay there the night!” Link answered.

Nonsense… Its too dark for you to go off now Link, you’re staying here the night…” Malon argued. Suddenly, Mystica’s ears pricked up. She had a bad feeling again.

What’s the matter Mystica?” Janine asked.

Something… something is wrong…” Mystica answered. Then there was a mighty tremor that shook the earth violently.

What in Sam hell was that?” Malon screamed. Mystica jumped up on the roof of the stables and walked along till she had a good view of Death Mountain.

This… this happened in my dream!” Mystica growled, “Kakariko is in danger…”

Link jumped up and walked beside Mystica. There was an ear-shattering roar.

What happening?” Janine asked, she jumped up on the roof and pulled Malon up as well. They all sat there looking up at Death Mountain.

Wait for it… Death Mountain is going to explode any minute…” Mystica whispered.

There was silence. The world seemed to stand still waiting for the explosion. Then it happened. A fierce dragon burst out of the side of Death Mountain, roaring with all its might.

Mystica… you… you are right…” Janine gasped. Mystica’s eyes widened.

Ayra…” she whispered. Mystica jumped down off the roof and headed for the horse stables.

Mystica? What are you doing?” Malon asked confused.

I gotta save Ayra! She is in danger!” Mystica jumped on Chase and rode out of Lon Lon Ranch towards Kakariko.

Link followed on Epona.

I’ll catch up with you Link! I gotta get my horse!”

The dragon laughed and slithered like a snake towards Kakariko, where she saw Ayra and Oni waiting for her… Prepared for battle…