The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 4 - Revenge

Mystica had just exited the Bazaar shop holding a stunning blue and silver sword and a silver and blue shield with a golden emblem of the Tri-force on it with the red eagle underneath it. Her ears pricked up and a shiver crawled up her back.

Something is wrong…” Mystica felt sadness fill up inside her. She felt like crying but she did not. She would not. Crying was for sissy’s she reminded herself. Janine and Malon told her that it wasn’t very healthy thinking like that, but Mystica was afraid of showing unhappiness and weaknesses. She heard a frightening roar above her.

Oh no!” Mystica whispered to herself as she saw the Dranonica circling above Hyrule. The town’s people were screaming with fright below. This is what the Dranonica liked… fear. Mystica saw it had its tail wrapped around something. She could not see because she was too far up in the sky for her to see. She feared the worse though…

HYRULE!” Dranonica bellowed, “YOU ARE MINE!” She let out a burst of blue flames from her mouth and it set the thatched roofs on fire. She flew lower, too close for Mystica’s liking, so she swung a swipe at its head. She heard it roar in pain and turn its head. She saw green ooze dropping from its ear. She ran, scared for herself. She ran out of Hyrule, jumped on Chase and headed for Kakariko.

Dranonica’s anger got the better of her, and she let himself lose control and set the whole village alight.

Mystica arrived in the burned down Kakariko. She heard sobs, but there was one voice she heard above the rest. It was Link’s she heard.

Janine… Oh Janine!” She heard him sob. She saw two figures ahead of her. A lump of something was stuck in her throat as she approached and saw it was Link holding Janine, but Janine was lying limp in his arms.

Oh god no…” Mystica whispered, but Link heard her. He looked up at Mystica, then looked back at Janine and continued crying.

Jane! Janey! Wake up girl…” Mystica quietly said stroking Janine’s hair.

It took Oni and Ayra…” Link said through sobs. Mystica’s ears tilted back, and a tear rode down her cheek. She turned her head away from Link so that he wouldn’t see her like this. She wiped it away quickly and cradled Janine’s head in her arms.

That… Dragon thing… I shall make him pay dearly…” Mystica growled while looking down at Janine’s lifeless body. Link took Mystica’s paw and held it in his.

Correction Myst,” he said sternly, “WE shall make him pay dearly.” Mystica looked at Link and smiled.

Right… Buddy,” Mystica agreed and held out her paw to shake hands with him. Link did shake her paw. From now on they were partners in crime, to avenge one of their friends death, destroying villages and kidnapping two friends to do only Dranonica knew what. Link whistled Epona and Mystica whistled Chase towards them. Link took Janine’s body and laid it on Epona’s back.

Can we not bury the body Link?” Mystica asked, Link looked at Mystica in disbelief.

Well what are you going to do? If you keep it in your room she is going to decompose and smell you out!” Link answered her.

I just don’t want to bury her yet… Not while that… thing is still running about…” Mystica explained. Link looked at Janine’s body and then looked at Mystica was a ‘you are crazy’ look on his face.

If it will keep you happy Myst…” He gave up. He jumped on Chase and Mystica jumped up behind him and held around his waist with one hand and held Epona’s reigns with her other hand. Link held Chase’s reigns with both of his and trotted off slowly back to Lon Lon Ranch.

Malon gasped as she saw the sight. She broke down and Link comforted her. Mystica took Janine’s body and laid it on Janine’s old bed.

While Mystica was on her own, she began to cry while watching Janine’s lifeless body sleep peacefully.

Oh Din, Farore and Nayru… What did I do to deserve this?”