The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 5 – The Gerudos

Link knocked on Mystica’s door.

Mystica? We have to get going… The dragon has made her way to the Desert,” Mystica slowly opened her eyes.

I’ll be a minute,” she groaned. She sat up no bed and dressed in her black clothes she wore yesterday. She walked over to her wardrobe and stroked her shield with her paw. She smiled. She caught a glimpse of green on her sword.

She touched it with her fingers. It was like glue, only still not dry.

What the…” Mystica took her sword and washed it under the tap in the bathroom and washed the ooze off her paw as well.

She slid the sword into its hilt, attached it to a leather strap and tied it around her waist. She then took her shield and swung it across her back and walked out. Link was standing there.

He handed Mystica a sheet.

We need to get some sleep sometimes,” he said to her. Mystica looked at his eyes. Link smiled. Mystica loved it when he smiled, his eyes shone with happiness. Mystica smiled back.

Will you be fine here on your own Malon?” Link asked before he and Mystica set off.

I’ll be fine,” Malon waved at them, “don’t worry about me.”

Link whistled for Epona.

Call Chase Mystica, it going to be on long journey!” Link said while mounting Epona.

Chase!” Mystica shouted. Her white horse lifted his head and galloped over to her. Mystica climbed aboard and nodded to Link.

Bye Malon! Take care of Janine!” Mystica shouted back waving.

I’ll make sure nothing happens to her…” Malon shouted back with a look of disgust on her face. Mystica was going psycho if she wished to keep a ‘dead’ body?

Mystica and Link jumped on their horses and made way to Gerudo Valley. They were both quiet, neither one of the talked at all. Link was the first to break the silence.

Well, here we are! Gerudo Valley…” Mystica looked up at the sign. She then looked down at the bridge crossing over into Gerudo Valley. There, in front was Elira, the Gerudo they had saved from Gannondorf seven years ago. But she had company, another Gerudo.

Who are you?” She demanded stepping forward. Elira looked up and smiled.

Leave them Sheka, they are friends of mine,” Elira said placing a hand on Sheka’s shoulder. Sheka stood back and lowered her weapon.

I’m on duty with Sheka here, I’m afraid security in Gerudo valley has increased since we had a raid last night,” Elira explained

A raid?” Mystica asked, “by who?”

A massive Black Dragon with a blue fire mane…” Sheka answered, “It swooped down, looking for one of us… it said it wanted the one that showed the most courage, but we all fought back of course.”

I wonder what she is up too…” Link thought out loud.

She called herself Dranonica…” Elira piped up, “She is very powerful mind… You had better watch out for her. We attacked him but nothing seemed to slow her down at all!”

Did she have a scar on one of her claws?” Link asked.

A scar? No she was in perfect shape!” Sheka said.

Anyway, we saw her fly above us today, headed for the desert I think…” Link said.

Yes, we saw her too. Ignored us completely… I say she is up to something… Better be on your guard,” Elira warned. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blast of blue fire shot right through the middle of the group, but caught Mystica’s arm. Mystica screamed as she fell from her horse into the raging river below her.

MYSTICA!” Link and Elira shouted in unison. Then the owner of the blast showed her face from the waterfall, Dranonica.

You… Everyone! Battle positions!” Elira shouted. Gerudo’s gathered in their hundreds armed with swords. Epona and Chase reared up and galloped off back to Hyrule field. Link decided to jump in the water after Mystica.

You… Gerudo… are exactly what I need…” Dranonica sneered as she lunged at Elira…