The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 7 – The Dragon’s Pendant

Don’t Link…” The voice was a woman’s voice. She held up her hand to stop Link from attacking. Link lowered his sword. Mystica joined in on the scene and kept her paw on her own sword just in case.

How do you know my name?” Link asked, the stranger looked around first and then spoke again.

That’s because we have already met Link,” she whispered, “many years ago…” She lifted up her hood and revealed her face.

Princess Zelda?” Link asked astonishingly.

Yes Link, it’s me. I saw you wandering around the castle a few days ago,” she giggled, “I don’t know what you were doing in there in the first place,” she giggled again, “I only saw you exiting the castle with this young woman here.”

Oh… I was just keeping up my skills on getting past the guards without being noticed…” Link said uneasily. Mystica looked at Link.

But you are in grave danger… you must leave at once,” Zelda said, changing the subject, “Dranonica was here earlier… as you can see… She has been trying to take me… So I am leaving myself… But you just do not know with that dragon… she is sly and cunning…”

But why is she doing this?” Mystica asked, “It’s madness! So far she has destroyed Kakariko, murdered a friend, taken two away, attacked the Gerudo’s and destroyed Hyrule! What is she trying to do?”

I think you will find she has also ransacked Kokiri Forest… she stole a precious item from there that gives him ultimate powers…” Zelda answered, “I will tell you about it… but do not speak of it to any one you meet unless they too know its name and what it does…”

What is it?” Link asked.

The Dragon’s Pendant…” Zelda began, “It is a powerful relic that has a mind of its own… Only the sages and two races know about it… Dranonica was one of those races… that is how she knew about it… It first was held in Death Mountain, but years ago there was a war between two races… The Dranonica’s and the Hypho’s…”

Dranonica’s? They are… a race? What about THE Dranonica…” Mystica asked.

She is a Dranonica… but she was unnamed… She called herself Dranonica… I cannot tell you much about her… but I am sure you will find out more about her past… But any way… There was a war between the Dranonica and the Hypho’s… The Dranonica’s are part Dragon, part wolf and fierce fighters. The Hypho’s are part dragon part leopard, also fierce fighters. They were fighting over the Dragon’s Pendant, but none knew of its true powers. However, one Dranonica, by the name of Jazko, sneaked into the chamber of the Dragon’s Pendant in the middle of a battle, and took it. But, as soon as Jazko took it in his paws, it let off a blinding ray of light. The light spread along the ground of Death Mountain, and it destroyed any Hypho that touched it. Once the deed was done, the Pendant left Jazko’s paws and flew off into Kokiri Forest. There it lay in the hands of the sage of the forest. Saria. She then took it to the Temple of Light to show all the sages. She showed it to them all, they all knew it was the Pendant that the Dranonica and the Hypho’s were quarrelling over. Saria went to hand the Pendant over to Raru, but the Pendant left his hands and placed it self around Saria’s neck. That is why Dranonica went to Kokiri Forest… to get the Pendant… But she had to kill Saria to retrieve it in the first place…”

Mystica and Link’s mouths dropped open. Saria… one of their oldest friends… had been murdered…

Now Dranonica has gone too far!” Link growled.

Be careful Link… I have told you all I know about the Pendant… But I am sure that it has more powers inside it… But there is one more thing that Pendant can do… It can heal wounds, cure the sick… and revive the dead…” Zelda warned, “just remember that…”

Mystica’s heart skipped a beat. “Breathe life back into the dead?” She asked, making sure she was hearing right.

Yes,” Zelda answered.

Link… if we get that Pendant… we can bring Saria and Janine back to life!” Mystica pointed out.

Link was about to answer, when the earth started rumbling.

What in the world was that?” Link asked.

Oh no… Link, Mystica, you must run, NOW!” Zelda shouted. She covered her face with the hood again and started to run off. But she was stopped by a blast of Blue fire blocking her route.

Where do you think YOU are going?” Dranonica hissed.

Not you again…” Mystica growled. Link and she drew out their swords and shields and attacked.

Mystica managed to cut Dranonica’s claw and Link impaled her neck. The creature roared in pain. It turned to Mystica and Link and swiped at them. She then went to grab Zelda, but she jumped out of the way. Dranonica was getting far to aggravated with the princess. She was too fast for her. Link and Mystica shook their heads and went in for the kill again. Dranonica snarled at them, and sent a powerful blast of fire at them. Mystica and Link stumbled back in pain and fell to the floor.

Now princess… you’re mine!” Dranonica lunged at Zelda with her mouth open. She clamped his jaws shut on her and flew off.

What? NO!” Link shouted. He ran after Dranonica, and realising he couldn’t catch up, he threw his sword at her, but it missed.

Link fell to his knees and Mystica crawled up to join him.

Great! Now she has eaten Zelda! Oh Myst… what are we going to do?”