The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 9 - Princess of the Dranonica

Link and Mystica found themselves the next morning in a watery domain. The beds were made of wood and leaves, which they found very comfortable.

What happened last night Myst? How did we get here?” Link asked.

I don’t know Link…” Mystica answered, stepping out of her bed and taking a look around the room. There was a knock at the door.

Who is it?” Mystica asked.

Room service!” said a high-pitched voice, followed by a giggle. Then a Zora opened the door and walked in.

Ruto?” Link asked in amazement, “you’ve… erm… grown…”

Morning you two! How did you sleep?” Ruto asked nicely.

I don’t even remember falling asleep…” Mystica answered, staring at the Zora.

You were lucky that the Dranonica’s brought you to us before they attempted to kill you,” Ruto said placing a plate with a fish on it on each of their beds.

Dranonica’s? They’re here?” Mystica asked.

Yes, and the Kokiri children,” Ruto answered, “This is the one place that Dranonica can’t get to… the evil one that is.”

For your sake I hope so,” Link sighed.

The Dranonica’s thought you were enemies, they felt threatened with your swords… You had them out ready to attack right?” Ruto asked.

To be honest… I don’t remember,” Link answered.

Well, it doesn’t matter now, you are safe with them now! They won’t attack you. Feel free to wander around our domain if you want, I’ll leave you two to eat breakfast.” With that Ruto left.

Well… this is a sanctuary for the Dranonica and Kokiri now isn’t it?” Link said.

Yup… We can find out more about that Dranonica from the one’s here,” Mystica said poking at her fish. Link looked up from his fish that was half eaten.

Are you going to eat that?” he asked. Mystica picked up the plate and gave it to Link.

It’s ok… I can’t eat fish like that… You can have it…” Mystica said. Link gave her thumbs up and continued to eat.

I wonder where our swords and shields have been put…” Mystica asked looking around the chamber.

They will be around somewhere…” Link said between mouthfuls. Mystica stood up and started searching around. After a few minutes of searching, there was another knock at the door.

Hello?” Link asked, “Who is it?”

A creature walked in through the door, it looked like a wolf but it had dragon like claws, horns and a dragon tail with fire burning on the tip of it.

I have brought your weapons, sorry for the attack on you last night,” the creature apologised.

You… you’re a Dranonica?” Mystica asked in astonishment. The Dranonica nodded.

But… what about THE Dranonica… the one destroying Hyrule?” Link asked.

Her? She is a Dranonica also… but not our type… if you want to know more you must consult our princess. She knows all about that Dranonica… more than I can ever tell you, I will take you to her. Her name in princess Ocria, come,” the Dranonica turned around and looked back to make sure that Link and Mystica were following him. When they were, he continued forth and led them to their part of the domain. In the water, Mystica and Link saw the Kokiri children playing in the water and splashing each other. One of which was Mido. A grin spread across Mystica’s face.

Hey Mido! Still got that big butt of yours?” Mystica called, remembering the fun she had as a kid in Kokiri forest, that one day that she was thrown out for disruptive behaviour. Mido looked at her with a puzzled look on his face, and then it turned into a surprised look.

MYSTICA? Oh not you!” He called.

Oh that’s nice! I wasn’t really happy to see you either!” Mystica called back. Link smiled and pulled Mystica’s paw for her to keep on moving.

Oh! Is that your boyfriend Myst?” one little Kokiri called.

Link? Nah, we are just saving the world!” Mystica giggled, blushing slightly, oh how she loved fur, it covered up her blushing all the time.

Link dragged Mystica away from the Kokiri.

Sorry kids, Mystica and I have to go see Princess Ocria, haven’t we Mystica?” Link said, looking at Mystica.

Oh yeah, sorry Link I forgot! I’ll be back and talk to you guys later!” Mystica waved and carried on walking with Link and the Dranonica. They soon came to a dry part of the domain. The place was the home of the Dranonica, there was a nursery in one corner and an adult Dranonica watching over them and playing with them. They passed other Dranonica chatting or cooking food, and then they came to a doorway that was guarded by two Dranonica. They had spears and were the only ones that stood on their hind legs and had armour on their chest.

What business do you seek with the princess?” One ordered stepping in the way. The Dranonica that was leading Link and Mystica to the princess answered.

These are the ones who are trying to save the land of Hyrule from the mighty Dranonica that took the pendant.”

The two guards moved out of the way.

You may pass,” the second one said and the door opened.

I must stay out here, you two go on in, and I’ll wait here for you…” The Dranonica said. Link and Mystica nodded and walked in side. As they stepped in, the door shut behind them. In front of them there was another Dranonica that sat in between two more guards. The Dranonica had wings and she had a beautiful light blue coat. She had a ruby on her head. Obviously this was Princess Ocria.

Hello young ones, I am Princess Ocria, Princess of the Dranonica. What business do you seek with me?” She asked.

Princess, we want to know about the Dranonica that is destroying the land,” Link answered. Ocria looked at her two guards. They both walked out of the chamber, leaving Ocria, Link and Mystica together.

Do you want to know right from the beginning travellers?” She asked as she lowered her head.

Would that be best?” Mystica asked.

Yes, it would I suppose.” Ocria raised her head. She beckoned Link and Mystica to come closer. Mystica and Link moved closer in, waiting for Ocria to start telling the story.

Most of this was told to me by my father before he died in the fire that destroyed out home. Well I’ll begin. No one knows of whom Dranonica was born of. She was just abandoned in the forest that was our home many years ago. My mother took her in and she raised her. Later I was born and Dranonica and I grew up together. But no one called her a real name, she was an outcast because she did not look like the rest of us, but she definitely was a Dranonica.

As she grew up, she became more depressed. The other Dranonica teased her because of her looks. She always moped around by the lakes and very often cried a lot of the time. She then started going into mood swings and snapping a lot of the time.

Everyone started despising her and very soon, she blew. She threatened that she would come back and get revenge on us, and with that she left the forest. We have no idea what happened to her after that, but she kept to her word and returned to take revenge on us. That was a few days ago. She has grown far too big for any normal Dranonica now… She has turned over to the dark side that is the reason why. She destroyed our forest by setting it alight. The fire killed my father and mother, which really did take revenge on us. We all knew of the Zora’s Domain, so we came here for refuge.

That is as much as I know about Dranonica, except she also took the Dragon’s Pendant that is so powerful it helped us Dranonica win the war between the Hypho’s…”

Link and Mystica took in all this information.

So, Dranonica turned to the dark side because she wasn’t the same as the other Dranonica’s… that’s pretty sad…” Mystica said after the story, “she must be very lonely… but I guess it is too late to try and restore her to her original self…”

The Power of the Pendant. That Pendant has turned her even more evil since she got hold of it. It is impossible to turn her back, unless you can obtain the Pendant back off her and use your pure heart’s to restore her. But unfortunately, she won’t let you have the Pendant with out a fight to the death…” Ocria explained.

We heard that Saria was killed because Dranonica wanted the Pendant…” Link said suddenly.

Yes… because the Pendant attached itself to Saria itself… Dranonica wouldn’t have got the Pendant without killing her in the process… Even though she is a sage… Dranonica’s darkness would have prevailed either way. She even destroyed the rest of Kokiri Forest for fun. All the children came here for safety,” Ocria explained.

Poor kids… What did they do with Saria’s body? Because if we get the Pendant we can revive her,” Mystica said.

Yes, I know. The sages have kept it in a secret chamber until one retrieved the Pendant, but it isn’t going to be easy I’m afraid…” Ocria sighed.