The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 11 – The lost Kokiri

Mystica and Link did not walk into Kokiri Forest; they had walked into a scene of destruction. It no longer looked the slightest bit like the forest they both knew as kids. It was all burned into a crisp and there was still some black and red flames flickering up from ashes of what were once trees or houses. Mystica walked forward, she saw a spot on the floor that was covered in a red substance. She kneeled down and looked at it. She realized it was blood and gasped rather loudly.

Link… there… there is blood,” she struggled to say. Link walked up and looked. He kneeled down.

Poor Saria,” He said, “Myst, that’s Saria’s blood.” Mystica covered her mouth.

Oh God! Link, this is turning very violent. We have to stop any more of this happening…” She said seriously with her paw over her heart. She looked back down at the bloodstain.

This is no place for a lady to be!” said a voice behind Link and Mystica. They both drew their swords and spun around on the spot. There, in front of them stood a Zora with his hands held up.

Hey there! I mean no harm!” He said. Link and Mystica held down their swords.

Don’t do that!” Mystica said, “You gave me a heart attack! I thought you were Dranonica!”

Hey I’m sorry! I’m a Zora Warrior who has come here to try and retrieve any Kokiri that probably didn’t make it. Good thing I haven’t found any thing yet,” he said, “my name is Mikau, I’m in a Zora Band as well. But we sort of had to break up for a bit because of this Dranonica business.”

Pleased to meet you Mikau. This is Mystica, and I am Link,” Link introduced himself and Mystica.

Ah Link, I remember you. You were at the Zora Domain before, I also remember Mystica. Two other girl’s were with you right?” Mikau asked.

Yeah, Janine and Ayra. They were kidnapped by Dranonica,” Mystica said.

Yes, luckily Dranonica cannot get to our Domain. I heard that if you put out a Dranonica’s flame they die, so we assembled some scouts who stand around the river leading up to our domain, so if the Dranonica comes that way they can put the fire out with water. But we do not know for sure. That Dranonica has a blue fire tail… It may be water proof,” Mikau explained.

Anyway, what are you two doing here? Looking for clues or have you been sent to look for Kokiri too?” Mikau asked.

Oh no, we have come here looking for two fairies. We have to taken them to Zora’s domain,” Link answered.

Ah yes, they help me look for Kokiri, they went to look around the Lost woods to see if any ran into their for safety… We found some skull kids, but they are fine with the lost woods. It’s strange, Lost wood’s hasn’t been touched… But Kokiri can’t really live in there, they need a special diet and they can’t get it in the woods. Seems you are looking for the fairies and, no doubt, you are going to go in the lost woods to find them. Could you try and see if any Kokiri kids are hidden in there?” Mikau asked, “There IS one missing from the Kokiri gang, and we don’t know what happened to her, but we haven’t found a body so we are just hoping that she is still alive and well in the lost woods. If you do find her I’ll give you something real nice!” Mikau asked, “I would go in there myself but I am far too busy here and there are loads of places I haven’t searched.”

Sure Mikau, we’ll help you,” Mystica and Link said together.

Thank you, I am must appreciative, even if you find her dead, bring her back okay?” Mikau asked. Mystica and Link nodded.

I suppose we have to expect the worse,” Link said. Mikau nodded.

Link and Mystica looked at each other. Link walked on ahead of Mystica and climbed up the side of a wall and Mystica followed. They then both walked into the trunk that lead into the Lost Woods.

The Woods was silent, only the sounds of the odd occasional Wolfos howling echoed through the wood.

Be prepared with your sword Mystica, there are Wolfos here,” Link whispered. Mystica nodded. Link stepped forward and looked around.

This place used to be alive with Saria’s song, the song used to echo through the whole of the wood’s making it friendly. But now… it is just as dead as Kokiri Forest,” Link whispered loud enough for Mystica to hear.

Link, were should we go first? Left or right?” Mystica asked. Link turned around.

On our left is where a skull kid once was, if he is still there we can ask him if he saw a Kokiri kid walk past,” Link said. He walked to the left and Mystica followed him. Sure enough, a Skull kid was there.

He was curled up in a ball on the stump of a tree, Link walked up to him.

Hey little guy, you awake?” Link asked. The Skull Kid stirred and groaned. One eye opened, he started hissing and he jumped up and lunged at Link.

Oh Link! Skill Kid’s don’t like adults!” Mystica gasped. The Skull kid jumped around the area and climbed up a tree and began hissing again at Link and Mystica.

Hey, we are not going to hurt you! We just want to know some information,” Mystica said. The Skull kid still hissed at them both.

Link, put your sword and shield down, maybe he is threatened by them,” she whispered to Link. Link nodded.

They both put their swords and shields on the ground.

Is that any better? We will not hurt you kid,” Mystica said again.

How can I trust adults? Adults think they are so high and mighty! If you stay any longer in here you will turn to Stalfos! Like that other guy did!” The Skull kid growled.

Well it so happens we are Kokiri!” Link told the Skull Kid.

Liar! Kokiri children don’t grow up!” The Skull kid growled.

We left the forest, and we never came back! I swear. We are Kokiri! But we grew up outside the Forest,” Mystica told him. The Skull kid climbed down the tree and waddled over to Link and Mystica. He sniffed them.

You… you do smell like Kokiri…” he said looking up at them. Mystica and Link smiled at him.

Glad we got that sorted,” Mystica smiled, “now, please, could you tell us some information?”

Ok, sure. If I know it I’ll tell you. What do you want to know?” He asked while jumped back to the tree stump that he was sleeping.

We need to know if you saw a Kokiri girl run through here,” Link asked. The Skull kid smiled.

That’s the same question two fairies asked me! Well my two brothers told me they saw a girl heading for the sacred forest meadow! But I tell you, this place has become swarmed with Wolfos since that fire in Kokiri Forest, she will be lucky to still be alive!”

Ok, thank you for that information, did the two fairies by any chance make way to the meadow?” Link and Mystica asked.

Yep! That’s where they said they were going! Just in case you bang into my brothers, take this stick and give it to them, they will know I met you then.” The Skull kid gave Mystica a stick; it had a something written on it.

That’s our secret code, you can’t read it, but they can,” the Skull kid smiled.

Ok thank you,” Link and Mystica said and they walked off to the forest meadow.

Watch out for Wolfos!” The Skull kid called out, “they attack in groups! And most of them are in the meadow!”