The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 12 – Link and Mystica to the rescue

Well Link, do you know the route to the meadow?” Mystica asked.

Yes I do, Saria and I used to go there all the time, I know this forest inside out,” Link boasted.

Ok then, I’ll follow you! Remember, we gotta watch out for Wolfos too,” Mystica warned.

No sweat Myst! Wolfos are easy to beat, just slash at them when they go to attack you. It’s simple really. You have to keep up with them as well, they run around you see,” Link re-assured her. Mystica nodded.

Oh is that all?” she said sarcastically, “May I remind you that you are better with a sword than I am?”

Don’t worry, I’ll look after you!” Link said looking around at her.

Oh that makes me feel really safe,” Mystica joked.

What are you saying? I can look after you!” Link said.

Yeah, like if five Wolfos come and attack me you can kill them all on your own,” Mystica said.

I could try,” Link said as they both passed through another tunnel. They came to an opening where they saw the metal fence half open.

Well here is the meadow, and we got here without banging into a Wolfos too!” Link said. Just as he said that, a pack of six Wolfos jumped down and surrounded them both.

Link, it’s a little thing called tempting fate!” Mystica growled at him.

No! It was just a coincidence!” Link defended.

So, how are we going to get out of this one?” Mystica asked. The Wolfos began closing in on them.

It’s called a sword Mystica!” Link told her. Link and Mystica reached for their swords, but the swords weren’t there.

Oh crap… we left our swords with that Skull Kid!” Mystica cried out.

Oh brilliant!” Link growled, “we are going to have to use physical attacks then.” Mystica turned around and grabbed around Link’s waist.

Or it’s called a Long shot!” she smiled.

Oh yeah! I still got that!” He reached to the left side of his waist and pulled out the Long shot and aimed it at an over hanging tree branch and shot. The Long shot pulled both Mystica and Link to the tree and they both climbed on it.

Great thinking Myst! I totally forgot about my Long shot!” Link said stroking his beloved tool.

Just like we forgot about our swords and shields?” Mystica asked.

I suppose… Hey do you know if Wolfos can climb tree’s?” Link asked.

I don’t know… and I hope they don’t. Why?” Mystica asked.

It’s just ‘cus… they seem to be attempting to climb…” Link said pointing down. Mystica looked and there, one Wolfos was clinging around the tree trunk and slowly making it’s way up.

Give me the Long shot Link,” Mystica said putting her hand out for the tool. Link gave it her. She aimed at the Wolfos and shot it. The Long shot hit the Wolfos in its head. It fell to the ground, dead. It then began to decompose and its body turned into a blue flame, then the flame faded away, leaving blood where it has died. The other Wolfos looked up and ran away growling.

Great shot Mystica!” Link praised. Mystica smiled. Suddenly they both heard a scream.

The Kokiri girl!” Mystica said, “Link, you know this forest better than I. You head back and get our swords and shields. Take the Long shot with you. I’ll head on and look for the girl ok?”

Link nodded, “fine by me, be careful Myst,” he said laying a paw on her shoulder. Mystica put her paw on his paw.

Don’t worry about me Link, I’ll be fine.” Mystica jumped off the tree onto the raised platform above the maze. She jumped across and ran on towards the Forest Temple. Link jumped down from the tree and was confronted by a Wolfos straight away.

See you in hell,” Link growled as the Long shot penetrated the Wolfos’ skull. Link carried on through the Lost Wood’s maze.

Mystica ran on and she came to the Forest Temple entrance where she saw a circular platform with the Tri-force and a weird symbol on it. She looked up and saw the Kokiri girl stuck up a tree with a Wolfos climbing up after her. This Wolfos was bigger than the others, and it was white. Mystica growled and ran to the girl’s aid. Mystica jumped up and pulled the Wolfos’ tail, which made the Wolfos lose grip of the tree, and it fell. It fell on top of Mystica. It howled as pain surged up his body as the force of the impact with the ground. Mystica screamed in pain. But she shook it off and pushed the Wolfos off her back. The Wolfos shook itself and growled, showing a set of glowing yellow teeth. It started to slowly circle Mystica. Mystica took followed it around and began circling as well. She was ready for the Wolfos to attack at any moment. The Kokiri girl above them sat and watched. Navi and Tatl were with her.

Mystica needs help Tatl!” Navi said.

Yeah, there is no way she can beat that Wolfos without a weapon, we can try our best. Come on lets go!” Tatl answered. The two fairies flew down and began to circle around the Wolfos’ head. This distracted the Wolfos a bit as it looked at the fairies. Mystica saw her chance and picked up a stone and threw it at the Wolfos. The stone hit its temple. It growled in pain. Its head began to bleed. It jerked its head to face Mystica. He lunged at her with teeth bared and claws sharp. Mystica rolled out of the way of the on coming Wolfos. But she didn’t get up in time to escape its teeth. It had caught hold of Mystica’s tail and started swinging her around.

Oh dear! This is one strong Wolfos! Come on Tatl!” Navi said. The two fairies flew over to try and save Mystica from the Wolfos’ wrath. The Wolfos began to swing Mystica around again and then let go of his grip, sending Mystica flying into a wall.

The Kokiri girl gasped.

Hang in there! I’ll twy and help you!” The girl ran off into the Forest temple. Mystica’s vision began to darken as she saw the Wolfos walking slowly up to her, ready for the kill.