The Reign of the Dranonica

Chapter 14 – Other side of Death Mountain

Link, I feel we are being watched…” Mystica said nervously.

I wouldn’t be surprised,” Link sighed. He turned around and saw the cloaked creature standing in front of them.

You are off to the other side of Death Mountain are you now?” the creature asked.

What is it to you?” Link asked, “Are you a spy to Dranonica?”

No, I am not! I, actually, am going to offer to lead you to the shrine in which the Pendant once lay,” the creature answered.

Mystica looked at Link, “Let’s trust him Link, it will take us ages to find it. If he does turn against us we have our swords.” Link nodded.

Ok then, lead us to it,” Link said eventually.

Call your horses, they are quicker transport to the other side of Death Mountain, but I can make it shorter by taking you through a short cut,” the creature said. Link called over Epona and Mystica called over Chase. The creature called over a black stallion that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Ok then, follow me.” Mystica and Link followed behind the creature and his black horse. They galloped into Kakariko village and up onto Death Mountain Trail.

In here,” the creature said standing outside Dodongo’s cavern, waiting for Link and Mystica to catch up.

Dodongo’s cavern? Are you sure?” Link asked.

Believe me, I have been here before,” the creature said. None the less, Link and Mystica continued to follow. The horses seemed a little uncomfortable in the cavern, and even more so when they had to trot into the gaping mouth of the big Dodongo.

They winded in and out of tunnels, and the creature walked trough one wall.

Seeing isn’t always believing my friends,” the creature said from the other side. Mystica and Link followed anyway. They continued on and saw the end of the tunnel. They were on the other side of Death Mountain at last.

As Navi and Tatl had said, it too was in ashes, but there were a few plants beginning to blossom on the ground.

Tie your horses up here, they cannot go on any further for it gets steep here,” the creature said, beginning to climb up the vines directly right to where they just came out of. Mystica and Link followed. They came to a ledge and the creature was standing in front of some bushes. Mystica and Link ran towards him. The creature pulled the bushes back, revealing a small hole.

Crawl through it,” the creature said. Mystica went in first, and then Link. The creature followed on in.
”Wow,” Mystica said as they entered. The inside was massive. It had pillars and a marble table surrounded with seven marble statues. The Statues were Dragon’s each holding a circular medallion in their jaws, each one a different colour. Link examined them carefully.
”They are the symbols of the six sages! But this one, I have never seen before,” Link said walking up to a black one. “Mystica, maybe your theory of Dranonica being some sort of evil sage may be correct.”

Yes, Dranonica is a sage, and yes, she is and evil one,” the creature said, “she has passed on her sageship to her creation Fasgo too, so he too can hold the Pendant in case an emergency arises.”

Mystica walked to the table, “this was where the Pendant once was right?” she asked.

Yes, it is,” the creature said, “that inscription there says ‘The Pendant that was made by the ancient dragon’s of the world belongs to all seven sages, sage of the forest, sage of fire, sage of water, sage of shadow, sage of spirit, sage of light and sage of evil’.”

Link looked at Mystica, “so, if we kill Dranonica we can get that Pendant.” Mystica ignored what Link just said and walked over to the cloaked creature that had brought them here.

Who are you? I thought that only Jazko made it in here, so how did you know the way here?” she asked demandingly.

Because, my dear, I am Jazko. How else could I have known? But I am not Jazko in body form…” it said.

Huh? What do you mean not in body form?” Mystica asked curiously.

Because when I touched that Pendant, with the wrong wish in mind and not being a sage, it sucked my body into a different world and left my spirit behind,” Jazko explained.

So… we can’t touch the Pendant?” Link asked.

You can touch the Pendant, but it is what you want to do with it that matters. I wanted to kill the Hypho tribe, so I paid the forfeit. If you touch it with a pure heart and wanting to help someone else, you will be fine,” Jazko explained.

How do you know all this?” Mystica asked.

It was the last thing I heard before my body was transported, that Pendant, it talks to you,” Jazko answered, “it has a mind of it’s own.”

Mystica touched the dragon statue that had the evil medallion in its mouth.

Link, lets go get that Pendant, we can revive Janine and Saria,” Mystica said.

Yes Mystica, I know, you keep telling me,” Link answered.

Yeah, because each time we come across something we keep on being put off getting that Pendant! Next time we see Dranonica we shoot her down and fight big style! Got it?” Mystica said enthusiastically.

Mystica, this is the first real time you are seriously fighting, we will need an army to kill Dranonica and you know it,” Link pointed out.

Ok, can we at least get going to build up an army or find out where Dranonica is keeping?” Link nodded and the three went out.

I have to go now, you do remember your way back right?” Jazko asked.

Yeah we do, don’t worry,” Link said. Jazko nodded and clicked his fingers. He and his black horse faded away and disappeared.

Man, this is getting very deep now, I hope everything goes smoothly,” Link said to Mystica. They both sat on the edge of the cliff that they climbed up to get to the shrine.

I know… I wonder if Zelda, Ayra, Oni and Elira are all right… I hope Dranonica hasn’t done anything to them…” Mystica sighed.

Same here,” Link sighed too. It was starting to get dark and the sun was setting, turning the whole of the mountain orange.

Suddenly, the two of them were attacked from behind and they began to fall of the cliff edge. They had blacked out before they hit the ground.